Maka Albarn x Bendy Male Reader

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Request made by Magicmaniac200

Love you dude :3

(No ones POV)

It was a cold night, the perfect time for the dark forces of life to start moving between the shadows. But where there are demons or witches moving in the shadows, there will always be someone behind them ready to stop their evil impulses...

This adventure begins with Soul and Maka walking down the street in search of an old animation studio. Shinigami-sama assigned them a mission to find some elusive demons who are constantly attacking innocent people to devour their souls. According to the information Shinigami-sama gave to Soul and Maka, the last time these demons were seen was in an abandoned animation studio called Joey Drew Studios. For two days these demons have been inactive. The mission Soul and Maka have is to kill the demons or get information in case they are planning something dangerous.

Soul: Are we going in the right direction?

Maka: Did you not hear the indications they gave us to find Joey Drew Studios?

Soul: I was busy listening to cool music on my phone.

There was a shadow covering Maka's eyes.

Soul: Maka?

Maka: Makaaaaa...

Soul: What are you doing?

Maka: CHOP!

Maka hit Soul in the middle of the head with a really big and heavy book, leaving the rectangular mark of the book on Soul's head.

Maka: You are an idiot!

Soul: S-Sorry...

(Time skip)

Maka and Soul found the animation studio thanks to Maka's ability to remember the indications that his partner was not able to hear. The windows of the animation studio were broken, covered with wooden boards and tons of offensive graffiti on the walls. The animation studio had a giant sign with the name of the original owner of the studio and next to it, the picture of an adorable black devil.

Maka: It's depressing to see how something that shared so much joy with everyone ended up like this...

Soul: You know that thing?

Maka: That thing is Bendy. He is an adorable demon that in his cartoons was always getting into adventures with his friends Alice and Boris. My dad had old tapes about Bendy's program and they always entertained me when I was a little girl. 

Soul: Jeez... How old is this place anyway?

Maka: According to what Shinigami-sama told us, this was a successful animation company until, due to a series of problems, they were forced to close in 1929.

Soul: What happened?

Maka: The animation progressed with the passage of time. People no longer wanted to see black and white cartoons. Honestly, just because something is new, it doesn't mean it's better.

Maka started to walk towards the entrance of the animation studio with Soul following her. Once inside, both were surprised to see that the walls of the place and some small spaces were decorated with drawings and posters of the little Bendy.

Soul: Wow... These guys were really obsessed with this cute guy.

Soul was looking intently at a drawing of Bendy on the wall.

Maka: Well, Bendy was the star of the show. It's normal that the animators were fond of their creation.

Maka continued walking and Soul started to follow her. But suddenly, the drawing that Soul was looking at on the wall moved his eyes towards the direction they were going...

Soul and Maka continued to venture into the dark corridors of the old animation studio while encountering more rare things. For example, many of the study corridors were filled with ink when the machine room was in the basement. For some reason, many of the tables and desks of the place had cans of old and defeated soup. Those cans were practically everywhere. Something weird that happened often was that the cardboard figures of Bendy changed places when you stopped seeing them. But despite these strange things, there was still no sign of the demons that Shinigami-sama said there was in this place.

Soul: Maybe we should go.

Maka: We can't leave until we are completely sure there are no demons or a witch in this place.

Soul: Look at this place, Maka. This place is only full of old cans and trash.

Maka: But we have many signs to think that this place may have one or more demons living in here. Fresh ink in the corridors, open cans and the cardboard figures that move.

Soul: Ugh! This place is not cool...

Suddenly, a scream was heard on the floor below where Maka and Soul were.

Maka: See?!

Soul: Arlight! You were right the whole time! Happy?!

Maka: No!

Maka started to run towards the stairs.

Soul: Girls...

Soul quickly followed Maka down stairs. When they both reached the floor below them, they were surprised to see a lower demon being dragged by black hands into a puddle of ink.


The demon was dragged into the puddle of ink before he could finish his word. This was a surprise since it would seem that the puddle of ink turned out to be much deeper than it seems.

Maka: What was that?

Soul: Like I know!

Suddenly, many ink creatures started to come out of the walls. These creatures began to block both paths of the corridor in which Soul and Maka were.

Maka: Soul!

Soul: Right!

Soul transformed into his scythe form and Maka held him while getting into battle stance. The creatures crawled quickly over the floor and walls towards Maka and Soul. Maka was quickly swinged her scythe to kill the ink creatures and making sure of not leaving any kind of openings that those monsters could use against her. Maka had to be careful with her way of moving during this fight. Even though these ink creatures were slow and not very smart, the space in which she was fighting was too cramped to be able to use Soul properly. Things were going relatively well until they started to go relatively bad. Since most of the floor was covered in ink, that meant that these creatures could attack from there. The moment Maka stepped into a puddle of ink while trying to gain some distance from the creatures, was the moment when a hand of ink caught her heels.

Maka: Oh no!

The ink hand pulled Maka's heels, causing her to lose her balance and to fall to the floor. Soul returned to his human form and tried to help Maka. But he was tackled by some of the ink creatures.

Soul: Maka!

Maka: Soul!

Soul was struggling to get rid of the creatures but they outnumbered him in number and strength. Maka was slowly dragged into the puddle of ink while everything quickly became dark for her...

(Time skip)

Everything was dark for Maka. She couldn't see anything and she didn't know where she was. But suddenly, Maka started to hear some music. But the music that Maka was hearing was old and quite unique... That music was the same that was played during Bendy's show. Maka recognized the music and slowly began to see a light. Maka started to open her eyes while letting out a grunt of pain. But Maka could not believe what she was seeing when she opened her eyes completely.

A boy whose appearance was literally monochromatic was in front of her. Not only that, this boy had a pair of horns and a tail. Definitely this guy could not be human.

???: Are you awake! Holy ink, I thought you were a goner little lady!

Maka: Wha-

???: But where are my manners? You must be tired and hungry!

There was a plate of hot soup on the table next to the bed where Maka was.

Maka: Isn't that soup...

???: Don't worry! The soup may look old but it is perfectly preserved!

Maka looked at the demon boy with an expression of confusion on her face.

Maka: Who... Are you?

???: Is it not obvious, my little friend?

The monochrome boy stood next to a poster of Bendy on the wall. Maka's eyes widened open at the surprise that was in front of her.

Maka: Bendy?!

Bendy: Yes! We have a very smart girl in this little room!

Maka: B-But how? You're supposed to be a cartoon.

Bendy: Well, there's some truth and some lies in what you know, miss...

Maka: My name is Maka Albarn.

Bendy: Pretty Maka, It's a pleasure to meet you.

Bendy, who is supposed to be a demon, was kneeling in a respectful way in front of Maka like she was some sort of princess. Maka blushed a little at Bendy's compliment. Most of the time, Maka's friends were the ones who got a lot of compliments from the boys because they have much more developed bodies than her. But Maka quickly woke up from her little transe when she remembered what happened to her and Soul with the ink monsters.

Maka: Soul! I need to-

Bendy: Your punk friend?

Maka: Wait! You know him?!

Bendy: I was watching you both since you walked into my home.

Maka: So... You attacked us?

Bendy: Yes and no. You see, remember that demon that you and your friend found?

Maka: Yeees?

Bendy: Welp, the ink that is in the corridors is to catch living beings with evil souls.

Maka: Then why did those things attacked us? I know Soul is a pervert but he is not evil.

Bendy: Maybe that happened because you two entered the corridor when my trap was activated. The ink must have thought that you two were also a threat.

Maka: And where is Soul?

Bendy: Your "cool" friend is in the couch.

Maka: Couch?

Bendy: Sorry about that. I don't have many beds in this place.

Maka: There is no problem. I'm relieved because you're not trying to kill us like other demons.

Bendy: I was created to make people happy! I would never hurt someone who doesn't deserve it! Also...

Bendy held Maka's hand between his hands as he looked at Maka's eyes with a warm smile.

Bendy: It would break my heart to see a beauty like you sad.

Maka's face turned red as tomato because of Bendy's compliment. 

Maka: T-Thank you.

Bendy: My pleasure~

Maka was a few seconds away from saying nonsense if it wasn't because she decided to find out a little about of what was happening in this place.

Maka: S-So... Can you tell me a little about yourself and this place?

Bendy: Are you sure you want to hear that, Maka? I know that I'm a positive humorist. But that story makes me feel sad, angry and scares me.

Maka: If that story is something that brings you back bad memories then don't feel forced to tell it to me, Bendy. But there are people in the city where I come from who could take the wrong idea with you and that could try to hurt you.

Bendy: Well... *Sigh* I guess you deserve to know what happened here many years ago anyway.

(Flashback)(Your POV)

This animation studio represented the dreams of many people. Especially my father's dreams. 

My father's dream was very simple. He wanted to make cartoons that spread joy and happiness around the world. But no matter how hard he tried, my father's drawings lacked life. It's there where the magic of a witch came to his life to help his dream. A sinister witch gave my father an special ink machine that would give my father's drawings what they needed on the first place... That ink machine would give them life.

The ink machine that created me had a magic that was able to make real anything that was drawed into a paper. When my father created his new drawing with the ink of that machine, he almost ended up bald because the surprise. I literally jumped off the paper on the table with a suit and a top hat while singing a song that was famous in that time.

(No ones POV)

Maka was laughing a little.

Bendy: What's so funny, pretty lady?

Maka: That song is still famous.

Bendy: Really?

Maka: Well... Not in the way you think.

(Back to the flashback)

All the animators were surprised with me. The animators used me as a source of inspiration for their drawings. My pranks seemed funny to them and they loved my personality, charisma, my appearance, etc. But it was obvious that playing with black magic would end badly...

The animators who worked for my father started to become... Greedy. They were jealous of the fortune that my father was earning thanks to me and they wanted to taste something of that success. My father did what he could to keep them on check. But one night, one of the animators found the ink machine and took some of the ink. The witch specifically mentioned that the machine would only work for my father. When that animator used the ink of the machine on his drawing, it came to life. But unlike me, this drawing was completely evil and violent. To the point that this drawing did not hesitate to assassinate its own creator. That horrible creature was making a massacre and the bullets couldn't kill it. When that thing almost wounded my father, I lost myself for a moment. Somehow I started to gain control of that creature and generate my own ink. I eliminated that creature with the same ink that came from the cursed machine that created us. The problem is that the animators who once loved me now feared me. They called me a monster... An abomination. My father defended me. He tried to convince them that I was harmless and that I wasn't a threat. But that brought my father to his end...

The animators had lost their sanity and murdered my father. The man who not only gave them a job, but also made them part of his family... But things didn't end with that. They also wanted to eliminate me. Those bastards killed a man who was purer than light and they wanted to do the same with me! Who are they to deny my existence?! Who are they to decide who deserves to die or who deserves to live?! I couldn't control my anger and I... eliminated them before they could eliminate me. But after what I did, I felt terrible. I knew that what I did was wrong but I wanted the same thing that everyone wants, I wanted to live. But I knew that if I left this animation studio with the ink machine, someone would run into it and could make the same mistake, if not worse. Since then I have stayed here to keep the ink machine away from anyone who could use it wrongly...

(End of the flashback)(No ones POV)

Bendy was looking at the floor with depression. Maka couldn't help but to feel sympathy for the poor demon. He was a person who just wanted to make everyone happy but ended up locked in the dark because of the greed and fear of other people.

Bendy: And that's the history of this little demon...

Maka: Bendy...

Bendy: I know... I'm not as friendly as you thought, right?

Maka: I'm sorry for what they did to you.

Bendy: Sorry? You don't have to apologize for other people's mistakes.

Maka: Right... But what are you going to do?

Bendy: Unfortunately, I can only stay here to prevent innocent people from getting hurt at the hands of this ink machine.

Maka: And what if you didn't need to?

Bendy: Huh?

Maka: I come from death city. That place is full of people capable of dealing with things like this. In fact, I am training together with Soul to protect people from things like this. Please let me help you.

Bendy: You would do that... For me?

Maka: Of course!

Bendy was filled with great joy. Bendy couldn't contain his emotion and happiness. He placed his hands on Maka's cheeks and he smashed his lips against hers. Maka's eyes went wide open and her face turned completely red. But she didn't pulled back. In fact, she was enjoying Bendy's soft lips. But to Maka's disgust, the lip contact didn't last too long. Bendy pulled away and he had a huge smile on his face.

Bendy: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

Maka: Y-Yeah... No problem.

???: Your father is not going to like this.

Maka slowly moved her gaze and she saw Soul standing in front of the door of the room.

Maka: H-How long have you been there?!

Soul: Since our monochromatic friend here started telling his story.

Bendy: Well, that was rude from you sir.

Soul: I know it wasn't cool. But I didn't want to interrupt the moment. Anyway, if we want to help your boyfriend here we have to call Shinigami-sama.

Maka: S-Soul!

Soul: What? I saw the kiss.

Bendy: Well, technically it was I who kissed her... And I would do it again~

Maka was covering her face with both of her hands while wishing for the shame disappear.

(Time skip)(Narrator POV)

After leaving the animation studio, Maka and Soul didn't took too long to call Shinigami-sama and inform him about everything that had happened there and the current situation. Meanwhile, Bendy stayed inside the studio protecting the ink machine. Only at this time, there was a genuine smile on his face since there was someone in the world who wanted to help him. Thanks to Shinigami-sama, they discovered that the ink machine should not be destroyed. If it was destroyed, Bendy could no longer exist in the world and he would end up dying. Instead, the ink machine would be moved to a secure vault where no one could ever use it again.

Finally and after so many years, Bendy was finally able to leave his father's old animation studio and start seeing more of the world. Shinigami-sama invited Bendy to be part of his academy so he could learn how to use his skills to help others. But Bendy considered that since he would now become part of a new world, he would require a new name...

Maka and (y/n) stayed together. Maka constantly helped (y/n) adapt to the new world. When he discovered the internet ... Things got out of control for a while. But anyway, it didn't take long for Maka and (y/n) to start dating. Spirit, Maka's father, did not quite agree with his daughter's boyfriend. But he slowly started accepting (y/n) after one revelation...

"Is either the gentleman demon or the punk"

At the end of all this, even in the deepest darkness, anyone can finally reach the light with a little help. That was the case with (y/n). He ended up suffering for the selfish desires of others and remained in the shadows to protect innocent people. But one day, a light came and helped him finally get his freedom. The little ink demon was no longer alone and he could finally spread joy.

(Little extra)

Maka was walking towards the kitchen. There was a weird smell that she couldn't ignore.

Maka: (y/n), what are you cooking?

(y/n): Soup!

Maka: Soup? I don't remember having soup cans in the kitchen, did you buy them in the market?

(y/n): Nope!

Maka's eyes went wide open once she stepped into the kitchen. The entire kitchen was filled with old 1929 soup cans.

Soul was lying on the kitchen floor with a strange black liquid coming out of his mouth.

(y/n): I brought these cans from my house! Now, come here and say "Aaaahhh~"

That night (y/n) slept on the sofa of the dining room.


I hope you liked this chapter. This is the first one shot I made so I hope is good. Anyway, if you want to leave a request remember to read the rules first. The next chapter will be based on a decision of mine. But the subsequent to that chapter, will be based on the request of one of you.


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