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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Because he was trying to protect me." Taehyung cut in, making me turn to him in surprise.

He looked down as he didn't dare to look up at our hyungs. "If only i'd notice them sooner, maybe he wouldn't get hurt like this.." he said.

I frowned as I reached for Taehyung's face, pulling him down slowly into my level.

"Of course you wouldn't notice.. the man was skilled, don't blame yourself Tae." I assured, sweeping his hair back as I kissed his forehead sweetly.

"But did you even get a glimpse of their face?" Jimin hyung asked with crossed arms.

I thought of it and nodded a little. "He had dark piercing eyes, brown locks with blue highlights decorating the tips of his hair-"

"Eunwoo." Yoongi hyung grimaced as everyone's eyes in the room grew dark and cold.

I glanced at each and everyone at them as I soon opened my mouth to speak.

"Uh, guys? What are you planning?" I asked as I noticed they have been staring at each other as if they were planning together in a nonverbal manner.

"Something tells me that Eunwoo wanted to kill Taehyung, but you were there to ruin it." Namjoon hyung stated.

"What- then we'll have to report this to the police." Jimin hyung said with a frown.

"But what kind of proof do we even have? We don't have proof." Yoongi hyung pointed.

"What about the knife?" I suggested.

Namjoon hyung sighed and shook his head. "It's no use, Eunwoo's fingerprints wouldn't be identified completely since Taehyung already held the handle because he had to take it off from you." He said.

"Who even said I touched it?" Taehyung asked, causing them to turn to him in confusion.

"You did, how would you even temporarily clean Jungkook's shoulder without touching it with your hand?" Namjoon hyung said again.

"I did touch it with my hand but remember that gloves are quite popular these days." Taehyung clarified.


"Yeah, my hands weren't exactly clean so I used gloves to take it off as well. So yeah, my fingerprints won't be found in the knife's handle." He justified, causing Yoongi hyung to chuckle.

"You're really clever." He praised.

"Why thank you." Taehyung joked.

"I told you they could go to the extent of attempting to kill someone." I mumbled, looking down as I fidget with my fingers.

"But they aren't going to land a finger on the both of you, not anymore." Hoseok hyung said as Taehyung pulled in to hug me.

"We'll take care of this you two, right now, stop thinking about anything and get some rest, Kookie." Jin hyung said as each hyung kissed my forehead, one by one.

Taehyung chuckled as he kissed my nose. I snuggled close to him as I murmured slowly, soon falling asleep.

"I love you hyungs..."

Taehyung's P.O.V

I stared down at the sleeping angel on me, snuggled pretty closely.

I stroked his hair softly as I looked back up at the hyungs.

"He doesn't deserve any of this." I stated with a frown.

"He never did, but we can't do anything about it.. Eunwoo is out for the both of you, and he's planning to come for you first before taking Jungkook next." Namjoon hyung said.

"How can you even be so sure that he'll lay a finger on Jungkook?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's been the reason everyone dreads to go to school. He pretty much frightens everyone, his reputation.. his appearance, you could already tell he could kill a person. He's capable of many things Taehyung." Jimin said.

"That's why we need to be extra careful. Who knows he might change targets and go for Jungkook first." Jin hyung said.

"Hell no."

Yoongi hyung spoke up, catching our attention as we stared at him, his eyes showing anger as his hands were balled into fists.

"I'm not letting that bastard touch him, i'd kill him first if I have to. I already got him back and i'm not having the thought of losing him again." He said.

I stared at him for a moment, until I slowly laid Jungkook down on the hospital bed without him waking up.

I closed my eyes and let out a breath as I looked back at him. "Can we talk in private?"

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