Chapter 10

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Well everybody, I'm sure you heard by now, but if you haven't, the last episode of the XY series premiered on Thursday. That was also the same episode where Serena kissed Ash.

Yes! Serena kissed Ash Ketchum, so we can pretty much say that amourshipping has been canon and because of that episode, I ending up doing some changes to the previous chapters, including one, two and three.

Looking at the top of Prism Tower, I see that nothing much has changed the last time I was here. Well, except of course that Bonnie is the gym leader instead of Clemont. In the heart of Lumiose City, Prism Tower is also the Lumiose gym and inside the tower is a battlefield. That is where my battle with Bonnie will take place, the same place where I had my battle with Clemont. Now let's just see how strong the new gym leader is.

"The Lumiose gym," I announced. "Its been a long time since the last time we was here."

"Pika Pikachu. (Not much has changed since.)"

"Our battle with Bonnie is just moments away. Ready, buddy?"

"Pikachu. (I'm always ready.)"

Serena and I both got out of the car and walked up to the front of the gym. I paused for a second just to cherish the memories I had the last time I was here. This was the same gym I wanted to challenge the first time I landed in Lumiose City, before Pikachu and I were kicked out when we didn't have at least four gym badges. But it wasn't a total bust that day. After all, I did met Clemont and Bonnie and we became friends and traveling companions.

I also remember by gym battle with Clemont once I did have four gym badges. Clemont left from the group a few days before the gym battle to get stronger. All that training really paid off and I was almost on the verge of defeat, but at the end of the day, I still came out on top and won my fifth Kalos badge. Now in less than a few moments, I'll have my second Lumiose gym match, this time with Bonnie.

Serena stood right beside me and grabbed my arm before leaning her head against it. "All set for your match with Bonnie?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I fired. "I can't wait to see just how strong Bonnie has come over the years."

"Pikachu. (Neither can I.)"


I turn my head to see Clemont walking towards us with Chespin and Bunnelby on either of his shoulders and his Luxray walking right next to him. Chespin and Bunnelby jump off his shoulders and Pikachu did the same. All three of the pokemon met halfway. I know they are all thrilled to see each other again.

"Clemont, you made it," I said. "But I thought you had some business to attend to in Sinnoh."

"Come on. How can I miss out on my little sister's battle?" Of course. What was I thinking asking that. "And besides, I wanna witness Bonnie avenging my defeat."

Oh I see how it is. Clemont still feels some way on how I beat him years ago in the middle Of my Kalos journey. Alright then.

"Oh really?" I asked. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I won't be losing to your sister anytime soon."

"Yeah keep talking Ash."

There was Bonnie, the Lumiose gym leader, walking towards me. I can see that her outfit is similar to the one she wore at Serena's grand opening. She's in her usual gym battle outfit which includes a white sleeveless blouse, a black skirt, a matching scarf around her neck and a pair of red boots with white shoelaces. Her side ponytail is tied together by a red ribbon. On her left arm is a watch, but it's actually her key stone.

Looking at her face, Bonnie had her usual casual smile, but her eyelids are batted down to look like they were mad. That's just her way of telling me that battling her is a mistake. No, Bonnie. You wanting to battle me is a mistake.

"Dedenne Ne Ne. (Pikachu, so good to see you.)"

"Pikachu. (Same to you.)"

Bonnie walks up to her brother and pulls him into a hug before doing the same to Serena. But for me, all she just did was gave me a hi-five. We are just moments away from the battle and already the competition is starting to get heated.

"So Bonnie, is dad in there?" Clemont asked his sister.

"Yeah. Dad and Clembot were helping me straighten up the battlefield. Oh and Ash, speaking of Clembot, he will be the referee."

"Awesome," I responded.

"Well come on in guys."

But before I walked in, I noticed Professor Sycamore walking towards the gym along with Alain and Mairin. My guess is that all three of them came to watch the battle as well. My, Mairin has grown a lot over the years and so did Alain. He's basically a grown man. Compared to me, I would have thought that I look like him when we first met.

"Professor Sycamore," I called out. "Alain."

"Mairin," Serena called out. "Its so good to see you."

"I was just about to say the same thing to you," Mairin added.


I was so happy to see Mairin again. It seems like forever. The last I heard from Mairin, she was with Professor Sycamore and Alain at the Frost Cavern to research more info about the mega evolution using the Anistar sundial. I often kept in touch with her, but because of my busy schedule, we hardly meet face-to-face. As a matter of fact, the last time we saw each other was in Santalune City. So I'm so happy to see her again.

"My God, you have grown," I said.

"Thanks." I spun Mairin around a few times and noticed the clothes look familiar.

"Hey did these clothes come from my line?"

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I did. I like to shop online." Moments later, Bonnie decided to join in on the conversation.

"You online shop, Mairin?" Bonnie asked.

"Uh-Huh. It seems I can only get the best designs online. What about you Bonnie?"

"Yeah I do a little online, but I prefer going places. I love to travel."

As the three of us were talking, we fail to even noticed Ash and Alain talking. I am a little curious on what their conversation is about. But knowing those two like I do, I know they have to be talking about either pokemon or pokemon battles.


"So Alain, I see you have a new key stone," I said.

"Yeah. I found it when we was in Anistar City," Alain said.

"So this means Charizard can mega evolve again?"

"That's right and this time, nobody gave me the keystone."

Wow. I'm really happy for Alain. He surely came a long way since the last time I heard from him. From winning the Kalos League to the Team Flare mayhem, it's good that Alain finally found his own path and he did it all by himself. That's the same motive I had and now I'm the youngest Kanto champion. My journey to becoming a pokemon master is still underway, but having a champion title isn't something that comes everyday.

Twenty minutes later, Bonnie and Clemont's dad Meyer walked out of the gym.

"Ash. Serena," he called to the both of us. "Its so good to see you both."


"Nice seeing you too," Serena said.

After which, Meyer told us that the battlefield was all set for today. So all six of us walked inside the gym. Being a gym that specializes in electric type pokemon, of course the interior is highly technological.

We walked up in front of the double silver siding doors. On top is a huge flat screen TV that is showing the Kalos gym logo spinning around on a green background with yellow lightning.

"Welcome to the Lumiose Gym," a robotic voice said. I can already tell its Clembot.

"Hi. I'm Ash Ketchum and I came here for a battle with the gym leader," I said.

"Hello Ash. We have been expecting you today. Welcome back."

The double doors pulled apart, giving me a clear view of the battlefield. Its still the same the last time I was here, but what really brought my attention are the many familiar faces I see sitting on the bleachers.

"Tierno? Trevor?" I called out.

"Shauna? Miette?" Serena called out.

"Hey Ash," Tierno said walking up towards me. "Its been a while."

"Yeah it has. It's good to see you again. You too, Trevor."

"Same goes to you," Trevor responded.


I was kind of surprised to see Shauna and Miette. I figured they would be running their bakery.

"Shouldn't you two be over at S&M?" I asked sitting right next to my friends.

"We wanna see Ash and Bonnie battle," Shauna responded.

"Yeah," Miette added. "Business has been amazing since we open, so we decided to take today and tomorrow off. So how are you and Ash doing?"

The tone of Miette's voice when she asked me that question made my face heat up. She always find a way to tease me with every chance she gets.

"Shauna told me about your little surprise you have for Ash."


I turn over to my brunette friend who is just sitting there and giggling. "Oh come on Serena. You know my track record."

"So what's this surprise you have for Ash? And I'm not taking no for an answer either?"

Fuck. Why do I have to be friends with two horny sluts? Well I might as well give them the details about last night.



Ash's jaw dropped all the way down to the floor as his eyes was devouring every inch of my body. What a tight outfit I have on is a bright blue one-piece lingerie with matching arm sleeves and high top heels. I have a pink scarf wrapped around my neck and a tierra like accessory on my head that had three small horns things sticking out. I spun around a few times to show off my "water shuirken." My lingerie represents Ash-Greninja and I should know. After all, I design it myself.

"So what do you think?" I asked in a seductive tone. But Ash was just sitting there on top of the bed with his eyes about to pop out of his head.

As I walked over towards him, I put in extra swings in my hips just to turn him on even further. I stood in front of him and slapped him to bring him back down to Earth.

"I asked you a question," I rang in his ears. "What do you think?"

"You look...amazing," Ash finally answered. "I'm just speechless."

He tried to reach for my legs, but I just put his shirtless self down on the bed. I crawled my way on top with both my hands tracing his bare, muscular chest. I grew my face closer as I see sweat pouring from his. But as much as I would love for him to rip my outfit off of me, I couldn't let least not tonight. So with that said, I got off of him and was walking back to the bathroom.

"Wait a minute. That's it?" Ash yelled.

"Mhm." I nodded my head. "This is just a preview."

"For what?"

"If you really wanna know, you will have to win your battle with Bonnie tomorrow," I answered. "But until then..."

I bent down to pick up Ash's shirt from the floor. During that time, I was giving Ash a peck of the red panties I have underneath just to tease him even further.

"...keep your clothes on." I tossed his shirt back at him before walking back in the closet and closing the door behind me.

"Wow," Miette laughed. "Ash must have gave you a hard time all night."

"You really think that's gonna motivate him enough Serena?" Shauna asked me.

"I really don't know," I answered giggling at myself a little. "But this is Ash we're talking about. So he's going to be just fine."

Speaking of Ash, he walks over to one side of the battlefield and Bonnie walked over to the other. What seems to be taken forever, the moment we've all been waiting for is finally here. The battle between Ash and Bonnie is now underway.


"The battle between Bonnie, the Lumiose gym leader, and Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town will now begin," Clembot announced. "This will be a full pokemon battle, so both sides will have the use of all six of their pokemon. In addition, substitution is allowed for either side. Are both challengers ready?"

"Ready," Ash and Bonnie both answered.

All their friends sitting at the stands began shouting out stuff like good luck to them. While some were rooting for one trainer and others rooting for the other, Serena is the only one who will be cheering for the both of them.

"Trainers," Clembot started off. "Call out your first pokemon."

"Ready buddy?" Ash asked his Pikachu.

"Pikachu. (I'm ready.)"

"Then Pikachu, I choose you."

"Pika. (Alright.)"

The tiny mouse pokemon jumped off his trainer's shoulder and onto the battlefield. So determined to start battling, thunder started coming out from his cheeks.

"So Ash is starting the battle off with Pikachu," Bonnie noted while holding Dedenne in her arms. "Somehow I knew he would do that."

"Dedenne. (I did too.)"

"So what do you say Dedenne? You wanna go first too?"

"Dedenne Ne Ne (Yeah, I wanna battle Pikachu.)"

"Okay then," the blonde headed gym leader giggled. "Dedenne, you're up." After Bonnie tossed her partner up in the air, Dedenne landed on the battlefield. This filled the small audience with applause as they knew they were about to see a nice and intensive battle.

On the field, both Pikachu and Dedenne are currently in the process of communicating with one another. Both the electric types were telling each other how excited they are, wishing each other good luck and how neither one of them is willing to lose.

Ash, good luck Serena thought to herself. You too Bonnie.

"Battle begin," Clembot announced.

"Alright Ash," Bonnie shouted to her opponent. "I hope you're ready for what I have in store."

"Don't make it too easy for me Bonnie," Ash fired back.

Author's Note: a special thanks to AmourCannon for making this picture for me.


"Okay Pikachu. Use quick attack," Ash commanded. Pikachu ran full speed towards his opponent. Dedenne, on the other hand, is just standing there. Clearly Bonnie is up to something.

Perfect she thought to herself.

"Dedenne, use protect."

A multicolor shield formed right in front of the antenna pokemon, countering Pikachu's quick attack. This sent the mouse pokemon flying in the air. Moments later, Pikachu landed back on the ground.

"Pikachu, are you okay?" Ash asked his partner.

"Pika Pika (Yeah, I'm okay.)"

"Wow, I didn't know Dedenne could even use protect."

"Pika Pikachu. (Neither did I.)"

"A lot has changed since you left Kalos, Ash," Bonnie said. "Over the years, I have my own team of pokemon and we have become stronger ever since. Right, Dedenne?"

"Ne Ne. (That's right.)"

As much as Ash hate to admit it, but it looks like he got his work cut out for him this time. He knew right now Bonnie is not going to go easy on him as he think. But he wasn't going to go easy on her either.

"So what do you think about me now, Ash?" Bonnie asked.

"Use thunderbolt," Ash said ignoring Bonnie.

"Use thunderbolt too," Bonnie commanded.

Both the two electric type pokemon jumped up and each sent out a powerful thunderbolt and aim it right at each other. But when the attacks connected each other, they exploded.

"Use iron tail."

Pikachu charged at Dedenne with its tail glowing.

"Dedenne, play rough."

(Author's Note: I don't know how play rough is, but let's just say that Dedenne just tackles Pikachu on the ground.)


"Good work Dedenne."

"Dedenne. (Thanks Bonnie.)"

"Pikachu, can you still battle?" Pikachu stood up as electricity comes out of its cheeks like before. "That's the spirit. It's gonna take a lot more to take us down."

"Oh yeah? Then in that case, use nuzzle."

Now this was the perfect chance to show Bonnie that they too have learn some new moves.

"Pikachu, use double team."

Multiple Pikachu fill the battlefield as a confused Dedenne had no idea where the real one is.

"Ne Ne? (What the?)"

"Oh no," Bonnie hollered. "Which one is the real Pikachu?"

The antenna pokemon stopped his nuzzle as he was trying to figure out which Pikachu was the real one as they ran a circle around him. But all of them looked so much alike, you can't tell one from the other. But Bonnie and Dedenne weren't the only ones shocked.

"Whoa, I didn't know Pikachu knows double team," Shauna said.

"I don't think any of us did," Clemont added.

"That's because Pikachu just learned it," Serena stated. This shocked the rest of the small crowd even further.

"When did that happen?" Tierno asked.

"Two days ago," Serena responded. "I was watching Ash train with his pokemon."


Two days before the battle, Ash was in the middle of training his Pikachu and Greninja.

"Greninja use water gun."

Greninja open its mouth and aims a powerful water gun at Pikachu.

"Jump up Pikachu."

"Pika (Alright.)" Pikachu did just that. While it was up in the air, Ash commanded a thunderbolt. The partner aims the attack right at Greninja who dodges it. "Okay. Greninja, use tackle."

"Ninja. (Gotcha.)"

Greninja charged full speed at Pikachu. But before Ash could give Pikachu a command, the tiny mouse pokemon decided to take it upon himself and uses double team for the first time.

"Ja? (Huh?)"

Greninja stumbled on his own foot and fell on the floor.

"Pikachu," Ash called out. "You just learned double team."

"Pika. (I did.)"

The proud trainer ran up to his partner and picked him up and spun him around. "This is great," he said. "We can use your new move for Thursday's battle with Bonnie. Nice work, Pikachu."

"Pika Pikachu. (That means a lot Ash.)"

"You too Greninja."

"Gre. (Thanks.)"

Moments later, Serena and her Delphox walk up towards the gang with a tray filled with sandwiches, bottles of water and pokemon food.

"Train so hard...," Serena said walking towards her boyfriend. " always."

"Hey Serena," Ash replied kissing Serena. "Good looking sandwiches. Those for me?"

"Not unless I have another boyfriend name Ash. I just figure you and your pokemon would like to take a break."

"That's nice of you Serena." Ash picked up a sandwich and puts it in his mouth.

"Hey did I see Pikachu using double team?"

"Yeah. Pikachu just learned it when he was training with Greninja."

"Sounds to be you two are ready for Thursday's battle."

"You bet."

"Pika Pikachu. (We're more than ready.)"


On the battlefield, Pikachu had just used an iron tail on Dedenne.

"Dedenne," Bonnie screamed.

"Okay. Let's wrap this up," Ash said while activating his Z Ring. "Use gigavolt havoc."

The only person Ash told about his Alola region journey, his Z Ring and Pikachu's gigavolt havoc move was Serena. Pikachu begins summoning his Z move by making some sycanorized poses along with Ash. He jumps up and forms a powerful electro ball like thunderbolt move from his right arm and aims it directly at his opponent. Dedenne has seen Pikachu used thunderbolt countless times, but never like this before. Unable to take his eyes off it, Dedenne just stood there and took the hit. Within a few moments, the smoke cleared from the stage, revealing that Dedenne was defeated.

"Dedenne!" Bonnie rang, but it was too late for her partner.


"Dedenne is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Pikachu is the winner."

"Alright. Good work buddy."

"Pikachu. (Thank you Ash.)"

Bonnie walked on the battlefield and picked up her injured partner in her arms. "You did your very best Dedenne. Take a good rest, okay?"

"Ne Ne. (Okay)"

The female gym leader reached behind her back and grabs a pokeball.

"You trained Dedenne quite well," Ash commented. "But it's not gonna be enough to beat Pikachu."

"We'll beat Pikachu," Bonnie fired back. "Me and my next pokemon. Weavile, come on out."

"Weavile. (I'm ready.)"

"A Weavile?" Serena took out her pokedex to find more information about the pokemon.

Weavile, the sharp claw pokemon.  Weavile lives in snowy regions and carves patterns in trees with its claws to signal other Weavile.

"Wow," Serena said. "A dark and a ice pokemon."

"I'm sticking with Pikachu," Ash announced. He then commands Pikachu to use thunderbolt.

"Weavile, dodge it." Weavile dodged the attacked. Everyone was amazed at the sight of its speed. No matter how many times Pikachu used thunderbolt, Weavile's quick speed is just too much for the mouse pokemon.

"That Weavile is fast," Mairin noted. "Compared to your Weavile, Alain."

Eventually, Pikachu is too tired. This was the opportunity Bonnie was looking for.

"Okay Weavile. Use night slash," she commanded. The attack made contact with Pikachu.

"Pika. (AHHHH!!)"

"Pikachu," Ash hollered. "Can you still battle?"

"Now use ice beam."

Weavile send out an ice beam from its mouth and the attack comes crashing down on the field. Pikachu dodged the attack, but Bonnie's plan wasn't to aim it at Pikachu.

"Pika? (What the?)"

The ice came together to turn the battlefield into ice.

"No way," Trevor said. "This is just like how Viola battled her challengers at her gym."

Pikachu tried to keep its balance, but the field was just too slippery and he ended up falling down.

"Pikachu get up."

"Weavile," Bonnie called out. "Quick. While Pikachu is on the ground. Use icy wind."


Pikachu try and use its last bit of energy to counterattack the icy wind move gain the upper hand. Exploding the thunderbolt and blowing the electric type away.

"Pikachu, no."

"Let's finished this off Weavile and use dark pulse."

"Pikachu!" Ash called out. But that was it for his partner.

"Pikachu is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Weavile is the winner."

The male trainer ran to his injured partner and hold him tightly in his arms. "Pikachu, are you okay buddy?"

"Pika Pikachu," he answered weakly. (Bonnie is so strong.)"

"You were great out there. Now take a good rest."

"That's one to one," Bonnie fired. "So who else will you used to take on my Weavile?"

"Weavile. ("Bring it on.")

"I'll defeat it. With this pokemon. Hawlucha, I choose you."

"Hawlucha. (I'm all ready to battle.)"

"Nice to see you again Hawlucha," Bonnie said.

"Lu Lucha. (Same to you Bonnie.)"

"Weavile, return." Bonnie hollered while returning her Weavile back in its pokeball.

"Huh? You're not using Weavile?"

"Nope. I want to introduce you to some of my other pokemon. But don't worry. Weavile will be back out. But for now, Jolteon, I choose you."

An electric pokemon with its hair sticking out stood on the battlefield before letting out a fierce growl.

"A Jolteon?" Ash questioned.

"Pika? (Jolteon?)"

"Bonnie, you raised it from an Eevee?"

"Yeah. Actually, it was just an egg when I caught it. A few days later during my first journey, it hatched into an Eevee."

"Then you must have used a thunderstone to evolve it."

"Right. But that was a few journeys ago. It just evolve not too long ago. But I have faith in Jolteon. After all, it does have an advantage against Hawlucha, being a flying type and all."

"We'll see about that. Hawlucha, use high jump kick."

Hawlucha charged full speed at the electric pokemon. Despite being at a disadvantage, Hawlucha is well determined. But Ash noticed that while charging at his opponent, he realized Jolteon is not moving an inch.

"Use protect," Bonnie commanded.

Hawlucha's high jump kick was blocked from Jolteon's protect. After which, Bonnie commanded a tackle attack.

"Use X-Scissor."

"Jolteon, dodge it." Jolteon evaded the attack with quick speed. "Jolteon, quick attack."

"Hawlucha, karate chop." This time, Hawlucha made a direct hit, knocking Jolteon out for a few seconds.


"Now use flying press."

Hawlucha flew to the top of the gym and came down at full speed.

"Pull it together Jolteon and use thunder."

By the time Jolteon send out a thunder attack from its body, Hawlucha had already came crashing down. An explosion was created when both attacks collide. Smoke filled the battlefield preventing from either trainers, the small audience or Clembot from seeing what happened, but it wasn't long for the field to clear up. Once the smoke was gone, Jolteon can be seen standing up and Hawlucha laying on the ground defeated.

"Hawlucha is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Jolteon is the winner." Now Bonnie was in the lead as the score is 2 to 1.

"Way to go Jolteon," the gym leader said while Ash returned his pokemon back in his pokeball.

"You did your best Hawlucha. You deserve a nice rest."


"Come on, Ash. Don't make it too easy for me."

Ash was impressed. Bonnie is really trying to make due of her promise.


The flight to Pallet Town was on board. Hours ago, Ash, Clemont and Bonnie have already said goodbye to Serena and the two male friends had just finished up their last pokemon battle. What better way to end a journey than with a pokemon battle with the same person you battled with on the first day?

Ash walks up to the gate with his buddy Pikachu on his shoulder.


The young trainer turned his head and see Bonnie walks up in front of him with Dedenne in her arms.

"What is it, Bonnie?"

"Can you promise me that once I become a trainer, you and me will have a battle?"

"Yeah. But don't expect us to go easy on you just because we're friends though."

The young girl giggled. "I wouldn't want it either way. And I promise that I will beat you one day."


"Talonflame, I choose you," Ash screamed releasing his next pokemon.

"Does the gym leader like to substitute pokemon?" Clembot asked Bonnie.

"Nope," she answered. "I'm sticking with Jolteon."

"Okay Talonflame, use steel wing."

The scorching pokemon flew to the top of the gym and came down with its wings spread and glowing white.

"Dodge it," Bonnie commanded Jolteon. "Now use shadow ball."

The shadow ball made contact with Talonflame, however the flying pokemon counterattack with a flame charge.

"Use flame charge."


The thunder attack didn't seem to inflict damage to Talonflame, for the flying pokemon cut through it and made direct contact with Jolteon.

"Jolteon, no."

"Awesome," Ash hollered. "Now let's finished this and used flare blitz."

Flare blitz made direct contact and once the smoke was cleared, Jolteon was defeated.

"Jolteon is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Talonflame is the winner."

This battle is just getting started, but it looks like Bonnie got Ash right where she wants him. Will Ash emerged victorious? And what other pokemon and battle technics does Bonnie have up her sleeves? Stay Tuned for the second part of this exciting battle as the story continues.


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