🍁Ying x Fang: Not Enough

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Fandom: Boboiboy (TV Show)

One morning, the students were chatting about some rumors in their classroom. It was a hot, summer day and Ying couldn't help to stare at the back. She was staring at the boy who has messy, black hair and had his jacket tied around his waist.
As usual, she doesn't know what's happening to her.

Mr. Zola came, holding a long, white paper. The students were happy because they don't have a quiz. Mr. Zola spoke.

"Today, I'll assign partners. For each pair, you'll be studying for the upcoming exam. For the pair who receives the highest point in the exam will be given extra marks." He said and looked at the paper.

Boboiboy raised his hand. "Why do you need to do this, sir?"

Mr. Zola looked at him. "I did this so that everybody will not fail. Those who are not good in mathematics will be helped by their partners."

Mr. Zola then announced the groupings/ pairings. "Yaya will have Boboiboy, Gopal will have Lysander, Summer will have Zack, James and Freddie, Lauren will have Margo and Finally Ying will have-"

The bell rang.


Ying was not sure how she ended up like this...

One minute, she was having a normal hour but now, she's facing a nightmare.

Guess who she ended up with.

It all started after the bell rang. Mr. Zola asked her and Fang to stay. That was when he told both of them that they'll be partners.

She bid her pleasant morning goodbye.

Ying did not know what to think of Fang. When they first met, she thought of him as an arrogant and self-centered boy who cares only about himself and popularity and did not care for the others. When Boboiboy and Fang's rivalry went on, it escalated to arrogant kid who wanted to be popular in any way possible through dishonorable means. After finding out that he was not actually a bad guy, she was not entirely sure of what she actually thought of him though she was not fond of the idea of being his mentor or partner. That was until Mr. Zola paired them up. But then, she didn't have a choice.

The two ended up at the library in town, which luckily did not had too much people in it. Yaya, the class monitor, would take advantage of her authority to use the school library and Ying did not want to see her for the time being.

Fang knew that the 17- year old
(A/N: Let's just say that Ying was 17 and Fang was 18) was desperate at the moment. Despite not being close to the girls, he knew some crucial details like Yaya's (terrible and awful) cookies and the rivalry during exams. Heck, he was in third place before Boboiboy came back and could not claim first and second because of Yaya and Ying.

"Okay, we're going to start our lesson now, Fang." Fang's train of thoughts was interrupted by Ying who took a seat at a nearby table. He took a seat in opposite of her.

All right. I guess I'm ready for this." He said. He was not completely sure actually. He was already good at the subject, only careless at times. Plus, he experienced first hand what it was like to beat them at a test. It didn't came out good.

"We should start at whatever part you're really bad with, so which topic do you want to cover today?" Ying asked with the tone similar to a kind teacher forced into a stem tone. Fang couldn't help but wonder at the sudden change of attitude. Not only that her cheeks were slightly a bit red though she stared at him with a slightly annoyed expression.

"I'm not really sure. I've mastered all the topics, only careless during exams." Fang said. Ying was not sure what to make of that statement. The only thing that she needed to make sure was that Fang makes less careless mistakes. Hopefully he won't get a 100% on the upcoming exams because she won't forgive him for that. Still, it will do good on revising on what they had learned.

"Why is your face red?" Fang asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Eh?" Her voice became louder than earlier and her face became even more red. She felt more anxious, embarrassed and shy. Her heart was beating at a fast rate.

"There's nothing wrong with me." She tried to tone down her voice. They we're in a library after all. All she had to do was to remain calm by taking deep breaths.

"Excuse me for a moment." She said in an annoyed tone, not even looking at Fang as she tried to calm herself down. No matter how she do it however, the feeling was still there. She felt annoyed and anxious because of this. How is she going to tutor Fang if she's acting like this.

"Are you feeling well?" Fang asked. He could tell that maybe his presence and the lack of his other friends had emotionally affected her to the point she couldn't focus. She was getting extremely shy and her Time manipulation powers that were subconsciously active wasn't helping through it any quicker.

"I'm going to the comfort room for a while." Ying said while walking away from her seat after she stand up. However, she tripped on her own foot and was already falling.

"Wah!" Ying screamed. However, someone had stopped her from completely reaching the ground. She looked up and saw Fang's face close to her.

Fang admitted that it was pretty hilarious to see Ying's reaction. Her face became red as tomato and she seems dizzy from it.

After that awkward moment, she had ran to the comfort room and faced her reflection on the mirror. "Ying, what's wrong with you. You're usually not like this." She muttered, slightly banging her fists in the sink. She began to think why she was like that. After a few minutes, she realized that she has a crush on Fang since this is what happens to girls on the romantic movies she had watch.

Ying mentally panicked at it since she was still 17 and was still not old enough for that to happen. This was early for her. 'What should I do?’ She thought to herself. Should she tell Yaya about this? Should she tell FANG about this? From what she knew in Romance dramas, this situations usually ended up in a complicated manner. She definitely didn't want that. The only thing to do now is never say a word to anyone and just focus at the task at hand.

While Ying was taking her time at the comfort room, Fang was still at the desk, thinking about the reason why Ying was like that, though the situation was somehow familiar. ‘Ah!’ He said to himself upon realization. Ying must be having a crush on him, otherwise, she wouldn't be like that. When he thought about it, Ying seemed to be a likable person. She was determined (during tests), she was cheerful (usually with Yaya, Boboiboy or Gopal) and she was smart. But is this enough for him to feel the same way she did for him? It wasn't. Fang knew that being a couple would make him be more popular but there are also disadvantages to it like grades getting lower.

When Ying was back they went back on tutoring but this time, he noticed that Ying was hiding her emotions. After 2 hours of studying, they decided to call it a day and left the library.

"Hey Ying, Something wrong with you?" Fang asked as they walked away from the library.

"N-no. Not really." Ying said as her cheeks were turning slightly pink.

"What happened earlier? You know, when you panicked suddenly?" Fang asked. Ying was caught off guard by this question.

"Ah... ah... ah."

"No need to hesitate or come up with excuses. Be honest with me, Ying. Trust me when I say if you're going to relieve yourself of whatever pressure that got you, just express what you feel. I won't be mad." Fang said. Ying was silenced by the statement. She never thought  that he could say something like this. Still it was true and she had to express to calm herself down.

Hopefully, it won't be so awkward.

"Okay then. When I looked at you today, I just felt shy suddenly. Then there was anxiety and feeling flustered. My heartbeat was beating fast and I felt a bit hot. I Didn't know why. That's when I realized that..." Ying paused as she felt scared suddenly.

"Just say it. I won't be mad." Fang said and looked at her.

"I-I... have a crush on you, Fang..." Ying said slowly before sighing in relief. Fang was right. She felt like an elephant just came off of her back.

"Huh, I knew it would come to this." Fang paused for a few seconds but continued.

"But let's just be friends, okay." Fang said. Ying was shocked to hear that. Her chest began to ache. She can't help but feel sad.

"It must be harsh. Falling in love, confession and rejection. All in one day." Fang said.

"Yeah. I know that I'm not ready for this but..." Ying said in a sad tone.

"How about we continue studying again tomorrow." Fang asked. Ying turned to him with a curious expression.

"Same time, same place? At least we'll be seeing each other more often." He offered. Ying felt somehow happy maybe because of the chances that she'll be seeing him again.

"Unless, You want to give the extra marks to Yaya?" He teased.

"No way. I'm not going to let pinky get them. I'll be the one getting those." She reacted.

"No, we will." Fang corrected. Ying chuckled cheerfully.

"Anyway, let's go drink at Too Aba's kokotiam? It'll be my treat." Fang suggested. Ying only smiled at him. After 2 hours of studying, it's worth drinking hot chocolate in Tok Aba's kokotiam for now.

"Lead the way." She managed to say.

A/N: OMG! 1,692 words (excluding this note)! Well that's not me at all. Anyway, stay tune for more.

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