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Namjoon's P.O.V

As I leaned onto the headboard of our bed, I recalled the dream I had, not long ago.

"Jungkook's birthday is coming soon.. could you please help me out hyung?"

I let out a chuckle as he told me his plan.

"Are you really sure about this Taehyung?"

He stared at me with a glint in his eyes showing how determined he is to make it happen.

"Yes! I want to make him happy, even if it's the last thing I do."

I smiled softly. "You're missing the point."

"Huh?" He let out in a clueless manner as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Just by seeing how the kid acts lately, I already know that he's already completely happy just by being with you."

The background of the beautiful garden Taehyung and I talked in that day, soon changed.

The flowers began to wilt as the wind blew coldly.

It looked... completely dead as I examined my surrounding.

I then turned back to see Taehyung, all covered in blood as his eyes showed no sign of life.


Was all he had said until everything went completely black.


I turned to my right as I soon noticed Jin hyung starting to sweat.

I got worried as I then shook him awake from his nightmare.


He screamed as he jolted up with wide eyes filled with fear and sadness.

"What happened?" I asked as I pulled him into a hug.

"J-Jungkook... he was crying out for help. J-Joon I think something bad is happening, we need to get to his house, now..!" He begged as tears began to prick his eyes.

"Let's go." I said as we both wasted no time, wearing our clothes as we both rushed out of our home.


Yoongi's P.O.V

"You can't just go and get into a fight just because of me! Hyung, how reckless can you be?!"

He scolded as he patched up all of my bruises.

"You think i'd give a single fuck if I get hurt or not? Don't be so oblivious if you don't want me to get hurt then!-"

I stopped when my eyes widened to see Jungkook smiling sadly at me.

"You wouldn't be mad at me, right hyung..?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

It all went dark as Jungkook's sweet aura soon turned dark and mysterious.

"If you were to get mad... just know that i'm sorry..."

He trailed off as he silently let his tears fall, hair draping over both his eyes as I was frozen in my spot.

"for letting go."


I jolt up with wide eyes, soon sighing once I realized it was just a dream..

I clenched my blanket tightly as I bore my eyes on it.

'The first part of that dream was likely a memory.. how could it have turned into a strange...'

My eyes soon widened as I threw the blanket off me, putting on a set of clothing as I started running off to Jungkook's house in the cold night.

The anxiety and fear reaching it's highest limits as I began worrying even more.

"Damn it! Jeon Jungkook just wait until I get my hands on you! You will surely get it!" I cursed as I ran faster even when my legs couldn't take it.

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