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Jin's P.O.V

"Hey, guys?" I called as Jimin and Taehyung turned to me confused. "Who's that with Jungkook?" I asked, pointing at Jungkook who just entered the cafeteria with a guy.

They turned towards the two and Jimin soon spoke in a daze. "I don't know, but he's hot- bitch is he taken?"

I frowned as I slapped Jimin, earning a groan from him. "Ow!"

"Control yourself child." I said as I noticed Taehyung glaring holes at the guy beside Jungkook.

We watched Jungkook and the guy go to the line as we saw Jungkook smiling cheerfully at him, while the guy ruffled his hair.

Me and Jimin turned to Taehyung only to see him glaring at the two. "Look's like someone's jealous~" we teased.

"Shut up! I'm not!" He denied. I laughed as Jimin spoke. "Says the one who's been glaring daggers at the dude beside Jungkook."

He rolled his eyes as he began to eat silently, eyes focused on Jungkook and the guy.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"I've noticed something." Yoongi hyung stated as we sat down at an empty table after we got our food.

"Noticed what?" I asked, tilting my head confused. "After all this time, I noticed how much you've changed- unless i'm wrong.."

"How come?"

"Well, you're not the same as before when you and Yeonjun were still together." He said, staring into my eyes.

"In fact, your eyes don't hold the same emotions as before."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Don't think I don't pay attention to what happened in the past. I noticed that the emotions in your eyes now is alot more different than before."

"What? Nothing changed-"

"You're not completely happy, are you?"

I gulped, shaking my head. "W-why wouldn't I? Of course i'm happy..!" I tried to convince not only him, but myself.

He sighed, shaking his head. "We may not be close Jungkook, but in all honesty, you're a bad liar. Not only that, but I think you need that boy in your life." He admitted.

"I-I..." I sighed in defeat, soon looking down. "Yeah.. I don't think I need him, I know I need him. I'm just really scared that he doesn't feel the same.." I admitted.

He put his thumb underneath my chin as he tilted my head up so that my eyes would meet his.

He smiled reassuringly as he hummed. "You never know unless you never try. And see? Doesn't it feel good to at least tell yourself the truth rather than lying over and over again?"

I giggled and nodded slowly. "I guess.. thank you hyung." I thanked as we began to eat until someone sat beside me.

I turned to the person to see it was none other than Taehyung, glaring at Yoongi hyung.

"Hey." I greeted with a smile. He turned to me and smiled a little as he kissed my forehead, making me blush.

I noticed Yoongi hyung smirk as he raised an eyebrow. "Jungkook, who's this?" He soon asked.

"A-ah right! This is Taehyung my-"

"Boyfriend." Taehyung finished for me making me whip my head to him surprised.

"W-wha..?" I was speechless as Taehyung glanced at me.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I stared at the boy beside Jungkook as I chuckled, the smirk not leaving my face.

"Funny. Last time I heard, you two are just friends." I said.

He glared at me as he wrapped an arm over Jungkook protectively, pulling him close. Jungkook then started looking like a tomato.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What?! No!" He denied.

"There's literally no point in lying. I know you and Jungkook are just friends.."

I trailed off as I stood up, soon whispering in his ear. "But you better hurry before someone else takes him from you.."

He shot his head to me as he growled. I smirked, soon heading to the restroom.

'Don't worry little tiger, no one's going to take your bunny away from you. And i'll make sure you two will be together, just for the sake of Jungkook's happiness.'

Taehyung's P.O.V

'That asshole, who does he think he is?!'

"Jungkook..." I called, looking down at him. He looked up with red cheeks, making me calm down and soon chuckle.


"Who is he?" I asked.

"He's Yoongi hyung, he used to be a close friend of.." he trailed off, looking down.

"Close friend of who?" I asked again.

"H-he used to be a close friend of my.. Ex." He finished. And that's when all the colour drained from my face.

"B-but that was before! Yoongi hyung is really nice, before he used to stand up to me whenever my ex started abusing me." He defended.

I sighed in defeat as I hugged him. "Alright.. but if anything happens, tell me, ok?" I said.

He hummed as he hugged back. Luckily the table that we sat on was on the very edge of the cafeteria, so nobody would see us.

"But... why did you say you're my boyfriend?" He asked shyly as he looked up.

I gulped as I laughed nervously.
"W-well I-"

"Please be honest with me.." he pleaded.

I sighed in defeat as I stared into his eyes. "Fine, I guess I was just really jealous. The way you smiled at him earlier, the way the both of you laughed together..- alright I WAS jealous." I admitted.

"And honestly Jungkook.." I trailed off. He hummed, gesturing me to continue.

"Meet me in the school's garden later, ok?"

He giggled. "What's all this about?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I blushed a little. "No more questions about that. Just meet me in the garden after school."

He nodded, smiling warmly. "Alright."

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