Chapter 12

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That was the most intense battle I ever had. Not even my previous battles I had with either Gary, Paul or even Alain. Right now, Bonnie and I are at the pokemon center getting all of our pokemon treated. Nurse Joy walked out and called the both of us.

"Your pokemon have taken so much damage from that battle," she said to us. "But don't worry. I'm taking good care of them and they should be just fine."

"Well that's exciting to hear," Bonnie responded.

"But I need to have them rest for the night for further observation."

"That's fine with me," I replied.

"Me too," Bonnie added.

Wow. I knew that my team would ended up here in the pokemon center from the start, but for a whole day? That battle was a lot intense than I thought it would. At least I still got a few days left on my vacation. That should be plenty of time for the gang to rest up.

So for the time being, Bonnie and I decided to just hang out and take a break ourselves. Once Nurse Joy and Wigglytuff were gone, it was just me and Bonnie.

"Uhhh," Bonnie grunted as we took a seat at a counter. "I never knew that being a gym leader is tough."

"Clemont just makes it easy huh?" I asked the female gym leader before me.

"You can stay that again. I really miss traveling, challenging gyms and competing in leagues from other regions."

I feel sorry for Bonnie. Maybe it's because I miss that feeling traveling from region to region and meeting new pokemon. But that was a long time ago now. Things have definitely changed the last time I was in Kalos. We all left to get closer to our dreams and with those dreams comes with a whole lot of responsibility.

"Its okay Bonnie," I said patting her back. "You're a bright girl. You'll get through it."

Now I wasn't trying to flirt with Bonnie out of respect for Clemont. But that little statement caused a smile to form on her face and her cheeks to turn red. "Thanks Ash. That means a lot."

"So you wanna get some lunch?" I suggested.

"Well I am hungry. Sure."

With that said, Bonnie and I left the pokemon center to go get something to eat. We was eating outside of a cafe that was just a walking distance from the pokemon center. We figure this would be a good chance for us to get to catch up on old times.

"So where did you go after landing in Pallet Town?" Bonnie asked me.

"Well first I went to my mom's house since I arrived in Kanto around nine P.M.," I answered.

"Wow that's awfully late."

"Yeah it was. So I didn't went to see Professor Oak until the next morning." After that, I told Bonnie about my Kalos team meeting interactions with the rest of my other pokemon and how everyone got along. I also told Bonnie about how Professor Oak opened Noivern's mouth and try to look in, but only for Noivern to close his mouth up and toss him in the air before he landed by on the ground with drool all over his head.

Bonnie laughed so hard that I thought she was gonna cough up a lung. Netherless, seeing her laugh got me laughing again at that. It was good to know that despite the both of us just finishing our battle, we can still talk and share a few laughs just like the way we did all those years. Just like Bonnie said, we are a one big happy family.

As I continue eating, I didn't noticed at first but I see Bonnie have her eyes locked on my Z-Ring on my left arm.

"Hey Ash," she called my name.


"You never told me about your...ring or whatever that's on your arm and what's it for?"

"My arm? Oh you mean my Z-Ring?"

"Yeah. That move Pikachu defeated Dedenne with, does that Z-Ring have something to do with it?"

"Yeah. I got it from the Alola region." I lifted up my left arm in front of Bonnie so she could get a closer look at my Z-Ring.

"What was it like in Alola? I told Bonnie everything that had happened during my Alola journey, making sure I detailed everything that I can remember. I told her about the pokemon school I attended, my classmates, the pokemon, meeting with all the island pokemon guardians including Tapu Koko giving me a Z-Ring and challenging me and Pikachu, competing the island trials and mastering Z moves. I'm still speechless about all the accomplishments I achieved while I was over there.

"Wow you did all that?" Bonnie asked in amazement.

"You bet I did. Maybe you should travel to the Alolan region," I suggested. "The weather is great, the pokemon are amazing. It's endless fun in Alola. It's like a vacation."

Bonnie was thinking about it. But truth be told, whenever you put the two words "pokemon" and "fun" together, you basically already know what her answer is going to be.

"Okay," she responded. "Maybe I will."


"Ash." Somebody else was calling me. I turned my head and see Miette walking towards us. "I figured you two would be at the pokemon center."

"We was," Bonnie responded. "But then we decided to get some lunch."

"Plus, our pokemon need to stay for an entire night."

Miette grabbed a chair and sat right next to us. "An all nighter, huh?' She said to us.

"I thought you would be hanging with Serena and Shauna." After we left the gym, Serena told me she was going to spend the rest of the day with Shauna and Mairin. I thought Miette would do the same. (Scuffs) Obviously I was wrong.

"They did invited me, but I forgot I have a couple of ideas for new recipes for S&M," Miette stated. "So I'm going back over to my place and try them out. I've actually came here to asked if you two want to be my test tasters?"

"I would love to, but I still got some other pokemon to attend to back at the gym," Bonnie answered.

"Well what about you Ash?'

Since my team are at the pokemon center recovering, Serena hanging with the girls, Alain handling some stuff for Professor Sycamore and Clemont leaving for his trip to Sinnoh, I'm all by myself. I would go back to Serena's house, but she took my car. Not to mention, I don't even have the key to her house.

"I guess it'll be a good way to kill time," I answered. "Plus I get to eat free sweets. Okay I'm happy to help."

"That's great. Thanks, Ash."


"Hehehe," Mairin giggled as her toes was getting painted. "That tickles."

"All I'm saying is Serena when we leave, I'm driving," Shauna said to me as warm oil was rubbed on our backs. After the battle, the three of us decided to hang out. So we made appointments at a salon in the Lumiose Squares Mall. While Mairin was getting her toes done, Shauna and I are currently getting massages by these two male masseurs. I think Shauna brought us here because of the guys. But we had some...problems on our way here.

"My driving wasn't that bad," I fired back.

"Not bad?" Mairin asked. "You hit ten cars..."

"It wasn't that bad."

"...after you drove straight through a park."

"Its not my fault," I protested. "The gear shifter thingy was stuck and I tried to hit the breaks but the breaks weren't doing anything." I've seen Ash drive his car before, but he made it so easy.

"Serena, that was the clutch you had your foot on," Shauna stated.

"The what?" I responded.

"The clutch," Mairin replied. "There are three pedals when it comes to a manual car. Of course, you've got the gas pedal and the break, but on the far left is the clutch. The clutch is used when shifting gears."

"You mean I have to press on the clutch thing all the time?"


For the rest of the conversation, Shauna and Mairin schooled me on how to drive a manual car like Ash's Nissan GT-R. They told me all the basic steps like stepping on the clutch before starting the car, putting the car in gear, how to apply the parking break and all that other stuff that I wasn't listening too. As a matter of fact, I really don't care that much about cars and even though this was my first time driving a car like Ash's, you best believe that it will my last. I'll stick to my cute little red Buick I left behind in my driveway anyday.

"Are you two finished with the driving school lesson?" I asked annoyingly. But all I got from the two of them was chuckling. "How do you two know so much about cars anyway?"

"An old once-a-month date of mine has an old school Ameri Muscle car in his garage," Shauna answered.

(A/N: Ameri was my pokemon region version based on the United States.)

"Alain drives a stick car too," Mairin answered as well. "He often takes his car to the Lumiose Speedway and sometimes I watch him."

I turned my head to the side to see all of our pokemon having a relaxing time themselves. Delphox along with Delcatty and Meowstic was getting their fur cleaned, Panchum is sleeping with a stomach full of food, Sylveon getting washed and my Vivillon was in the process of having its wings clean. I felt more warm oil pour on the top of my naked back and a pair of hands rubbing it all over my body, from my back to my thighs and my legs. I never felt so relax like this in a long time. But I still feel a little embarrassed about having another guy touching me and rubbing me like this, other than Ash of course.

"But enough of all that," Mairin proclaim. "A day at the salon is just what I needed."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Traveling left and right from gym to gym and not to mention helping Alain and Professor Sycamore. On top of that, I'm getting ready for the Kalos League heading my way."

"I know how you feel," Shauna added. "The S&M bakery and the Master Class around the corner."

"Me too," I jointed in. "Besides the Master Class, my store is doing so good, I'm almost already out of clothes. I have to order some more shippings."

"It seems all of us needed this then," Mairin stated. "But how come Miette didn't want to come?"

"She's working on some new recipes for our S&M bakery," Shauna answered.

"Why are you two changing the subject?" I fired at them. "How am I supposed to tell Ash about his car?" While I was driving, I may have caused both the front bumper and the back bumper to fall off. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Ash. Maybe if I surprise him in my sexy Greninja outfit, he wouldn't even think about the Nissan.

"Hey guys," I overheard Shauna called out to the masseurs. "Do you have anything for rock and ground type pokemon?"

Shauna added the fact that I have a Rhyhorn back at my house. So the guy massaging me walked in the back to find some massage oil or lotion. My friend then look up at her masseur, signaling him to go in the back as well.

"Why you made them leave?" I asked.

"Cause I wanted to talk about that sexy outfit of yours. Still going to wear it tonight?"


"What outfit?" Mairin asked.


Miette's place is amazing. I'm sitting in the living room of a two-story four bedroom townhouse in an newly construction neighborhood currently watching TV. She gave me a tour around her place and it's pretty cool. But I have to say, after seeing how she uses one of her additional bedrooms for all of her past performance dresses, I'm a little curious how she could fit all of them in there. Now that I think about it, her townhouse does seem a little cramp.

"Making yourself at home?" Miette asked handing me a bottle of water before joining me on the couch.

"Yeah," I responded. "Your place is really nice."

"Thanks. I decorated everything myself. You like?"

"Well it's not me, but if it makes you comfortable, then that's what really matters."

"You're so sweet." After another five minutes of talking, Miette got up and walked to one of the rooms. "Well, I'm going to get myself ready to bake," she said to me. "I'm going to change out of these clothes. Be right back."

"Okay." Miette took about two or three minutes to change. She stepped back in the front dressed in an apron.

"So are you ready to make some sweets?" She asked me.

"Yeah. But I cant cook, so..."

"Shhh." All of a sudden, Miette hushed me by putting a finger over my lips. "Remember, you're just the taster while I'm doing the baking. You don't have to do anything." It may seems that I'm paying attention, but I was too distracted on her cleavage flashing in my face. She is wearing a bra or a shirt underneath this apron, right?

"What are you staring at?"

Suddenly, I was woken up from my daze and see Miette staring down at me and smiling. Did she do this on purpose?


"Come on." Miette walked back in the kitchen and my question was answered. The moment she turned around I can see all of Miette and I mean all of her. The apron is the only thing she has on her. She isn't wearing any clothes underneath, no shirt, no pants, no bra or underwear. Why do I get the feeling I'm being set up?

"Are you gonna get off that couch today?"


The girls and I came out of that salon with smiles, giggles and feeling so fresh like never before. But the moment we walked out, Shauna and I were ambushed by a wall of fans. All of them wanting either an autograph, a picture or just a simple meet-and-greet. Either way, the whole thing was out of control. So, Shauna had to release her Pyroar to get the situation under control.

Despite the craziness our fans give us, we wasn't rude to them. So we spent the next 30 minutes socialising with them, taking pictures and giving out autographs. We had a few laughs with the autographs. Since we was in a mall, most of our fans was shopping, so some wanted us to sign their clothes if not scratch paper, cell phone cases, or even posters of us performing with our pokemon.

They even wanted us to sign on their bodies, but mainly somewhere on their arms. We had a situation with one guy who took his shirt off and asked for the both of us to sign our names on top of his chest with a Sharpie pen. Being in a relationship with Ash, I was a little hesitated at first, but I went ahead and do so. Shauna, on the other hand, didn't hesitated one bit being the type of girl she is. She even go by far and leave a kissing mark above her autograph. I never thought our fanbases was that dedicated.

"But did you have to kiss his chest like that?" I asked my crazy brunette friend as we were talking about her little stunt.

"He's cute...," Shauna giggled and smiling. "...and he's got a hot body. I was just showing him some love."

"That's the same kind of love that got you in that scandal last month when you Kalos kissed another fan."

"Well the fans show me love every time I stepped on that stage. I'm just returning the love," Shauna concluded.

I look at Mairin, who was holding Chespie in her arms, and see her smiling and laughing. "It must be amazing being a performer," she said to us.

"Yeah it really is," Shauna proclaimed. "Why you asked?"

"Because...I was thinking about participating in showcases after the Kalos League."

"You do?" I asked happily.

"Mhm. Seeing how you two and Jessilee put a smile in everyone's faces after that whole Team Flare fiasco really inspired me."

Shauna and I were touched. I know I had a big impact in Mairin since the first time we met, but for her wanting to become a performer, I'm shocked.

"Well then go for it," I said supporting her decision.

"Yeah," Shauna added. "Pokemon showcases are so amazing, especially when you're performing with your pokemon."

"And that feeling when you see all those smiles out in the crowd just makes you feel so warm inside," I added.

"Plus you wear super cute dresses too."

Mairin giggled while looking down at Chespie.

"So what do you think Chespie?" She asked. "Should I try showcases after the Kalos League?"

"Chespin Ches (Yeah let's do it. It'll be fun.)"

"Then it's decided," Mairin stated. "I'm gonna be a performer."

Both me and Shauna gave our full support for Mairin. As we walked out of the mall, the both of us told Mairin everything about performing. Like the first part of the showcase is the theme performance and if Mairin passes that stage, then she moves on to the freestyle performance. The freestyle performance is our personal favorite because that's the stage where you really show the crowd you and your pokemon are a team. We also told Mairin how both stages are judged by the audience who will vote on their favorite performer.

"There are five or six performers who advantage to the freestyle performance," Shauna said. "But only one will win a princess key."

"I see," Mairin stated.

"And if you achieve three princess keys..." I added "...then you will be able to participate in the master class. That's where you will compete with other performers for the title of Kalos Queen."

"Being a performer sounds incredible."

"And I think I found your first dress." Shauna points to shopping window that features a mannequin displaying this gorgeous light pink dress. The skirt is a brighter shade of pink and has dark pink roses covering almost the entire skirt. For accessories, the mannequin has white, long sleeve gloves on the arms and a pair of rose shape earrings surrounded by more pink roses. Absoultely gorgeous. "Wow," is the only word I could think of at this point.

"Beautiful." Okay, maybe not just wow.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Shauna asked Mairin.

"It is."

"Chespin. (Awesome.)"

"But it looks like more for weddings than showcases."

"Now that you think about it, the Vail does gives it away."

I just giggled. "Dont worry Mairin. I'll design you a dress. If you have any ideas, just let me know."

"Thanks, Serena."

"But you know what?" Shauna screamed. "This dress does look perfect for you, Serena, on the day of yours and Ash's wedding."

I was caught off guard. My face is blushing red at Shauna's little remark.

"Wedding?" I said out loud.

"Oh don't act like surprised," Shauna fired. I look at Mairin and see her laughing so loud her face turned as red as her hair. "I know it's your dream to marry Ash one day. Well, besides being Kalos Queen of course."

I tried to brush them off as if I'm not giving them a type of day, but these two know me all too well. They know everything about me, especially about my love for Ash. This isn't the first time they tease about me marrying Ash. One time, Shauna dragged me into a store that sells wedding dresses like the one on display in front of us. OH WHO AM I KIDDING??

I always dream about me walking down an aisle in a sparkling wedding dress and seeing Ash in a handsome tuxedo in a room filled with friends, family and pokemon. We would exchange wedding vowels and put the rings on our fingers. After that, the minister will announced us husband and wife. Ash lifts up my Vail and pull me into a kiss as the entire room is filled with applause. The ceremony will follow by us cutting the wedding cake together, feeding one another and dancing surrounded by the people and pokemon we love.

I giggled at the thought of seeing Ash in a tuxedo. He would have looked so handsome and sharp. But I'll bet he'll look more sexy if I ripped it off his body during our honeymoon and Ash will do the same to me. I told Ash before flying to Hoenn that he was my goal and I was going to become more of an attractive woman just for him. One day, I will become Mrs. Ketchum.


Oh man. This is so wrong, but it feels so good. I gripped on Miette's kitchen table while she was giving me a blowjob. I don't know how it even got to this point. It all started with Miette baking so of those delicious poke puffs, cookies macaroons, fixing ice cream sundaes and other baked goods and she wanted me to taste with of her recipes taste good. With the help of her Slurpuff and Meowstic.

I tasted every one of her recipes and gave my honest opinon. Some of them were better than others, a few of them melted in my mouth. After an hour, all of a sudden, I found myself on top of her kitchen table, completely naked with whipped cream and candy. Half of it was already licked off by Miette, who was naked as well.

"You taste so good," Miette commanded. "You like?"

"This is weird," I said.

All of a sudden, Miette sprayed cream all over my dick and resume the blowjob, licking all of the cream off. As crazy how this was, I moaned and pushed Miette's head down.

"I'M CUMMING!!" I grunted. Before I could released, Miette pulled herself off of me. "Hey, what gives?"

"I can't let you reach your climax just yet," she answered. This time, she's performing a hand job. "I want you to release it all inside me."

Miette got on top of the table and lined herself on top of me. A second later, she comes crashing down on top of me. We both groaned at the feeling of being connected again. I have already took her virginity away from her like half an hour ago. Might as well take advantage of this.

I grabbed and fondle with Miette's breasts as she continues bouncing on top of me. My name and moans escapes her mouth over and over again.

"OH, ASH!!" Miette would screamed. "YOUR COCK FEELS SO GOOD!!"

I thrust my hips forward, increasing the speed by the second. This made Miette scream my name even louder. I know I'm wrong to be doing this behind Serena's back, but this is all Miette. I'm just...enjoying this?

My hands let go of her breasts and traced down on her hips to provide Miette some support. I sat myself up and pull her into a Kalos kissing session. Her inner walls began squeezing my dick, telling me that she's reaching her climax.

"ASH," Miette rang in my ear.

"YEAH!! IM SO CLOSE TOO!!" I responded.

The speed of my thrusting increased to maximum. Within a few minutes, I pushed Miette off of me and sprayed my assets all over her entire body. She came afterward and made one hell of a mess on her own kitchen floor. While I was trying to recover, I was secretly hoping that Serena doesn't find out about this.



Earlier ago before we went inside the mall, I called somebody to fix Ash's Nissan. I thought an hour would be enough time, but now the mechanic is telling me he will have the car fixed up by tomorrow. The mechanic and his Machoke got the blue Nissan on the back of a flat back, I think? Anyway, I am so screwed.

"I'm sorry ma'am," the mechanic said. "But there is a lot of work to do as you can see."

"But I don't understand," I fired. "Its not even that noticeable."

"Serena, Are we looking at the same car?" Shauna asked me.

"Ma'am, obviously the front bumper is completely gone. Not to mention your headlights are damages, the windshield is cracked, I have to replace your spark plugs and both the clutch and the break don't work. It's gonna take me an all nighter just to get this car repair."

"Machoke Ma. (Maybe a whole day even.)"

I didn't hear anything after ma'am. As I said earlier before and I'll say it again, I don't know anything about cars. Before I could say anything, Shauna cut me off and told Steve to take as much time he needed to. Steve then handed Shauna his business card.

"If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me," he said before driving out the parking lot.

"Sure thing" Now how am I supposed to get back home.

"Shauna," I rang. "How am I supposed to get back home?"

"Relax, I'll be happy to take you home in my Mustang. But it's back at the Lumiose Gym, which is a 45 minutes walk."

"45 minutes?" Mairin asked.

"Look at all these bags," I rang. "I'm not walking 45 minutes carrying these bags."

"Do you two have any other suggestions?" Shauna argued. I guess we really don't have a choice.

"Lead the way."

And done. Sorry I didn't include Serena's Greninja outfit in this chapter, but it will be feature in the next chapter. I have a few other stories I'm currently working on. But for now, will Serena get Ash's car fix? And whats gonna happen if (or when) she finds out about Ash and Miette? Stay Tuned.


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