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*coughs* so- before we start with the chapter, I just want all of you to know that, whatever happens in the end of this chapter, I hope none of you will be mad at me-

Kidding, but if something bad happens to you while reading this chapter, I ain't paying for your hospital bills nor funeral- cAuSe ThIs AuThOr Of YoUrS iS bRoKe As FuCk-

I wanted to update as much as I can since we had no school, so hopefully these chapters will make up for my absence of updating.

Ok, anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Jungkook's P.O.V

As I went to my final class, Yoongi hyung sat beside me. "Hey, sorry I left you with that dude, felt like the both of you needed some quality time." He apologised.

I blushed, looking away as I stared at the window beside me. "I-it's ok hyung... he actually wants to meet me in the school's garden after school." I said.

I turned to him, only to see him raising an eyebrow, giving me a knowing look.

"Tell me what happens. And if it doesn't turn out well, i'm gonna throw a rampage-"

"Hey whore!" Someone called, cutting Yoongi hyung off.

Both of us turned to the person only to see it was none other than Eunwoo.

He chuckled as he approached me with a forced smile, completely ignoring Yoongi hyung beside me.

"You really are something, aren't ya? First some asshat protects you and watches over you all the time and here I see you being a shameless bitch."

He glared at me as his lips turned into a frown, grabbing me on my collar as he pulled me up.

"Listen carefully, bitch. No one cares about you, no one loves you. They only stay with you because they pity someone as weak as you." He said, smiling widely.

I stared at him blankly as I slapped his face. "I'm sorry, but did I ask?You don't need to remind me. I'm quite aware, so why not let me savour emotions that I no longer feel completely?" I asked, once he let go of me, everyone looked at me shocked.

"Oh wait, I get it. You're one of those people that seek attention because no one cares. No wonder your family neglects you." I shot back, glaring at him.

"Don't you dare talk about my family like that." He growled, balling his hands into fists as he shook with anger.

"Ah so i'm correct?" I asked with a fake smile, soon laughing bitterly. "Have you forgotten what you told me before? Well think of this as a thank you gift." I stated.

"Argh! YOU'RE SO USELESS! NO WONDER NO ONE EVER CARED FOR YOU! NO WONDER YOUR PARENTS ABANDONED YOU! IT WAS BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO HAVE A MISTAKE AS THEIR KID!" He yelled as he was about to punch me, but Yoongi hyung immediately held onto his arm, soon glaring at Eunwoo in anger.

I smiled emptily at the boy in front of me. "I don't care." I stated simply as Yoongi hyung pushed Eunwoo backwards.

"Dare say that to him in front of my face and you'll end up in the grave. Fuck off kid, unless you don't want to end up in the hospital, I advise you to stay the hell away from us." He warned as Eunwoo stormed off, grumbling.

Yoongi hyung turned to me as he looked at me worriedly. "Hey, you know he didn't mean any of that, right? Don't let his words get to you. You're the most precious thing any human being could have."

I stared at him, soon faking a smile. "Yeah.. thanks hyung."

He rolled his eyes as he sat back down to his seat. "How many times have you thanked me already? Stop that."

I nodded, looking down on my desk.

'You're so weak. Look at you, you turned back to the same boy that everybody despises. Why can't you just stop and be the same emotionless boy like before?'

I smiled as I closed my eyes, soon answering my own conscience's question.

'That's because i'm just human. And no matter what lie you feed me, i'll still be the same.'

After school...

Taehyung's P.O.V

I sat down on one of the benches in the school's garden as I waited patiently for Jungkook.

I looked down on the bouquet of roses that Jimin gave to me for me to give to Jungkook.

Soon, I heard hurried footsteps approaching me. I looked up to see it was none other than Jungkook, running towards me.

He arrived in front of me as he crouched down, putting his hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breath.

I stood up slowly once he finally regained his breathing. "Jungkook..." I called as he soon stared at me.

"What is it hyung? Why did you want to meet me?" He asked with a small smile.

I chuckled as both of us sat back down. "You see.. I actually needed your help." I admitted.

He furrowed his eyebrows confused. "Help? With what?"

"You see, there's this person that i've been wanting to ask out lately, but I was really shy to ask them out." I said, scratching the back of my head.

As I stared into Jungkook, the gleam in his eyes faltered. "Oh, well... who is it..?" He asked silently.

"I'll show you a picture." I said with a smile. I took out my phone and opened the front camera, soon facing it to Jungkook.

He turned to my phone, suddenly confused. "Hyung, that's the front camera-" he stopped when his eyes widened in realisation.

I chuckled and nodded. "I know.. isn't he a beauty?" I asked, soon turning to him as he stared at me shocked written all over his face.

I sighed as I took out the bouquet of roses and handed it to Jungkook. "You have no idea how much i've loved you Jungkook. Ever since I met you, I already knew there was a connection. I was just really scared of confessing because maybe- maybe you just saw me as a friend and nothing else." I confessed.

"S-so, will you make me feel the happiest and luckiest man alive, and... be my boyfriend?" I asked, staring at him, hopeful that he would say yes.

He stared at me blankly. "Pabo.." he said.

"W-what..?" I asked silently, as I stared at him in confused.

'He's going to reject me, isn't he?-'

I thought. But then, he broke into tears as he smiled widely, pulling me into a tight hug. "Y-Yes! Oh God- Yes!" He exclaimed.

I smiled, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I hugged him back. Feeling my own tears flow down my face.

"I love you, Jeon Jungkook.."

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