🍁Ying x Fang: Wildest Dreams

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(Part 2 of Ying x Fang: Not Enough)

Ying entered her room as if she had a bad day. Actually she did. She got friendzoned by her first crush. Now she felt like downer. She opened a drawer which had most of her stuff but deep inside, there was a shiny blade. She took it out of the drawer and let it slide on her left wrist. Drops of blood began oozing out but even if it hurt, it felt good to her. She began to do it on different parts of her wrist until she was bored. She washed it on the sink in her bathroom and began crying. Not because of the pain on her wrist but because of the pain she got from having a crush on Fang. Now, she had realized that she had been having a crush on him for a long time since she had been taking stolen pictures of him. While washing the wound, she wished that she didn't met him since it was only him who had hurt her the most.

Her phone beeped and she saw that it was Fang- the person who had rejected her. Since it seemed like an important call, she wiped her tears, pretended to be okay and she answered it.

"Hey Ying, We have a team meeting today and Boboiboy told me to call you since you're already 10 minutes late. Meet me... uh, I mean us here at Tok Aba's Kokotiam." Fang said. She rolled her eyes and hung up.

She went out of her room and bid goodbye to her grandma. She headed straight to the Kokotiam.

When she was there, she sat on a seat which was far away from Fang. She couldn't help that every time she sees him, she feels like she wanted to cry but of course, that would be super embarrassing.

The meeting had started. "Okay so I've heard that Adu Du is trying to invade Pulau Rintis again. But this time, he had someone to help him. Any ideas on how to outsmart them?" Boboiboy asked. None of them answered.

"Well, I'll investigate first. I'll go to his box headquarters and spy on them." Ying said.

"Are you sure Ying? They are stronger than us this time."

"Yeah. Besides they can't catch me." Ying said and ran off.

What she didn't know was someone called her name back there. "Ying, don't!"

Ying's POV

I am now here at Adu Du's box headquarters and saw that he did have new friends. There was a very short guy, a tall mascular man and a tall woman. All of them were from his race.

"Is the invention ready?" Adu Du asked Probe.

"Yes, Mister boss." He said and gave Adu Du a cup of water.

Adu Du took a sip. "Finally, after years of being defeated by Boboiboy, I'm finally going to win this time. But first, I'm going to set a trap for them.

I gasped and realized that Adu Du had heard it. I began to hide but then, I felt that someone's behind me. It was the woman. She had make me breathe sleeping gas and I imidiately fell asleep.


I woke up and I'm now in a cage. I tried to get out but it was surrounded by a force field. I wish I was Yaya though.

"Well, well. Someone already woke up." A  voice said but I knew who it was.

Adu Du came closer and opened the foce feild. It wasmy chance of escape butI wasfeeling weak. Feeling weak because of blood loss. i sat there and he stared at me in the face. "You know what I'm going to do?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Well let's just say that I'm going to inject this on you." He pulled out a syringe with black liquid in it. I gasped. "What does that do?" I asked.

"It makes the person obey the first person he or she sees. Also, it gives you new powers." He said and took my hand. He injected it and the world turned black.

Fang's POV

Me and my friends are still here at the kokotiam while waiting for Ying. She had been gone for an hour already and usually, when she's spying, it takes her 10 minutes.

"Guys, I think something bad had happened to her." I said.

Gopal laughed at my statement. "Stop worrying Fang, Ying is fast. Maybe she went home and had to help her grandma."

I sighed. "Hopefully."

I went to the haunted mansion and sat on the bed. I lyed down  and sighed. I kept on thinking about Ying. 'Why is she careless today? Was it because of what happened today at the library? To be honest, I can't live without her. She was the only inspiration I got. My family is at Norphic, my brother kinda hates me and she's always there for me. Why did I hurt her?' Those thoughts came to me as I felt guilty for her. Because of this, I got tired and fell asleep.


I woke up and it was already 5:39 in the morning. I wore my jacket and walked out of the mansion. I went to Tok Aba's Kokotiam.

"Hey granddad. Can I have a hot chocolate please?" I asked in a gloomy expression.

He prepared the hot chocolate. "Hey Fang, are you okay? You know, you can tell me right."

"No I'm not." I replied.

"Why, what's the problem?" He asked while putting the whipped cream.

"It's about Ying." I said and he served the hot chocolate.

"Why? What about her?" Granddad asked as he faced me.

"You see yesterday, I found out that she has a thing for me." I said after I took a sip on the hot chocolate.

"Then?" Granddad asked.

"Then I freindzoned her. I hurt her, granddad." I said and looked at him.

"You know, Fang. It's never too late to say sorry to her." He said.

I smiled. "You're right." I said and went to Ying's house.

I am now at her house and it was just 6:20 am. I knocked and I was greeted by her grandma.

"Oh hello, dear. What can I do for you?"

"Um hey. Is Ying there? I really need to talk to her." I said.

Her grandma's expression changed. "Ying's not here. She didn't went home yesterday."

My eyes grew wide. "Oh no."


Me and the gang are now here gathered at the Kokotiam.

"Guys! Where do you think Ying could be?" Boboiboy asked.

Gopal replied. "I don't -" He was interrupted by a loud boom which had sent us flying in the air and landing on the ground making a loud thud.

I groaned and stood up. My expression changed to angry as I saw the green squarehead from afar.

"Adu Du!" I said angrily.

"Hey guys! Long time no see. I got a special surprise to all of you." He said and four big robots appeared. I was about to use my powers but Boboiboy had already stopped them.

"Well that's easy." Boboiboy said.

"I'm not done yet. I've got another surprise for you. Yang!" Adu Du shouted.

A small figure appeared beside him. It was Ying but this time, she was a bit different. Her skin was pale, she was wearing black and red and this time, her eyes had been in a shade of red.

"Ying! Hey what did you do to her." I asked  angrily to Adu Du.

"Oh nothing. Just did a little experiment. Yang attack them!" He commanded.

"Yes, Mister boss." She said and attacked Yaya first.

"Gravitational pull!" Yaya said and summoned her powers which made Ying fall to the ground. But after a second, she stood up. "Super punch!" She said and puched Yaya.

"Yaya!" Boboiboy shouted and attacked her but she used her Time manipulation and speed powers.

Ying attacked Gopal and punch him until he was weak. "Gopal!" Boboiboy shouted and became angry.

Boboiboy changed into Thunderstorm Boboiboy and attacked Ying. Unfortunately, Ying did a surprising thing.

"Yang Thunderstorm!" She said and transformed into a girl version of Thunderstorm Boboiboy.

"She has the same powers as we have. Only more stronger and powerful." I muttered. 'How do I stop her.' I thought.

"Fang, you have to make her remember the most painful memory that she have. It will Make her weaker and she'all be back to her normal self." Ochobot said. Then I remembered the time I friendzoned her.

"That's it. I know how to beat her!"

Thunderstorm attacked her but she was too fast. "Boboiboy, hepta split!"

He split into seven and attacked Ying. When Ying was about to be defeated, she summoned something. "Shadow hands." She said and all Boboiboys were captured.

I also captured her using my shadow hands but then she summoned something more powerful. "Shadow Phoenix!"

The sky turned gray and a shadow Phoenix appeared. I went closer to her while she was captured. "Ying, it's me Fang. I'm sorry I frienzoned you."

She stopped struggling and said. "Fang? Friendzoned?" She said and remembered something.

Ying's POV

After Fang said that, I remembered who I really was. "It's okay." I said.

"Ying, You got to stopped that thing." Fang said.

I used all my strength and stopped the Phoenix. When it was all over, I collapsed and fainted.


I woke up but I was not in my bedroom. It was a dark place but I can see a familiar face.

"Hey Ying. I see that you're awake. Anyway you're in my room." He said.

"Oh. Where's everybody? " I asked.

"They went home and rest. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Just a few pains here and there." I said.

"Anyway, I also saw a few scars. Ying, have you been hurting yourself?" Fang asked as he rolled up my sleeve, revealing my scars.

I sighed. "Yeah..."

He sat beside me on the bed and said. "I'm really sorry that I Friendzoned you. When you were gone, I realized that I treat you more than as a friend. I love you, Ying." Fang said and hugged me.

"I love you too."

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