Chapter 22

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"Last but not least, our camp guide for this trip is Shaira, also known as Ira James"

A slim lady came there.

"So kids, this is Ira James. She's an expert in outdoor education and will be leading us through the activities. Let's give her a warm welcome !"

The kids broke into enthusiastic applause as Shaira stepped forward, a fake smile on her face.

"Thank you Mrs Anderson ! Hello Kids !" She greet them, "I'm thrilled to be your guide for the next few days."

She slowly looks at Bella, who is also looking at her with stars in her eyes like other kids present there, and gives her a slight smirk and again turns towards everyone and gives them a smile.

"Mam, can you please tell us about the activities we are going to do here, please Mam" One of the older girl chims in.

Shaira rolls her eyes slightly, but says nonetheless, "We have a fantastic lineup of activities planned, from nature walks to team-building exercises."

A buzz of excitement filled the air as the kids exchanged eager glances.

"But before we dive into all the fun, let's go over a few ground rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. First and foremost, safety is our top priority." Mrs. Anderson interrupts them.

She continued with essential instructions, covering everything from group assignments to the schedule of events. The kids listened with rapt attention, their anticipation growing with each passing moment.

Shaira stand there, only looking at one person.

Her eyes are shining evilly. She just want her hands on that one girl. Bella. And she will make sure of it. According to her, Bella is a kid. And they can easily get manipulated. Moreover, Shaira is known for the manipulation. And she is damn sure that she will manipulate Bella very easily.

She smirks thinking,

Oh my poor dear husband- oops no, my poor dear little sextoy, your little precious daughter is right infront of me. What are you going to do now ?

"Now, I'd like you to pair up with your camp buddies for the duration of our stay. Get to know each other and support one another. And if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to approach me or any of the accompanying teachers." Mrs Anderson ends her speech.

"Girls and Boys in different tents. Get it ?" She reminds them strictly, "And no one is going to live alone. Atleast there should be two members in the tent, ok ?"

"Ok Ma'am" They says, in song manner.

As she spoke, the kids began pairing up, exchanging introductions and forming bonds with their camp buddies.

"Great, now let's get ready to explore and make some unforgettable memories !" Shaira says and again smirks at a particular person.

The kids erupted into cheers, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.


A silence is what everyone can hear in Russo Mansion.

It's a first time, the soul of Russo Mansion, the princess of Russo Brothers is out. Everyone is trying to do something to distract themselves.


The youngest shouts on his call. His brows furrowed. Fingers clenched tightly around the controller. He stared intently at the game unfolding before him. The virtual battleground echoed with gunfire and explosions, but the storm brewing within Riccardo was far more intense.

His friends, who all are on call, were unwitting participants in the tempest that was Riccardo's frustration since an hour.

Every missed shot, every wrong move, seemed to magnify his inner turmoil.

"FUCK OFF" He yell, shutting off his system and kicking it in anger.

While, Salvatore is whole different person.

Unlike his brothers, he never wants Bella to always live in home. He wants her to explore the world. But, he knows his brothers are right when they are saying there is a danger outside awaiting for her. So, he never stops them in doing anything. His Bella is his life. He could do anything to protect her and shield her from outside cruel world yet, he don't want to caged her like a little bird. He wants her to have a normal childhood like everyone else and unlike them.

"It's ok, Sal. She will be back soon. Don't ruin your mood right now." A girl Whispers, caressing his face, with her long fingers.

Salvatore sighs.

"It's not that Ciara, my mood is not ruined. I am just missing my little bundle of joy. You know, this is the first time, she is this far away from me."

He replies.

The girl named Ciara, bit her lips and smiles, "It's ok to feel that way. But, Sal, she is only gone for 4 days. She will come back soon. And right now, unlike you, she must be having fun. So, we should also have some fun. What says !?" She asks biting her lips, flirtatiously.

Salvatore looks at her, when her hands travels down to unbutton his white shirt, still looking at him with lusty eyes.

He immediately holds her hand in mid.

"Not now, Ciara. I am actually not in mood, hmm ?" He tells her.

She frown, "Why ?"

Before he could say anything, his phone rings.

In second ring, he picks it up.


"What happened ?"

"What ?"

"Ok, ok, I am coming."

He hangs up the call and turns towards Ciara.

"I am sorry, I have to go to company. Vince is not there so, I have to sign some papers on behalf of him." He informs her.

"Sal but-"

"Ciara. It's urgent. And, I guess some work will distract me from missing my baby." He says with a smile.

Ciara bits her lips again and smiles, "Ahh yeah, no problem. We can do our fun on some other day."

He nods and immediately left from there.

Meanwhile, the eldest Russo is blasting everyone's ears.


Secretary's eyes widen. He immediately nod and left from there.

"And tell Daisy to bring me my coffee." He orders.

He nods and scurries away from the angry lion.

"I am just surrounded with fools around me" He massages his temples, already frustrated.

"When are you going to come, princess ? You are the only one who can keep my sane only by your mere presence." He mutters looking at the photo frame in his office.

A small smile lingers on his face when he remembers the story behind this picture.

"Vinnyyy, let's take a selfie, please, I am looking so beautiful today."

Bella pouts looking at him.

Vincenzo says, "Wait a minute, baby". He says, pressing some buttons on his laptop.

Bella glares at him. She huffs and made herself comfortable on his lap, hugging his neck.

He immediately keeps his hand on her back, holding her tightly in his arms.

He kisses her on her head and mumbles, "What happened, baby ?"

She mutters some incoherent words.

He chuckles at his 9 year old daughter.

"I want selfie"

"Yes, not only selfie, we will click many pictures too." He says, clicking the 'Save' option, saving his file in the particular folder and shut down his system.

"Now let me get dressed then we will click many pictures." He says, standing up taking her in his arms.

"Noo, don't wear shirt." She pouts.

He frowns, "ok, then let me wear tshirt"

"Noooo" Her pout intensifies, melting Vincenzo's heart into puddles.

"Then ?" He asks her in confusion.

"Stay like this only. We will click pictures like this only."

"Why ?"

"Because you are hot"

Vincenzo choke up plain air as his eyes widen.

Did he hear that right ?

How ? Why ? Oh God.

"Who told you that word ?" He asks her in serious voice.

She giggles, "That girl who came two days back, Riccy's friend, remember ?"

Vincenzo frowns at that.

"She was telling him that boys without clothes looks hot. Though I don't understand that without clothes, I am always so cold then why boys are hot ? I mean without clothes, you will feel cold, right ? Then, why did she says that ? I was going to correct her but then Riccy asked her if she likes hot boys or not ? And you know Vinny, she squeals, don't tell her I said that but she squeals like squirrel-" Bella giggles and then continue, "And then she agreed and said that hot boys are handsome. You are also boy, Vinny. You are also handsome. So, don't wear clothes, you will be hot too." Bella concludes her story, making Vincenzo shock at this.

Bringing girl in home is strictly restricted still his little brother dares to bring someone home in his absence and moreover his little sister witness them talking.

Her eyes widen as a realisation hits him hard.

"Bella, did you see anything else ?" He asks her slightly pleading her to say 'No'.

Bella immediately shakes her head.

"No, they talked about some adult thing so, I get bored and left from there" She pouts thinking that day she was literally bored out of her mind.

Vincenzo sighs.

"Let's take selfie, please" She whins. He chuckles and they started taking pictures. Deciding he will talk with Riccardo about his stunt later.

He came out from his thoughts with his phone ring.

He frowns looking at the unknown number, but picks it up.


His eyes widen hearing something from the other side as he stand up with a thud. His face reflect only one thing and i.e. Shock.

"What ?"


"Everyone, come here !!!" Ira gestures for everyone to gather closer. Her eyes gleam with a combination of some sort of emotion as she begins instructing the students on the art of their first activity.

"Alright, everyone! As the night settles in, it's time for a lesson in campfire cooking," she announces, her voice carrying a blend of authority and enthusiasm. "First things first, safety. Always keep a safe distance from the fire, and remember to tie back any loose clothing."

Everyone nod their head in understanding.

"For tonight's dinner, we're going to create culinary magic using the most elemental of tools - the campfire."

Ira picks up a sturdy piece of foil, emphasizing its versatility. "We're starting with foil packet dinners. A simple, hearty meal for survival in the wilderness."

She explains everything, eventually.

"Ok, so I will make group."

Kids cheer.

"Sofia, Carlo, Vittorio, Amelia- you guys are on chopping duties"

The said students agreed.

"Matteo, Leonardo, Lucia and Bella, you guys are going to help me in making food." She smirks slightly looking at the particular person.

"Other than these students, you guys go and help Mrs. Anderson in making tents for everyone. Ok, everyone off to work" She says, clapping her hands, as everyone started their work.

She comes towards those eight students.

"So here are the vegetables, go and start chopping it, after washing it properly." She orders four students as they left from there. She turns towards another four students.

"Matteo and Leonardo, go and bring woods from nearby area only. Take two students with you guys. Remember, don't go far." She instructs them.

Nodding at her, Matteo immediately holds Bella's hand, "Let's go, Bells-"

"Not her" Ira immediately objects.

Matteo frowns.

She clears her throat, "Take some boys with you. Girls will stay here only with me." She sternly says.

Matteo sighs but nodded and left from there saying 'Take care' to Bella.

"Lucia, why don't you join them ? I think they need help in cutting vegetables. Can you please help them ?" Ira says softly.

The said girl, excitedly chirps and left.

Ira smirks slightly and slowly look her behind.

"So, Bella Russo, huh ?"

To Be Continued...

Almost a month. Still, no progress in comments.

I am tired.

I hope you guys will realise that.

Anyways, sorry for small chapter but I hope you guys will like it 🙂.

I will meet you guys soon till then stay safe, take care and Love yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 26 January 2024.

Total words : 2005 words 😁.

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