Chapter 15

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" two do yesterday?"

Okay. I don't know what's going on, but I'm starting to get suspicious. Scanning at Miette's face, she seem to be playing this innocent look. Her eyebrows were raised to her forehead along with a cheeky smile was planted. There was only one thing that came in my mind at this point. Is this girl about to tell me what I think she's going to tell me?

"When you was hanging with Shauna and Mairin the other day...," Miette started off.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"...I invited Ash over to my place."



Walking out of the bathroom, I've decided that I'm going to tell Serena the truth about me and Miette. I already told Miette that I would do it myself. I don't want this to come back to Serena in any other way and have her thinking I'm unfaithful or a cheater. Well I've already cheated on her yesterday and just a few minutes ago. But I still want to be faithful. Serena is very special to me.

Ahhh man. All those holes Team Rocket dig up over the years got nothing on the hole I digged myself in. But the moment I walked back outside and find Miette talking to Serena, it seems that I fell down a few more feet. Miette didn't tell Serena already, did she?

"There goes Ash coming out right now," Bonnie announced.

I couldn't see Serena's face since her back was turned. My heart started racing. This can't be happening.

"Serena," I called out running full speed towards my girlfriend and I didn't stop running until we was face-to-face. "Serena, I can explain everything."

Surprisingly, Serena didn't seem too mad. Actually she was mad at all. But she did had this questioning look on her face.

"There you are Ash," she said. I don't know if I should be relieved or worried. For all I know, Serena could possibility be setting me up.

"'re not mad at me?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad? If you was going over to Miette's house to help her bake, you could have just told me and I would have said ok."

Oh so that's what Miette told her. I look over at the blue headed baker and see her smiling and winking at me. So I'm not in least not right now.

"Oh yeah," I responded trying to not sound suspicious. "Miette wanted a taste tester and she asked me to help and I was free at the time."

Looks like I dodged a bullet at the moment. But I still feel guilty about getting myself in this predicament in the first place. Despite my history and reputation about my sexual interactions, I never actually had a girlfriend before and I'm more aware of the fact that Serena haven't had a boyfriend before me. I'll be flying back to Kanto in two days, so my plan is to sit her down tomorrow.

My mind start playing tricks on me on what might happen when that time come. Will Serena still love me after tomorrow? Or are we gonna break up? Surprisingly though, that was not my worst fear. I'm always there for Serena when she lacks motivation, confidence in herself or if she needs a shoulder to cry on. She'll probably feel betrayed by the one person who is the last one in God's green Earth to ever stab her in the back. Serena might even kill herself for all I know. Maybe I'm just paranoid.


"These poke puffs are really good," Miette complemented. The rest of the group sat around and talk for a few minutes.

"Thank you, Miette," Serena responded. "It must mean a lot to get a compliment from you."

"Oh you made these poke puffs."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Serena angrily protested.

"I'm just saying your poke puffs wasn't all that before." Ash and Bonnie got look at each other. Both of them wasn't at all too surprised. After all, it's no stranger that Serena and Miette always have this fierce rivalry.

"Serena has really gotten good with her cooking over the years," the blonde gym leader responded.

"Yeah her food is so good," Ash added.

"Ash, any food you and Pikachu eat is so good," Miette fired back. This earned her a laugh from Bonnie and Dedenne. "But I'll admit. You really are a skillful baker, Serena."

The honey haired giggled, blushed and thank her friend/rival.

All of a sudden, Bonnie just thought of an idea. "Hey Miette, why not you and Shauna use Serena's recipe for S&M?"

"That's a good idea Bonnie," Ash added.

"Pika. (A very good idea.)"

"Hold on you guys," Serena protected. "I only cook for my friends and family, not to make a profit."

"It's not like you're buying the store." Serena turned her head to find her boyfriend's arm wrap around her shoulder. Even after all these years and being a couple, just a simple touch or even a conversation makes her turn red. "You're just adding your recipe to the menu and the customers don't even have to know it's your recipe."

"Yeah but..."

"Okay," the blue headed baker answered.

"Okay?" Serena was just as shocked as Ash and Bonnie.

"Business has been moving slow lately and I'm still working on some new recipes."

"You see, Serena?" Ash replied. "Now you get to help two friends out. Everyone is happy."

Miette is never the type to admit when someone else's poke puffs tastes better than her own. Let alone use their recipe for S&M.

"Wait a minute." There was a sudden pause in the area. "First I have to talk to Shauna, but before I do that, Serena needs to do something for me in return."

"What's that?" Serena asked.

Miette whispered her request in Serena's right ear. Immediately once she heard Miette's favor, Serena felt her cheeks turning dangerously red out of shock and embarrassment. The blue headed baker couldn't possibility think Serena would agree to go through with her bizarre request.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Serena yelled backing away. But Miette just stood there and smile.

"Well that's my cue to leave," Bonnie voiced out to herself. Something was telling the blonde that this was between the three of them and she shouldn't get involved. So she and Dedenne left went back to the Lumiose gym.

"What are you two talking about?" Ash asked. Serena responded by pulling him forward and whispered Miette's request in his ear. Now his face turn into a ruby red color.

"Miette, can I talk to you?" He pulled Miette to the side and a conversation between the two began. "Now you're not really serious about this, are you?"

Ash was whispering through the conversation to keep Serena from thinking that anything is going on. "I want to see just how good Serena in putting it down and I want you to convince her."

"No way. Serena is not going to go through with this and personally, I don't want to either."

"Well that's a shame. I really want to see what kind of moves Serena has on you, but maybe I'll ask her myself and compared it to how I seduced you."

Ash's eyes widen. "Hold up, are you threatening me?" He scolded.

"It's not a threat," Miette suggested. "I'm just saying some things are left unsaid." Ash knew there was no way out of this. So with that said, he walk back to his lady and try to persuade her into making love where everyone in the park can see.

I can only imagine how this is gonna turn out in the end Ash sarcastically thought to himself.


"No! No! No!" I blushed furiously, trying to dismay the idea of me screwing Ash in the middle of the park with my body out in the open for everyone and anyone to see.

"Come on. It'll be fun," Ash proclaimed.

"Easy for you to say."

"Didn't you tell me you had a dream of us having sex in a park?"

"That was a dream, Ash," I snapped back.

"Then let's make that dream into a reality." I was still against this dumb idea. I don't know what the hell Miette was thinking about when she came up with this ridiculous request. And I wonder why Ash is so interested in all of a sudden. "Come on," Ash said grabbing my hand. "Let's have some fun."

"Wait a minute. Ash."

But Ash didn't respond. We walked around the park for a couple of minutes before stopping at the lake. I took a moment to smell the fresh air and view the clear water that was as blue as my eyes. It is my favorite area of the entire park. The lake looked even more beautiful as the sun shined down on the water as it calmly lapped against the green land. The fountain in the center shoots the water up from the lake and comes back falling down, giving out all the colors of the rainbow if you look real carefully.

The lake was even home to wild water pokemon (obviously) and grass pokemon. Flying type pokemon like a small group of Fletchling even come down on the lake just to take a nice, relaxing bath. It was like a beach at the heart of Lumiose City. Now that I think about it, we could have ate lunch out here close to the lake.

"Isn't this lake so beautiful?" I asked Ash.

"Yeah it is amazing," he responded. "But not as beautiful as you." My cheeks felt like hot charcoal at a barbecue party. Ash just called me beautiful? Something I never him say to any other girl before. In fact, I don't think I heard him say beautiful. "And this view will be perfect."

"Huh? Perfect for what?"

"For our little sex spot."

I started blushing so much I thought my face will literally catch on fire. A 160-seat amphitheater sits across from us and the lake. Surrounding the lake as well are two separate parking lots, benches scattered everywhere around us and a gazebo completely made out of trees and leaves. Yep, this was definitely the perfect place for people to see two horny, young adults fucking one another like sweaty animals. Just thinking about it still made my body sweat and my heart racing. There is no way I'm going through with this.

I open my mouth to protest more, but before I get a word out, I suddenly gasped. A pair of familiar hands grabbed my ass and began fondling each cheek.

"Ash," I rang.

"Shhhhh," he replied. I look up at him and finds him in a seductive state. It was surprising to see his smile being both innocence and devious at the same time. There was that similar flame in his brown eyes as they were locked on me.

My dress was slowly lifted off my legs, exposing the bright pink underwear I have on. One hand was gripping on the dress while the other one gave my left butt cheek a quick slap.


"AHHH!" I screamed while jumping up.

"You like that?" Ash asked teasingly.

"No," I answered. I had a grin on my face, trying to make it look like I was furious with him. But Ash know me all too well.

"So you're just going to lie to me like that?"


My entire face sizzle at the second smack on my right butt cheek. It struck more hard than the first one.

"I don't like it when you lie to me like that. Now I must punished you for being a bad girl." I'm in trouble now. I tried to convince Ash that I'll behave, but clearly, he wasn't hearing it. He bend me over so I was on all fours before dropping on his knees and gave my butt a few more slaps. Each one was louder than the previous slap.

--SLAP-- --SLAP-- --SLAP--

I gritted my teeth with each slap as tears begin coming out of my eyes. As much as I hate to admit it, I was enjoying my...punishment. Ash being so dominated like this really excites me. Its just turns me on and while I'm bend over, every slap Ash released on me I was begging more. But after the twentieth slap, I started to become bored and was ready for the next step. Plus, my ass was starting to become sore.

"Please, Ash?" I grunted.

"Please what? You want some more licks?"


"Just say sorry for lying to me and admit you enjoy it when I spank you and then we'll move on."


"AHHH!! I'm sorry for lying Ash."



"...and I enjoy the way you spank me. I promise to be a good girl." Ash didn't responded right away, but after a moment, he lifted me back on my feet.

"Now that wasn't so tough, was it?" I shook my head while wiping the tears off my face. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"I have a smile on my face," I fired back.

"Maybe the licks was a little too much." Ash pulled me closer until our lips was touching one another for a quick second. "Don't worry. I'll make you feel good by the end of the day, okay?"

"I know you will."

We grew our heads closer until our lips pressed against one another. This kiss was deep and slow than the last one, and filled with more passion. As our tongues was wrestling for dominance, I decided to get even and traced one of my hands down in his jeans until I reached for his boxers and grabbed his harden length. Ash responded by doing the same with one of his hands into my panties and began to finger my pussy.

Moans escape our mouths as we continue pleasure one another. I didn't want to give Ash any more power, so I decided to take things to another level. I fell on my knees and pull Ash's jeans and boxers down to his feet. His 7-inch cock was free from its lonely prison cell and by the way it was twitching in my face, it misses me.

"Serena," Ash called my name.

"You're not the only one who can take charge," I fired before taking it in my mouth.

"Oh fuck," he moaned as most of his shaft went down to the back of my throat. I pulled back for some air, but plunge back down on his dick. The feel of the skin whenever my tongue licked around it was so amazing. Words can't even describe the feeling.

A minute in giving him head, I pulled back and went down to start sucking on his balls. They were so big, filled with come and ready to explode. Ash groaned louder as one of his hands run through my hair. I took this as a sign that I was doing good. I sucked on his balls for another minute or two before licking my way back up to his dick and resume the blowjob. I pulled back again long enough to spit on his length and rubbed it around before swallowing it again.

"Serena, I can't hold it anymore," Ash grunted. I bobbed my head faster and twist his balls with one hand while the other one was thrusting in and out of my pussy using two of its fingers.

All of a sudden, Ash grabbed my head and thrust the last inch of his dick inside of my mouth. I gagged as so much of his cum was poured in my mouth, but I managed to control myself. I had to swallow a couple of times to keep up with the amount of semen. I gave his dick a couple of extra sucks wipe off any remaining cum and a few licks to clean up my saliva.

"Probably the best blow job I ever given," I giggled at myself.

"Yeah it was," Ash panted. "Now I'm going to do the same for you."


Somewhere inside of the gazebo, a certain blue headed performer was watching the horny couple through a pair of binoculars. She was currently witnessing Serena who has a huge bulge in the bottom of her dress. Her mouth was wide open as moans escaped from it.

"Wow," Miette said to herself. "Ash never pleasure me that way."

Miette looked through her binoculars again. This time, Serena's pink panties was pulled down to her feet. Two of Ash's fingers was thrusting in and out of her pussy followed by his tongue circling her clit while Serena was laying on top of the grass, screaming and moaning for more. Just watching them was starting to make Miette wet herself.

"Oh man," Miette moaned. "That looks really good. Serena seems to be really enjoying herself too."

Just watching them having their fun made her really wet down there. Miette dropped to her knees and began rubbing her folds together.

"I'm jealous," she moaned louder.

Miette wasn't the only one witnessing Ash and Serena. Sitting in one of the park benches near the parking lot, a middle aged man fully dressed in a suit was reading his newspaper when he hears loud noises disturbing his break time. He turned his head to see a young couple half exposed kissing and rolling around on the ground like two wild Pancham fighting.

"This is...awkward," he said to himself as he buried his head in his newspaper. A mother was driving a van with her son in the backseat. When they are stopped by a red light, the young boy looked around and happen to find a man and a woman laying on top of the grass. Neither one of them have anything covering their bodies except one another. Talk about the wrong way to teach a child about where babies come from.

"Mommy, are they wrestling?" The boy asked curiously. But the mother's only reaction was to tell her child to turn his head around as the light turned green.

Finally, another couple was having lunch at the Lumiose Park. The girl with the pink hair couldn't help but noticed her spiked black haired boyfriend was distracted. She turned around and finds out he was staring at another woman with short, honey colored hair performing a tit fuck. Out of anger, she threw her orange drink right in her boyfriend's face.


"You didn't came yet," I said in a seductive tone. "Did my magic run out on you?"

"I just need a little rest."

I refuse to take that lying down. So far today, I have let Ash have his way with me, using my mouth and my pussy hole as his personal fuck toy with my ass exposed for the entire Lumiose City to see. We are not leaving here until Ash's gun have no more bullets left in it. This was my way of punishing him. I looked around and noticed a bench just a few inches from us.

"Ash, go sit in that bench over there," I ordered.

"But why?"

I reached under his shirt and twisted both of his nipples as hard as I can. Ash jumped up and did exactly what he was told. With his pants still down, I took the moment to admire his ass before he sat down. Remind me to take a good bite out of it tonight.

I walked over towards him, putting an extra swing in my hips to tease him even further. I knealed down in front of him and spat on his dick again and perform another hand job.

"Do you like that?" I asked, earning me a nod from my lover. I turned around and spread my ass cheeks apart before lowering myself so Ash's dick begin to line up against my back door.

I screamed the moment the tip worked its way inside my butt hole and screamed louder once the entire length was inside. "You know what to do. Don't ya, Ashy?"

Ash didn't hesitate and began with slow and long thrusts that quickly increased in speed. I screamed out of both pain and pleasure while my ass was being spread apart. But that same pain faded away and I was moaning with excitement, begging for Ash to thrust much deeper and faster.

"YES!! THAT'S IT!!" I would screamed. "FUCK MY ASS, YOU FUCKIN' SEX MONSTER!!"

Ash's hands fondle with my breasts for more pleasure and even twisted my nipples. I guess this was payback for twisting his. One of his hand left my breast and enter two fingers in my pussy. The pleasure was taking over my body. All of a sudden, my orgasm slowly began to build up in my stomach again.



With one huge roar, Ash sprayed the last bit of his sticky assets in my ass. Some of it even spilled out and onto the floor. I screamed as I released my orgasm.

"That was...incredible," Ash panted in my ear. I lean my head back until our lips made contact again for just a second. The need for air was too much and our bodies was covered with sweat, I almost slid off of him.

"So, how many times was that?" I asked. My breath was askew.


I nuzzled my head on top of his toned chest and I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for some kind of growling noise. And the growling noise grew closer and closer until it was a few feet beside us.


"And that is also the amount of months the both of you are banned from this park for indecent exposure and noise complaints."

Ash and Serena were surprised to find a tall man in a green shirt and grey sweatpants standing above them. A pokemon with orange fur with black stripes standing right beside him, growling at the two of them. The couple jumped up and start strengthening their clothes. Serena put her underwear back on and pulled down her dress since it was rolled up above her chest the same time Ash pulled up his pants.

"This is a public place where people and pokemon can come together in peace," the pokemon ranger scolded.

"We're really sorry," Ash explained. It was time to leave. With Serena by his side, the trainers made their way back to their pokemon. Meanwhile, back at the gazebo, Miette laid motionless on the hard pavement with her chest exposed and her cyan shorts down to her feet. After staring at Ash and Serena having sex, Miette reached her peak a few minutes ago. Moments later, she slowly gain her eyesight back. Just in time to see the Growlithe and the pokemon ranger standing above her.

The ranger cleared his throat and it got Miette's attention. Shocked to find herself in an embarrassing position, the female pulled up her shorts and put her blouse back on her shoulders.

"Well...I guess...I better be going," she nervously laugh and ran out of the park.

"That was awkward."

Hey everyone. I'm back. I hope this chapter will make up for being MIA for over a month, minus the usual grammar mistakes and poor setting. But I just had to get this chapter out. A big thanks to XDiamondX90 for the public sex idea.

I'm currently working on a few new stories I'm gonna be releasing this month. If you look above, you can see the cover art for one of them called "Performing in Another Region." (I may change it). The story features Serena and takes place moments after she landed in Hoenn. Besides Diamond, I also wanna thank my friends Sawyer-Kun AmourshippingDude and SXSDUDE for some advice. My plan for 2017 is to work on my writing skills a bit more and create fanfics other than lemon. But I'm still gonna work on lemons though. Lol. Stay tuned for new chapters and new stories.


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