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The next day...

Yoongi's P.O.V

As I headed to school, I bumped into someone making them fall back.

I wasn't able to catch them in time so they fell with a thud.

"Sorry." I apologized as I helped the boy up. "I-it's ok..! I should be the one apologizing since I wasn't looking." He said with an apologetic smile.

I smiled a little. "Alright, be careful next time." I said as I started walking pass him, though I went to a halt when he called out.

"W-wait!" I turned to him, curious of what he wants to say.

"Aren't you that guy with Jungkook yesterday?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow as I faced him completely.

"Yes, why?"

"Ah, nothing. I was just curious, i'm Park Jimin, Jungkook's best friend, nice to meet you!" He said, taking his hand out for me to shake.

I stared at his hand before I took it and shook hands with him. "Min Yoongi. A pleasure meeting you as well, little angel." I said as I kissed the top of his hand.

Once I let go of his hand, I didn't miss the blush that decorated his face.

I smiled and soon offered. "Want to walk to school together?"

"S-sure!" He agreed. And that's when we both started walking to school side by side, talking about so much together.

I'm really not this social, but i'll make an exemption just for him.

Jin's P.O.V

As I waited for my rascals at the front of the gate, only to end up seeing Jimin talking to the same guy that Jungkook was with yesterday, and Jungkook holding hands with Taehyung.

I felt my jaw drop to the floor in disbelief as they approached me. "Hey hyung!" Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung greeted simultaneously.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing at the guy beside Jimin. "Oh, this is Yoongi hyung!" He introduced.

Yoongi smiled a little as he greeted me with a slight bow. "Ok-" I stopped talking when my eyes once again landed on Jungkook and Taehyung's hands intertwined together.

"Hyung? Is something wrong?" I heard Jungkook ask, but I blinked, my lips soon curving into a dazed smile, eventually fainting after I said. "Hallelujah..."

Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook soon let go of my hand, panicked, as he knelt down and tried shaking Jin hyung awake.

"Hyung?! Hyung!" He called, his eyes turning glossy. Seeing this, I quickly knelt beside Jungkook as I kissed his forehead.

"Kookie, calm down. He'll be ok, he's just overwhelmed. Come on, let's take him to the infirmary, yeah?" I reassured with a smile.

He turned to me, smiling a little as he nodded. I chuckled, pecking his lips as I lifted Jin hyung up bridal style, soon carrying him to the infirmary with Jungkook following like a lost puppy.

Jimin's P.O.V

"Are they always like this?" Yoongi hyung soon asked as we followed Taekook to the infirmary.

"If you mean by Jin hyung being a complete drama queen, then yes." I stated.

"Then why did Jin hyung faint just by seeing both Jungkook and Taehyung holding hands?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged, gripping onto my books firmly. "Because they never held hands before, nor do they peck each other on the lips." I said.

"But they-"

"Yes, they usually kiss each other on either the nose, cheek or even forehead, but it's just normal for them. Even we got used to how touchy they can be, but this? This is the first time we saw them like this." I answered truthfully.

"Oh, ok." Yoongi hyung said, ending our conversation as we went inside the infirmary to see Jungkook and Taehyung, practically flirting with each other while Jin hyung is still passed out on the bed.

"Ok- what's going on?" I asked, dumbfounded in my spot.

Yoongi hyung chuckled. "Looks like we interrupted their quality time."

Both Jungkook and Taehyung turned to us with blushing faces.

Yoongi hyung smiled a little, but his expression soon changed when he called out.


Taehyung turned to Yoongi hyung, soon curious to what he wanted to say.

"Can we talk? Privately." Yoongi hyung said.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook and Jungkook nodded, smiling a little as I noticed him squeeze Taehyung's hand a little for encouragement.

"Alright." Taehyung said, standing up from his seat as both he and Yoongi hyung went out the room.

Yoongi's P.O.V

Once me and Taehyung went out the room, he stared at me expectantly.

"You really outdid yourself." I said, amused.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"You just saw me with Jungkook yesterday and now both of you are officially in a relationship after I warned you? You really are something." I pointed out, chuckling.

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "If you have nothing else important to say, it's best if you stop talking to me."

I stared at him, as I once again spoke. "Be honest with me, do you really love Jungkook?"

He was about to answer before I stopped him.

"Or do you only have this sort of affection towards him just because he reminds you of someone you used to claim as your beloved?"

He stared at me with wide eyes, before he shook his head glaring at me.

"Why are you even asking me this? It's not even your business!" He retaliated.

I frowned, closing my eyes. "It is none of my business, but I just want to be assured that Jungkook is in safe hands." I admitted.

"W-what?" Taehyung soon stuttered, surprised.

"I can't do this hyung."

"Yeonjun you need to stop this relationship. Jungkook is a sweet boy but if you keep telling him sweet little lies-"

"He'll break. I know hyung- I know.. but I can't. His presence- it just reminds me so much of her, heck- everything about him is so much like her!" He reasoned.


"I don't want Jungkook to hurt again. Last time, I had to witness how his failed relationship almost break him." I admitted, looking down on the floor.

"He became suicidal. I could barely leave the kid because I knew, I didn't want him to deserve that. I didn't want him to die."

"Jungkook, come on. It's time to eat, you've been starving yourself for so long."

"I'm not hungry hyung.."

"Shut up, eat before I shove the whole cup in your mouth. I'm not taking 'no' as an answer because hell! I know you're hungry just by how skinny you've become!"

"It's ok, at least i'll die slowly this way, right? Besides.. no one cares if I were to be gone." He said, turning to me with a pained smile.

I stared at him in disbelief as I shook my head. "Are you blind?! Jungkook, i'm here! I care! Y-you.. I can't lose you. Not when you already hold an important place in my heart."

He stared at me widely in disbelief. "What..?"

"There, I said it! You never knew, I already loved you ever since! I had to push my feelings aside because- because I knew you were happy. But that cause of your happiness was because of that liar. A-and I hated the fact that your heart was being stabbed without you noticing it." I admitted, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"H-hyung.." he called, soon pulling me into a hug. "I know you mean well.. b-but I don't want you to end up with me. Not when I know that someone else is better suited for you, and when I also know, that- that very person will be the source of your happiness soon. We wouldn't work out because- I just see you as an older brother.."

"I-I... I would never hurt him. He makes me feel so many wonderful things, and there is no one in this world that will ever understand how much I need him, how much I love him that I would even sacrifice my whole being just for him."

[Oof- cringe.]

I shot my head up, staring at him with wide eyes as I felt taken aback by his statement.

All I saw in his eyes was nothing but honesty.

I let out a shaky sigh as I spoke. "Then, promise me to never leave him. He's been through so much, and he deserves the whole world."

He chuckled, nodding. "I promise. After all, Jungkook isn't that hard to love." He said, as he soon went back inside.

I stared down, feeling my heart ache so badly.

"Of course.. even I can still admit that I still love him.." I mumbled. I shook my head as I smiled down.

'I want him to be happy, and that means I need to move on. Let this be the last goodbye to my love for you, Jeon Jungkook.'

I let out a breath as I as well went back inside, to see Jungkook and Taehyung cuddling each other.

Jimin whipped his head towards me and smiled as he patted on the space beside him.

I smiled a little as I sat beside him, only to be surprised when Jimin pulled me into a hug.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared at Jimin hyung hugging Yoongi hyung, making me smile to myself.

"I know you'll find that person that will give you a reason to smile more everyday. And you'll learn to let me go eventually."

I giggled, snuggling closer to Taehyung.

'You'll learn to love him soon, Yoongi hyung.'

I looked up to Taehyung with a smile, pulling him into a sweet kiss as I closed my eyes in content.

'Take this as a goodbye for our past, and a hello for our new start.'

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