Chapter 23

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"So, Bella Russo huh ?"

Bella smiles, "Yes Mam"

Ira aka. Shaira smirks slightly.

"Let's go and cook for everyone". Excited Bella immediately nods her head.

"So, tell me about yourself" Ira initiates a conversation, while kindling a fire with dry leaves and twigs, starts preparing the cooking space.

Bella who is looking curiously everything, turns her head towards the woman.

"I am 12 years old, Mam. I lives with my brothers." She states with a soft smile on her face as she remembers her brothers.

She wonders what they will be doing right now ?

Like them, she is also missing her brothers. Of course she will miss them. This is also her first time going away from her brothers.

Meanwhile, Shaira smirks nth time on this day.

"From the smile of your face, I can say that you loves them"

Bella, arranging the gathered wood for the fire, responds with enthusiasm, "Love ? I admire them, Mam. I can't even imagine my life without them."

As they continue setting up the cooking area, Ira adds more wood to the fire.

"Oh I see. What about your parents, Bella ?" She asks with an evil glint in her eyes.

Bella stiffens.

Parents ? The most treasured word in the world. The most important people of the world. Still, it feels unknown to Bella. From her childhood, she always avoid this question.


A sore topic. Not only for her but her brothers also.

She clearly remembers the day, when she asked her brothers about her, about their parents. But, the reaction she got on her brothers' face is something she never wants to see. Not even in her dreams.

Those unshed tears of her Vinny...

Which he thought he hide it. Unfortunately, Bella already saw that emotion in his eyes.

And that was the day, she decides that she will not ask them about her parents anymore. They will themselves tell her when they will be ready. And from that day, even if it hurts her, she never asked them this question.

"They are not living with us" She replies, keeping it short.

"Oh so they are working in any other city, right ?" She says, stirring a pot over the crackling flames.

"Hmm" Bella mumble, looking at the pot infront of her.

"I also had one daughter." Shaira sighs.

Bella frowns in confusion.

"Had ?"

Ira shut her eyes and meekly nods.

"She is no more"

Bella's mouth hang open.

"Ohh, Sorry." She immediately replies.

Ira sighs and shake her head, "It's ok. If my daughter were alive, she would be just like you. It's all because of my husband. He should be sorry. Not you." She sniffle, wiping her crocodile tears and continues, "My husband actually took my daughter away from me. I literally tried everytime to contact her but he never let me. And one day, I came to know that she is no more" She burst out crying.

Bella's heart break. She immediately rub her back softly in a comforting manner.

"Mam, please don't cry. My brother says that God always tests those whom he loves very much. Your daughter won't like if you will cry this much. She is in better place right now and she will feel sad if you will cry like this because of her. Please, don't cry, Mam-" Bella tries to comfort her.

"D-Do you wanna know who is my h-husband ?" Shaira sniffles and looks at Bella with the most innocent face.

Bella hesistantly nods.

She don't want to interfere in someone else family matters.

Shaira smirks unnoticeably.


"I am here !"

Vincenzo's cold voice echoes in the dark room. The room is shrouded in darkness, with heavy, moth-eaten curtains that barely allow a feeble light to filter through. Dilapidated furniture stands silent, draped in dusty sheets. The air is stale, carrying a musty scent of aged wood and neglect. Creaking floorboards echo a bygone era, while cobwebs drape the corners like ghostly veils. Time seems frozen, leaving the room trapped in a haunting stillness.

"Welcome Vincenzo, welcome" A unfamiliar voice heard, "I told you to come here in 30 minutes and you are here-", A pause is heard as a man looks at his watch, "13 minutes early. Hmm. Impressive."

"I am not here for your bullshits. Tell me, who are you and why do you call me here ?"

Vincenzo shouts. Because of dark, he can't even see his face.

"Aww, the almighty Vincenzo Russo is scared, hmm ? Scared for his precious, huh ? I see." He laughs.

Vincenzo clench his fist as his eyes darken.

"I asked you something. Tell me, who the fuck are you and why do you call me here ?" He grits his teeth.

"You know me very well, Vincenzo. So, forget your first question and about your second question, Why I called you here , is because I want to give you punishment for something." He says with seriousness in his voice at the end.

"What punishment ?" Vincenzo frowns.

That unfamiliar man laughs.

"Of course, punishment. Anyways, What's your precious doing ?" He says.


"Calm down, boy, calm down.-"

"STOP YOUR BULLSHITS. I will make you suffer. Tell me how the fuck do you know about Bella ?" Vince grits his teeth.

20 minutes ago, he received a phone call where someone told him to come to the abandoned building in 30 minutes otherwise he will take his Bella from him. To make Vincenzo believe, he even told him the exact location of Bella, which made Vincenzo tensed.

"Bella, yes. That cute babygirl of mine-"

"I WILL KILL YOU-" Vincenzo takes a long stride and without a second guess, holds the collar of that man.

That man smirks.

Realisation hits Vincenzo as his eyes widen. His breath hitch as his hold loosen from the man's collar.

"You" A whisper left his mouth.


"His name is Vin-"


Bella's head snaps towards the source of the voice.

"YES MARCO" She shouts.


Bella turns towards Ira and says, "Mam, can I go there ? Please"

Shaira clench his fist but nods.

Bella immediately run towards Marco.

"Don't worry, my dear daughter, Bella Russo, I will make you believe me over your dearest Vinny. After all, you are the key of my dream life. You are the key of Russo's property."

Shaira smirks at the thought and takes out her phone.

She opens her message and messaged someone.

'Do it'

"Now, let's wait for the drama" She laughs evilly.


"What happen, Marco ?" Bella asks.

"Shit happens, Bells, shit happens. Help me to hold it otherwise your handsome bestfriend will lose his shoulder, Bellaaaa, helpppp meeeee" Marco cries, dramatically.

Bella laughs and help him to cradle a bamboo pole in her hands as Marco, meticulously tends to the tent. The air is alive with a symphony of nocturnal sounds, blending with the murmur of teachers and students engrossed in their tasks.

Unbeknownst to Bella, mischief brews behind her. Someone's hands loosen the tent ropes, setting in motion an impending calamity. In a blink of an eye, bamboo from behind her loosen from the rope. The soft light from the lanterns shows a secret plan unfolding in the dark. Bella, still busy with the bamboo, has no idea what's going on.

"BELLA, WATCH OUT!" Bella flinches at the sudden voice, looking around in confusion. In a swift second, she is pulled by someone forcefully.

The bamboo falls to the ground.

She gasps, seeing the bamboo on the ground, and looks towards the person who pulled her in time.


"I-I am okay, Mark- Matty- Thank you" She says in a serious and grateful tone.

"Don't thank me, Bells. Where are you even watching ?" Matteo scowls angrily. Bella's lips slightly twitch downward.

"Bells, are you okay?" Marco immediately asks her. His voice holds concern.

"I didn't s-"

"Teo, its not her fault. Why are you scolding her ?" Marco says, keeping his hand on her shoulder, pulling her in his embrace.

Matteo sighs, "Sorry"

"It's ok, Matty, thank you for saving me." She smiles, gratefully.

Matteo smiles and ruffles her hair.

"Bella, Are you okay ?" Mrs. Anderson comes there with everyone following her. She was busy in other students tasks when she suddenly hears the shout for Bella to watch out. She saw everything and is scared for a little girl.

"Yes Mam, Matty saves me" She replies.

Mrs. Anderson smiled and turn towards other students.

"Who made this tent ?" She asks but no one comes forward. She sighs and told them to start doing their work again.

Here, someone else is clenching her fist. Her eyes are just glaring at nothing.

"You have good luck today, Bella. But not always."

Shaira grits her teeth due to anger.


"You" Vincenzo let out a whisper in shock.

That unfamiliar man smirks at Vincenzo.

"Miss me, Vincenzo Russo ?"

"Alessandro Romano"

To Be Continued...

What do you think who lose the ropes of tent ?

What do you think about Shaira's plan ?

Who is Alessandro Romano ?

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will meet you guys soon till then stay safe, take care and Love yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 16 February 2023.

Total words : 1543 words 😁.

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