Chapter 17

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This has to be some kind of joke, right? My mom and I had just finished rounding up all the Rhyhorn for an upcoming race. While standing out waiting for Ash, my mom was telling me how Ash and I should be more open with our feelings and our goals than with our legs. I didn't understand where she was going with it until she pulled out her phone and showed me some blog. At the very bottom in bold highlighted in pink is a title that says:


Underneath it is a picture of none other than me and Ash, butt naked and Kalos kissing. Judging from the grassy background, somebody had to ran into us at the park and must have took this picture then.

Three words came out of the to the top of my head: shocked, outrage, but above all completely embarrassed. I have never been so ashamed and humiliated at myself in all my life. But then I thought of three question. The obvious one was that how did I not noticed about this? Has Ash seen this? And who else this picture?

"Mind telling me what's going on?" Mom asked me.

Judging from her voice, she is not having any bullshit. I could say the whole thing was my idea, but clearly my mom wasn't having it. So I'm left with no choice. I told mom that I was against having public sex until Ash convince me and that made her even more pissed.

"So it was Ash's idea from the start?" Mom said furiously. "When he gets here..."

My mom and Ash are the two most important people in my life. I can't them get into blows with one another. They mean so much to me. "Hold on. Wait a minute, mom. I had a part in this too. It's not all Ash's fault."

"But Serena..."

"No, mom. I'm just as fault in this as he is. So let me handle this one myself. You always say that all actions have consequences. Now I have to face mine."

Despite the embarrassment this is, the fact of the matter is that Ash and I are a happy, young couple who like to show their love and affection towards one another through sex. I know it may doesn't seem like it or unhealthy, but I really don't suspect my mom or anyone to that matter to understand. And I really don't really care to whoever has a problem. Cause at the end of the day, I love Ash and Ash loves me. Sex in the park was just our way of showing the world our love.

The facial expression on my mom slowly change. The frown on her face was replaced with a smile, which was followed with a nod.

"You really do love Ash, do you?" Now it's my turn to nod. "Well if you're really that much in love and confident Ash feels the same way, then I won't get involved."

"Thanks, mom," I hugged.

Grace did offer to watch over her daughter until Ash arrived, but Serena declined since she has her Rhyhorn and her female Pyroar. While waiting for Ash, Serena decided to pull out her tablet and go over some new designs for her clothing line. This also give her chance to think about the conversation she had with her mother. The young performer was still puzzled about this upcoming tournament that Ash is supposed to competing back in Kanto and why he didn't mentioned this to her. So when they get back home, they need to have a serious talk.

Five minutes later, a pair of headlights blindsight the young lady. They grew closer and closer before stopping right in front of Serena. The passenger side window of the blue Nissan rolled down, revealing the driver to be nobody else but Ash.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting," Ash stated.

"Don't worry," Serena responded. "I wasn't waiting that long."

As Ash exit the car, Serena noticed how fully dress he was and wondered why. She also noted how his outfit is that similar to the one he wore back at that castle years ago. But before she even asked, the boyfriend put a hand over her mouth and opened the passenger door for her and escorting her inside the car. Serena has no idea what kind of night Ash has planned for them this time. She was in for a big surprise.

As they was driving off, little did they both know was that Grace was watching them from a distance. She did promise Serena she wouldn't butt into her love life, but after she read about that park sex scandal, the mother couldn't help but be suspicious if her daughter's relationship is truly love as she claimed.


Once I got in the car, Ash told me to put on the same pink blindfold I made him wear last night. I wonder what's going on. In my head, I thought this was gonna be another kinky foreplay, compare to me in my Greninja outfit or having sex outside like we did today. Speaking of which, I haven't told Ash about us about that park sex scandal we got ourselves into.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm fully dressed, right?" Ash asked me.

"Umm... yeah. It's usually not like you," I responded.

"Just wait until we get to the house. But no peaking or else..." All of a sudden, two fingers reached underneath my skirt and gave my right butt cheek a pinch. I shriek as my entire body shot upward, rocking the left side of the car even.

I guess Ash is saying if I peak, I'll get punished. As tempting as it sounds, my mind was saying to pull up the blindfold just a tab before thinking of all the possible ways Ash would punished me. Maybe he'll pull my skirt down on my knees and give me a few licks on my legs and my butt. Or perhaps he would tie me to the bed and make me suck on his cock. All this and more just made me dangerously wet to the point of my panties would leak through the fabric.

We made a right turn before coming to an instant stop. We must be back at the house already. Ash turned the engine off and stepped out of the vehicle. I'm sitting all alone for a split second before my door is opened.

"Grab my hand," Ash stated. Of course I can't see so I just slowly lifted my hand until it was grabbed. I carefully stick my left leg out and when it hit the ground, I did the same to my right leg and got up only to hit my head on the top of the car.

"OW!!" I screamed.


I'm starting to grow impatient. "Darn it, Ash. Just show me this surprise already."

"Just follow me and don't let go of my hand."

What seem like a two minute walk from the walk to the back of the house felt like two hours walk. My feet are already killing me and I'm ready to take this damn blindfold off.

"We're here," Ash announced.

"I can take this blindfold off now?"

"Yes," he chuckled. "Take off the blindfold."

The moment I yanked the blindfold off my head, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I have never seen such a romantic, breath taking sight in all my life.


I had to chuckled seeing Serena's expression. I've always find it adorable and I could stare at it all day if I want. I decked out her entire backyard to make it look like an outdoor dance studio with the help of our pokemon. The big oak tree has dozens of those little light lanterns hanging from it's branches, I have a trail of red mulch from the back door leading up to a circle of red mulch underneath the tree and an outdoor fireplace in the center of the circle that hasn't been light up yet. I have my Talonflame and Serena's Vivillon shower the area with their ember multicolor scales from their wings.

"Oh my god Ash," Serena called out. "This is... amazing. Is this why you want me out of the house?" I nodded my head and I was caught off guard at the way Serena threw her arms around me and pull me into a hug. "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you though." I lean forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away. "There's a dress I want you to changed into."

"You want me to wear a dress?"

"Uh-Huh. It's laying on your bed."

"Well... okay. I'll go change."

I'm glad Serena is loving her surprise. But the night is still young and this little decked up backyard is just the beginning. Once Serena walked back in the house, Talonflame and Vivillon flew down, landing in front of me. They were joined by Pikachu and Delphox who stood right beside them.

"Thanks for everything, you guys," I told them. "I really appreciate you all doing this."

"Pikachu. (No problem, Ash.)"

"Talonflame. (Anything for my trainer.)"

"Delphox Delphox Del. (Just keep making Serena this happy, Ash.)"

"Vivillon. (We're counting on you to make that happen.)"

Serena comes stepping out of the house and she couldn't have look anymore gorgeous. The dress I picked out fits perfectly on her just like I knew it would. It's red with a darker waist band and dark red and orange frills, resembling the dress she wore when we attended that dance party years ago. And don't ask me how I knew Serena's dress size. I have my hands all over that body the entire week.

"Okay everyone," I said to the pokemon. "Here she comes. Take your places."

Talonflame and Vivillon flew back in the air and shower the entire backyard with ember and scales. Delphox used flamethrower to light up the outdoor fireplace while Pikachu was using thunderbolt on the lanterns since they don't run on batteries.

It was starting to get windy outside and some of the scales and ember blew towards Serena, speaking of which, her hair and the lower part of her dress got caught in the wind as well. I never thought Serena would look more beautiful than she already is. I'll never understand why Serena chose to be with me out of all the guys in the world that could have been a better boyfriend to her, especially ones who wouldn't go behind her back and cheat. The more she got closer to me, the more I want to punch myself in the face. I can't imagine life without Serena once she finds about the truth.


Just then, Serena is right in front of me with a concern look in her face. The plan was to confess my affair with Miette tonight, but now that I think about it, it just wouldn't be right timing.

"Serena. You look beautiful."

"Thank you, Ash." Serena's face went bright red. "I like the dress you picked out. It really brings back memories."

"Well then, let's make some new memories tonight." I took out my phone and scroll through a playlist before walking over to a single table with a wireless speaker on top. I placed the phone on the side as a romantic song began to play from the speaker thanks to Bluetooth.

"Ahh," Serena went. "Nice touch. Since when did you become Mr. Romantic?"

But I ignored her question and walked back over her.

"So, shall we dance?" I asked sticking my hand out.

Serena hesitated but eventually our hands were joined together and I escorted her to the red mulch dance floor. I placed my right hand on Serena's hip as her left hand was placed on my right shoulder. I grasped Serena's right hand with my left hand as our arms positioned shoulder-level and bent upward from the elbow. Eventually, I made the first move and positioned my right foot forward, making Serena's pull her left foot back. I continued leading the slow dance for another minute.

I took Serena by surprise and pull her closer to me, then suddenly pushed her. I'm guessing she knew where I was going with this and spinned her gorgeous self around a few times. This was something we almost had done, but the music stop, signaling the dance was over. I felt bad that we didn't dance that day and I wanted to make it up to Serena since she wanted to continue. I owe Aria big time for teaching me how to dance on her day off.


"Greninja. (Delphox)."

"Del? Delphox? (Huh? Greninja?)"

"Greninja?" The male frog pokemon said sticking his right arm out. (Shall we dance?)"

"Delphox. Delphox. Delphox Del," the female fox pokemon answered grabbing his arm. (Oh Greninja. How romantic of you. Yes, we shall.)"


"Sylveon Sylveon? (Wanna dance, Pancham?")

"Pancham? (What, Me?)"

"Sylveon. (Come on.)" Sylveon used her ribbons to grab Panchum and pulls him towards the dance party.


"Meowstic Meow. (Come on, Pikachu. Let's dance.)"

"Pika? (Say that?)"

"Meowstic Meowstic Meow. (You heard me, Pikachu. Let's join the fun.)"


I didn't know my little dance party would end up being this fun. All of our pokemon started dancing, even Serena's Rhyhorn was stomping all over the place. Both Talonflame and Vivillon find a way to join in on the fun while showering ember and scales still. The dance went on for fifty minutes until my playlist played it's last song. At the end, we were all danced out and ready to call it a night. Well that and because it was starting to drizzle.

Rhyhorn had already went back in its little house and went to sleep. Serena and I returned our flying pokemon back in their pokeballs. They're the ones who needed a rest. We returned the rest of the gang in their poke balls and went back into the house. It was a good thing too because it already start pouring down.

At the end of the night, Serena and I got out of our fancy clothes and took a shower. We were tired, it's been a long ass day and we were just eager to get to bed. I stepped out of the bathroom, wearing only a white shirt and a pair of plaid blue boxers, and got underneath the covers.

"Man I'm beat," I said to myself while rubbing my tired, beated eyes. "I just wanna close my eyes and never open them up again."

"Are you sure about that, Ash?" A seductive tone rang my eardrums and I immediately shot my head up. Just as I was about to get comfortable, there goes Serena standing with both hands on either door frames, wearing only a white button down shirt and a pair of bright pink panties. The shirt was wide open too and her cleavage was completely exposed, only covering her nipples just to tease me. The seductive smile and wink on her face told me.

There was a bulge in my boxers  and it grew bigger seeing Serena walking my way, swinging her hips from side to side before climbing on top of me.

"You're not too tired. Are you, Ashy?" She purred, to which I shook my head fiercely.

"Not anymore," I responded before pulling Serena's head and kissed her. Things got more heated as our lips pulled apart and our tongues wrestle for dominance. We would have continued too until some kind of vibration started buzzing through the room.

"Hey, what's that noise," I asked.

Serena lifted her head and listened closely.


"That's my phone," she announced.

"Where is it?"

It has to be close since we can hear it all the way from here. Eventually, Serena found it in her bedsheets. Do not know how that got there and I didn't feel it.

"I have to take this," she said.

"What? Now?"

"It's Palmero."

Palmero? What's she doing calling Serena at this time?


"Hey, Palmero."

"Serena. It's been a while since I last heard from you."

"Sorry for not keeping in touch. I've been busy lately."

"I bet. Congrats on opening your first storefront."

"Thanks, Palmero. Is that why you called?"

"Not just that dear. There's something else that brought my attention on the reason I really called you."

"You read the blogs, haven't you?"

"Hmm. I see you're already aware about this. Mind explaining me?"

"Uhh... actually... can we... discuss this at another time? It's been a really long day."

"I'll be arriving in Lumiose City first thing tomorrow morning."

"You're heading to Lumiose City?"

"11:30 at the Shutterbug Cafe."

"Palermo, wait..."

"I will see you then."

"Hold on..."



"Serena?" I called out. "Is everything okay?"

"Palermo wants to talk to me tomorrow morning," she answered.

"About what? What's wrong?" Serena didn't say anything after that. Instead, she scroll through her phone before showing it to me. I'm currently looking at some kind of article from a blog that reads "KALOS PRINCESS RIDES KANTO PRINCE!!" All I can think about is what is going on.

Thank you for everyone who remained patient on the new chapter. You have no idea all the hell I've been in these last couple of weeks, but I feel so much better now. I'm on spring break, so expect more new chapters from me throughout the week. But for now, stay tuned.


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