Chapter 16

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That was quite a great show Serena and I put on. It's just too bad it didn't last as long as we wanted. In fact, not everybody became a fan. After we got kicked off set, we decided to do the next best thing: relocate.

"Oh shit," Serena cried out after lowering herself on my crotch. I grunt and tightened my eyes shut as she furiously squeeze and twist my harding member. Serena kept her furious pase, lifting herself up and slamming down on my rod. She seems to be in control, but I'm not the type of person to just take things laying down. So with that said, I thrust my hips forward, pushing my dick even further inside Serena's tight, wet pussy.

"AHHH!! OH MY GOD!!" she screamed.

We was continuing our public sex scene, but in the backyard of her house. Her skin was glowing underneath the sun's rays she looks like a goddess. A hot, sweaty, naked goddess with beautiful honey hair. I grabbed her bouncing breasts, fondling with them and groping them before pinching the two pink and highly sensitive nipples. I was cherishing this moment, seeing Serena bouncing on my cock and hearing her screams while my hands was playing with her breasts.


"Thanks Serena," I responded. "You're pretty awesome yourself." Without warning, Serena leaned forward and kissed me. Our lips pulled apart long enough for our tongues to wrestle one another inside of our mouths. A hand left one of her breasts and gave her cute buttcheek a smack. I chuckled at the sight of seeing Serena jumped up and streaked. The tightness in my balls signal my climax and I wasted no time and shoot my load inside of her walls.

Serena also reached her peak and covered my dick with her assets before falling forward and landing on the top of my chest. We laid there for quite a while, patiently waiting for our orgasms to died down. I got one arm wrapped around Serena while she was laying on top of me, with her head on top of my chest while smiling and her face a bright Fletchling red color. We was laying on one blanket and snuggling underneath another one that was covering up the lower part of our bodies. This is something I can definitely get used to in the long run.

I would have fallen asleep too if I didn't had look at the time on my watch.

"Oh man." I got up on my feet, pushing Serena off me, and scattered to find my pants and jacket.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Serena asked.

"I have to take care of some things before tonight."

"Tonight? What about tonight?" I don't want to spoil my plans for Serena like I did the last time we went on the date, so I'm going to make it plain and simple for her.

"I'm talking about our second date." Serena's eyes sparkled in the nice, afternoon sky as a smile was planted on her face. She sat herself up with the blanket covering the front side of her body.

"Second date?" I nod while buckling the belt in my pants. "Wait a minute. Just a few hours ago, you fucked me in the middle of the Lumiose Park, then again just now in my own backyard and already bringing up plans for a second date?"

I laughed while putting on my jacket. "Well tomorrow is my last day in Kalos before I leave Sunday. So I figure I would treat you with something special other than sex."

"Aww. Since when did you become Mr. Romantic?"

"The same day I had my hands on that body." Serena did shook her head in disagreement, but giggled and still smiling. I dropped back on my knees and pulled her into another kiss. Before I leave Kalos, I am planning on telling Serena about me and Miette tonight. I figure it would be a good time so Serena won't be too mad at me. But I don't know. We're just going to have to wait and see.

"I'll see you tonight?"

"You know you will."

Looking at the time on my watch again, I was wondering where is Shauna and Tierno are. They say they would be here by now. Meanwhile, I'm standing in a parking lot in front of my rental car waiting for somebody else. I left all my pokemon back with Serena except my buddy Pikachu of course.

"Any sight of Shauna and Tierno, Pikachu?" I asked my partner.

"Pika. (I don't see them.)"

Other than Shauna and Tierno, there will be a fourth party, but she is supposed to take us to her house around four. And its ten minutes til. Where could they be?

"Ash." Finally they're here. I look over and see Shauna and Tierno running towards me. "We made it."

"Where have you two been?" I asked. "It's now three minutes til four."

"Sorry," Shauna proclaimed. "Tierno and I had to pick up our pokemon from the pokemon center."

"And there was a horrible crash on our way there," Tierno added. "So Officer Jenny was rerouting traffic."

All of a sudden, a bright red car pulls up in front of us. The driver's door window rolls down. Behind the wheel is a female wearing black glasses, a blue bracelet on her left hand that was gripping the steering wheel and some kind of cream colored hat. Her hair was tied up in a long ponytail and I also noticed it was as red as the car. It was Aria... I mean Arianna. **wink**

"Hey guys," she said to us. "Sorry if I kept you waiting. Traffic was terrible on my way here."

"No it's fine,"Shauna replied. "Tierno and I were running late ourselves... literally." I, on the other hand, was too distracted on Aria's car. I look over to the front and find the Jaguar logo on the hood. Wow. I know a car like this must have cost a hell of a lot.

"I really like your car, Aria," I complimented.

"Thanks," the current Kalos Queen responded. "I just bought it."

"Did you say Aria? As in Kalos Queen Aria?"

Uh-Oh. I did it again. The four of us froze at the sight of a young man with tan skin, green eyes and green hair standing right in front of us. There was also a camera around his neck. My guess is that he's either paparazzi, a fan or both. Either way, this was not good.

"Uhh... actually, I meant Arianna," I fired back with sweat coming off my cheeks.

"See, our friend is a huge fan of Aria so much, she died her hair the same color as hers," Shauna added.

"Y-Yeah," Arianna chuckled nervously. "That's right."

"Oh. Sorry for the mistake," the guy responded. "You two do share the same resemblance." After which, he walked away and the four of us just sigh with relief, especially me. I thought for sure I had blown Aria's cover.

"So you're all ready to head over to my place?" Shauna, Tierno and I replied yes. Tierno road with me and Shauna rode with Aria.

During the drive, me and Tierno talked about what we has been going on in our lives. I haven't interact with him much back at the Lumiose gym. We talked about gym battles, pokemon, our goals, but spent much of the time talking about girls, mainly Serena.

"Hey Ash," Tierno called my name.


"Remember how I used to spin around and drop on one knee whenever I see Serena?"

"Yeah I remember. You was crazy for her." I really didn't want to talk about Serena in front of Tierno. The last time we talked about Serena almost put an end to our friendship. I guess somewhere Tierno find out that Serena was always interested in me and not him. And it made him crazy jealous. We wasn't on good terms for a while, but thanks to our friends, we squashed our beef.

I expected the ride to Aria's house to be long, but damn. A whole hour? At this rate, I'm gonna fall asleep behind the wheel.

Finally, we pull up to some kind of privacy gate that slowly opened once Aria put in some kind of code in. We must have drove all the way on the other side of Lumiose City cause I don't remember this place at all. At Serena's neighborhood, there was tree vines growing all over the exterior and the houses like Serena's were all connected to one another. The houses in this neighborhood were all spaced out from one another. It was like each house has its own acre of land.

"I've never been in this side of Lumiose City before," Tierno stated. "These houses are a lot bigger than I imagined."

I was behind Aria's red Jaguar the entire time. After a couple of more minutes of non-stop driving, we pulled up to the driveway of a two story house. Once the Jaguar's engine was turned off, the girls exit the car. This must be Aria's house.

It was definitely bigger than Serena's. It has bricks all over, a two car garage, and the curb appeal had more flowers.

"This is where Aria lives?" I asked out loud.

"Pikachu. (I never seen a house so big.)"

"Hey," Shauna called out to us. "Are you boys coming or what?" Tierno and I walked to the front entrance and enter the foyer. Just one quick look at the interior of the house, I thought to myself this place is even bigger inside than it is outside.

"Make yourselves at home," Aria said.

"Your house is so amazing," Shauna stated.

"Thank you. It took me years of hard work, but I finally bought my dream house."

"Isn't it kind of big for one person?" I asked.

"Not unless you have friends and family members. And I have a huge number of family members. So my home is their home. Also, I'm located away from the media and my Kalos Queen duties. But enough of all that. Are you ready for your dance lessons, Ash?"

"Yeah." I only got a few hours until tonight to learn a few dance moves. I'm planning a private dance party for Serena as our second date. This way, Serena and I can have that dance that never happen back in that castle on Route 19. I already have candles, outfits and I even got some of my pokemon and Serena's pokemon to help out. But the problem was... well, I have two left feet and I don't wanna be stepping on feet, dresses or bash my head against Serena's. So I asked Aria to help since she did the last time we met, and since Shauna and Tierno are dancers themselves, I figured I can used all the help I can get.

Aria took us to the backyard to what appears to be the guest house. It was separated from the main house with the pool being in the middle. Walking inside and it was definitely a guest house. It has a living room that opens to a small kitchenette followed by a small hallway with a bedroom and bathroom in the car.

"This will be perfect," Aria announced. "I often convert this guest house into my personal dance studio. This is where I practice for performances, upcoming shows or simply dressing out."

"Wow. I'm impressed."

"So I'm gonna go change and when I come out, we'll get started." Aria walked inside the guest room and closed the door, leaving me alone with Shauna and Tierno.

"Nervous?" Shauna asked me.

"I just want this night to be perfect," I replied.

"Aww it's so touching how you care for Serena. I remember the last time we met, you was too dense to even noticed." I don't know if Shauna is trying to throw shade at me, so all I did was chuckled and scratch my cheek. "And look at you now. All mature emotionally and... physically."

If I didn't know any better, Shauna probably got her mind focus on what was underneath my pants. "Ash," she called out after snapping out of her horny fantasy.


"I'm counting on you to always have Serena's back and to keep making her smile from this point on. Okay?"

"You got it."

"And if you do hurt Serena...," Tierno started off. "...I'll be there to comfort her and her body."

"Tierno, give it up, will ya?" Shauna fired back. Laughter fill every corner of the "dance room." We laughed so hard that we didn't even noticed the sound of a door opening up, which was followed by a woman speaking.

"I take it that someone is ready for their dance lessons."

"Yeah. So what are w..." Right at that moment, I thought my eyes was about to pop out of my head. Standing in front of the hall, Aria has on this red leotard follow by brown leg stockings. Her hair was freed from it's ponytail and was straight down on her back. Cute is not even a word I would describe Aria. Red is definitely her color.

Of course I wasn't the only one shocked. I look over at Shauna and Tierno and they both have different reactions. Shauna's hands were covering up her mouth as she went wide eyed. Tierno, on the other hand, was love strucked.

"Wow! You're look so amazing," he proclaimed.

"Uh... th... thank you, Tierno," Aria awkwardly responded.

"Its like my chest just jumped out of my heart." All of a sudden, Shauna pulled him by the ear.

"Well then pull it out of your pants and on your feet so we can help Ash."

"Ready, Ash?" Aria asked me.



"OWW!!" Aria screamed after Ash stepped on her foot for the tenth time. Now this explain why she wore those raggedy tennis shoes with her leotard outfit.

"Sorry, Aria," Ash proclaimed. But the Kalos Queen just backed away and lean against the wall. She lifts up one foot, took the shoe off and rubs it.

"Oh mon Dieu," she said underneath her voice. "Je vais perdre tout sentiment dans mes pieds après ce soir." (Oh my God. I'm gonna lose all feeling in my feet after tonight.)

"What did you say?"

"Uhh... don't worry about it Ash. It's okay."

At this point, Ash didn't know what to do. He was starting to rethink this whole dance thing for his and Serena's second date. He sigh at an utter defeat and walked over to get his jacket hanging on a chair in the kitchenette.

"Pika? (You're not quitting, are you?)"

"Ash, where are you going?" Aria asked.

"You're seriously not throwing away the towel, are you?" Tierno joined in. But Ash didn't say anything and slipped his black jacket over his shoulders.

"Thanks for everything, you guys," he finally responded. "But this is not going anywhere. I'm actually thinking about taking Serena out for dinner instead."

"Hold on Ash," Shauna fired. "You can't quit just because something is difficult."

"It's not just Shauna. Even when Tierno taught me his battle rhymtic back at summer camp, I was having trouble. When it comes to dancing, I have two left feet."

"So?" Aria tuned in. "Before I became a performer, I had two right feet. I still continue to struggle with it."

"You're kidding?"

"You wish," the Queen scuffed. "And like I told you at that party, just relax yourself and don't rush it. Ash, everything is not supposed to be easy and dancing is unfortunately one of them."

"Not to mention, you still have a few hours left," Tierno added.

The three dancers were right. Its not like of Ash to give up on something just because it's challenging. He faces tough obstacles over the years as a trainer, but did he give up? Nope. So why should he give up now?

"You're right," Ash noted. "I'm doing this for Serena and I'm not gonna go anywhere if I give up now."

"So you're ready to continue?" Aria asked. Ash didn't say anything, but nod his head.


I got a call from Ash who informed me that he wants me out of the house until tonight, saying he has something special for me. So for the time being, I decided to hang with my mom, Grace, the professional Rhyhorn racer, who was hosting an upcoming Rhyhorn race coming in two days. Now I'm all for hanging with my mom, but there is just one problem.

"STOP!! HOLD ON!!" I laughed as I was surrounded by a dozen Rhyhorn who was doing a different way of saying hello.

"HEHEHEHE!! I like you guys too, but you're tickling me."

Since I was 10, Rhyhorn always seem to be affectionate towards me. They would charge at me and the next thing I know, I'm on the floor getting licked from top to bottom. This is probably their way of kissing me.

"Stop it," I laughed. After seven minutes, I felt a pair of hands around my waist and I was pulled out of the herd of Rhyhorn. It was my mom. "Thanks, mom."

"Guess all your adoring fans are both trainers and pokemon," Grace jokily said.

"Yeah I guess." My Rhyhorn charged up towards me and started licking me like it had never saw me before. "Now you have seen me everyday, so don't act as if you've never seen me before," I jokily scolded. But Rhyhorn just gave me one long lick. No matter what it's always excited to see me.

"It's getting late," my mom mentioned. "You're ready to go inside and finish gathering the Rhyhorn together for the night?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Plus I might need to get myself ready for my date with Ash tonight."

It took us about 20 minutes to gather all the Rhyhorn and another 20 to make sure they have plenty of food and water for the night. After that, my mom and I went inside, got out of our racing jumpsuits, shower, and change into our regular clothes. I took a seat and soon get a text from Ash.

Hey Serena,

Text me your whereabouts. I'll come by and pick you up there.

"Water?" My mom offered, placing a bottle of water right next to me.

"Thanks." I responded while texting Ash my whereabouts. Ash replied:

Got it. I'm on my way. C U Later. Much love.

"Ash is coming," I announced. "He said he has something special planned for me tonight. I'm so excited." I unscrew the bottle top and take a nice gulp of water.

"I can tell by the way you've been glowing all day," my mom replied.

"I'm glowing?"

"That's the only way you could be smiling like that. It seems that the only time I've seen you this happy is whenever Ash is has something to do with it." If there's any doubt Grace is my mother, it was completely dissolved. She knows me all too well. But at the same time, I feel sorry for her because of all the years of raising me she never made me this happy.

"Speaking of Ash, just how happy he makes you in the bed?"

I flustered, almost gagging on my water in the process. What mother asked about their daughter's sex life?

"Mom," I fired. "Why would you ask me something like that?" Once I asked that question, the smirk planted on my mom's face was replaced with a serious look.

"Because I wanna know just how much you two love each other," she answered.

"I don't understand."

"Serena, how long have you two been dating?"

"Since the beginning of the week."

"So technically, you and Ash just started dating?" I'm curious where my mom is going with this conversation. But it sounds like she's questioning my relationship.

"Where are you going with this mom?" I asked curiously.

"Is your relationship with Ash a committed one?"

I paused at a moment. I can't believe my own mother would be questioning the man I love. "Yes, mom. Of course. Why would you ask me that?"

"Look, I know this conversation came out of nowhere and I'm aware that you and Ash have history together."

"Then what is this conversation about?"

"Look. Have Ash told you about this tournament coming up in Kanto?" Tournament? Ash never told me anything about some tournament. "I take it that he didn't talk to you about this."

"What tournament?"

"Did you tell him about the master class?" Mom asked me, ignoring my question.


"Serena, have you ever think of a reason on why Ash is only staying for the week?"

"I just assume that... he wanted to be with... me."

My mom didn't respond except nod in understanding. "How many dates have you two been this week? Not counting the one you have tonight."

"Uhh... well... one."

Mom shook her head with frustration. I'm still trying to figure out what's the point with all these questions, but it's like mom is trying to prove a point.

"Serena, I don't feel comfortable about this relationship," she said to me.

"Are you saying you don't approve of me dating Ash?" I was voicing out my anger. My mom knows Ash all too well and she should know my love for him is strong. Why would she said that? "Mom, I'm 18 now and I can date whoever I want."

"That is not where I'm going at, young lady."

"Then where are you going with this?

"I'm saying is, before I was rudely cut off, Ash needs to express his love for you with his heart and not whats between his legs. And you should do the same. I didn't raise you to be spreading wide open for a guy for the hell of it, even if you do know somebody your entire childhood."

I understand mom is only looking for me, but she needs to understand that I'm a grown woman now and if I'm making a mistake I will know. All of a sudden, she pulls out her cell phone. I can't tell what she's doing exactly. After a couple of moments, she hands me her phone which shows some kind of article from some blog. The article shows me back at the park on top of Ash with the both of us with nothing on. At the very top, it says "Kalos Princess Rides Kanto Prince." Wait, WHAT?

Feelings is only a few chapters away from coming to a close, but there is a lot that still remain question. Will Ash come clean about his affair with Miette? And what's going to happen if--- or when--- Serena finds out? Will it be the end for our favorite horny couple? And what's this tournament Grace mentioned? Stay tuned for more chapters and a whole lot more surprises.

P.S. the first chapter of Shipping Wars will be coming out next weekend, so stay tuned for that as well.


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