Sharing ~ OverDeku/ChronoDeku

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Ship : OverDeku / ChronoDeku

Scenario : Hari and Kai were helping Izuku cleaning her room when she saw a wooden box with kid's drawings in it. It was Izuku's drawings that she made when she was a kid. They suddenly recalled their first meeting.



(Threesome ending on the way-)


"Why do you love keeping too many things in your room, Izuku?"

The black clothe-masked male's voice rang through the green-haired female's room, breaking the long silence as his hands worked to rummage through a big brown box. The box contained many old toys belonged to Izuku. Blocks, animal plushes, hero dolls, board games. Too many toys that they were almost uncountable.

"Yeah, Kai is right. Why don't you just... Throw them away?"

Hari added more statement, his dark irises locked on the slightly stack of kid's storybooks. They also were owned by Izuku. The arrow-headed man wondered why she still kept these things.

Izuku, who was looking through her old belongings, puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction, annoyed by her two childhood friends' complaints. "Well, these are my belongings, my toys, my books. It is up to me to keep them or throw them away."

Izuku answered the two men's questions, voice whiny and sassy. She ignored the intense stare she received, proceeding with her current works.

The greenette opened another box, but this time it was a wooden box. The box was very light, as if there was only air in there. Izuku shook the box near her ear, hoping for any sound. But nothing.

Curious, the young lady unlocked the brown wooden box. Her eyes suddenly widened at this sight of many kid's drawings, some crumples, some still looked perfect.

"Wah~ my old drawings! This feel so nostalgic~!"

Izuku looked though the drawings one by one, while Hari and Kai watched her in complete silence. Her action came to a halt when she came across of a certain drawing. The pictures weren't that clear, since it looked like it was scarmbled. But Izuku could make up the figures of the three people in the drawing.

Two boys and one girl, three of them holding hand in hand. The girl was standing between the two young boys, while both her hands were being held by the boys. All of them had big happy smile on their faces.

They were Kai, Izuku and Hari.

"This is... The drawing... That I drew when I first came here."

Izuku managed out, her emerald eyes lidded. Hari and Kai already stopped doing their works, intrigued by her murmuring. They scooted close to the young woman.

Kai nodded his head upon seeing the drawing. "Ah, yes... Now I remember. You made three drawings of the same pictures. One for me, the other one for Hari and the last one you kept for yourself. I still keep this drawing in my roon...."
Hari inspected the drawing intently, and now he understood what Kai meant. The pale-haired man let out hearty chukles, a smile spreading on his handsome face.

"Same. If I remember correctly, I kept that drawing in a box, under my bed." Hari looked up to the ceiling, his thumb rubbing his chin as he tried to recall where he placed the box.

Izuku was absorbed in the nostalgic feelings growing inside her. Memories from her childhood flooded her mind instantly. A small smile tugged on her lips.

"When Grandpa brought me to Shie Hassaikai for the first time ever, I was really scared of everyone here. Especially you two... I just lost my parents in a hit-and-run incident, and it affected my life in a negative way. I became scared of everything, even toward people. Grandpa was the only one I was not scared of."

Izuku started the story of her first meeting with Kai and Hari. She leaned relaxingly against the wall, her eyes squeezed close in nostalgia.

"But, you two didn't give up and always tried to find a new way to get along with me. Sometimes your ideas were so ridiculous that it made me laughed."

Cheerful laughters echoed in the young girl's room. The silver-haired man joined in the laughing session too, while the other man only mustered a small smile under his mask.

"In the end of the day, I made these drawings and gave to you two each, as a sign of appreciation."

Izuku suddenly lifted her head up, looking at the two men alternately. "Kai, Hari. Thank you... For coming into my life. You two have always been there to help me."

An angelic smile graced her beautiful freckles-covered face. Kai could feel his heartbeat increasing upon witnessing her smile. Hari felt his cheeks and whole body warming up, immediately looking away from her.

Kai silently stared at Izuku's face, secretly admiring her beauty. His mind was wondering if this was the right time to tell her how he truly felt all this time. The feelings he had been keeping inside ever since they first met.

"....I want to thank you too... For accepting me into your life, Izuku. Meeting you is the best moment in my life. So, I want to tell you..."

Kai reached his gloved-hand to her face. He gently caressed her soft cheek, catching her off guard. Her cheeks heated up, obvious thick scarlet shades tinted on her face.

Hearing the brunette's words, Hari gasped in shock. He turned to their direction at the speed of lightning. In disbelief, he observed them. Hari chewed on his bottom lip.

He is confessing.
Does this mean I have to give up again? Give up and let him win this competition? Dang it, why it has always to be Kai? Why can't I win even once?

"I love you, Izuku."

Kai, ignoring Hari's existence in the room, confessed bluntly his feelings to Izuku. The teenage girl, shocked, squeakily gasped at the unexpected confession.


"I love you, sweetheart... Will you be my girlfriend?"

Kai inched closer to her face slowly. His hot breath brushed her luscious lips, causing her to softly huff. Hari who was beside Izuku, clenched his jaw.

He couldn't take this any longer.

All of a sudden, Hari pulled Izuku toward him. Her back pressed against his chest, strong arms slithered around her slender waist neatly.

I can't accept this. I don't want to give up this time. I will fight. Sorry, Kai. If you think I will give in, then you are wrong.

"H-Hari? What is wrong...?"

"... Izuku... I... I... I have... Always loved you, princess..."

Hari shyly confessed his feelings too. Izuku's jade green eyes widened big, her gaze then shifted to Kai. He was staring at them emotionlesaly, as if he wasn't bothered by the other male's confession.

Izuku gulped down her saliva. This wasn't happening, right? Her two childhood friends-- the two men she adored so much -- were fighting over her. Oh God, how could she make the right choice?

No, that sounds wrong.

How can she choose only one of them?

When she truthfully loved the two yakuzas equally.

"Kai... Hari... I..."

Her lips quivered from nervousness, her voice shaky and trembling. She stared at Kai first, then looked over her shoulder, studying Hari.

".... I love you both... I-I don't know if I can
choose... Both of you are important to me. I love both of you... Equally."

Izuku voiced out her true feelings. Kai and Hari never expected such answer from her. Here, they thought one of them would be chosen as her lover, while the other one had to be left heartbroken, unwillingly accepted his inevitable fate.

But their assumptions were wrong.

"Well... I don't mind sharing you with Hari. If you wish to be with me and him, then I won't oppose, Izuku."

Saying his thought out loud calmly, Kai then darted his golden irises to his love rival. Hari was EXTREMELY surprised by his astonishing announcement.

Gulping down his saliva, Hari spoke up,

"Me too, Izuku. If being with the two of us make you happy, then I'm more than glad to share you with Kai. As long as you are happy, I'm happy too..."

Smiling widely at the young woman, Hari rested his chin on her shoulder. He dipped his head, inhaling her sweet, tempting scent. Kai's gloved-fingers caressed her porcelain-coloured cheeks, his leaning closer to press tender kisses. His lips were still covered with his mask though.

Izuku was speechless. She was at loss of words. Was this a dream? Or was this reality?

She got the answer. This wasn't a dream.

"Angel, now that you belong to... Us, I... Want to show you some love..."

Kai's hands suddenly moved to her exposed thighs. His fingers ghosted over the inner part of her thighs, massaging them tantalizingly. His action drew a soft moan from Izuku, turning on Hari who was silently stupefied by Kai's bold move.

Not wanting to be left behind, Hari pulled down Izuku's top revealing her shoulder blades. He pressed his soft lips on the narrow bone of her shoulders before growing lowly in arousal under his breath.

"A-ah, Hari... Kai..." Izuku moaned their names in pleasure, feeling pressure building in her waist. What is this intoxicating pleasure? It was a new kind of feeling she had never experienced before.

The three continued the heated making out session, already forgetting their task to clean the room.

"Izuku, can I talk to you-"

POPS had to walk into the scene when things were getting good among the three. Kai and Hari immediately stopped kissing Izuku, who was left panting for air. Her clothes was dishevel, while her hair was messier than before.

Greeting by a sight of his granddaughter making out with the two yakuzas who were very close to him wasn't the best sight. Pops was dead silent, his eyes never averted from them.

"Chisaki, Kurono, you are coming with me... To my office now."

Hari and Kai internally cursed to themselves. Look like they couldn't escape from Pops.



And I have been VERY TEMPTING TO MAKE a THREE WAY ship like this before so today I won't hold back. 😂

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