Chapter 1- *Thoughts*

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Brandon suddenly, yet dully, awoke to the sound of his blaring alarm clock. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and he groaned, and slowly sat up, as the screeching of the alarm clock grew into aggravation towards him. He smacked the blaring alarm clock, that had read the blinking numbers "6:20" which quickly silenced the alarm, cascading the room in a peaceful, silent state, that it had once been a few moments ago. He yawned tiredly, and plopped himself back down onto his bed, with closed eyes.

"HEY HEY HEY GET UP GET UP!!" A deep voice screeched through the entire house. Brandon's eyes shot open, and he groaned again, and tiredly rolled around, and eventually rolled off his bed. He laid on the floor with his blankets wrapped around him, as he heard the pounding of footsteps echo towards his room.


Brandon yelled back from inside his twisted blankets "YEAH YEAH." He yawned loudly again, and sat up on the scratchy carpet floor. He grabbed his blankets, and pulled them off himself. He stood up, and placed his arm out, leaning against the wall with a single arm. He looked down at the blanket, and yawned once again, but then he reluctantly picked up the blanket, and placed it on his bed in an unorganized clump.


He furrowed his brow, and yelled back "I AM UP!" He moaned, and stumbled to his closet, and opened the sliding door slowly. He scanned over his clothing, and picked out a pair of dark denim jeans, and a overly large Wisconsin Packers football T-Shirt. He walked out of his room and headed to the bathroom, which was fortunately right next to his room. He opened the door and walked in. He looked in the mirror, showing he had a unruly and messy hair, that clumped out in all directions.

He groaned again, in aggravation. But ignored his annoying and unruly hair. He opened a drawer that was connected to the same cabinet-like object that also held the faucet. He scanned inside the drawer, and pulled out a toothbrush and toothpaste. And did his morning ritual of brushing his teeth. He then grabbed the mouthwash and did the same ritual. After that, he applied deodorant, and walked out of the bathroom, and entered the kitchen, and dished himself up some Cheerios in a large bowl. He slowly and tiredly ate, taking long blinks, almost snoozing off. But he shook his head vigorously to regain consciousness. He then looked up to see his mother, standing in front if the table, with her hands on her hips and eyes focused on Brandon.

"Brandon. Why in the world do you look like that?"

Brandon raised a single brow, looking at his mother with a mouthful of cereal, and he gulped it down and spoke tiredly. "What do ya mean?... This is what I usually wear... Why? You look nicer than usual...."

"Well DUH Brandon! Today's the first day of 8th grade! Your last year at middle school."

His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped slightly. "Wait, thats today?!"

His mother groaned and nodded "YES! Why do you think I set your alarm clock so early?"

Brandon thought for a second, and realized something. "Ooohhhhh.... I thought you just wanted me to change my daily ways of getting up at like, 10:30."

His mother groaned loudly again "Well your right about that... You should really change that" Brandon shrugged and nodded, taking another satisfying bite of cereal. Her mother shrugged back and replied, obviously slightly aggravated "Anyways, GET BACK IN YOUR ROOM, AND PICK OUT A BETTER OUTFIT, AND DO YOUR HAIR FOR PETES SAKE!!" He jumped out of the wooden chair in agonized surprise, abandoning his now soggy and unsatisfactory bowl of of cereal. He jogged to his room, giving a salute to his mother before entering his room. "EYE EYE CAPTAIN"

He heard his mother laugh lightly, before closing his bedroom door behind him, and he chuckled as well. He then walked over to his closet like before, and picked out a different and more appropriate shirt. It was a faded red, plaid patterned polo shirt, with large stripes and large gaps in between each other. Instead of tightly patterned stripes.

He then walked to the bathroom and combed his hair throughly. It was tough for him, having long male hair was a pain to deal with, but that was his look. He worked on it some more, and soon he had fine, brown luxurious hair. With bangs barely covered the top of his eyes. It wasn't the best look, but it suited him well enough to make him look slightly handsome in a persons view.

Brandon took a curious step back, so he could see himself, waist and up, in the slightly smudged mirror. He actually didn't look to bad. His outfit consisted of the same red plaid polo shirt, that left his arms bare. He squinted his eyes, and raises his hands to his collar, and unbuttoned the top two buttons, letting the collar slide down a bit. He slightly smiled, he didn't like looking fancy, but he didn't like the identity of having swagger. The undone buttons revealed his neck, and very little of the top part of his chest. He sighed, and looked at his jeans, that had a white patterned belt looping through it. He didn't give it a second thought, it looked normally fine.

Brandon quickly scanned his facial appearance. He had sea blue eyes, that held a bit of a warm twinkle. His face was dotted with lightly colored freckles, that appeared from his cheek, to across his nose. They were barely noticeable due to the fact that Brandon had a nice tan, so they blended in with his tanned skin, but they still had an appearance. Especially since he was Caucasian. But he gave none of this a caring thought.

He walked out, and back into his room, and found a conveniently packed backpack. He smiled and instantly thought of his life saving mother, and chuckled amusingly. He opened the backpack, revealing the typical items that would be needed for school. Notebooks, pencils, pens, that type of supplies. And he zipped it back up, and slung it around his shoulder.

He quickly pondered his feelings about school. Now some kids would be exited. Some kids would be downright miserable. But Brandon, well he was in the middle. He enjoyed school enough, mainly because he got to see his friends everyday. But the homework and usual occupying stunts that the teachers taught and handed out, were quite dreadful. Like most kids, he despised homework, he wanted to it just to disappear into thin air, (or even better, have his dog eat it) but, surprisingly enough, Brandon was responsible for his age. Which admittedly, most kids were not very mature or responsible in the middle school ages. But Brandon was one of those kids, that got his work done, and he did it well. In fact, a little too well. He had managed to get straight A's For the past few years, which instantly labeled him.

Ahh yes, labels. Now that was another interesting thing to think about. Popularity was obviously, well, popular. And getting straight A's labeled him as a nerd. And as common sense has all taught us, being a nerd, is mostly on the bottom of the popularity scale. But, Brandon wasn't labeled as a nerd, he was labeled, as, well, he was labeled as Brandon. Honestly, he didn't really have a specific meaning to himself.

Now he was smart, but he was also a very good athlete. He was faster than most kids, and conveniently stronger at the same time. He participated in many sports, like basketball, baseball, and football. He was actually very good at baseball, although basketball was without a doubt his favorite. Now he was also good at football and basketball, but he was never the best. He was definitely more athletic than an average kid. But he was never one to brag or boast about it.

Now besides athletic abilities, Brandon was also a musician! He fancied playing the piano, and he was the highest ranked percussionist in his section. Most kids hated band, but Brandon loved it! He loved the feel of stroking his fingers across the pianos wood cover, and the soft and meaningful aroma that vibrated off the piano. The keys of the delicate instrument felt, right, against his fingertips. The music and notes literally flowed through him whenever he heard or played the piano. He purely loved the piano, and he was very determined to grow up, playing the piano throughout his life. Another thing he loved, was the admiration from his fellow peers, or even complete strangers. He would be playing the piano right before band class started, and kids would stop for a moment to listen to the enlightening music that Brandon played. And sometimes even, whenever he went to church, he would quickly sneak a few minutes to play a quiet song of "Viva La Vida" or "Fur Elise." People would walk through the doors, and instantly hear the sound that Brandon delightfully and harmonically played.

Now, some people envied Brandon, some looked up to him. But despite all the advantages and abilities he could wield, he wasn't popular. Sure, he was smart, athletic, and musical, but he just never really fit in with the cool kids, or jocks. He tried of course, he tried very hard. One of his closest friends is a jock strangely, and he sat with the jocks at lunch a few times, but they kinda just looked at him like he was some sort of disease, that was dangerously contagious. He loathed it. So he abandoned the jock table, and went back to his original table, where he occasionally sat alone. Sometimes a few friends would sit with him, but not to often.

He didn't know why he wasn't popular. It could be the fact that he didn't have 100 friends, or maybe the fact that he wasn't super attractive. But honestly, he didn't care. He had friends, and he was satisfied enough with that. He even had some friends of the opposite sex. Which is also a good thing. Most kids only had friends that were the same gender, boys were only friends with boys, girls were only friends with girls. Unless of course they were dating. But Brandon once again was different, he had multiple friends that were female. None of which were his girlfriend though..

A loud car horn snapped Brandon out of his hypnotic daze, and he realized that he was in the passengers seat of a moving car. He looked around, slightly confused, but saw his mother to his left driving, and he slowly calmed. He sighed. Man, he was caught up in such a deep thought, he had barely registered that he had left home, ready to go to school.

Several silent moments passed as Brandon gazed out the window of the GMC, only the constant thumping of tires running over cracks in the concrete road made a sound. He continued his thought, but it didn't last too long. By a couple of silent minutes, his mother had already pulled alongside the schools curb. Brandon looked up at the school with a bored sigh, and opened his door and took a step out of the GMC, into the chilly Wisconsin weather. He took a second to take the moment in, although it wasn't too eventful or exiting. He inhaled, and exhaled calmly, with a small smirk displayed across his face.

As he faced the school, he could already hear the sound of his mother rolling down the window. He rolled his eyes playfully, and chuckled. "Yes mom?"   He said before she could even speak, which he could tell without even looking at her, shocked her a little. He expected a small lecture, of remembering to pack everything, get to class on time, and behave. But instead he got a different response.

"I love you Brandon. Have a good day at school!"

He turned around and faced her through the opened car window, with a single raised brow. But he chuckled at her soft, exited, and yet, abnormal words that escaped her lips. "I love you to Mom."    He replied and flashed a bright smile at her. She squealed slightly.

Mothers. He thought with a humorous expression.

She sighed happily, and waved slightly to him. "I'll see you when I get home from work!"   And with that, she drove off without even letting Brandon respond. He turned around facing the school once again, and let out a small chuckle, gazing at all the kids that were already entering the proud building, chatting alongside with their friends.

He smiled widely.

Honestly, deep down in his heart, he liked school. But mainly because of one factor. He could truly be himself. At home he could joke around very little, but at school, he could crack jokes and act like himself for 7 hours straight. He loved being the goofy one in class, the one that made people smile with joy or amusement.

Ahh yes. One of his things that he adored, was making another individual smile or laugh. It filled him with joy and even a but of confidence. He loved the feeling, and also knowing he made another person joyful for a moment or two. Now what was even better, was that Brandon was pretty darn clumsy. He couldn't last an entire day without getting smacked in the head, or tripping over the smallest crack in the road. It was definitely more than amusing. His friends laughed outrageously whenever Brandon fell on his face, or ran into a pillar in unpleasantness. But past the fact that he would feel pain, he loved that it made his friends laugh, or even an stranger. He even made the teachers enjoy their lives, somehow. They would roll their eyes in amusement after Brandon made a humorous remark,(that was definitely appropriate) and chuckle under their breath.

Brandon shook his head vigorously, forgetting about his deep thoughts again, and he returned his attention to the middle school. He smiled once again, and started to walk towards his welcoming, first day of 8th grade.

Hey guys!
So... What ya think?
Honestly I have no idea where this book is going, but, I'm gonna roll with the facts. Specifying that this book is 100% True, for your information.
0-0 I have no idea what to say... But, I wouldn't be surprised if this story is left unnoticed or unread. But who cares.

Also, the reason I picked the name Brandon, is not because that's what people call me, it's just an easy name that fits his personality, so don't think that this character is actually me.

Anyways, please tell me in the comments if you think I should shorten the chapters, or make them longer! I believe a good 2200 words is a fine goal per chapter. There's 2500 words in this chapter. So then this was an accomplishment! I will try to update once every few days, or maybe once a week. Also, please vote and comment!!!! You have no idea how much votes and comments mean to me..

See ya later y'all

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