Chapter 18

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Sorry for unpublishing Chapter 18 --- again --- but I wanted to include the conversation between Ash and Bonnie while Serena is meeting with Palermo and Aria whether than including it in a separate chapter. But it will not happen again to any chapter. Enjoy.


My entire world made a screeching halt the moment after last night when my mother showed me an article in the blogs about Ash and me fucking in a public park. I have never felt so embarrassed and ashamed at myself in my life. What makes it worst is my mentor Palermo called me in the middle of the night, wanting to talk to me at the Shutterbug Cafe this morning. Ash and I pulled up to a red building that has a couple of people eating outside, followed by the sight of a stretched white limo across the street from it. We was at the Shutterbug Cafe.

I walled inside the cafe after telling Ash to wait for me outside. The moment I walked inside, I was ambushed by some man in a tuxedo wearing a mustache.

"Princess Serena," he said. "Miss Palermo is waiting for you in the other section of the cafe. Please follow me."

"Okay," I said while following the man. This is only my second time in this cafe since it was on the south boulevard of Lumiose City while I lived on the north side close to Prism Tower, so I haven't seen the second section of the place. We walked across a small hallway and went through those things that hang from the ceiling and makes noises when you move them. I don't know what they're called.

The entire second section of the cafe was completely empty except for three people. A middle-aged man, fully dressed appeared from behind the counter holding some fancy teapot, walking towards a table. Palermo and Aria were sitting at that table as the butler stood above them. I wasn't surprised to see Palermo here, but what is Aria doing here? Did Palermo call her here too?

"Hey Palermo," I said. "Aria."

"Serena," Palermo said to me in her usual emotionless tone. "So happy you could join us. have a seat. We have a lot to talk about."

I sat down as the butler pour come tea inside of the cup close by me. I would asked what this meeting is about, how that would sound stupid since I already knew.

"Now I called you both here on short noticed because something had brought up my attention the other day," Palermo started off saying. After taking a hard sip from her tea, she pulls out a tablet and sets it flat in the center of the table, showing the same article featuring Ash and me.

"Care to explain?" She asked harshly at me.

With a serious expression on her face, Palermo's eyebrows were batted down towards her eyes while her pupils stared sharply at me. On my right side, Aria was showing a different expression for half of her eyebrows went missing from inside of her hair. Both of them sat quietly as they waited patiently for a response, but I don't know where to start.

"There's... really not much to explain," I started off saying.

"How about the guy in the article with you? What's his name?" Palermo fired.

"His name is Ash Ketchum," Aria answered for me. "Serena has been dating for about a week now."

"Just a week?" That didn't change Palermo's expression. In fact, her eyebrows sinked even lower. "And yet the both of you are screwing around like animals?"

"But I've known him since I was little," I retaliated. "Ash was actually a friend I was traveling with when you offer to train me at the time."

"Ahh... the boy with the Pikachu and the famous Greninja." Palermo took another sip from her tea. "How did this happen?"

"Well... it was Ash's idea," I relunctly answered. "Ash thought it would be a way to express our love to the world. I tried to talk him out of it, but..."

"Apparently not good enough," Palermo snapped. "This kind of behavior from a performer is highly unacceptable, especially with the master class just weeks away."

Nothing I say seems to make Palermo have at least feel a little remorse on me. I understand this puts me an awkward position for me, not to mention the up and coming master class showcase in a month. But I was having sex with someone I know, trust and love. It's not like I was being fucked by a random guy or a male fan.

"Come on, Master Palermo," Aria said. "I'm sure Serena feels bad enough about this, but..."

"But nothing." There was a moment of silence for a minute until Palermo opens her mouth again. "When I look at you, Serena, I see a spitting image of Aria when she was young. That morning when I saw you at the dock embracing your first lost, I knew you were the perfect performer who is a worthy opponent against Aria for the title of Kalos Queen. But after seeing this article, I'm hoping you didn't lose that same motivation."

So that's when Palermo first became a fan of mine. Back when I was still traveling through Kalos with Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie, I decided to start my own journey as a pokemon performer. I even attended my first showcase at Coumarine City on the day after Ash's gym battle with Ramos. That was also during the time I recently caught Pancham and Delphox was still a Fennekin.

The first theme I participated in was styling. I decorated my Fennekin with a cute red ribbon, white beaded necklace around its little neck and a hat. As we was making our runway, I guess the ribbon was too long and Fennekin accidentally stepped on it and tripped. As a result, we fell in third place and didn't made it to the freestyle stage. It was a huge turning point in my life for that lost motivated me and became the start of my journey as a performer.

The morning after my lost, I cut my hair short and changed my entire outfit, marking a new beginning in my life as a trainer with my own dream and excited about the path I was going.

"Palermo," I started off saying. "I know this is unacceptable and I'm sorry I disappointed you and whatever repercussions I'll face, I will gladly answer to them. But just to let you know, I haven't forgotten why I became a performer. I love making people happy when they see me and my pokemon perform. I will redeem myself at this upcoming master class and become Kalos Queen, no matter what may come in my way."

I was just speaking from the heart at this point. Silence filled the entire section of the cafe. At first, I was expecting some comeback from my mentor at this point. But instead she just sat there and took one final sip from her tea. What was a minute of absolute silence felt like an hour. Once the cup was lowered from her mouth, I noticed the pair of red lips forming a smile.

"Now this is the Serena I admire," she said.


Palermo then stood tall from her seat and looked at both Aria and me. "The same motivation you're displaying to me right now. Perhaps I overreacted about this whole thing, but only because I feared that you was starting to let the fame go to your head. Clearly I was wrong."

Now it was my turn to smile. To think that I saw the day that Palermo actually admits that she was wrong about something.

"I'm expecting memorable performances from you two in a few weeks, so don't let me down," she concluded.

Aria and I nodded as Palermo walked out from the cafe.

"Looks like my days as Kalos Queen are about to be numbered," the current queen stated. "Keyword: about."

"Oh really?" I responded jokily.

"Don't think I'm giving up my crown anytime soon, especially without a fight. You want my title, then you have to come take it from me."

"I wouldn't want it either way."


"Oh. So Serena is the reason why you won our battle," Bonnie said to me.

Serena and I pulled up to the Scatterbug Cafe for her meeting with Palermo. It just so happens that Bonnie was also there as well for breakfast. And since Serena wanted me to wait for her outside, I figure starting a conversation with Bonnie to pass the time. We've talked a lot the pass half hour, including the match we had two days ago, a rematch she has with a trainer this morning and my little sex article with Serena. No surprised Bonnie has seen it herself.

But Bonnie was kind enough to change the subject... to the sexy Greninja outfit Serena wore.

"Who told you about that anyway?" I asked the blonde teen.

"Miette told me after the match."

Miette? She's causing me trouble in my relationship with Serena. Speaking of Serena, I can't even figure out how I'm gonna break the news to her. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt devastated, heartbroken or betrayed. Or all of the above. This is my last day in Kalos before I fly back to Kanto tomorrow morning, so I have to tell her sometime today.

I mean I could fly back to Kanto without saying a word to Serena and let this whole thing between me and Miette died down, but I love Serena and I've already betrayed her. Plus no way in hell I was gonna let her find out in the long run. So its best to tell her now and hopefully fix what little bit of Serena's trust I still have.

"Is... everything alright?" Bonnie asked me.


"I was talking to you and you just spaced out all of a sudden."

"Sorry. I-I'm just worried about Serena. I hope her meeting with Palermo is going okay."

"I hope so too. But what makes you and Serena wanting to have sex in a public place?"


"Matter fact, what are you packing in between your legs?"

"Whoa. What are you doing asking me a question like that?" I asked as my face grew instantly hot.

"I travel around region to region. Word is how you give it to the ladies in the bed."

It's true. I have a reputation of having one night stands with random girls in different regions. It all started when I lost my virginity to my old friend May, who lost hers to Drew, when I visited her in Hoenn. She came to my hotel room after her break up with Drew for comfort and of course, I let her stay with me for the night. Suddenly, things got heated when May and I kissed. I haven't kissed her in years, so it felt so warm and soft.

A/N: there's an old rumor about a banned episode that features Ash and May kissed, but it was never confirmed. So let's just say they did kissed in my fanfic.

Eventually, the kiss excalated further into Kalos kissing and touching before May tries to get my clothes off. She made it quite clear she wanted to have sex with me, but I was still a virgin at the time. However, May did offer to teach me what she knows about sex and how to please a woman in bed. That was the night I lost my virginity.

May is popular in Hoenn, so I guess one thing led to another, word got out and ever since, I'm having one night stands every other week. Protected of course.

"What do you know about sex?" I protested.

"I'm 14. I watch it on the web. Just don't tell Clemont or my dad."

"Then tell me something, Ms. Know-It-All: have you had sex?"


"Exactly. So I would appreciate it if you stay out of my sex life."

"Well, your sex life is now out in the open in Kalos."

"Dedenne (You got that right.)"

"Anyway, are you ready for this big Kanto tournament?" Bonnie asked me. "I heard this year is gonna be an event of a lifetime."

Oh yeah. After everything that happen this week, I completely forgot about the Kanto Championship Tournament. Every once a year, 32 of the strongest Kanto trainers are given an open invitation to compete in this regional tournament, where the winner will be given an opportunity to battle against the Elite Four and the Kanto champion.

It's similar to how trainers must receive eight gym badges from challenging gyms, however there is a catch. In this tournament, The trainers must have a five year experience and won at least one regional league. Last year, I rechallenged the Kanto region and came out victorious, so I have reach the requirements to compete in this year's Kanto Championship Tournament.

"I'm so excited," I answered. "This is gonna be our first championship tournament and we're gonna be the ones to compete against the Elite Four. Right, buddy?"

"Pikachu. (There's no doubt about it.)"

We may sound confident, but honestly, I'm nervous. We're no longer talking about challenging gyms and earning badges. In only a couple of months, I'm gonna be competing against the best of Kanto. So there's no room.for me to be cocky.

"Pika Pi. (Ash.)"

"What is it, buddy?"

"Pika Pikachu. (Serena is coming out of the cafe.)"

I turn around and see Serena stepping out with Palermo and a disguised Aria. I knew that red Jaguar parked three cars down Palermo's stretched white limo looked familiar. Serena said goodbye to Palermo and walked towards my car. By the look on her face, she must had one hell of a meeting.

"How was it baby?" I asked.

"It could have been better."

Only four chapters left, but what's gonna happen now? Will Ash finally confess to Serena about him and Miette? And how will Serena react? Stay tuned for more.


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