🍂 Boboiboy x Yaya- They Don't Know About Us

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Fandom: Boboiboy (TV Show)

It was a Tuesday morning and it was one of those days that the gang had been waiting for. It was camping day. The bus was just heading towards the clearing in a forest near the city. The gang was just talking on what they'll be doing like roasting marshmallows.

The bus had stop and everyone got out. Mr. Zola blew his whistle and everybody gathered around him, feeling excited of what they're gonna do. "Everyone, set up your tents and gather here once you're done." Mr. Zola said.

Everyone started to set up his or her tents. Ying and Yaya began setting up their pink and yellow tent while the boys set up their big, blue tent.


"Okay Everyone! Line up!"

A command from the teacher stopped all the eighth graders who still prepared their tent and tools they need for their camp day. They walked to the teacher and started making two lines. Boy and Girl.

Today was a camp day for orientation. Every eighth grader must attend it including Boboiboy and his friends. After three years of being separated -because apparently Fang and Ying entered a different middle school-, now they entered the same high school. And like it said before, Boboiboy and his friends was having a camp days for three days.

"Alright! After an hour we will start a game. All of you will be divided into a group. Each group consisted of four people. Two boys and two girls. Every group will be divided by the color they get." And then the ninth grader who helped the teacher walked to the eighth grader with a black box in their hand. They asked every eighth grader to take a card from the black box.

"The game is easy. You just need to find a checkpoint that was marked in the map you'll get after the group is decided. Every checkpoint has a keyword that will lead you to the finish line. The first group who reach the finish line will be the winner. Any question?"

After there was no one who asked, the teacher excused himself and let the eighth graders continue their activities. Gopal hurriedly run to his best friend, Boboiboy, hoping that he will be in the same group as him, but it's seems that the fate was not in his side. Boboiboy got a red card meanwhile Gopal got a yellow one.

Boboiboy continue to look at other students, looking for anyone who will be in the same team as him. His eyes still wandering, once in a while he would asked a person he knew until his eyes landed on a certain red card. And it belongs to non other than his longtime rival who he hadn't seen in very long time. Fang.

Oh great!   

"Why am I in the same team as you?" Fang asked angrily after he knew that he was in the same team as his rival. Boboiboy just rolled his eyes. It seems that Fang had same thought as Boboiboy.

"Do you think I want to be in the same team as you?" Boboiboy ignored Fang who was ready to start an argument with him; he was looking to the girls group instead. Who will be in the same team as me?  "Let's just look for our team member instead of arguing over nothing." He said to Fang and looked around.

After searching –or specifically after almost all the girls approach them, showing their card to them in hope to be in the same team as Boboiboy and Fang- them finally found their team member. It was Yaya and Ying. Their childhood friends.

Boboiboy sighed in relieved. He was happy that it was not some random girl who would scream every time Boboiboy and Fang looked at them or every time Boboiboy and Fang started argued over something stupid. And if Yaya and Ying was in the same team that will be great because who could compete with Yaya and Ying in a brain game? They definitely will be the best team and win this game easily.


Boboiboy never thought that his team would split up like this. The first hour was a nice and peaceful. They were a great team. With Yaya's and Ying's brilliant brains, they reach every single checkpoint quickly. They could solve every puzzle and answer every quiz at every checkpoint, at least until they reach the final puzzle where they should find the finish line from every keywords they have got. The keywords was directed to two different place –or that was what they were thought where it is.

"The finish line must be here!" Boboiboy pointed toward the south lake in map. Meanwhile Fang pointed towards the north lake in map.

"No! The finish line must be here!" Now Fang turn to pointed towards the north lake in map.

The two boys glared at each other like they want to kill each other with their glares. Yaya and Ying tried to ignore those two because their first priority was to find the finish line quickly so they can win this stupid game. It will be wasted to stop Boboiboy and Fang's little argument if Yaya and Ying haven't find the finish line, because the reason they started arguing was the finish line itself.

"I said it must be here!"

"No way! It must be here!"

"ENOUGH! Can you stop arguing for a while? I'm trying to think properly here!" Ying finally had enough and scolded Boboiboy and Fang. The two boys just lower their head because what Ying said was right.

After that, something unexpected happened. A huge bear suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It looked so angry; its eyes glowing with rage and it started attacking them with its claw. Boboiboy and Fang tried to fight it but Yaya stopped them. She said that bear was an animal who need to be protected. In other hand, Ying already run from it and dragged Fang with her without her realizing it. Boboiboy then followed her action and run from it, dragged Yaya with him.

"Um… Boboiboy, you can drop me now." Asked Yaya because it seems that Boboiboy didn't realize that he was carrying Yaya. Bridal style.


After getting down from Boboiboy's hand, Yaya inspected her surroundings. This place looked foreign to her; it seems that Boboiboy brought them deeper to the forest. "Where are we?'

Boboiboy looked at his surroundings too. When he run back then, he didn't care where he run and if his prediction was right they must be lost somewhere in the forest. "I don't know."

Yaya tried to grab their map in her pocket but she couldn't find it. "Oh no! I left our map in that place."

"Come on. We have to find some shelter. It's gonna be dark soon and it looks like it's going to rain." Boboiboy said and dragged Yaya towards the nearby cave.

Boboiboy started to use his fire powers but it became useless because of the lack of wood.

"I wonder when will the rain stop." Boboiboy said while he looked at the gray sky that didn't looked like will stopped spraying them rain in a mean time.

"I don't know."

Boboiboy watched his childhood friend shuttering from the cold. Her clothes were damped and Boboiboy knew how the wind blowing coldly this time. Yaya hugged herself; sometimes she would rub her hand to keep her warm.

Without further thought Boboiboy discard his jacket and gave it to Yaya. "Use this! You are cold right?"

"But how about you, Boboiboy?"

"I'm fine. My clothes are still dry and long enough to keep me warm. Now use it!"

Yaya nodded and wear Boboiboy orange jacket. Subconsciously, Boboiboy keep staring at Yaya in silent. He notices one thing he never really cares before.

Yaya's body was a lot smaller than the last time Boboiboy notice it.

His jacket looked bigger in Yaya's rather small body, it make her sink under his orange jacket. Boboiboy then observed Yaya's hand. It looked small and rather curved than his. Boboiboy's hand definitely could hold her small hand with ease. Even her height was a lot shorter than him if we looked at their shoulder height. Maybe her height just reaches Boboiboy's neck or chin. And if he remembers correctly, back then when they were still in elementary school, her feet were smaller than him. To make sure Boboiboy compare their feet again in silent and just like what he thought, her feet was a lot smaller than the last time he remembered.

Looking at Yaya's stuttered body and the way she hugged herself remind Boboiboy that although Yaya has a super power, she still a girl like any other ordinary girl who need to be protected by a man. And Boboiboy wanted to be that man.

Wait a moment! Why am I thinking like that?!

Boboiboy shakes his head. He shouldn't think something weird about his childhood friends.

"What's wrong with you Boboiboy?" Yaya asked when she saw Boboiboy shakes his head and slapped his cheeks.

"I'm fine!" Boboiboy smiled at her widely. Tried to look normal in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Boboiboy then nodded. "Okay." Yaya looked at the sky again. "When will this rain stopped?"

That's right. Rain. Boboiboy should thinking about rain rather than thinking about how small and cute his childhood friend was.

Boboiboy widen his eyes again. Why he still thinking about her? He can't think something weird about her! He needs to stop before he started doing something stupid. Boboiboy choose to remain silent and tried his best not to look at Yaya. For the first minute Boboiboy keep thinking about anything except Yaya but his thought always ended up at the beautiful hijab girl beside him.

Boboiboy give up and watched her feature again in silent. Now he looked at her face. To be honest, Boboiboy was not a person who cared about people's faces but he know that Yaya's face can be categorized as stunning. She looked very cute with her long eye lashes, her small and pointed nose and do not forget about her thin pink lips. If she isn't famous with her high discipline that made people feared her, maybe there were already many man confessed their love to her.

Thump Thump Thump

Is it just his imagination or did his heart rate increased? He usually didn't react this way around girl before, especially to Yaya. And he doesn't understand the facts that there were not so many boys who were brave enough to get close to her, makes him happy.

Beside him Yaya looked very exhausted. She nearly makes herself fall several times. Boboiboy remembered that Yaya volunteered herself to be the representation of the eighth  graders and he know how tight their schedule was, but when he saw Yaya looked so exhausted like this… Just how much their task is to make, Yaya, of all people nearly made herself fall?

"If you are exhausted, just sleep. I'll wake you if the rain stopped."

"I'm fine. Don't worry." She rubbed her eyes, tried to make the sleepiness that attacked her disappear. Without further thought, Boboiboy lead Yaya's head to his shoulder so she can lean to him and take a rest. He didn't think about the concequences of Yaya find out about his fast beating heart.

"Just sleep."

Yaya wanted to refuse Boboiboy's offer but the sleepiness and her exhausted body beated her stubbornness. Slowly she closed her eyes and flew to the dreamland with the help of Boboiboy's warm jacket.

In other hand, Boboiboy tried to control his beating heart when he heard her soft breathing. He observed Yaya's calm feature when she was sleeping in his shoulder. So calm and beautiful.

Boboiboy didn't know what came to his mind but when he saw Yaya's calm face, he wanted to be the man who will protect her from anything in this cruel world.

Boboiboy caressed her face unconsciously. He smiled at how calm and beautiful the girl with pink hijab in his arm. "What did you do to me Yaya?"

The sound of Yaya's soft breathing and droplet rain make his eyes feel heavy. It's like a lullaby who sang him to sleep. It makes him really sleepy.

He lean his head to Yaya's head. Feel her warm body through her head in his cheek. Slowly but surely he closed his eyes and fall to dreamland with her in his side.


"Boboiboy wake up!"

The sound of a person he knew very well awoken him from his dreamland. It seems he fell asleep too and forgot his promise to awaken Yaya if the rain stopped. And now, it's Yaya who wake him up after the rain stopped. How embarrassing.

"The rain already stopped. We should continue our journey and find our way back before sunset." Yaya explained to him. Boboiboy nodded and followed her.

From afar they heard some people shouting their names. Boboiboy focused his vision, and then he saw a guy with his usual yellow jacket and some people he knew.

"Gopal! Fang! Ying! Guys!" Boboiboy called them.

Said person quickly run to Boboiboy and Yaya after they heard Boboiboy's voice. His best friend, Gopal hugged him tightly and cried dramatically. In other hand, Ying hugged her best friend, Yaya but she didn't cry dramatically like how Gopal is. Ying lead Yaya to their respectable teacher meanwhile Gopal and Fang lead Boboiboy. They need to report what was happening to their teacher.

"Boboiboy, why your jacket was in Yaya's body?" Fang asked, and to make it worst Gopal added too.

"Yeah. Why your jacket was in Yaya's body? Is there something happening between you two?"

Boboiboy looked at his own body and noticed that his jacket was nowhere. Suddenly his memory flied to that moment and his heart thumping again when Yaya's calm and beautiful face came into mind.

"There's nothing between us. The rain made her clothes damp and I gave her my jacket." Boboiboy looked around and noticed that a familiar maroon jacket was on Ying's body. "I should ask you the same thing, Fang. Why is your jacket with Ying?" He asked back and smirked.

"Let's just say that after the bear attacked us, we got lost. We went to a nearby tree and made some shelter with twigs and some leaves. After that, it rained and I noticed that she was shivering so I lent that jacket to her. Then next day, I heard Gopal and Mr. Zola screaming our names." Fang explained and crossed his arms.

"Are you sure there's nothing else aside that? Your faces are red! Oh… Did you…" Gopal asked Boboiboy and Fang.

"It's nothing okay?" Fang said and glared at Gopal. "We should get back." Boboiboy quickly walked away and followed to where his teacher led them to their camp, ignoring Gopal constant question.

He needs to think about his problem with his heart and Yaya alone. He can't let anyone know about this. Including his grandfather.

What's wrong with him actually? He was never like this to anyone. Only to Yaya.

'Argh! What's wrong with me? Good thing they haven't seen us.' Boboiboy thought.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the four were back. They know that people who were lost in the woods usually never came back. It was a complete miracle.

"Were you guys okay?" Mr. Zola asked.

"We're okay sir. We're just fine."Boboiboy asked.

The whole day, Boboiboy and Yaya were avoiding each other beacue of the the fact that they are awkward around each other. Everyone had gathered around the campfire for a little cookout  but Boboiboy refused to join.He was not hungry and he doesn't have the appetite to eat. He began to walk around the lake until he saw a figure sitting on the edge of the lake. It was the girl who he wanted to be with- Yaya.

He looked at her while she was throwing some pebbles at the lake, making it bounce above the water. Boboiboy sat beside her and began doing tricks with his water powers. Yaya watched him and giggled after the water splashed at them. She smiled at Boboiboy.

"What are you doing here alone?" Boboiboy asked and looked at Yaya.

"I just wanted to think about something. How about you? Why are you here?" She asked and threw a pebble into the lake.

"Uh... I just wanted to look at the stars and I'm not hungry." Boboiboy said and looked up.

Boboiboy couldn't take it anymore. Being with Yaya was making him go crazy and forcing him to confess. He sighed and looked down on his feet which was resting down on the cool water. "Yaya. T-there's something I need to tell you." He said and look at her. Yaya nodded and this gave Boboiboy enough courage to tell her. "When I looked at you  yesterday, I just felt nervous and then there's the feeling of being flustered. I think I have a crush on you..." Boboiboy said and looked away.

Yaya became motionless. her mind still couldn't process what he had said. Did Boboiboy, the hero of Pulau Rintis have a crush on her? Of all girls, it was her. From that moment, all she wanted to do was to hug him.

She held his hand and Boboiboy suddenly looked at their hands and her. "I do too actually."

He raised his eyebrow and looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I-I also have a crush on you." Yaya said and chuckled.

Boboiboy smiled and hugged her. "Are we a thing now?" she asked.

"If you want then yes."

She let go of the hug and said. "Can you please keep this as a secret, for now? If anyone on the gang hears about this, they might tell my mom." She paused for a bit. "I'll tell the gang and my mom about this after the camping trip." She said and hugged him once more. He blushed. "Okay."

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