Chapter 24

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"Miss me, Vincenzo Russo !"

Vincenzo's eyes widen as a name let out his tongue, "Alessandro Romano"

The man named Alessandro, starts laughing out loud. Vincenzo's blood boils as before he could say anything, his fists react and met with the Alessandro's face.

"Oww" Alessandro glare at the man infront of him, rubbing his cheek to ease the pain.

"What the fuck, Vince ? You are supposed to hug your bestfriend after meeting him after so long and here you are started giving bruises on my first day only ? Rude"

Vincenzo scoffs.

"Shut up. Is this the way to meet someone, Ales ? I was so fucking angry"

Alessandro shrug his shoulders.

"I didn't lie tho" He mumbles.

Vince raises his eyebrow, giving him a challenging look.

"When you asked me, who I am, I told you that you know me. Then, you asked me for what I called you here and I replied, punishment. So where is a lie ?"

Vince rolls his eyes at the explanation.

"Oh puh-lease- Mr. Vincenzo Russo, stop rolling your eyes at me. You deserves the punishment. How the fuck you forgot to pick me up from the airport ? I want to receive a great warm welcome that's why I informed you a month before that I am coming. Still, no welcome. I was offended" Ales shrugs his shoulder.

Vince narrows his eyes, "You informed me a month ago, Ales. You told me that next month you are coming but you didn't tell me the exact date, did you ?"

"Yes I-" Ales stops in mid as realization hits him hard, "I didn't ?" Vince Shake his head. "Oh. Sorry" He sheepishly smiles.

Vincenzo shakes his head.

"Ok, everything you said is right but My Bella is not your babygirl"

In response, Alessandro starts laughing again.

"She was and She is and she will always be."

Vincenzo narrows his eyes at his bestfriend.

"That's different thing that she can't recognize me as she was such a small baby when I went to Russia for my mafia training." He sighs, sadly.

Before Vince could sympathize him, he continues, "But now, she will be going to loveeeeee me moreeee and trust me I will make you feel jealous and that's for sure"

Vincenzo immediately kick him on his balls making him groan in pain.



Next Day...

"Alright Everyone," Mrs. Anderson calls out, "Today we are going to play one game. Any guesses ?"

"NO" The kids shout together.

"Ok, we are going to play, Treasure Hunt" She says, clapping her hands in excitement.

The students cheer with a joy.

Shaira is holding a weathered map, and with a mischievous smile, she briefs the students, "As you all know that today, we're embarking on a treasure hunt through the Enchanted Grove. This game is like treasure hunt only but there will be slight difference. This map right here will guide you to hidden treasures scattered throughout the forest. Enjoy the adventure, solve the clues, and let's find that treasure together !"

The students gather around, examining the map with curiosity and anticipation. Alessia, known for her puzzle-solving skills, is the first to chime in, "This is going to be so much fun ! Let's crack these clues and find that flag !"

"Ok, before that, I will divide you guys into groups of two. Everyone will have their personal map and compass. If by any chance, you think that you forgot the way then, follow this compass for directions and then reach here. You guys have 90 minutes. Crack these clues, take help from map and compass. After you will reach to your destination, you will get a red flag there with your names written on it. Take that flag and again meet us here in 90 minutes. The team who will reach here on time, first, will get some beautiful nature related gifts. Ok ? Any doubts students ?"

Shaira explains everything professionally.

"NO" Everyone cheers.

"Like, I always says, safety matters. So, first pack your bagpack with important things like water, first aid kit, compass, map etc. I know it only for 90 minutes but this is a forest we are talking about. so, better be prepare. A caution is always better than remedy." Mrs. Anderson says, calmly.

Everyone started packing their bag as per instructions.

"Bella" Alessia calls. The called girl looks up from her bag, "Miss Shaira is calling you"

"Ohh okk, thanks" Bella smiles and goes to Shaira, leaving her things there only.

"Yes miss ?" She says politely.

"Oh Bella, I want to give something to you, come here." Shaira replies smiling.

"What miss ?"

"This" Ira says, giving a locket to her. Bella frowns. A crease forms on her forehead as she looks at the locket in her teacher's hands.

A red heart pearl locket suspended from a delicate gold-plated chain. It really gives elegant vibes. it looks attractive and Bella could imagine the price of the locket.

"What is this , ma'am ?"

Shaira chuckles, "This is for you, Bella. Actually, I made this for my daughter but-" she sighs, "You are like my daughter only so, I think to give it to you. So, take it."

Bella stares at the lady infront of her. "I-I am sorry, ma'am, I can't take it.-"

"But Bella-"

"No ma'am, I am sorry, if it offends you but I really can't take this locket from you. I know you are missing your daughter and you saw me as your daughter. But, still, I can't take this locket from you. " Of course she can't. Her Vinny literally warned her to not to take any things from the strangers and even if Miss Shaira is good, she still is a stranger to her and she can't accept anything from a stranger.

Shaira looks at the young girl in quite shock. According to her, Bella is the gullible, naive little girl. She never expected her to say 'No' for such a beautiful locket. Normally, Girls love these types of ornaments. They will never say 'no' to these ornaments. And Bella only being 12 years old, deny this attractive locket made Shaira question herself.

But, Shaira just can't accept that. She has to do something. She smirks unnoticeably and blinks her eyes like she is blinking her tears away and turns around.

"It's ok, Bella. I-I thought that I again f-find a daughter in you. That's why, I decide to give my daughter's last sign to you" She sniffs, trying to make it more realistic.

Bella gasps suddenly, "What ? This is your daughter's last sign ?"

Shaira smirks, 'bird trapped in cage'.

She immediately turns around, with tears in her eyes, "Yes, Bella, that's why I am giving it to you" She ends with a sniff.

She smirks slightly seeing Bella in deep thought. But, that smirk vanishes as soon as Bella opens her mouth.

"No Ma'am, this is your daughter's last sign. You should keep it with yourself as her memory. I can't take this Ma'am, I am sorry."

Shaira clench her jaw, glaring at the back of the leaving girl. Her fist tightens as she grit her teeth, "Bitch, I will make you suffer." She immediately calls someone.

"Everything done ?"


"I don't want any mistake today." She hangs the call and smirks slightly.

"You did your Packing ?" Bella asks as soon as she notice Alessia, with her bag pack, scrolling through her phone.

"Yes, I am done" She grins, "Let's go for treasure hunting"


"Bella, Let's go there" Alessia points to a particular direction, lookin at her map.

Nodding her head, Bella follows her looking at her map.

Yes, Alessia and Bella are in teams, while Marco and Matteo are in another team. Getting maps, everyone started their journey through the forest.

"We reached the lake, Bella" Alessia squeals looking at the small lake infront of them.

"Yes. It's only 25 minutes and we already reached the lake. We will reach soon to our flag too" Bella chirps excitedly.

"Yes. Let's go"

Washing their face with fresh lake water, they again started their journey.

"According to the map, there should be the rocky area here" Bella mutters looking to the map properly.

"You are right. Let's search properly, hmm ?"

Bella nods.

"Alessia, look there" Bella points somewhere and Alessia's eyes lit up seeing their destination. They high-fives each other and run there.

"Bella, start finding flag. It should be here-" Alessia stops in mid. Her eyes widen as it stuck on something behind Bella.

To be Continued...

I know this is a short and boring chapter. But still, did you enjoy it ?

I will bring drama everywhere soon .. so please bare with my boring phase too.

The people who are commenting, even if a single line... Thank you from the bottom of my heart because you guys are the only one for who are keep maintaining my motivation.

Motivation == Updation 😁

Keep motivated me, I will keep you guys updated 😌...

So, 20+ comments for next chapter. What says ? 😅 (Only if you guys are ok, don't force yourself ❤️. I love you all same. So, it's totally ok if you guys don't want to do it 😁)


Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will meet you guys soon till then stay safe, take care and Love yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 24 February 2023.

Total words : 1566 words 😁.

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