Chapter 5

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Amazing. The grand opening is in an hour and there's already a huge line forming outside the store. I would go back and show Serena, but I forgot she's in the back handling some "business" with Ash.

I was cleaning up the store more when I saw those trucks that carries furniture. I went to the back to alert Serena and that's when I find her on all fours and Ash laying on the floor. Serena was wearing Ash's jacket and it was zipped down completely exposing her naked body. Ash had his pants and boxers pulled down that exposed his seven inch manhood. Now I see why Serena didn't mentioned it to me, after seeing how big Ash was.

"Shauna." I looked up and there was Serena wearing a two-tone yellow and red party dress and a pair of red heels.

"Well there you are," I said seeing Ash standing right beside her. "You got a huge crowd outside already."

The two walked out the window and saw the huge line. The moment Serena walked outside the line erupt with applause. I follow them and see that the line is filled with performers, fans, some with boyfriends to carry their bags and even some guys who like to dress up like women. Hey, we don't discriminate. We treat everyone fairly and equal.

"Wow," Ash stated. "You have so many fans, Serena."

I looked over at Serena and see she was nervous. Her arms was shaking and Serena was looking down to the ground.


There was just so much going in my mind about tonight. I've already went over budget on this store by spending up to $100,000 and another twenty grand on furniture, lighting and new floors. I would have saved a lot if the realtor who sold me the place wasn't such an asshole and a total perv. Always trying to make a move on me whenever I have my back turned. Once I signed on the dotted line (after carefully reading it), he offer to pay for a clean up crew if I slept with him and obviously I said no before I send Delphox out and attacked him with flamethrower.

"Serena." I look up to see my friend Shauna standing just right beside me. "This store will be successful," she told me. "You're gonna be wonderful."

I was still nervous, but at least I have Shauna there by my side as well as my team and of course Ash. I look down at Panchum and Sylveon who has one of her ribbons around my arms and then I looked at Delphox. My first ever pokemon that I trained since I got her when she was a Fennekin.

"Serena," I look up to see Ash and of course Pikachu on his shoulder. "Don't worry. Whatever happens, we will be right here by your side."

I nod at Ash's words. He's right. I have the best of friends, the best boyfriend and the perfect team of strong pokemon. I got on my knees so I can hugged my partners. They all were right. Tonight is my night and I'm going to make the best out of it.


"The store isn't open yet," I rang before turning my head towards the front.

"But what about us?"

Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder to meet up with a Dedenne and a Chespin before a small blonde girl ran up to me and hugged me. A young, blonde male walked inside followed her.


It's been a long time since I last saw or even heard from Bonnie. Last time I heard from Clemont she was the Lumiose gym leader now and sometimes she would either be at Prism Tower or on another journey. Speaking of Clemont...

"Clemont," I said as he was in front of me. "So Good to see you." Bonnie pulled away so I could hugged her brother. I also gave him a small peck on the cheek. Nothing serious. Keep your comments to yourself.

"I know it's been a while," Clemont responded. He soon turned his attention to Ash. I know they haven't seen each other in a while.

"So Clemont," Ash said. "How are your inventions coming along?"

When we travel with Clemont, his inventions would always ending up blowing up. But over the years, he's really getting better with them. In fact, his inventions are so good that regions have hired him to come up with blueprints for pokemon centers, schools, gyms, college campuses just about everywhere. So when Bonnie was 13, she took the roll of being the gym leader.

"Actually they're coming out really well," Clemont responded to Ash's question. "I even hired to help a coordinator from Sinnoh with her new store."

"Wow that's great. Well I'm proud of you Clemont," I said.

"So Bonnie, you're in charged of the Lumiose gym now?" Ash asked Bonnie.

"Uh-Huh," Bonnie responded. "And check this out." Bonnie then stick her left arm out and showed us her key stone that I styled myself with a platinum loop to make it look like a bracelet.

Yes! A key stone that helps a pokemon mega evolve. But I already knew about her key stone and the fact that her Electivire can mega evolve, but of course Ash didn't.

"Is that a key stone?" He asked.

"Uh-Huh. You are looking at the Lumiose gym leader who has a pokemon that can mega evolve."

"Hey Ash. You should see her battle," I suggested. "Cause she's really amazing."

"Is that so?" Ash asked. "Well maybe sometime this week while I'm staying in Kalos, we can finally have that pokemon battle you wanted." Before there was anymore conversation, I look up at the clock and see the big hand on the eight. In other words, its time for the grand opening. Well here we go. Its show time.


The moment I walked out of the store, the entire line was erupted with applause at the sight of my appearance. My ears was filled with loud cheering, clapping and so many people yelling "We love you Serena" or "You're my idol" or "I'm a huge fan." I even heard this one guy screaming "You are so fucking sexy" at me. Probably one of my crazed male fans. All I did was waved back and in some cases I blew kisses at the crowd.

I stood behind a big red ribbon and a microphone that was in front of the store and find a pair of gold scissors laying right beside me.

Ash, Shauna, Bonnie and Clemont all joined front row of the crowd. I sent out my Vivian, Delcatty and Meowstic out of their pokeballs to join Delphox, Panchum and Sylveon with me. I took a deep breath and after which, I stepped up to the might. I had to tapped the microphone a couple of times so I can be sure it was on.

"Hello? Can you hear me okay?" The crowd applaud again to confirm my answer. After that little Mic check, I open my mouth and begin speaking.

"As you all know by now, I'm Serena and I'm a performer."


"Over the years as a performer, I was one of Valerie's Furisode Girls and modeled for her clothing lines. A couple of years later, I've decided to parted ways with her to start my own line. It all started with just making sample pieces and only performers like myself and my friend Shauna wore. I mean you asked me for them then but they wasn't really worth wearing. The sizing was all wrong, the prints was uneven and the clothes itches like crazy."

My little compliments was awarded with some laughter from the crowd.

"But eventually I learned more about designing clothes and started selling them online and the clothing became so popular, tonight will be the grand opening of its first store."

The crowd cheered even louder than before. My friends were cheering, my Pokemon and so was Ash and I know that he's not into fashion. Tears started running down my face, but not in sadness but with joy.

"Delphox, Panchum, Sylveon, Delcatty, Meowstic and Vivillon," I called out to my team with tears in my eyes. "Thank you guys so much for being the best partners I ever have. Shauna, you was probably my first ever real friend. Clemont, your inventions help and hurt me in so many ways, but thank you anyway."

Clemont just blushed and giggled in embarrassment. "Bonnie, you are like a little sister to me." Finally my head turned to Ash who was standing right in front of me with his usual confident expressions he gives out. That's the expression that kept me on my feet through my ups and downs.

"Ash, you always told me to never give up. You really are the No. 1 person who kept my head up."

I kept my message of Ash short and simple. The last thing I need is my fans and the blogs getting up all in my personal life. I grabbed the scissors and got ready to cut the red ribbon.



A powerful leech seed attack came out of nowhere and just cause an explosion all over on the crowd. The entire area was filled with smoke and everybody --- trainers and their pokemon --- was blinded by the thick smoke and all of them was coughing after getting some of it in their lungs. Serena was coughing so much that she ending up dropping the scissors onto the floor.

"Where did that came from?" Serena asked. All of a sudden, a red carpet rolls out of nowhere and right through the crowd, who just moved to the side. The red carpet stopped only just inches away from Serena.

Lights were dimmed as a Wobbuffet begins walking down the carpet wearing some kind of school girl's uniform which includes a white top and a wig that's in two long ponytails with yellow ribbon abstentions.

Coming down the carpet next is a Gourgeist wearing a red hat, a multicolor dress and it's appendages was being hold in place by small ribbons just like Wobbuffet. During their little runway, the audience was watching but not in the way the Pokemon was hoping for.

Serena's friends walked up towards her all thinking about the same question. "Serena, is this part of the show?" The brunette asked her best friend.

"No," Serena responded for she was confused about this as well. "I don't know what's going on."

"Their clothes are so dull," Shauna responded. The only person who thought otherwise was Bonnie who found the clothes to be cute. A minute later, an Inkay walking (or floating) down the runway wearing various clothes that are as dull as the first two. The crowd was now hasty and started throwing insults at them.

Throughout the entire runway the crowd was getting very envious. They didn't came here to see some terrible line. They came here because of Serena and that's who they really want. Finally a man with blue hair and a woman with red hair walk down the runway. Apparently, they are the "designers" and this signals that the runway was done. The two and their pokemon pose one final time, but this just caused more insults at them from the crowd yelling:

"Get out of here!"

"Your clothes suck!"

"No one wants you here!"

"We want Serena!"

The latter eventually became a chant for the crowd as they all started staying "We want Serena!" This caused Jessie to become even more angry than before, but her partners in crime convince her not to blow it.

Serena walked up to the two obviously wanting an explanation for all this. "Alright, who are you guys?" She asked.

Team Rocket chuckled as James pulls out some kind of small remote with a red button. Once he pushes it, their balloon comes out of nowhere. This was not a good sign for Serena or any of her friends.

Things just get worst when a long tube is thrown down by Meowth. "Now it's time for the real showstopper begin," the talking feline said. With one press of a button, the tube begins sucking the air up. As Serena was holding down her skirt, she watch helplessly as Panchum got sucked in along with Delcatty and Meowstic.

"Panchum!" She called out in horror. "Delcatty! Meowstic!"

But her pokemon wasn't the only ones getting sucked in. "Pika? "Huh?"

"Pikachu!" Ash ranged seeing his partner getting sucked as well.



Some of the people in the crowd also had their pokemon sucked through the vacuum. All of the Pokemon ended up inside a glass cage that's capable of reflecting any attacks like a mirror coat.

"What's going on?" Ash asked. "Who's doing this?" The duo then ripped off their disguises.

"Prepare for trouble why it's us of course."

"And we're crashing the party and stealing pokemon by force."

"To protect the world by devastation."

"To unite our people within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach for the stars above."


"And James"

"Team Rocket blasting off in the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare for a grand opening fight."

"Meowth that's right."



"Team Rocket," Ash said. "Not you guys again."

"I want Dedenne back right now," Bonnie ordered. I work my way through the crowd until I finally got to the front. Anger doesn't even describe how I'm feeling right now. This was supposed to be the greatest night of my life and now it's on the verge of being ruined by these clowns and their little "runway"? Oh hell no.

"Team Rocket," I fired back.

"So you've open up a store, huh twerpette?" Jessie asked me.

"That's right. You got a problem with that?"

"I'm the only one with the eye for fashion and I showed that tonight with my amazing runway," Jessie stated. "And soon, people will see my work as a fashion designer, so what do you say?"

"That won't be the day," James and Meowth stated. Two of three isn't that bad.

"And I'm celebrating my glorious self with all of your pokemon," she added.

"That's not gonna happen," Ash fired back. "Pikachu, use electro ball."

Pikachu jumped up and forms an electro ball at the end of it's tail and throws it at the cage. But the cage reflect the attack and instead went back at Pikachu, almost hitting any of the trapped pokemon. I look up at Team Rocket and see them laughing.

"Don't waste your time," Meowth said. "That cage was built to reflect on any attack you throw at."

"And let this be a lesson," James came in. "A twerp is always a twerp and that's what you'll be even as adults."

"Off we go," Jessie said as the balloon began to fly away.

"We stole the show."

Now there was no way I was gonna let them get away with this. I still had my Vivian with me. Maybe I can command it to use an attack to pop that balloon, but Bonnie done beat me to it.

"Talonflame, come on out," Bonnie called out throwing her pokeball out, releasing a red and silver looking flying pokemon.

"Use razor wind on that balloon."

"Flame (I'm on it.")

Talonflame lets out a powerful razor wind and the attack aims right at the balloon and pops it. So incredible. After which, Team Rocket went crashing down somewhere in the forest and I know everyone's first concern are the pokemon.

"Our pokemon," Shauna voicing her concern.

"Don't worry everyone," I said. "We'll get your pokemon back and the store will be opening tonight. Ash, Clemont, Bonnie and Shauna. Let's go."


Sorry for the delay. School has been keeping me real busy and lately I had to deal with a hurricane last Friday. Now this chapter isn't my best one, which is also the reason for the wait and why I'm ending it like it with cliffhanger. Now the next chapter will continue where this chapter left off with Serena dealing with Team Rocket. In the meantime, stay tuned.


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