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Taehyung's P.O.V

I woke up to still see Jungkook asleep on top of me. I smiled softly as I slowly laid him down on the couch to let him sleep more.

I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.


I came back to the living room to wake Jungkook up once I finished cooking dinner.

"Kookie? Darling, wake up." I called, shaking him awake.

"5 more minutes..." he murmured as he shuffled in his sleep.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "The food will turn cold, wake upppppp" I said again.

He groaned as he sat up, with a pout. "I was having the best dream.." he mumbled.

I sat down beside him as I raised an eyebrow at him, smirking.

"What was it about?" I asked.

"It was about you and me getting married, then we adopted a kid-" he said as he soon yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

I was speechless as a smile soon graced my lips. "You want to have a family with me?" I asked.

He turned to me with a soft smile as he leaned onto me. "Of course, why wouldn't I when you're the one that completes me?"

I shook my head, pulling him into an embrace. "I'm glad then.." I admitted.

He giggled and rolled his eyes. "Shush. Now let's go and eat, i'm starving."

"Haha, ok." I said as we went to the kitchen.


After eating and an hour of cuddles, it was time for me to take my leave as he led me out his home.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" I said. He nodded and smiled.

"Sweet dreams Koo.." I said, pulling him into a quick kiss before leaving.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared at Taehyung in a daze as I watched him walk off.

I giggled silently as a smile had been pushed onto my face. "I love that guy..."

"You think?"

I jumped in surprise as I whipped my head to the side only to see Hoseok hyung.


He turned to me with a smile. "Hey there."

"Wha- since when did you come back?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Just earlier. I actually came to visit my favourite dongsaeng."

"But i'm your only dongsaeng..." I pointed.

"So?- anyways, I was in my home with nothing to do and then I thought, 'hey, why don't I just visit my brother?' And now i'm here." He said.

"Though I didn't expect to see you found someone to love other than me." He pointed.

I blushed madly and shook my head. "H-hyung! I-it-"

Before I could speak, he dragged me inside my own home as he led the both of us to the couch.

"Now, tell me how it happened. I want ALL the tea sis."

I sighed as I began to tell the story.

"Well... it all started when he was a new student from our school."

"Are you ok?"

He asked, holding out his hand for me.

"He saw me being beaten up, he didn't run away, nor did he just stand there. He stood up for me."

I nodded as I took his hand. Once I stood up, he stared at me weirdly.

"Who are those people?"

"The way he stared at me concerned that day, made me confused. Because he barely knew me, and yet he came like it was nothing."

"People who beat me up everyday." I answered in an empty way.

He raised an eyebrow and soon asked. "Then why didn't you fight back?"

"Even though I barely showed any sign of emotion that time, I could tell that he could see right through me."

"I don't bother anymore. It's always the same."

He stared deeply into my eyes until he once again spoke in concern.

"His voice was very gentle, it made me want to give up the empty facade to let him in."

"Ah, I see.. but, take good care of yourself. If they do it again, please tell the teachers."

I nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you." I thanked blankly as I left from there.

"I was scared, but despite of my fear, I ended up letting him break down my walls."

"I love you, Jeon Jungkook."

I smiled a little at the memories. "He stayed with me. And honestly, I... I wouldn't expect it to happen like this." I admitted, soon staring deeply into my hyung's eyes.

"As much as I want to deny it.. he already holds a special place, right here." I said, pointing to my heart.

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