Chapter 19

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Feelings is reaching the end of the rope, but there's still a lot that has remain unresolve. So What's going to happen in chapter? Only one way to find out.

Stay tuned

By the way, a special thanks goes out to SXSDUDE for helping me with the chapter.


"Enjoy your macaroons," I handed a customer a basket filled with delicious macaroons exchange for a $10 tip. He's a regular in S&M and I believe he only give me this kind of tip because he wants me to serve him more than macaroons. Not happening, but I'm keeping the $10.

Speaking of S&M, I exhale a breath of air out of exhaustion. Where the hell is Miette? We always open S&M at ten in the morning and its damn well an hour and half pass that. This supposed to be a team effort since we're the only two employees, but she hasn't been very much of a team member lately. Her lunch breaks have been incredibly long lately, messing up on customers' orders and now she has the nerve to not show up? I mean what is going on with Miette?

"Shauna!" It was Miette who just walked through the entrance.

"Look who decided show up," I hissed. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I'm sorry," she started off saying. "I was up all night preparing these new recipes for the menu."

"You could at least call and let me know you would be running late. I had to open up the store by myself. And whats with the long lunch breaks and you messing up customers orders? That's usually not like you."

"I don't know. I guess... its just stress."

"You don't seem like the type to be easily stressed out." I turned my attention to a bag Miette is carrying in her arms. "What's in the bag?" I asked.

"I baked some poke puffs this morning," Miette answered.

"Ah okay," I answered. "Well can I try one?"


"What about you, Ivysaur? Would you like one?"

"Ivysaur. (I would like to try one myself.)"

"But the thing is..." Miette reached in her bag and pulls out a basket. She opens it to show eight plain poke puffs. "...they may look like they're ready, but I haven't finished the decorations."

"But they look good already. What all do you have to do?"

"I find a way to add berries into the frosting instead of just making them toppings. So when I'm finish, I will let you both know."

"Okay." It's too bad I can't try any of the poke puffs. But good things do come to those who wait. "Well, I'll go ahead and set up the topping bar. All of the containers are nearly empty."

"I'll get started on the poke puffs."

It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to try and figure out how to fill up every container of an topping bar. All I had to do is just fill them up with toppings, which took me about five minutes.

Walking back over at the counter, Miette took out a fresh batch of puffs from the oven. They were all puffy, round and everybody can smell them from miles away. My mouth started watering whenever I got closer to the stove.

"Hey, Shauna," Miette called my name. "Have you seen the article about Ash and Serena?"

"You mean the one about them in the park?" I asked.


"I read it last night." I didn't want to talk about this sex scandal Serena got herself in with Ash. I expected something like this from Ash given to his "reputation" with other females, but Serena is a different story. And I'm not just saying this because she's my best friend.

"You must really be bothered by this," Miette responded.

I am. Matter of fact, I'm torn up about this. As a performer, I'm deeply offended by Serena's actions and the way she digged herself in such a hole. But beside all of that, why would Ash put her through such an embarrasing scandal knowing her reputation in Kalos. Now I know I'm not the one to talk since I did asked for a threeway with them a few days, but I'm beginning to wonder is her relationship really is true love or it is just about the sex. I mean Ash is good, but he's not that damn good.

"I don't know how Serena would put herself through this," I responded.

"It's not all Serena's fault," Miette stated. "Ash played a part in this too."

"Oh I know that. But Ash knows about Serena's "Kalos Princess" status and that the master class is only weeks away. Why would he convince her to go through having sex in a public place like that?"

"Is that all that's bothering you about this whole thing?"

"Well as a performer, of course I'm offended. But I know Serena values herself more as a person."

"This coming from the performer who likes to sleeps with guys and girls every other month," Miette fired at me while decorating her puffs with frosting.

"Oh," I laughed. "You're gonna use my once-a-months against me?"

"All I'm saying is Serena got herself into this and now she has to get out of this."


Speaking of Ash and Serena, guest who just walked through the front.

"Hey everybody," Ash hollered out.

"Hey you two," Serena added.

"Hey, Serena. Hi, Ash." Nonetheless, I'm still going to support Serena and stand by her side. So I'm gonna stay out of her relationship. But maybe I can talk to Ash and let him be aware of my concern about this whole sex scandal mess. "So what brings you both by?" Miette asked.

"Well we thought with everything going on, we could taste some poke puffs and macaroons," Serena answered.

"Plus I skipped breakfast getting Serena to her meeting with Palermo," Ash replied.

"We were at the Scatterbug Cafe. Why didn't you get anything then?"

"Okay. Enough of all that. So what can we get for you two?"

"For me, I'll have the twelve basket macaroons," Ash ordered.

"And I'll take the 10 oz strawberry cheesecake to go," Serena ordered.

"Okay. That comes to a total of $21:73 and your orders will be ready in 20 minutes."

"Well while my cake is baking, I'm gonna go make a surprise visit at my store. Coming, Ash?"

"Actually, Serena," I started off saying. "I was hoping Ash could stay. See, our milkshake processor is on the frits and we was wondering could Ash take a look at it."

"Sure. I just need some tools though," Ash answered.

"We got plenty of tools in the back," Miette suggested. "And as for your payment, Shauna and I will spray some whipped cream on your dick and take turns sucking the cream off."

"Huh?" That statement made Ash jump out of his shoes and frankly he wasn't the only one. I look at Serena and she was freaking out.

"Relax everybody," my crazy partner giggled. "I was just teasing.

"It sure don't sound like you be joking half of the time," Ash fired back.

"We're just in need of a man who is great with hands." Miette step up her teasing by stroking the top of Ash's palms right in front of Serena. "Right, Serena? You should know."

"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!" Serena screamed.

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "On the real though, I'm glad you two are here because I really want to you both."

After seeing that article about Ash and Serena last night, an intervention needs to be in order for these two. I need some closure about the status in this relationship, but I'm gonna be the supporting friend and just fall back a little.

"Is it about the article?" Serena asked sadly. "Cause I don't need that right now."

"Hold on. I wouldn't brought it up if I wasn't concern."

"Concern?" Ash asked. "What for? We got ourselves into this mess, Shauna."

"I know and that's why I'm concern. What made you two decide to expose yourselves like that?"

"It was my idea, Shauna," Ash answered. "I thought it would be a way to show the world our love for one another, but now that I think about it, probably not my best idea."

"It's your worst idea."

"Thanks, Serena. But I will take full responsibility on whatever damage I put on both of our reputations."

Wow. Of all the years I've known Ash, this is probably the first time I seen such levels of maturity from him. Maybe I was a little too judgemental on them.

"Okay," I nodded. "I'm just worried about you guys. I'm sorry if I was nosy."

"That's okay, Shauna," Serena voiced out. "You're a true friend. Well I'm gonna go visit my store. I'll be back to pick up the cake."


The long walk to my store was awkward. That article on the blogs did a lot more than just put my reputation on the line. For one thing, it brought me some unwanted attention, mainly from guys. I usually received praised and fans circling around me on a daily basis. But ever since last night, now when people see me, they started whispering to one another in their ears and I would have guys try to even push themselves on me. But thankfully, I have my Pyroar for protection.

But at least I have the people working at my store. Speaking of which...

"Hey everyone," I announced walking in, signaling four of the five employees to stop what they were doing and run towards me. They were all girls and I hired them myself because they were all students at this fashion school. I walked up to the counter and approach a young woman with straight blue hair, wearing a pair of reading glasses on her face and wearing the latest dress from my brand. I can't really describe the color, but I think it's a mixture of purple and navy blue with designs to match the multicolored scales of my Elegent pattern Vivillon.

"Miss Serena," the manager Erica said. "It's so good to see on such short notice."

"Well I figure I check up on you guys. So what's been selling good?"

"Well we've got a variety of best sellers. From the Sylveon pink boots, the Meowstic blue scarf, and the fabric pink dress right here."

I was surprised by the sales of my fabric pink dress. I made it to represent the first time I met Ash at Professor Oak's pokemon summer camp and it was my favorite one from the entire brand. So for it to become a best seller really came as a shock.

"I never thought I would sell so many dresses in one day," I voiced out.

"What can I say? People love you."

"Oh yeah, Erica. I wanted to ask you about something."

"What is it?"

"Here's the thing: I was planning on making a surprised visit to the staff at the factory where they make all the products, but I don't want them to noticed me just yet. So I was wondering you could help me disguise myself so I wouldn't get recognized."

"Sure. I would be honored to."

"That's great. Thanks, Erica."

The conversation between Erica and me was soon interrupted by my phone ringing. I pulled it out my pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Shauna who was calling me.

"Shauna," I answered my phone. "I told you I was visiting my store. My cake is ready? Okay, I'll be there in five minutes. By the way, how is Ash doing?"


"Ash is doing an amazing job," I answered Serena's question on the other end of the phone. "He fixed the milkshake processor and now he's in the back with Miette..."


I stopped talking on the phone and witnessed two customers, one of them owning an Aipom and another owning a Fennekin, getting soaked by the processor.

"Serena, I got to go." I hanged up the phone and ran to the two. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah," the male customer answered. "I think theres something wrong with This machine or something."

"We pulled on the lever and the machine just started spraying us," the female customer added.

"I'm so sorry you two. I thought it was fixed, but clearly is not. You don't have to pay for the milkshakes. They are on the house and we will get this fixed."

I walked to the back to find Ash. He was supposed to fix the milkshake machine, but apparently he did the total opposite and made it worst.

"Ash! You did not fix that processor. Where are you?"

Sucking noises filled the entire back of S&M and the noises grew louder the closer I got to the storage closet. Pressing my ear against the door, the sucking noises was coming from behind the door, followed by moaning. I open the door and find Ash standing with his pants down on his feet and a topless Miette on her knees performing a fellatio on him.


"Shauna!" They both screamed while scattering around and putting their clothes on.

"What the hell is going on?" I fired, demanding an explanation.

"Listen... Shauna, it's not... it's not... it's not what it looks like," Ash said pulling his jeans up, stuttering on his words.

"So you're saying I didn't just walked in with your dick in Miette's mouth?" I hissed.

"I thought I would give him a proper thank you for helping around," Miette replied trying to sound innocent.

"Don't bullshit me, Miette. Besides, Mr. Good-With-His-Hands didn't fix the milkshake machine. Has this been going on all week?"

"Shauna, I know it looks bad, but..."

"But nothing, Ash. I will not stand around and let you backstab Serena like this." I walked out of there with the tendency to report this to Serena.

"Shauna, hold up."

I look behind and see Ash following me, but I continued walking out of S&M as if he wasn't.

"Shauna. Wait a minute." Ash grabbed my arm.

"LET GO OF ME!!" I yelled pushing him off me.

"Just hold on. I was gonna tell Serena about this and the other two times."

"Other two times? So this happen before?" I shouldn't be surprised since this is Ash we're talking about and he has a reputation for having sex with girls as long as a repeat offender's criminal record. But the bottom line is Serena loves this man. I had my suspicions about this relationship since that article, but this is far enough. I'm putting my foot down.

"You're an asshole, Ash Ketchum," I scuffed under my breath. "And I'm telling Serena."

"Tell me what?"



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