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Yoongi's P.O.V

We went out and soon started walking at the hospital's garden outside.

"Be honest with me, Yoongi hyung."

"Do you have feelings for Jungkook?" He asked.

I turned to him, then back at our path as we continued to walk slowly.

"If you think of it, I used to love him. Even when you asked him out, I still had those feelings." I admitted.

"But ever since I saw how happy he was with you that day.. I was willing enough to let him go, even if it hurt me." I said.

"Then... now? What do you feel towards him now?"

"Now..? I only see him as a brother of some sort. I already knew he wasn't meant for me and he still gave me a chance to be friends with him. Besides that, I have been attracted to a certain person." I admitted, feeling a smile creep into my lips when Jimin ran through my mind.

"Quite a huge turn if I say so myself, Hyung." He admitted as we both made our way back to Jungkook's room while having a nice conversation about anything.

I guess I was in the mood to keep talking.

'You've been hanging out with Jin so much that's why.'

I ignored my conscience as I continued walking back with Taehyung.

'Though I can't seem to get this feeling that something bad will happen...'


Later that night

Hoseok's P.O.V

"Busy this, busy that! When will you even have time for me hyung?" Jungkook soon asked as he stared at me with a pout.

I smiled softly as I caressed his cheek. "I'm sorry little Kookie.. I promise both of us will play later, ne?"

His eyes shone brightly as a smile graced his lips, his small chubby hands soon start to wrap around me tightly as he let out adorable giggles.

I couldn't help but smile, until... my eyes widened when every went black.

Jungkook's body slowly began to turn into ash as tears fell from his innocent looking eyes.



I woke up in a cold sweat as I stared at my ceiling, stunned.

'What was that all about..?'

Jimin's P.O.V

"What will happen then? What about Jungkook?"

"I want you to stay with him.. be a brother that I never became for him."



I whip my head all around with wide eyes.

"Jungkook?! Where are you?!"

"U-up here!"

I looked up to see both Taehyung and Jungkook tied together as they were both struggling.

I looked closer to see Taehyung holding on the edge of a plank on the ten story building as Jungkook was only hanging by the end of the other rope, giving Taehyung more weight to carry.

Not long, Jungkook soon pulled out a pocket knife.

He began to say something to Taehyung, until...

Everything went black.


I jolt up, gasping for air as I started sweating uncontrollably.

I brushed my hair back as I gulped, looking around in the dark helplessly.

'This has got to be just a dream.. it's not real, it's not real..'

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