What Could Have Been

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This has not happened and probably never will, but it was something I thought of on a whim.

*** *** ***

The war had finally ended.

There was no more fighting. No one side shedding another's blood over pointless, petty reasons. No disputes between sides over who's right and wrong. Both sides were wrong, but both sides had been wronged.

And now it was over.

The military leader looked up at the glistening white building that he stood before, a weary expression on his face. His long golden and green streaked hair was pulled back into a low pony tail to keep it away from his face, his tired eyes looking to the open doors of the temple. His sighed as he walked in, his heart fluttering with nervousness. Was this a good idea, he wondered. Would his son ever forgive him?

"Greetings, Sigel..." a soft voice spoke, a robed figure turning to look at him. He couldn't see their face, and their strange voice gave no hint to their gender. He gave a shaky sigh, before kneeling down and bowing his head.

"Greetings...I have a favor to ask of you..." he said quietly. He could feel the figure's hidden eyes on him.

"Rise, Sigel Charoi. I know what you want...and I advise against it," the figure spoke.

"I know you do, great Seer. But...I have one last wrong to right, and if I have to do it this way, then so be it..."

*** *** ***

The air of the forge was sweltering hot as the drow emperor sharpened his battle axe. His shirt was hanging on a rack so he didn't overheat, three massive scars on his side marring his muscular form. His red eyes were distant as he pumped the grindwheel with his foot, turning the hard stone as it sharpened the edges of his deadly handmade weapon.

He sighed as he pulled the weapon off, looking at it's reflective surface. His own sad eyes stared back at him before he turned and hung the weapon on a rack made for it.

They had lost the war that they, no, he, had started. Nothing had changed, not to him. He hadn't gotten the freedom he wanted for his son, and he didn't get the revenge on the military leader Sigel that he desperately wanted. He had taken everything from him when he killed his mate. His sanity, his stability, his chance of a happy life. He had taken it all from him.

The sound of running footsteps caught his attention as he looked up. A guard came into the doorway, panting from his sprint. K'yorl arched a silver eyebrow and waited for him to speak.

"Mi'lord, there's a woman here asking for you! She says she's your mate?" He panted. K'yorl scoffed, the guard must have been new.

"My mate's been dead for a hundred years," his rumbling voice says blandly. He turned back to his battle axe, looking over the fine weapon.

"She says her name is Sabrae, Mi'lord," the guard said. K'yorl paused and turned back to him, looking him over.

"Bring her here. I'll have a word with her," he said with a dismissive wave his hand. The armor clad guard nodded before running off, leaving K'yorl alone once more. The fire in the forge crackled quietly and continued to heat up the air, the large drow elf grabbing a towel and wiping his head with it.

He walked over and put a large top onto the open fire to smother the flames, not wanting to burn anything down. He turned and grabbed his shirt that his cousin had bought him, putting the hot garment on over his head. He stepped out of his forge and closed the door, leaning against the sturdy wall to wait for the guard and the woman to come back.

He heard them before he saw them. Two pairs of footsteps walking slowly down the hall. His ear twitched, feeling the golden earring in his right ear move with the motion. He looked up at them as they approached, his red eyes widening and his heart skipping several beats.

In front of him was his mate. Her beautiful curvy form was dressed in a flowing simply blue gown that brought out her crystalline cerulean eyes. Her soft features were just as he remembered them; a gentle black in color with some pink showing through on her cheeks. Her silver hair was loose about her shoulders and did nothing to hide her pointed ears, their rare scalloping on the edge showing through.

"K'yorl?" Her soft voice spoke as she took a step forward, her eyes concerned as she reached a hand out to him. He gave a choked sob as his red eyes watered. He rushed forward and took her into his arms, squeezing her tightly as he open cried, his tears running down his face freely. Next to him she was tiny at around 5'9 compared to his 6'10.

"Oh my gods! My love!" He cried out as he buried his face into her, his body racked with sobs and hiccups. "I thought-thought I lo-lost you fore-ever!" He collapsed to his knees as he hugged her, unable to hold himself up.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here now K'yorl," her soft voice said as her delicate hands ran through his short silver hair. He sobbed as he held her close, his entire body shaking.

"You-you died! You died in my arms! He-he killed you! How-?" He stuttered out as he leaned back, his red eyes roaming over her face. Through his clouded view he saw her give a sad smile.

"I don't know love..." she said as she set a hand on the side of his face gently, stroking the tears away from his eyes with her thumb. He sniffled as he looked at her, closing his eyes and leaning his head into her touch.

"You're okay...you're okay..." he said softly to himself.

"K'yorl..." she said, the large drow opening his eyes to look at her. "I know you hate him for what he did, but I want you to forgive the high elf," she said softly. He blinked in surprise at that and swallowed past the lump in his throat.

"Wh-what? Why? But he-" he said, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"I know love. But he didn't mean to...he wasn't after us," she said, cutting off his retort. "He was after your father. He took everything from him, his son and his mate. He wanted him dead, for the same reason you want him dead," she said, looking deep into his eyes. His bottom lip quivered as he looked down, guilt and shame hitting him like a tidal wave.

"I never...really thought about that..." he muttered. She pulled him close to her, her tiny frame hugging his muscular body.

"It's okay. I don't blame you for what you did after...I would have done the same," she said, giving a soft chuckle. Her laugh brought a rare smile to his face as he looked up at her. "But I want you to try and forgive him..." she added as she stroked her hair. He gave a small nod in agreement as he closed his eyes, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Im so sorry love...I tried to stop him..." he whispered as he nuzzled her. Her hand stroked his short silver hair as she shushed him softly.

"I know you did dear," she said, placing a soft kiss to his forehead. His eyes welled with tears once more as he gave a small smile, hugging her tightly. He sniffled again as he hugged her tight, afraid to let her go.

"Everyone is going to be so surprised, Sabrae. Sarai and Tso'sun! Oh gods, you haven't met your son yet, he's grown into a fine young man," K'yorl said proudly as he looked at her. She gave a smile at that, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness.

"How is my son?" She asked him, her soft voice eager.

"He's great," he said, nuzzling her. "But he has what I have...he seems to be coping with it well. We have to see him," he said. 

"We will...but I want you to forgive Sigel first. As much as I want to see our friends and family right away, this is more important right now," she said. He sighed as he looked at her, seeing her concerned expression.

"Are you well enough to shadow jump love?" He asked her, his large hands sitting on her shoulders as he gazed at her. She nodded, giving a heartwarming smile. He sighed as he nodded, offering her a hand as he stood. She took it and pulled herself up with him. She closed her blue eyes as he shadow jumped them both to the surface.

They appeared in front of a massive glistening white building, the graceful arches of granite stone a trademark of elvish builders. K'yorl squinted his red eyes against the light as Sabrae grasped his arm for balance, the emperor quickly looking at her with concern.

"I'm okay K'yorl. I forgot how bright the surface was," she reassured him, patting his arm. He nodded, looking back to the building. His ear twitched as he heard faint sobbing within. He looked to Sabrae unsurely then back at the arching entrance to the temple, before walking inside. At first the figure was just a silhouette, kneeling down. But as his eyes adjusted he saw it was his brother, Tso'sun, kneeling down as quiet sobs racked through his body. K'yorl froze, fear gripping him as he exchanged a glance with his mate.

"Tso'sun...?" He said unsurely. The half drow didn't look at him as he struggled to stop his sobs.

"He's gone...he-he's gone..." he stuttered out. He was silent a second before an agonized wail escaped him and he bent over. The emperor then noticed he was holding something in his arms. K'yorl hesitantly stepped forward a few paces around his brother, his eyes widening and his heart seizing a moment.

Sigel was dead.

His body was as pale as white parchment and he was unnaturally thin as if his life had been sucked right out of him. A scar mangled the left side of his face and neck, leaving him horridly deformed. Even dead he still had a worried, stressed look to his face as his limp body laid in Tso'sun's arms.

"Oh gods..." K'yorl managed to whisper out. Tso'sun looked at him, a pained expression on his face, his soft green eyes red and swollen from his tears. His body trembled as he reached over and grabbed a note, handing it to the emperor without a word. K'yorl took it, reading over the elf's neat handwriting.

K'yorl, I know that I have wronged you and your family. The guilt ate at me every day, and the fact that I knew exactly how you were feeling only worsened my grief. And now that this war is over, I finally have enough closure to do this for you. I know Tso'sun won't forgive me, not any time soon. But you deserve your happiness. And this is the only way I can really give any of it back to you and the ones you love. I'm sorry,

K'yorl took a shuddering breath as he looked back up at Tso'sun, the half drow sobbing into the dead high elf's chest and muttering something. He looked up at K'yorl, then Sabrae.

"He did this so you two could be happy together," he whispered as he stood, picking up the dead body of his father as tears continued to run down his face. "Don't make his sacrifice in vain," Tso'sun said, before shadow jumping away. K'yorl stood there in shock, mouth agape as he looked to Sabrae, at a loss for words. The woman looked just as speechless as he, standing there in shock.

"He gave his life for us..." K'yorl managed to whisper out in shock. He looked back down at the note in his hands as a wave of guilt and regret hit him full force, enough to collapse him to his knees.

"He died for us...so we could be happy together..."

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