Chapter 4

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I have a big night ahead of me. Today I'm getting ready to open a storefront for my clothing line in Lumiose City, just west from the newly build squares mall. It will be the first store for my line. I usually sell my clothes online, but they have gotten so popular I've decided to make it official and open the store. I'm so excited and yet so frightening at the same time.

It's 30 minutes pass noon now and the grand opening is in less than eight hours. It may sounds like a lot of time, but there's a lot to do and it's much harder than planning a little kid's birthday party. I've got clothes that are being shipped in today, furniture coming in, I still have to do some last minute repairs, paint the place, the floor needs to be replace. There's just a lot to do I'm stressed out.

"Serena." I shot my head to the right and see my best friend Shauna and her pokemon Ivysaur running and waving towards me.

"Shauna." She finally reached me and pull me into a hug and I hugged her back. "You made it. Nice to see you again."

"Good to see you too."

Shauna is my best friend next to Bonnie and Ash. She's about three or four feet shorter than me with brown hair that's free from its ponytail and into an afro and small c-sized breasts. Like me, she's very fashionable. Today she's wearing clothes from my clothing line which includes a dark pink shirt underneath a black jacket, blue denim shorts and dark blue heels. She sure loves to exposed her legs in anyway she can.

Our history goes way back when we were both attending Professor Sycamore's summer camp. Shauna first knew me after seeing my PokeVision video and she became a fan. We met face to face the following week and ever since then, we immediately hit it off. Ever since summer camp, we become sisters. We hang out, go on shopping sprees, talk about guys, making PokeVision videos, baking Poke Puffs, shit we're even both top class performers with the same goal of becoming the next Kalos Queen. I'm surprised that didn't get in the way of our friendship.

"All set?" She asked me. "Are you ready to open up your first storefront?"

"You bet," I responded. "And with your help, it's gonna be a night to remember."

"Now you're talking."

For the pass hour, Shauna, Ash and I along with our pokemon were getting the place strengthen up for tonight. The clothes and the furniture still coming in as well as getting snacks and drinks ordered. I was still a bit nervous about the whole thing. This is my first store and I'm just worried. Am I rushing things or dreaming a bit too big? No, I wouldn't even be here if I didn't have the love and support from my family, friends, and fans.

We had already finished painting and was now doing some last minute cleaning while we were waiting for the furniture and the clothes to come. This also give us a good chance to wait for the paint to dry. Shauna and I were sweeping up the marble floor.

"Hey ladies," Ash called out. "The trash is getting pretty full. Pikachu, Greninja and I are gonna take this stuff out."

I sweep the last bit of trash into the dustpan that Shauna is holding. I was so focusing on getting this place ready for tonight I paid little attention to how Shauna bent her body so her ass was just inches away from Ash's crotch. She walked over to the trash bag and dump the dustpan into the bag before Ash tied it up. Once he and his pokemon left, Shauna and I decided to take a little break.

"You want some water?" I offered.

"Yeah. Toss me one." I tossed Shauna a Dasani water bottle after she returned her Ivysaur back in her pokeball to rest. This gives me a good chance to talk to her since we didn't talk for about two weeks now.

"For the record, I saw you," I responded.

"Saw what?" Shauna asked.

"When you was holding that dustpan, you had your ass almost touching Ash's lower region."

Shauna laughed and respond that she has no idea what I was talking about. But I know her way more than she thinks. Ever since she lost her virginity to Trevor a year ago, Shauna became a bit of a slut. She have this once a month plan which involves her sleeping with one guy for the night. Speaking of which...

"How was this once a month fling?" I asked.

"He was...okay," she answered. Uh oh? I could tell the tone in her voice that it wasn't all that exciting. "This guy was a decent size at six inches. Plus he's cute and has a nice little body. But when I gave him head and he came in my mouth, his dick decreased in size and it took me twenty minutes to get him hard again. So I knew he was a virgin."


"On top of all that, after the night, he keeps calling me and calling me, asking me when we're gonna meet up again. So I ignore him and he finally stopped blowing me up."

"sorry to hear that."

"But enough about me." Shauna stood tall and got close right in her face. "I wanna know about you. Did you finally tell Ash your feelings?"

I felt my face heat up a little before taking a deep breath. "Yes I did. yesterday."

Shauna squealed with joy. "Amazing. You finally told him."

Even though there's no one around, I was still embarrassed. She's jumping and squealing up and down I swear any higher and she would have hit her head on the roof.

"Will you stop?" I hissed at her.

Shauna doesn't seem to hear me, but at least I got her to stop all that shrieking and jumping she's doing. "Okay, I want all the details on what happened yesterday and you know me. I don't take no for an answer."

"Fine," I responded. Since Ash was still outside, I filled Shauna's head with everything that happened since yesterday. From me offering to let Ash staying with me, my plan of seducing him to him and us having sex all day yesterday and again this morning. The only detail I left out was Ash's big manhood. If Shauna find out Ash's seven inch cock and how he can come more than once in one take, she would be on my ass for at least her next once a month fling.

"You two must really brought it cause I can smell Ash's cologne all over you," she responded with a few pink blush marks on her face. My face, on the other hand, was as red as a tomato.

"How was it, Serena?"

Now my face was boiling red. I was so red to the point that smoke was coming out. Just thinking about the magical sensation I felt when I was having my fun with Ash all day yesterday and rekindling that feeling again this morning. But before I could answer to my friend, I gasped and started pulling down on my skirt.

"What's wrong?" Shauna called out after seeing me tensed up. "Are you okay?"

"Oh I'm fine. Really." I was lying. Before we left the house, Ash made me wear this tiny egg vibrator inside my pussy and he kept the remote in his pocket. Without warning, the vibrator went up a setting.

"AHHH," I screamed before kneeling down to the ground. I was holding my skirt down trying.


"Oh yeah. It must be something I at this morning."

All of a sudden, the annoying buzzing inside my lower region faded away. That was also the same time Ash walked in the room.

"Hey ladies, I'm back," he said. Looking up at him, I just wanna knock that smile off his face.

"Ash, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Is there a pro..."

"NOW!!" I pulled him to the back all the way inside the small storage space.

"What's up?"

"Why did you turn my vibrator on like that? I don't want Shauna to see me in this embarrasing position."

Ash chuckled before reaching down in his pocket again. My eyes shot wide open I thought they would pop out. "Maybe I wanted a small audience," he responded before turning my vibrator on again.

I dropped down on my knees again and covered my mouth, trying to keep from making moans that Shauna could hear. But Ash is making it impossible. More moans escaped my mouth as Ash was on his knees. He reached over and pulled up skirt to see the vibrator drilling my pussy and being held by my panties.

"Wow, you're really wet down here," Ash stated.

"Don't look at it," I protested. "It's embarrasing."

Ash grabs the vibrator and thrusts it in and out of my pussy, treating it like it was a dildo. My moans turn into groans continue escaping my mouth that I didn't see Ash's face closed up in mine. "You know, I heard everything you was telling Shauna about us," he said in my ear making my face turning red again. "So I really make you feel good, huh?"

All I did was nod slowly as the vibrator turned off. "You make me I'm the only girl in the world."

"Well since we're alone, why don't we take advantage of this?"


"Right now?"

"Yeah," I answered before pulling Serena into a lip locking session. She didn't hesitate to kiss me back. Her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands was all over on her waist. Serena then took the kissing to a new level by adding her tongue in my mouth. I followed and before long, our tongues were doing their little signature dance. During that time, Serena was playing with the zipper on my jacket before pulling it down. I took the hint and yanked the jacket off my arms.

Serena then traced down to my denim pants and pulls them and my boxers down, exposing my seven inch dick. I started moaning once Serena started giving me a hand job.

"Wow you're really hard already," Serena giggled. "I must turn you on a lot since yesterday."

"You turn me on everytime I lay eyes on you," I said.

After playing with my dick in her hands for a few more minutes, Serena took my manhood in her mouth.

Moans continue escaping my mouth as Serena bobbed her head up and down. Sometimes she would take my dick out so she could kiss and lick on the outside. On occasions, she loves to spit on it. More moans escape my mouth as well as those sucking noises Serena is making. We were making so much noise we ignore that the door to the storage room or closet or whatever and someone walked inside.

"Serena, the fu..."

Both our heads shot up to see Shauna standing right above us. Her green eyes were wide open at the sight of seeing me with my dick exposed, her best friend wearing nothing but my jacket doing very little to cover naked self and her mouth just inches from my lower region.

"SHAUNA!!" Serena sat up and wrapped my jacket around her body. Her face was so red Serena looked like she was on fire. "How are have you been standing there?"

"Well I tried calling you to tell you that two guys have brought the furniture is here, but you didn't respond."

"Okay. Tell them to wait. I'll be out in a minute."

Once Shauna left, Serena tossed my jacket back and put her clothes back on. I pulled my pants back up and we both walked to the front. There were two males and behind them are two Machokes, both of them were holding two white lounge chairs.


After the furniture arrived, the shipping of clothes came and I didn't waist a single second getting those up on the racks. Just one dress needs to be up and it's my favorite from my entire line. It's a pink fabric dress with dark red stitching on the hem, followed by a straw hat with a pink ribbon that goes with the dress. This dress was similar to the dress I wore the first time I met Ash. I even have one in plastic back at my house hanging in my closet.

"And there," I said hanging the dress up on a rack.

"So we're finally done?" Ash yelled out.

"Yes, we are done." I looked around and couldn't help but be proud of myself. The store is filled with clothes and ready for tonight.

"Thank God," Shauna responded. "Cause if I have to lift up one more chair..." I walked over to a mini fridge and tossed Ash and Shauna a water bottle before pouring all of the pokemon a cup of water themselves.

"Hey you guys," I rang. "I really want to thank you guys for helping me."

"No problem Serena."

"Yeah. It's nothing."

In just a few hours, my store will be open for business. I still couldn't believe this. Most pokemon performers wouldn't have make this far. But it takes hard work and determination to get to where I'm at now.

"Hey Serena," Shauna called out. "After tonight, you're gonna give Valerie a run for her money."

The entire room was filled with laughter. But Shauna did have a point about one thing. Nothing or no one is going to ruin this night for me.


Little did the trio know, somewhere just a few hundred feet above her head, three familiar faces was spying on her boyfriend Ash and his partner Pikachu. I think we all know who we're talking about. But while two of them had their eyes on capturing Pikachu, their female friend/co-worker was focusing more on something else that caught her eye.

"Of all the stupid," Jessie growled. Inside their infamous hot air balloon with Meowth's face, Jessie was watching Serena being interviewed at a life talk show along with her pokemon. During the interview, there were previous clips of Serena pass performances as well as her walking down numerous runways for Valerie.

"I should be the one with all that fame and glory," Jessie added. "That twerpette doesn't know a thing about fashion. Who does she think she is?"

"Any who," James said changing the subject. "With her big grand opening tonight, this will give us a good chance to steal Pikachu."

"Yeah," Their talking Meowth added. "We'll sneak in and be out of there before the twerps even noticed with all those people inside her store."

"NOT SO FAST!!" Jessie screamed sending fear into her friends. This was something that's not new to them.

"What blew you?"

"We're going to crash the twerpette's little grand opening and teach the people of Kalos a lesson or two about the true eye in fashion."

"But what happened to going after Pikachu?" James protected. It's no surprised that Team Rocket failed countless times to capture Ash's Pikachu and when they did, it would always end badly for them. But every single time whether they did or not, they always get blasted off. But that doesn't mean anything when it comes to Jessie and her ego.

"Pikachu can wait another time," she responded. "When I was a performer, I gave the audience something really worth watching. To my adoring fans, I was beauty times twenty-three. The crowd loves me and the sooner that talentless twerpette and you two know that, the sooner the world will see."

"And that will never be."

"Still, while we're at it, let's go ahead and swooped up many pokemon while we can," Meowth said. "Let's not just settle for only Pikachu."

Jessie was holding one of the fabric dresses from Serena's clothing line before letting it be one with the wind. "These knock offs the twerpette made means nothing."

Team Rocket blasted off and was now leaving to start planning for tonight.

"Times flies."

"Away to the skies."

"Bye bye."


And...done. Finally. Sorry for the long delayed. I've just started school and things are already getting crazy for me being a college student. But the number of reads and votes I've been getting has been really motivating for me. Thank you all so much and I will be back with the fifth chapter. In the meantime, swing over to fanfiction and read some of my stories over there and stay tuned.


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