Chapter 11

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Wow. When Clemont and Serena warned me about how strong Bonnie is, they wasn't playing. So far during our battle, she managed to used my own strategy against me and took down two of my pokemon. But I still managed to hold out long enough to defeat two of her pokemon as well. Now with the both of us still with four pokemon left, the real battle has just begun.

But I have to say I am proud of Bonnie. She has come a long way. I remember like it was yesterday when I first came to Kalos, she was just a little kid but with a big ambition of becoming a trainer. Since she wasn't old enough at the time to own any pokemon, all the pokemon she took care of like Dedenne, was technically Clemont's. After my journey through Kalos came to an end, I promise her that when she becomes a trainer, me and her will battle. She even promised that she will be strong enough to beat me and I can tell she's good at keeping her wood. But just because she's my friend, doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on her. I'm winning this battle.

After defeating her Jolteon, the score was tied up with four pokemon left for both sides.

"You battled really hard Jolteon," I overheard Bonnie said while returning her injured pokemon back in her pokeball. "Now take good rest. Weavile, come back out."


"She's using Weavile again?" Serena asked.

"Hey Trevor," Shauna called out to her friend. "Aren't ice moves are not effective against a fire type?"

"Yeah," Trevor answered. "I wonder why Bonnie would make a decision like that."

"She planned this from the beginning," Clemont suggested. All of his friends were wondering where the blonde headed inventor was going with this.

"What are you saying Clemont?" Tierno asked.

"That day when Ash was about to leave to Kanto years ago."


Clemont and Bonnie were in the process of saying their final goodbyes to Ash and Pikachu. The two partners were about to get on a plane back to Kanto after finishing up their journey in Kalos. Serena had already departed from the group and was heading to the Hoenn region. After saying how fun it was traveling through Kalos with one another, Bonnie wanted to say something to the messy haired trainer.

"Hey Ash," she called out. "Can you promise me something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"When I become a trainer, can you and I have a full six on six battle?"

"Huh?" Ash stopped for the moment to think about Bonnie's request. It'll probably take a few years since Bonnie isn't old enough and he was still in the process of becoming a pokemon master.

"Yeah. I want to show you just how much I will grow in the future," the little girl added. "Plus I want to beat you in a battle. Pretty please?"

Hearing the girl's confidence was enough to convince him. He smile and tugged his hat on his head.

"Okay Bonnie," Ash answered. "I promise when you become a trainer, we will have a battle." Bonnie giggled with excitement as her cheeks turn red. "But just remember we wont go easy on you. Right, buddy?"

"Pika Pika. (That's right.)"

"That goes the same to us, right Dedenne?"

"Dedenne Ne. (We will be ones who win.)"


"Those two made a promise to each other that when they battle, neither one of them will lose," Clemont added. "Bonnie had been watching all of Ash's previous battles, studying his battle style and all the pokemon he has."

To make Clemont's statement a little shorter, Bonnie knew since day one that Ash was gonna use his Kalos team. She figured out every move that Ash might used and his hypotheses was correct.

"Even though Weavile is an ice pokemon, it also has an advantage against Talonflame who is a flying type," Trevor pointed out.

"So this battle can be anyone's," Mairin added.


"Okay Talonflame, use quick attack," Ash commanded.

"Weavile, dodge it," Bonnie commanded. Talonflame grew closer to the sharp claw pokemon with a quick attack, but Weavile dodged the attack by jumping in the air. "Now use dark pulse."

"Use razor wind."

Both of the attacks collide and cause an explosion.

"Use flame charge."

Talonflame's body is surrounded by fire as the scorching pokemon flew straight at Weavile.

"Weavile," Bonnie called out. "Dodge it again."

Just like before, Weavile dodge the attack. But now there was no sign of it anywhere.

"Where could Weavile have gone?" Ash asked.

"Pika Pika. (Ash, look at Talonflame.)" The messy haired trainer took another look around the field before he noticed something on top of Talonflame. It was Weavile riding on top of its back.

"Ah, Talonflame. Shake Weavile off."

"Hang on Weavile."

Talonflame tried helplessly to shake its opponent off its back. It furiously flew around the entire gym, but the Weavile is determined to stay on. After a couple of minutes, Bonnie thought of a command that could win her the match.

"Weavile, ice beam," she stated.

Weavile opened it mouth and let out a powerful ice beam and of course, it made direct contact with Talonflame. In fact, the flying pokemon ended up completely covered in ice and now free falling to the ground.

"Talonflame," Ash screamed out.

"Pika Pika. (Talonflame.)"

"Alright Weavile. Let's finish this with a night slash."

Ash had to react fast or he could be down three pokemon.

"Flame charge," he commanded.

Just like that, the entire inside of the ice began to turn red. It grew redder and redder until Talonflame broke free from the ice. By doing so, Weavile was now the pokemon free falling. "Alright. Now use brave bird."

Talonflame turned red and scorch down at his helpless opponent.

"Weavile, dig."

Weavile opened its eyes as it's claws grew bigger and glow white before disappearing somewhere underneath the battlefield. Still using brave bird, Talonflame hit the battlefield.

"Talonflame!" It's trainer screamed its name. Brave bird is a powerful move to a fire type pokemon, but on the downside, it can also inflict damage to the user and when Talonflame hit the ground, it took so much damage.

Ash grunted to himself, trying to figure out what he can do. But whatever move he could use, it's like Bonnie is two steps ahead of him. All of a sudden, he thought of something that could change this whole battle around. He turned to his heavily injured pokemon and asked can it still battle. The scorching pokemon nodded, which earned a nod from the trainer himself.

"Okay," Ash said. "Now fly inside the hole."

Everybody was at a lost for words as they all were thinking of the same question: what is Ash planning?

Talonflame didn't hesitate to follow Ash's order. It flew right down in the hole. What is he doing? "Now use flame charge," he followed.

Nothing was happening so far...or at least that's what Ash want everyone to believe.

"Look at the field," Clemont announced. He is the first to noticed the entire battlefield glowing a bright red. After a moment, Weavile came up to the service screaming and on fire.

"VIIIIIIIILLLLLEEE!!" Weavile screamed.

"Weavile! NO!!"

"Okay Talonflame, finish this off with a steel wing."

Talonflame came up to the service, flying directly at its opponent for the final time. It's wings glow white. There was nothing that Weavile can do at this point as Talonflame attacks with a steel wing, sending it back down to the ground. After a brief silence, Weavile has been finally defeated.

"Weavile is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Talonflame is the winner."


"That was incredible," Mairin said. Everyone else in the stands was more impress how Ash commanded Talonflame to flame charge underneath the battlefield.

Trevor was taking pictures from left to right. "Of all my years as a trainer, I never seen just an amazing strategy like that," he responded.

"Now Bonnie only has three pokemon left," Clemont stated. Although he and Ash are friends, of course he wasn't going to let that stop him from rooting for his own sister. Him and their father Meyer.

"I knew Clemont is cheering for his sister," Miette commented before turning to Serena. "Hey Serena, who are you cheering for?"

"Oh I'm not picking any size because I'm cheering for the both of them," Serena answered.


Bonnie returned her Weavile back in its pokeball. "You did good, Weavile," she said. "Now take a rest. I see you're still the same trainer after all this time. Just full of surprises and determination."

"That's how we battle," Ash fired back. "The stronger the opponent is, the more exciting the battle is."

"Well I'm about to get even right now with this pokemon." With that, Bonnie threw her next pokemon out. A slender blue and white Dragon type with no hands or feet stands tall on the battlefield. "Dragonair, I choose you."


"Dragonair, the Dragon pokemon. Dragonair is a mystical pokemon that exudes a gentle aura. Because of its crystalline orbs, it is said to have the ability to change the weather.

"Incredible," Serena said. She has seen a Dragonair before many times, but This is the first time she actually saw one in person. She didn't even know that Bonnie even have such an amazing and mystical pokemon.

"Bonnie made the right choice," Clemont stated. "Fire type moves aren't effective against Dragon types like Dragonair."

"Not only that, but look at Talonflame." Meyer was the first person to noticed Talonflame covering in sweat and completely out of breath. "Along with the disadvantage as a fire type, but that last battle with Weavile let it worn out."


"Talonflame," I said. "Use flame charge."

Talonflame flew full charge at Dragonair. I know that it was exhausted from battling Weavile, so I have to make finish this battle quickly.

"Whirlpool," Bonnie commanded. A huge water in shape of a tornado appears from Dragonair's horn. It threw its head forward and tossed the whirlpool at Talonflame.

"Talon? (Uh-Oh?)"

Talonflame try to fly away, but it was caught and its flame charge was extinguished.

"Talonflame," I screamed.

"Pika Pika. (Hang in there.")

"Lets finish this round, shall we?" I overheard Bonnie said. "Use thunderwave."

Oh no! Whirlpool is a water type move and thunder wave is an electric type, so it doesn't take a genius to know what's gonna happen after that. The thunder wave made direct contact with the soaking wet fire pokemon.

"Talonflame!" I screamed.

That was it. When Talonflame hit the ground, I knew it was over.

"Talonflame is unable," Clembot announced. "Dragonair is the winner."

I was disappointed, but somehow I knew Talonflame wouldn't last long. I'm gonna take full responsibility for this. I got too cocky that I forgot to pay more attention with Talonflame and its condition. So I return Talonflame back in its pokeball. Of course I did said what a good job it did. The score is even again and this time, we both have only three pokemon left.

But it didn't matter. I'm still determined to win. I got Noivern, Goodra and Greninja left.


"Dragonair defeated Talonflame so fast," Mairin stated.

"battling against a pokemon with a type advantage was a terrible mistake," Alain pointed out. "Ash should have returned Talonflame when he had the chance."

"It wouldn't have matter," Clemont responded. "Talonflame was already weak from its battle with Weavile, so it was gonna be defeated one way or another."

"And now the score is tied again and both sides have three pokemon left," Tierno added.


"You were awesome Talonflame," I said return it back in the pokeball. "Now take a good rest."

"Pika. (Uh, Ash...)"

Looking down at Pikachu, I can see he was quite worried just like I am. But somehow I just smiled at him and pat his head. "Dont worry buddy," I said. "I'll be okay."

"So Ash," Bonnie called out to me. "What do you think about my Dragonair? Pretty strong, right?"

"Bonnie," I called out. "You're a tough opponent. The way you battle along side your pokemon really is incredible."

"Thanks," she giggled. "Well I did have some amazing friend and a big brother helping me along the way. That day when you and Serena were about to take your flights, I made a promise to myself to become strong enough to beat you in a battle, Ash and I'm this close of making that come true."

"Hate to do this to you Bonnie, but it's not gonna happen today. Noivern, I choose you."

And with that, I send out my Noivern on the field. I figure since Bonnie has a Dragon type on the field, I would make things even and send out a Dragon type of my own.


"A battle of the dragons," Meyer said. "This round should be interesting."

"Since their both Dragon types, it's kind of hard to tell which one has the advantage," Clemont suggested.

"We just have to see what happens," Trevor added.


"Noivern," I called out. "Use boomburst."

"Dragonair, dodge it." Dragonair jumped up and dodged the boomburst attack. "Now use Dragon rage."


Both of the attacks made contact with one another and exploded. While the smoke was clearing up, I decided to make a move before Bonnie could make one herself.

"Acrobatics," I commanded. So there goes Noivern flying towards Dragonair.

"Safeguard," Bonnie commanded. All of a sudden, Dragonair's body began to glow. By the time Noivern made contact with Dragonair, my Dragon pokemon bounced off its body.

"AHHH!!" I screamed.

"I figured you would use acrobatics," Bonnie fired. "Dragonair, use iron tail."

Dragonair jumped back in the air with the end of its tail glowing white. The pokemon swung it and made direct contact at Noivern.

"Noivern," I screamed as he came crashing down on the field.

"Now blow everyone away with your twister," Bonnie commanded. I watched helplessly as Noivern found himself in another twister. Bonnie is gonna try and use a thunder wave next. I gotta do something and fast.

"Use thunder wave."

Uh-Oh? I'm too late. I figure it would be best if I just attack head on, so I commanded Noivern to use another supersonic. All three attacks collided and exploded that covered the entire field. Nobody could see what was happening, not me, not Bonnie, not our friends or even the pokemon out of their pokeballs. By the time the air did cleared up, everyone can see Noivern still flying and Dragonair on the floor not moving at all.

"Dragonair is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Noivern is the winner."

When Noivern landed right in front of me, I jumped up so I could be able to hug him. "You were awesome Noivern," I congratulated him.

"Pikachu. (That was amazing.)"

I did noticed that Noivern is heavily injured, so I figure it would be best if he goes back in his pokeball and rest for a bit.


Noivern was so amazing. I couldn't help but be so proud of how strong it has gotten over the years. Seeing Noivern facing against two attacks at once, I thought for sure it was done. But I forgot its trainer is Ash, who knew how to trust and have faith in his pokemon. Besides me, I looked and see Miette, Tierno, Trevor and Alain also cheering for Noivern. Both Shauna and Mairin just sat there looking speechless while Meyer and Clemont looked disappointed. I figure they would be rooting for Bonnie. After all, she is their daughter or sister.

"Dragonair lost," Meyer said almost emotionless.

"Well dragon types are effective against other Dragon type pokemon," Clemont added. "But with two attacks, I thought for sure Bonnie had this one."


"You battled well Dragonair," I heard Bonnie said while returning her Dragonair back in its pokeball. "Now take a good rest. I have to say, Noivern is a lot stronger than the last time I saw it. You've been raising Noivern so good Ash."

"Thanks Bonnie. But your pokemon are truly strong," I responded. "Goodra, I choose you."

"Goodra Goodra. (Nice meeting you Bonnie.)"


"Nice seeing you again Goodra," Bonnie said.

"Goodra Goo. Goodra Goo Goodra. (You too. And nice seeing you again, Dedenne.)"

"Dedenne Ne Ne. (Its been so long Goodra.)"

"As much as I don't want to beat Goodra...," Bonnie started off saying. "...I have a battle to win. Talonflame, you're up."

"Talonflame. (Bring it on.)"


"Talonflame?" I overheard Miette said out loud. "But Goodra knows ice beam and water dance. So why would Bonnie make a huge risk like that?"

"Maybe this is part of her plan," Clemont suggested. "Remember that Bonnie have been studying Ash's battling style, so she's been plotting every move that Ash could make."

"Hey Clemont," I called out. "Is that why she saved Electivire for last?"

"Serena, what are you saying?" Shauna asked me.

"I'm saying she could have any time to call out Electivire, but she chose to save it for last so that Electivire could go up against Greninja."

"So that means..." Tierno started off saying. "...the rest of the battle was just a diversion."


"Okay Goodra," Ash said. "Use Dragon pulse."

"Talonflame, flame blitz."

Both attacks made contact, but it caused another explosion.

"Talonflame, flame charge."

"Goodra, rain dance."

The slippery Dragon type let out a fierce roar, forming dark grey clouds on top of the battlefield. You can hear a few small thunder sounds as rain began to pour down onto the field. The rain dance eventually douse Talonflame's flame charge. Bonnie noticed this and knew fire type moves won't be able to help her.

"Now use ice beam," Ash commanded. Goodra open his mouth and let out a powerful ice beam. Talonflame didn't have time to respond and was frozen into a block of ice.

"Alright," Ash cheered.

"Melt the ice away with your flame charge," Bonnie commanded. Talonflame began to glow red inside of the ice and within only a few seconds, the flying type broke free from the ice beam. "Now Use steel wing," it's trainer commanded. Talonflame's wings glow white and flew straight to Goodra and made direct contact. "Excellent," the blonde gym leader cheered. "Just keep using steel wing all over again."

Little did Bonnie knew is that this was all part of Ash's plan. As Talonflame continues using steel wing, he was secretly telling Goodra to hang in there. After one more wing attack, Goodra's body was glowing red for his bide was activated.

"Uh-Oh?" The young gym leader knew that Talonflame doesn't stand a chance with bide.

"Alright," her opponent cheered. "Goodra, use bide."

A direct hit. By the time the rain dance cleared up all the smoke, Taonflame was defeated.

"Talonflame is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Goodra is the winner."


"Way to go Goodra," I praised Goodra. "You were awesome."

"Pikachu. (That was amazing.)"

"Goodra Goodra. (Aww, thanks you two.)"

I looked over and see Bonnie returning her Talonflame. Now she only has one pokemon left and that's her mega Electivire. I figure she would save him for last, which is why I send out Goodra. With rain dance, I can power up Greninja since he's a water type once Goodra is defeated. I knew that electric type moves are effective against water types, so I thought that hopefully rain dance can give Greninja an advantage with its speed.

I look over at Bonnie and see her smiling. Oh boy. What is she up to now?

"I hope you're enjoying this moment," she fired at me.

"What makes you say that?" I responded back.

"Because the last pokemon I'm about to bring out is gonna turn this whole battle around in my favor." Bonnie reaches behind her and grabs her last pokeball. "Now Ash Ketchum, the star of my entire pokemon team, other than Dedenne of course. Electivire, come on out."

The moment I've been waiting for is finally here. But I still have three pokemon left and this is Bonnie's last chance to turn things around. The odds are in my favor, but there's was no time for me to get comfortable. I haven't forgotten seeing Electivire mega evolve during that incident with Team Rocket back at Serena's store opening, so I'm aware that it's strong. But I don't have any idea what other attacks Electivire can use. For all I know, I'm in for a big surprise.

"Ash, would you like to exchange pokemon?" Clembot asked me.

I took the time to think. I could stick with Goodra until I thought of something better. If I exchange Goodra for Noivern, I could save Greninja for last and then I could have Goodra use rain dance one last time. That'll give Greninja an advantage since rain dance increases all water type moves. Perfect.

"Yes I am," I responded as I returning Goodra back in his pokeball. "Noivern, I choose you."

Once I released Noivern, I already noticed he was still exhausted from that battle with Dragonair. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Okay Electivire," Bonnie said. "Noivern doesn't look so good, so let's start off with an electric terrain."

I see Electivire's entire body just glow even a brighter shade of yellow than it already is before releasing electricity all around the field. The entire field was as yellow as Electivire.

I knew electric terrain powers up all electric types moves. This is the same type of strategy Clemont did using his Luxray when me and him was battling. On top of that, Noivern has the disadvantage due to being a flying type.

"Okay Noivern, use gust."

Noivern flew up and started flapping his wings around, sending out strong winds at Electivire. But Electivire is just standing there, not even looking effective by it.

"Thunder punch" Bonnie commanded. The next thing I see, Electivire ran full speed towards Noivern. It balled its hand into a fist, causing his entire arm to glow yellow and forming into some kind of ball. It then jumped up towards Noivern and once it got closer to him, Electivire's thunder punch made direct contact with Noivern.

"Noivern!" I screamed.

"One more thunder punch."

Electivire didn't even hesitate. This time, this thunder punch sent Noivern free falling down onto the battlefield. I knew it was over for Noivern, but Bonnie finished him off so quickly.

"Noivern is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Electivire is the winner."

I still have two pokemon left so I wasn't all that upset. "You were great Noivern," I said returning him back in the pokeball. "Take a good rest. Goodra, I choose you."


I was waiting for Ash to call out Goodra again. Cause I just thought of something that will really turn this battle around.

"Okay use rain dance," Ash commanded. Just as I thought. I knew once he send out Goodra, he would have him use rain dance to eliminate the electric terrain. But it's okay. I got something for that.

"Just like how you and Clemont battle," I suggested. "Right Ash?"

"Sure does," Ash replied back. "Now use ice beam."

"Use swift," I commanded. Electivire turned around and flap his two tails around, releasing his swift attack and aiming it at the ice beam.

"Now use Dragon pulse."

Without warning, a powerful Dragon pulse broke through the smoke and made direct contact with Electivire.

"Electivire, you're okay?" My electric pokemon just shook it off. It's time to end this now. "Then use thunder and shoot it inside the rain dance."

I looked around and see everybody is confused about my current command. But this was the plan all along. I knew Goodra would use rain dance to eliminate the electric terrain. In addition, I also realized Greninja haven't came out yet and that Ash is planning on using rain dance to increase all water type moves. So I thought about maybe I can use this for my advantage as well.

Seconds later, the rain stopped and instead, the clouds got even darker.

"What's going on?" Ash asked.

"Goodra Goo Goo. (I have no idea.)"

To answer everyone's question, lightning began to strike on the battlefield. After a few strikes, the next one hit Goodra.

"Goodra!" Ash yelled in concern. Goodra was on his knees and was fighting to stand up after he got hit with a couple of more lightning strikes. Moments later, more rain began pouring down on the field. I may have made a huge risk by allowing Goodra and Greninja to have an advantage with the rain, but at the same time, I'm also giving them a disadvantage whenever they get strike by lightning.

"So this is your plan all along?" Ash asked me.

"I knew you would have Goodra use rain dance and get rid of my electric terrain like you did when you battle with Clemont, so I thought if I have Electivire use thunder inside your rain dance, then it can create a thunderstorm."

Ash just stood there looking so surprisingly. The truth be told, I really didn't plan this thunderstorm idea all the way. The same way Ash had faith in his pokemon and following his instance, I did the same. I really learned a lot from Ash and winning this battle would mean a whole lot to me cause I showed him just how much I've grown over the years.

Ash's face turned from surprised to smiling. He chuckled and straighten his hat.

"I have to admit Bonnie, that was pretty smart," he said to me.

"So I impressed you enough?" I asked.

"Yeah you did. But this battle is still going on. Look."

I look at Goodra and noticed his entire body is red. His bide was activating again. This is not good.

"Use bide."

Goodra released his bide and aimed it straight at Electivire. I was scared that just one hit from that bide and it's all over...or so does Ash thought.

Another explosion erupted and when the smoke cleared, Ash was shocked to find my Electivire not only standing, but using his protect to save himself from Goodra's bide.

"AHHH!!" Ash screamed surprisingly.

"Hm. Now use thunder one last time."

Electivire stood tall and stick both of its tails into the ground. The electric pokemon turned yellow and released a powerful thunder. The attack made a direct hit on Goodra.


"Goodra is unable to battle," Clembot announced. "Electivire is the winner."


"Electivire took down Noivern and Goodra single handedly," I heard Shauna said out loud.

"Bonnie is so strong," Mairin stated.

"Now they both only have only one pokemon each," Tierno added.

I tried to warn Ash how strong Bonnie was, but of course this is Ash. So I'm pretty sure he didn't hear my warning quite clearly. For a second, I started to question if Ash can really win this battle. Electivire has beaten two of his pokemon already. If this is how Bonnie's Electivire battles without mega evolution, I can only imagine how strong it is as Mega Electivire.

"Be careful Ash."


After returning Goodra in his pokeball, I stopped for a second. I have to admit, Bonnie really raised her pokemon very well. For a second, I was asking myself could I even win this battle. No. I'm not going to give up now. I came too far to call it quits. If Bonnie wants to win, then she still have to go up against one more pokemon.

I reached back and pull out one more pokeball and increased its size before tossing it.

"Greninja, I choose you."

I know this is one match that everybody was waiting for. There was Greninja standing tall and full of confidence.

"Ninja. (So we finally meet Electivire.)"


"Nice to finally see you again Greninja," I said to my opponent's last pokemon.

"Ninja. (Good to see you too Bonnie.)"

Looking at Greninja, I still can't believe how far I've gotten in this battle. I'm just one pokemon away from claiming victory, but so is Ash and I wasn't about to let that happen. If Ash wants to win, he has to get past my Electivire and that's a fact.

"Okay Greninja, use water gun?"

Water gun? I never knew that Greninja can used water gun. It must be a new move he learned.

He opened his mouth and water start shooting out of his mouth and headed straight to Electivire. So we decided to counter.

"Electivire, thunder."

Both Electivire's thunder and Greninja's water gun made contact and the two attacks just vaporate into steam.

"Now use cut," I heard Ash commanded. All of a sudden, Greninja jumped out of the steam with its cut attack in hand.

"Dodge it," I commanded Electivire, who jumped up in the air. "Now use iron tail."

"Greninja, look out!"

However the iron tail ended up making direct contact with Greninja's cut, who used it to dodge the attack.

"Alright," Ash said. "Now use bubble."

Greninja opens his mouth again and released multiple bubbles right at Electivire's face, causing the electric pokemon to fall back.

"Now use aerial ace."

Greninja took full speed at Electivire and I watch helplessly as Electivire was thrown onto the ground. Thankfully, he just got up and shook the dirt off him.

"That's the spirit Electivire."

"Greninja, use double team."

Multiple Greninja copies fill the field and they all started running in a circle surrounding Electivire.
"Now use water shuirken."

All of a sudden, each of the copies began throwing a water shuirken at Electivire. Each one of the shuirkens seem to have an effect too. I know it may seem like I'm losing, but this was part of another plan I have. I look at Electivire and see him trying to fight them off.

"Electivire calm down," I screamed. "Only one can be the real Greninja. Just relax and try to listen very closely to find out which one is real."

Electivire did just that. He closed his eyes and try to listen for the real Greninja. After a few moments, I can sense he found it. Other than that, he open his eyes.

"Now use thunder."

Electivire's thunder attack went pass all the Greninja copies and targeted the real one. So much for Greninja's double team.

"Greninja!" Ash hollered.

Seeing his pokemon on his knees give me the opportunity to strike. "Yes. Now use thunder punch."

Greninja flew across the field and right back over at Ash's side.

"Greninja, are you okay?"


"Looks like Im just around the corner from victory," Bonnie said. "So what else do you got for me Ash?"

I stop and think about my next move. I never knew that I would backed up such a corner like the way Bonnie has me. At this rate, I don't know what I'm going to do. Bonnie haven't even mega evolve Electivire and already it took out two of my Pokemon. For the past half an hour, I've watched Bonnie took out each one of my Pokemon with amazing strategies and even a couple of familiar ones that I've encounter during my Kalos journey. She definitely show me she's a worthy opponent.

But I still have Greninja left. Even when I decided to leave Greninja behind with Squishy and Z2 and I was still traveling region to region, we still have an unbreakable bond. I don't know what the end results will be like after this battle, but Im still planning on winning this whole thing. But I know I wont be able to do this alone. This is a team effort and I believe in Greninja.

"And I believe in you Ash."

Greninja? Is that you? How can you hear my thoughts?

"Remember, you and I have a bond. I can sense whatever you feeling."

"Oh yeah."

"I've also been watching Bonnie's battle. She is strong, but we can beat her. You and me. Just like before as long as we don't give up."

"You're right Greninja. So what do you say? You're ready?"

"You bet."


Looking at Ash, I can already tell he and Greninja are about to form into Ash-Greninja. So this might be the perfect time to mega evolve Electivire. I lifted up my left arm and activate my key stone.

"You ready Electivire?" I asked my pokemon who responded with a nod. "Respond to my heart. Now, mega evolve."

Moments later, Electivire is fully mega evolved and was ready to battle.

After Electivire, Ash and Greninja began their transformation. It was still amazing to see the two become one. Moments later, there was Ash-Greninja standing tall and eager to battle.

"So Bonnie. Are you ready?" Ash asked.

"You bet I'm ready," I answered.

"Okay. Greninja, use aerial ace."

"Electivire, thunder punch."

A/N: I'm gonna flash forward this battle a little bit since I've already took too much time with this chapter.


This battle has been really intense. Both pokemon took turns coming after their opponents with a variety of attacks. From Electivire's thunder, thunder punch, iron tail or brick break to Greninja's water gun, bubble, cut and water shuirken, both pokemon took some serious injuries. Netherless, neither one of them is bound to give up.

Right now the both of them are panting, completely out of breath and sweating. All of a sudden, Ash thought of something that could help him and Greninja win this battle once and for all.

"Use double team," Ash commanded. He already tried this before, but he sees this as a way to end the battle. But Bonnie sees this as classic Ash.

"I see you haven't changed a bit," Bonnie replied. "Electivire, use thunder."

Electivire closed his eyes and tried to sense Greninja. Just like before, he found him and strike with a thunder attack.

"Now jump up and dodge the attack," Ash commanded.

"That won't work," Bonnie stated as thunder was still on Greninja's trail. All of a sudden, Greninja jumped right on top of Electivire and jumped off in a knick of time, causing the electric pokemon to get shocked by his own attack.

"Enough is enough," Bonnie screamed. "BRICK BREAK!!"

"USE CUT!!" Ash commanded.

Electivire stuck his arm out as it is covered with electricity. The mega evolve pokemon jumped in the air and come crashing down at his opponent. Speaking of which, Greninja shot his frog like head up and see Electivire coming down on him. With little time, he took out two blue kunai blades and stick them up in the air. Both attacks made contact and yet another explosion occurs.

The smoke finally cleared and miraculously, both of the pokemon are still standing...for the first few seconds. Ash collapses on his knees the same time Greninja did the same. Bonnie began to smile full of happiness, but that smile slowly faded away after seeing collapsing onto the floor and returning back to his original form. This battle is over.

"Electivire is unable to battle," Clembot announced for the last time. "Greninja is the winner. Therefore, the victory goes to Ash Ketchum."


"Alright," Ash screamed.

"Pi Pikachu. (WE DID IT!! WE WON!!)"

Greninja ran up to his trainer and jump in his arms and into a hug. "We did it Greninja," the messy haired trainer said. "You were awesome."

"Ninja. (Thanks Ash.)"

"Ash." The Kanto champion turned his head around to find his girlfriend and her Delphox running towards him and Greninja. The male pokemon and trainer pulled away so their respective girlfriends could jump in their arms. Greninja spun Delphox around a few times and Ash did the same to Serena as well as giving her a few kisses on her lips.

"I told you I would win," Ash said. "Didn't I tell you?"

"Yeah you did," Serena giggled.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, Bonnie was still trying to recover from her lost. Even though she was shocked, somehow that still didn't stop her from smiling. Her father and brother walked up towards her.

"Bonnie," Clemont called out. "That was an amazing battle."

"You made us so proud," Meyer added.

"Thanks Clemont. You too daddy." Bonnie walked up to her sadden Electivire and returned him back in her pokeball. "You battled really hard Electivire. Thank you very much. I thought for sure I have the advantage knowing Ash's every move and pokemon he would use."

"Well that's Ash, Bonnie. You should know that."

Shauna and Miette walked up to the young gym leader. "Bonnie, you should be proud of yourself," Miette stated.

"Yeah. That was an exciting battle," Shauna added.

"Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. That Ash never ceased to amazed me."

Speaking of which, along with Serena, Ash walked up to the rest of the gang along with Trevor, Tierno, Alain and Mairin. Ash stick his hand out so Bonnie could shake it. She sees this and happily shook his hand.

"You really had me Bonnie," he said to the leader. "I have to say, you were really awesome. I thought for sure I would lost."

"Thanks Ash," Bonnie responded. "I see you have gotten even stronger than the last time I saw you battle. But the next time we battle, I'll get even stronger and I will beat you."

"Then we'll be waiting for you. Right Pikachu?"

"Pikachu. (You got that right.)"

"But let's not forget," Clemont added. "We are all still one happy family."

Finally I'm done. So sorry for the long wait, but I just finished my third semester in college and now on Christmas break. Now I got some mistakes I need to fix on this chapter and some screenshots and gifs that I want to add on here, but that will come later.

We have officially reached the halfway mark on this story. Eleven chapters down, eleven more to go. I'm already working on the second half of the chapter as well as some other stories I'm piecing together, so stay tuned for all this and more.


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