🌺HiroGo: You and I, together

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( *The Fault in our stars AU)

Leiko's POV

It was the month of May and I was pedaling my way to the candy store that is just near the main street.Anyway, my name is Leiko Tanaka just a normal girl who's having a normal teenage life (and also having some lung abnormalities). Sometimes, I would think that love is stupid. I think it's a side effect of being depressed.

I am now in front of the candy store. I parked my bike at the side and went in.Actually, I'm here to buy some packs full of bubblegums. Strawberry bubblegums to be exact.

As I was walking through the small hallways filled with shelves of candies, I stumbled into someone.

"Would you watch it?" I asked angrily. I think being angry is another side effect of being depressed.

"I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" The boy asked.

I stopped frowning and looked at him. He's so handsome. I love that brown eyes of his. Gah! Stop it Leiko! You have a boyfriend.

"No, I'm fine." I lied and walked away.

I went to the aisle of bubblegums, grabbed on pack and payed for it. I went out of that store and pedaled my way home. Once I got home, I was greeted by my mom but I ignored her and went up to my room.

Once I got to my room, I locked it. But then, I was interrupted by the sound of my mom saying something.

"You know Leiko, you should really get out of your room soon. Good thing, I enrolled to this some sort of therapy class near the church." Mom said as she yelled from downstairs.

Are you serious mom? You know, this won't solve my problems."

She then replied back. "I know but you're already too late. Besides, you have to get out of your room soon. Classes start tomorrow." She informed.

With that, I didn't go out of my room for the next few hours.

But while I was in my room, I kept on thinking if my mom was right. What if getting out of this room would solve my problems? Maybe she's right after all.


The next day, I woke up just the right time since I always wake up late. I went to the shower. I sighed as I feel the warm water flow down my body. I started to think about what my mom told me yesterday. I went out of the bathroom and opened my closet. I picked my outfit for today which consists of black skirt, white tank top and my leather jacket.

I looked at the mirror and smiled. I don't look bad at all. I thought. I prepared my stuff and put them in my purple backpack.

After that, I went down and went to the dining room. I grabbed a waffle and muched on it. Then my mom spoke.

"Wow Leiko! You looked dressed. Are you going somewhere?" She asked as she took a sip on her coffee.

"Um, yeah. Thought about what you said yesterday really inspired me. I'm going to that therapy class that you told me. What time does it start?" I asked as I finished my waffle.

"It starts at 8:30㏂. You better go or else you're late on your first day." Mom said. "Make some friends!" She added.

"Bye Lei." My sister, Maureen said. Why do we have weird names again?

"Wait! Before I go, mom may I borrow your car?" I asked as I hold my bag.

She said nothing and tossed the car keys. Good thing, I caught it.

I opened the car and went in. I started the engine and drove off to church. I started thinking about the boy yesterday. He's just so handsome. Argh! Stop it Leiko! How many times do I have to tell you that you have a boyfriend?

I am now at the parking lot  near the church and I'm  almost late. I locked the car and ran. While I was running, I stumbled into someone. Again.

As I look up to see the person, it was the boy yesterday.

"You?" We both said.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Um, I am attending that therapy class in that building. My aunt said that talking to people would overcome my depression. By the way, name's Hiro." He said in a cool way.

"I'm Leiko. No way! You have depression too? I- I mean we're just the same..." I looked at my watch and it's 8:31. "Oh no! We're late!"

"Then, let's go." He said and grabbed my hand. I blushed into a light shade of pink.

We ran to the building. As I got to the elevator, I had a hard time breathing.

"Are you okay?" Hiro asked as he pressed the number of our floor.

I took the inhaler from my bag. "Yeah, I'm going to be fine. You see, I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 13. I got worried that my mom had to take care of some bills. That's the cause of my depression."

We got to our floor and we scurried to the room where the therapy class will be held.

When we got there, we saw that all chairs were occupied and there were only 2 left at the corner.

"Hey Tadashi." Hiro greeted.

Tadashi's smile faded. "Hiro, where have you been? I told you to get the notebook from my car." He said angrily.

We took our seats and listened to the whole discussion. Even if I'm not a good listener, I listened. Besides, Tadashi is a good conversationalist.

After 3 hours of discussion, the class had finally ended. I was a bit tired but I just shrugged it off.

Hiro and I walked out of the building. Every now and then, he would mutter something but I can't decipher what it is.

He asked a question. "Um Lei, sorry about my brother earlier. He's such a bonehead.

I stopped walking and froze on my tracks. I saw a familiar face along with someone. They were doing something behind the tree. Hiro seemed to notice this too.

"Lei, are you alright?" He asked as I saw who the familiar face was.

I ignored his question and started to run. I don't want Hiro to see me crying.

I ran to the parking area. As I get to the door of my car, I tried to opened it but my hand seemed weak after seeing the disgusting sight.

I can't believe that he would do this to me. And I can't believe that he would just do that with one of my friends.

I dropped myself to the ground, sobbing. I don't care if anyone sees me here.

Just then, someone removed my hands from my face. My eyes met a dark brown ones. It was Hiro.

"Please stop crying. It hurts me when I see you like this." Hiro said as he hugged me.

I cried into he shoulder, not caring if I would stain his jacket. He was now all that I had.

"Hey, what about I treat you some donuts? Does that sound good?" He asked.

I nodded as I sobbed. I gave him the car key and let him drive. For some reason, my eyes would look at him. He's just a bit cute.

As we entered the car, I wiped my tears using my hand. I think I feel better.

🌺Hiro's POV🌺

As I was driving, I would always take a few glances of Leiko. She would always wipe her tears using her hands. She seemed kinda sad and angry.

If you're asking what really happened, she saw her boyfriend, Hiccup having a make-out session with a girl behind a tree. To be honest, I was really disgusted.

In my opinion, she doesn't deserve a guy like him. Come to think of it, why am I thinking of this? I barely knew Leiko. I just had met her a few hours ago.

We arrived at the café and I gave her the car key. We went inside and I was greeted by Aunt Cass.

"Hi Aunt Cass." I said.

She left the counter and gave me a tight hug. "Who's this?" She asked.

"Aunt Cass, this is my friend, Leiko." I said as I introduced her.

"Hi Leiko, just call me Aunt Cass, nice to meet you." She said. "By the way Hiro, I made donuts upstairs. You could join Tadashi for break. He was done washing the car."

Leiko and I went up to the second floor of the house and saw Tadashi eating.

"Hey Leiko!" He greeted.

Leiko and I sat down beside Tadashi and we both munched in our donuts. It's my favorite flavor.

"That's your favorite, isn't it?" Leiko asked.

"Yeah and how did you know?" I asked.

"Well you seemed to be enjoying it." She replied as she finished her donut.

After that, we went upstairs to my old room. We sat down at my bed.

"Your aunt's donut is so delicious." She said.

"Yeah. It's my favorite." I replied.

She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Um, Hiro?" She asked shyly.


"Thanks for everything. It really means a lot. By the way, I have to go." She said and kissed my cheek. I can feel my face reddened.

"Bye." She said and left.

I touched the part where she kissed me. I know this sounds insane but I think I'm in love with her.

Hi! Me again! I hope you like this part. Anyway  sorry for not updating my fanfics.

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