7. Be My Surrogate ♥️

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Inalillah am in deep shit

" Good evening Sir" I said with a straight yet calm face, deciding it would be better if I acted like I never yelled at him and I could swear I saw a flash of shock sweep through him. Probably Suprised that I could actually talk In a calm manner.

" If you really need to address me with a title I would prefer it if you call me Master" he said, cocking an eyebrow. Earning an eyeroll from me and a facepalm from the Doctor.

" Can we get straight to the point please I have lots to do" the doctor said and showed me a seat, gesturing for me to get seated.

I did as he instructed before Mr Rude no the CEO talked.

" OK the reason I called you here is..." He abruptly stopped before the doctor gestured for him to continue.

" Am willing to pay for your mom's stemcell transplant and anything else she might need." he said and my head immediately jerked up.

" Wait. What did you just say?" I asked, hoping with all my heart that this wasn't a dream.

" I don't repeat words crazy" he answered and his words immediately anchored me back to reality.

It's Mr Rude Nafeesah. He's just trying to get back at you for using the elevator. My subconscious reminded me.

But wait! He really is the CEO so joking about this is pointless. 

My brain finally flew back into my empty skull and realization hit me.

" In exchange for what?" I asked. He's obviously a business man so just paying for a random person's transplant without receiving nothing in return is absolutely ridiculous.

" You may be crazy but I see you are quick - witted. Of course there is a price to pay" he replied with another smirk.

The doctor's eyes darted from me to the CEO as he intently watch us with amusement.

" What is that price?"

" I want to give you the honor of being my Surrogate" he said with a stupid Arrogant smile and I immediately jerked off my seat.

My jaw hit the floor. I stood there frozen, I was suddenly itchy everywhere out of disgust, anger swelling within me. I expected him to grin and admit that what he said was a joke but he looked dead serious.

For a moment I wondered if I was being set for a reality TV show or something. I glanced around the office half expecting to detect a camera crew but there was nothing of that sort.

"Wait. What!!!

You want me to be pregnant for you and carry your baby? This is arrant nonsense. What do you take me for? A whore? A slut? OMG this doesn't make any sense to me." I angrily screamed at him. Which shocked not only him but the doctor too.

" You don't like it?" He asked.

Really? Were they really expecting me to clap my hands and be happy?I stared at them in astonishment. I leaned against the table for support, a sickening coldness was creeping upwards through the soles of my feet, turning my legs to jelly.

"I knew you to be very rude but I never expected you to be this irresponsible. So if you'll excuse me, I need to be out of here." I snapped. Casting him another look revealing the disgust I felt towards him before storming out of the office.

I met the secretary and to avoid her snarky remarks I shoved her aside before getting out of her office.

When I was finally out of the building, I exhaled loudly. "What the hell was that crap?"  I asked myself panting.

"This man should better not piss me off because I don't wanna unleash the tiger in me. No matter how rich or influential he might be, am not allowing him stomp all over me." I said to myself, boarding a taxi back home.


"This is ridiculous" husnah said with an exasperated sigh.

" Why do all these rich people think of anyone below them as filth? And why would doctor Fahad partake in this?" She asked, probably heartbroken as I was that the honorable doctor wasn't really honorable at all. And I felt bad leaving my mom in his care. Seriously everything was starting to give me heebie jeebies because it made no sense from any point of view.

I was supposed to be the miracle of the family, the successful one to make enough money to be able to provide for my parents everything they need. The reliable one. And I'm here, useless, unable to do anything to help. I never knew it would be this hard to be a twenty four year old.

I clean the tear that was rolling down the side of my eye.

Soon my mother will start to reject transfusion and it will get harder. If I decided to sell off myself I wouldn't only be disappointing my family, I would be disappointing Allah too.

Ya Allah help me.......


This is a difficult situation peeps what do you think Nafeesah should do?

Stay tuned 😉 don't forget to vote ♥️

Much love ♥️ Nightingale ✍️

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