Chapter 20

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A/N: No new chapter next week because final exams are next week for me, followed by my birthday being on the first of May. But the good news, this means that next Friday will be my last day and another college semester for me will be a wrap. Plus, Instead of just putting out one chapter, I've decided to published both the last two chapters on the same day. Exciting, right?

In the meantime, Enjoy Chapter 20 and see you guys in two weeks.


"Tell me what?"


Just when I thought my situation couldn't get any worst. And talk about timing too. Standing in front of me and walking back from visiting her store was Serena. Judging by her confused face, she must have overheard Shauna.

"What's going on?" Serena asked. "And why did you call Ash an asshole, Shauna?"

Damn, she heard that too? Now there was no reason to wait for tonight. Shauna eyes stared sharply at me and with a frown so long, her facial expression was screaming out to me: Either you tell her or I will.

"Will one of you two just tell me what the hell is going on?" Serena was growing impatient. Compared to Shauna, Serena's frown was more of a pout. Her cheeks were puffing up with three blush marks on each side and batted eyebrows. It makes more disgusted with myself knowing in just a few moments, I may lose this beautiful young woman. Serena's facial expression suddenly slowly disappear from her face.

"Wait a minute," she said. "Is there... something going on with you two?

"WHAT? NO!" Shauna flustered. "I'm not the one having sex with Ash behind your back."

OH DAMN!! It's too late now. The jig is up.

"What?" Serena's eyes was locked on me, waiting for an answer. "Ash, what is Shauna talking about?"


Ash had nowhere to run. He was trap and there was only one way out of this mess. He just hopes the truth doesn't set him free to being single. Ash took a deep breath and got ready to speak.

"Serena," Ash started off. "I have a confession to make."

The blue eyed performer was all ears. However, there was a part of her that really wants this to be some kind of mistake and Ash isn't cheating on her like Shauna is claiming.

"It's true," he muffled. "I've been having sex with Miette two days ago. And Shauna walked in on us not to while ago. I was gonna tell you the first time it happen, but things went out of control."

Words can't describe the kind of emotion Serena is feeling at this moment. She was just standing there, swallowing everything Ash just threw at her and was on the verge of throwing up. For the pass week, Serena dated the man of her dreams because she loves him and believed he returned his feelings. But all this time, the performer realized there was more to Ash than she thought. This grand championship tournament she knew nothing about in Kanto, his reputation with other females, and now that he's a cheater.

Serena's expression suddenly changed into anger. With her fists balled up, she walked pass Ash and Shauna without saying a single word.

"Serena?" Her best friend cried out. "Where are you going?"

"Serena," Ash called out. But the honey hair female didn't respond to them and just kept walking. The speed in her pacing increase to the point that even Pyroar couldn't keep up with her trainer. Serena made her stop at S&M, standing outside of the window. She watches Miette serving two customers before walking in the back. Perfect. Once she was convince nobody was paying attention, she walks in the restaurant and takes full speed to the back.

Miette was busy baking a cake for an order when she heard the kitchen door opening. She turned her head and finds Serena standing.

"Serena?" The blue headed baker went. "What are you doing? This is reserved for me and Shauna. You're not supposed to be back here."

"And you're not supposed to sleep with your friend's man, but you did anyway," Serena fired back.

"What are you talking about?" Miette asked, still playing the innocent card.

"Don't fuck with me. "Shauna told me how she walked in on you and Ash and I find out you had sex with him twice already, YOU WHORE!

Without even thinking, Serena charged up and punches Miette square in the face. The impact was so random and came out of nowhere, the female baker didn't even have a chance to react. No need to act all innocent now. As a counterstrike, Miette grabs a blender and tossed whatever contact was in it at Serena. It was a mixture of milk, berries and cream.

Once Serena was unable to see, her rival came charging at her and got in her a chokehole. The fight was followed by hair-pulling, punches, and name calling. Slurpuff, Miette's male Meowstic and Pyroar just stood back and try to get their trainers to stop fighting, but to little success. Bowls and berries were free falling from the counter and onto the ground. The noise was so loud that even the customers wanna know what's going on.

Ash and Shauna, who ran back to the store, heard all the fuss going on. They rushed to the back and find the girls wrestling around on the floor.

"SERENA!" Ash yelled. "GET OFF!!"

"STOP THE FIGHTING!!" Shauna added, grabbing Miette. With Ash getting a hold of Serena, he and the dark skinned performer successfully pull the two young woman apart.

"THE BITCH ATTACKED ME FIRST!!" Miette hollered. In response, Serena throws one last punch at her, knocking her off her feet.

"Serena, enough."

"LET ME GO!!" She screamed, pushing Ash off of her. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!"

"I was just trying to help," he replied.


"Listen. Serena, I'm sorry. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"But you already did that. By sleeping with Miette."

"We just fucked. We didn't sleep together."

"And that makes things okay?"

"No. But I'm hoping I could repair the damage I caused in our relationship."

"Oh yeah?" Without a warning, Serena picks up her cake and through it at the face of her might be ex-boyfriend. "That's the start."

Serena ran out with tears running down her face as her Pyroar follow her trainer. Ash grabs a few paper towels and rubbed the strawberries, cake and frosting off his face and ran after her. Meanwhile, Shauna stayed behind with a beat up Miette who continues to spit out blood.


"Hi. This is Serena. I can't get to phone, but leave a message and hopefully, I'll get back with you."

Straight to voicemail...again. I thought Serena would be mad, but she was straight up furious. Attacking Miette like that and throwing a cake at my face? And it just came out of the oven too, so it was hot. The only thing that calmed it down was the frosting.

I searched everywhere in the mall for Serena, but no luck. So I figure she went back to her house, but To my surprise, she wasn't and the only proof I needed was to pull up to find her red Buick missing from the driveway. After driving all over Lumiose City for Serena, I've reached a dead end and I think the relationship has too.

"Any sign of Serena, buddy?" I asked Pikachu.

"Pika. (I don't see her anywhere.)"

I really did it this time. Just thinking about it makes me even more disgusted with myself. Shauna was right. I am an asshole.


My phone. I quickly picked it up, thinking it could be Serena.

"Serena?" I answered. "I'm glad you finally got my message."

"Serena? Ash, it's me."

Oh. My smile faded away hearing Bonnie's voice on the other line.

"Oh," I responded. "I thought you was Serena."

"Serena's not with you?"

"No." I didn't want everyone poking their nose in our business, but what choice do I have at this point? Bonnie is like a little sister to Serena. Maybe I asked [Bonnie] to call [Serena] and find out where she's at. So I filled Bonnie with all the details that has been going on and of course she would be mad about this too.

"...and I haven't seen her after that whole fiasco," I finished. "She's not answering my calls. Straight to voicemail."

"Well what do you expect?" Bonnie hissed. "Ash, you're her everything and right now, she is feeling heartbroken and betrayed by the one person she trust."

"I know, but what can I do?"

"Don't just sit around there. You remember what happen when she was practicing for her second showcase and things went wrong?"

Bonnie's words are cutting deep inside me. It was years ago, but after she lost her very first showcase, Serena already got to work and began practicing for the next one, but it was a disaster. Her pokemon started fighting and she ended up getting burn by a flamethrower in the process. After which, she ran off and no one has seen her for the rest of the day. Forget worry, I'm paranoid now. I don't know if it's guilt or my mind playing tricks or both, but I'm picturing Serena driving around Lumiose City until coming to a complete stop before taking off full speed and colliding with a tree.

It may sounds like I'm exacerbated, but think about it. Serena goes missing if her showcase practice doesn't go well. If anything happens to Serena, I don't know how I will live with myself. I gotta find her and fast.

"What should I do?" I asked the blonde girl over the phone.

"Find Serena and fix it."

Bonnie's right. There's no time to waste. I got to find my girl and fix this.


I went back to the house just for a brief moment to get my car since I figured that would be the one place Ash would try and find me. After an hour of driving to gather my thoughts, I stopped at my mom's house back in Vaniville Town. I can tell she was home because her Rhyhorn was outside. I don't know how I can face her now. She tried to warn me about this, but I didn't listen.

I was so blindly in love with the one person I trust my heart and my body with, only to find out he goes out cheating on me. But it wasn't just the whole Miette situation. Turns out I wasn't the only one Ash has been fucking with. Ash has a reputation for being in countless sexual relationships before we both began dating one another this week. But now that I looked at this whole thing, I wouldn't classify at it as dating now.

It hurts me to realized the Ash I know is now nothing more than a fuckboy who enjoys using girls for his own selfish sexual wants. This was the kind of thing my mom was trying to tell me, but I love Ash so much I went and spread my legs for him anyway. I even found myself in a sex scandal with him and I thought that was embarrasing.

I never felt so disgusted, ashamed and humiliated of myself in all my life. All of a sudden, all my emotions just boiled over and I started crying in my car with Delphox, Pancham and Sylveon in the car with me.

"Delphox Del Delphox. (Serena, it will be alright.)

"Cham Pancham Pan. (We still love you no matter what.)"

"Sylveon Syl. (And we always will.)"

I love my pokemon and I really appreciate them comforting me, but this isn't like how I lost my very first showcase. All of a sudden, I exited the car and started throwing up. My Pokemon got out and continued to comfort me. My knees gave out and I fell down on all fours. Just thinking about Ash screwing around with countless of women just made me sick to my stomach.


I look up and see a familiar figure standing above me.



I didn't want to listen to my mother tell me she told me so, but who else can I turn to? She warned me about this from the start. So for the next hour, we sat down and drank tea as I tell her everything that was going on.

"...and That's how I ended up here," I finished still in tears. I expect my mom scream 'I told you so' straight in my face. But she just sat there. "Mom?"

"Hmm?" She muffled.

"Well? Go ahead and say it."

"Say what?"

"That you told me so."

"No, Serena. I'm not going to do that. Look, I don't have anything against Ash. I just don't think he's expressing his love for you in a way that's healthy."

"And you was right too. How could Ash betrayed me like that? I shared him something that I can't take back because I love him and I see a future with him."

More tears began running down my face and landing inside my tea cup. I don't know how I could bounce back from this. The craziest thing about this whole thing is I still love Ash despite all his mistakes and I still want to someday be his wife.

"Look. The reason I said those things to you because I knew this would come to this. You two are way inexperience for a serious relationship."

"So what should I do now?"

"End this relationship, Serena. That's all I have to say about this."

My mom may sound calm, but I know deep down inside she wants to find him and rip his head off his body. And of course she's telling me that I should just get up and leave. But I feel as if there's still some questions that have yet to be answered. I gotta confront Ash about this.


And there you have it. Probably didn't do as good of a job as I expected, but like I said at the top of the story, I've got finals next week, so the next chapter will be out in two weeks.

Now that the truth is out, what do you think Serena should do? Should she forgive Ash and work it out, or will it be the end for amourshipping? Tell me what you guys think and I'll be back in two weeks with the conclusion of Feelings. And stay tuned because I have an important announcement to share on the same day.


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