Chapter 2- *Friends*

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Brandon barely had time to turn around to see whom the voice belonged to. But was instantly tackled to the ground, with brute force, knocking him to the ground. He winced slightly as very little pain surged through his arm. But he rolled his eyes and chuckled, already knowing whom the voice belonged to.

The voice laughed, as Brandon jumped up with enthusiasm and amusement, since the pain had already vanished. Brandon laughed himself and stood up straight next to another boy that looked about the same age as Brandon.

The boy that had gruffly welcomed Brandon, had dark brown eyes, with a similar tan like Brandon's. But he had no freckles, but a few small pimples dotted over his face, but they were mostly looked over. He was slightly smaller than Brandon by a few inches, and had black hair that stuck up in the front of his head, for the boy liked that look. The boy dressed himself in a black Nike gym T-shirt, and black jeans, along with green sports shoes, that were excellent for running. And his name, was Thomas.

"Thomas! How'd your summer go bro?"   Brandon asked with joy with his eyes, and enthusiasm flooded through his system. He hadn't seen his best friend in a while, for Thomas had visited his grandparents down in Iowa for half the summer. Which had left Brandon in Wisconsin alone for nearly the entire summer. Even though Thomas was present for a month, he lived in the country, while Brandon lived in town.

Thomas beamed. "It was quite boring actually.... Their wasn't much to do down in Iowa, so I spent most my time fishing, which I actually can't complain about that!"  He replied, chuckling and looked at Brandon curiously, with a single brow raised.  "What about you? How'd your summer go?"

Brandon returned the smile "Yeah I know how ya feel. I didn't do much either, although it was like the best summer ever for fishing! You wouldn't believe how many Bass and Muskies I caught!" Brandon replied with glee and confidence.

Thomas chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully "Well I missed out didn't I?" He laughed lightly, with a slight touch of amusement. The friendly duo both shared a laugh, as they shared their summer events.

Brandon thought with happiness as he shared his embarks and experiences with his best friend. Thomas was awesome! Brandon had known him since the second grade, and they'd paired up ever since. Tom was like little brother to Brandon. Although Thomas was barely younger than him. But he had the same characteristics. More energetic, had a larger imagination, and was a lot rougher. He was straight up awesome! They even shared a lot of the same interests. They both adored fishing, hunting, a good game of poker, drawing, baseball, basketball, and football.

They smiled and shared some more thoughts and experiences, but soon, a loud ring echoed throughout the chattery and loud hallways of the middle school. Signaling that all students had four minutes to get to first period. He frowned for a moment, but it was quickly replaced with a small smile in the corner of his lips. He waved to his friend Tom farewell, and took the opposite hallway Tom took. The duo had the same first period, but their lockers were far apart.

Brandon bustled roughly through the middle schoolers, getting caught in the middle of the moving wave of students, that were desperately trying to push their way to their own lockers. Luckily though, Brandon was slightly taller than most of the kids, since he was taller than the average kid, and an 8th grader.

After about half a minute of rough hustling, Brandon had reached his locker, and he quickly popped out of the moving wave of students, standing in front of his locker. Number 1976. He thought quickly, trying to remember his lock combination from the papers that were handed out from 'open house' a week back. He quickly remembered it, as it was a very easy combination to remember. 14-0-14. He quickly yet subtly turned the dial, hitting each of the numbers in correct order, and he pulled down on the lock lightly, and it popped out.

He smiled and unhooked the lock, and placed it in his pocket. He quickly scanned through his locker, for he had already placed all of his larger tool and utensils a week ago. His first class was Advanced Language arts, he pondered what he needed for the class, and quickly remembered that all he needed was a pencil, notebook, and a book to independently read. He grabbed a mechanical pencil, a college ruled notebook, and he picked the large book with the title "Witch & Wizard" Whom the author was James Patterson.

He loved the stories James Patterson wrote. He had such a unique style of writing that made Brandon never want to stop reading. But not only that, but he had many different types of books with different genres. Take the book "I Funny," That book was straight up hilarious and comical! He loved reading that series in his elementary years. It made Brandon chuckle and smile under his breath. But then you could change the genre completely, like the book "Witch & Wizard," That book was way different then "I funny" It was way more mysterious and action packed, filled with suspense and a slightly more mature content. It was quite amazing how an author can create two different books, yet they can have a entirely different feel!

Anyways, as Brandon did all this, his locker neighbors soon approached and did the same things as him. He glanced at the school clock, which told him he had about two minutes left until first period started. Plenty of time.

He then looked to his left to see a girl, with long blonde hair, with a little tint with brown in it. She was average height, so she was about 5 inches shorter than Brandon. She was fairly thin, but definitely had some muscle. She wore a plain bright neon green T-shirt, and black leggings.

At that time, he realized it was his other best friend, Mia, which made him smile widely. Mia was one of his other female friends, that he had actually known for a while. He'd known her since kindergarten! Brandon only knew two or three kids from kindergarten that were still his friends to the present day. And Mia was one of them.

Mia opened her locker, not yet noticing Brandon, but after placing her lock around her locker hanger, she looked to her right and saw him with a large smile, and she beamed back gleefully, with luminous and twinkling emerald eyes.

"Brandon!" She exclaimed excitedly, yet with her soft voice. "I didn't know you were my locker buddy!" She giggled lightly, and smiled. Which in return, made Brandon smile wider.

"Nor did I Mia! But I'm really glad about it!"   He replied back with a gleaming smile, paired with glad chuckle.

She held her gleaming smile and nodded in agreement. "I'm glad to say I agree Brandon!"   She exclaimed in return.

He smiled, once again admiring his choice of friends. Much like he had thought of Thomas. He quickly took a few seconds to think about Mia's personality. Now, Mia was very cheerful, and quite bubbly if you ask some people. She was almost always in a positive, and bright mood. Now besides her mood, she was very smart, athletic, and actually kinda of adventurous. She loved to roam and travel throughout nature and the woodlands, and she was quite lucky, for she lived on the edge of town about a block away from Brandon, and she had a group of trees, forming a small woodland in her backyard.

Mia opened her mouth slightly, as if she was to say something, but Brandon saw her eyes travel to behind him. She squinted and frowned, seeing it was nearly time for the bell to ring, and she looked up at him and and smiled.

"Sorry Brandon... I should get going, the bell is going to ring soon. I'll talk with you later! We have so much to discuss!" She smiled for the last time and closed her locker, locking it.

She quickly took off down the hallway, leaving Brandon, without waiting for a reply. But she looked behind her shoulder, and flashed a smile at Brandon, and yelled back "I'll see ya later Brandon!"

Brandon smiled, and did a little wave. "I'll see ya later as well Mia!"   He yelled back, but looked at the clock, and refocused his attention to his locker, and quickly shut it, then locked it. And by then, he was walking down the hall to his class.

It didn't take to long before Brandon reached his LA classroom. He quickly walked in and scanned the room. He saw multiple and different variety of kids huddled in groups, chatting profusely. He wondered why they weren't at their desks, but he quickly remembered that he was informed about some of the teachers were on hall duty. And his LA teacher was one of them, so the class got a few minutes to spare.

He stopped in his tracks, and looked for his friends. First, he saw the diva squad, all wearing expensive clothing, and who knows how many pounds of makeup were displayed on their face. He rolled his eyes, much like many other students had when they saw the squad. Everyone hated that group. The divas acted like they owned the school, and everyone in it. They spread rumors, that were often false and misleading. And, the were straight up snots.

He then looked to his right, to see the geek group, doing who knows what on their phones. Brandon was a little embarrassed to admit it, but he was quite fond of that group. They were actually really good guys! They may act nerdy, but they were really nice and shared many cool hobbies actually! But they were definitely socially awkward, which brought them down on the popularity scale. But Brandon still liked them, he didn't hang with them, but he would sometimes join a conversation  with them. Strange thing was, was that he actually understood them perfectly! Unlike most people did.

Brandon looked in a few more places, just to see the jock group, the rebel group, the weird group, and some other kids that were wandering the room by themselves. He didn't belong in any of the rebellious, weird, or the jock group, although he did have a few friends in the groups.

He saw Matt, who was in the rebellious group. As a rebel, he didn't do his homework, schoolwork, or behave. He obviously didn't like school. He often ditched classes, and Brandon had no idea why they were friends, but they were.

He also saw Jordan, who was busy talking to the jock group with a small smirk implanted on his lips. Now Jordan was actually a very close friend. He had known him since kindergarten as well, similar to Mia.

Jordan was tall and buff, with brown eyes and black hair that was perfectly in style. He wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt, which most girls agreed fit him most handsomely. Besides that, Jordan was a nice guy. Jordan felt no embarrassment on talking, or leaving the jock group to go speak with Brandon. Which made Brandon feel a little honored, knowing someone as popular as him, took time to hang with Brandon.

Now he saw Christian, who was busy laughing his guts out for some strange reason. Brandon chuckled himself, just seeing that Christian was clenching his stomach because he was laughing so hard. Christian was pretty awesome, well at least in Brandon's perspective. Sure, he may be weird. But the dude never was hesitant to pull out his wild side. Which was quite often, actually. Brandon loved experiencing the hilarious and over reacted moments with Christian. Even though no one really liked Christian. He was short, and had curly blonde hair, that fell over his brown eyes. He had a lot of freckles, and was very pale, so the freckles radiated off him.

Brandon smiled, seeing he had quite a few of his companions in his class. Although he hadn't seen Thomas or Mia yet. But he glanced to his left, after hearing a cough, and saw Thomas with a large grin pulled across his face, as he looked at the other students. Brandon chuckled, and friendly punched his shoulder. Thomas chuckled, and the friends watched as a tall and thin woman walked through the door. Brandon had a rational assumption that she was the teacher.

The teacher walked straight to her desk, not even bothering to respond to the chattering of the students, and she took a seat in a rather comfortable looking chair. She turned her computer on, and brought up a list of names on the screen, that no students even bothered to care. In fact, most students didn't even realize the teacher was in the room. The teacher then looked at all the students, and cleared her throat loudly, instantly silencing all the noise.

The students were silent, but most of them continued to whisper silently to their friends.

"Good morning students. My name is Mrs. Lennings. Although you may call me Mrs. L. Now I will be starting off the day with your seating charts. Just go to where I will instruct you, and that will be your seat for the quarter." The teacher said loudly, getting all the students attention. She then turned around, looking over her computer screen, and read aloud the names of the students.

"Rachel Davidson. Elizabeth Dare. Cody Vantohme. Devin Lennor." The teacher rambled on all the different names of students. And Brandon watched as the first student started in the top right desk in the room, and the rest of the kids just filed to the left, and when the row was full, the students would go back one row, and repeat the process.

"Thomas Renard. Brandon Michaels. Mia Wilson."  

Brandon perked up after hearing those two names. And smiled brightly as he made eye contact with both Mia and Thomas. Brandon happily walked to his desk, which was kinda in the middle, and Mia and Thomas followed alongside him. He sat down in his desk, and looked to his left to see Tom, and the both shared a chuckle and smile. Brandon glanced to his left, and saw Mia lightly giggle, but beam at him, and Brandon gleefully returned the favor with proud gleaming smile,

Well, now ain't this a good start?

Hey guys! What you think of it? Seems like Brandon has enough friends to enjoy with! And it seems as if 8th grade has started off very well for him! No problems right?..


Anyways, each chapter takes about 2 hours to write, just so ya know. And i like to get one chapter done every few days.. So it's going pretty good actually! Each chapter is either 1,500-2,500 Words long in average. This chapter is also about 2,500 words! And I believe that's a good amount of words per chapter.

Nevertheless, see ya later Guys!! And thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

See ya!

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