Yunyun x Male Reader

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(No ones POV)

This story begins with Kazuma's party heading towards Wiz's store. The reason for this is that Kazuma bought an item from Vanir and went through a small test realized by Aqua... Now the item doesn't work anymore. The real reason Kazuma's party is going to Wiz's store is that Kazuma is hoping that Wiz will have enough mercy to give them back their money.

Kazuma: This is your fault.

Aqua: I didn't do anything! Vanir just sold you an item that doesn't work at all.

Kazuma: Between Vanir and Wiz, Vanir takes bussyness more seriously. 

Darkness: Vanir never lied to us about the quality of his merchandises.

Aqua: Are you suggesting that I broke it?!

Kazuma: That's what everyone is thinking, you useless goddess!

Aqua: Don't call me useless, you shut-in neet!

This basically happens every day, over and over again in this party. But despite their argues and problems, they get along and overcome problems in the most unexpected ways. But for some strange reason, the most energetic member of the group was really quiet.

Darkness: Megumin?

Megumin: Huh?

Megumin woke up from her own thoughts.

Darkness: You have been rather quiet for a while.

Kazuma(quietly): Normally is hard to keep her like that...

Megumin glared at Kazuma in annoyance for a moment before turning to Darkness. The group was a few steps away from reaching Wiz's store door.

Megumin: I was just thinking that Yunyun probably will be at Wiz's shop.

Aqua: She could be doing something else, right?

Kazuma opened the door to Wiz's store and surprise surprise, Yunyun was in front of the counter talking to Wiz.

Megumin: NOPE!

However, after walking inside the store. The group saw a guy standing next to Yunyun's side. This caught everyone's attention.

Wiz: Oh! Hey guys!

Yunyun: Huh?

Yunyun and the guy next to her turned around. When the guy turned around, Kazuma's party was able to see his looks clearly.

(Your looks)

A big smile appeared on Yunyun's face when she saw Megumin.

Yunyun: Megumin! Today is the day that we will put to an end our-

Megumin: Who is this guy?

Yunyun: A-At least let me finish!

Everyone was looking at Yunyun curiously. She started to feel a little uncomfortable. Yunyun was generally not the center of attention in most situations.

Yunyun: This is (y/n). He is my... He is m-my...

(y/n): I'm her boyfriend.

Yunyun was completely red while the others were slowly processing the words that were spoken.





Megumin: He-

Aqua: Is-

Darkness: Your-


(y/n): Eh?

Kazuma grabbed you by your scarf and started to shake you back and forward.

Kazuma: Since I got here all the women I have meet with are either crazy or they call me by horrible nicknames! Then out of nowhere you come out and become the boyfriend of one of the few kind girls I know! YOU ARE MY ENEMY! YOU HEARD ME?! MY ENEMY!

(y/n): What the hell is wrong with you?!

You pushed Kazuma back and then you went to reach for both daggers attached in your back.

(y/n): Don't blame me for YOUR problems with ladies! And if they call you horrible things them there must be a reason!

Kazuma: You don't have any right to judge me! You damn playboy!

(y/n): P-Playboy?! You little-

Yunyun and Wiz held both of your arms, while Darkness alone was holding Kazuma from doing something stupid.

Yunyun: (y/n)! Please stop!

Aqua: Kazuma! We already have enough problems! Let's try to not caught in more!

Wiz: You two are going to break my store!

After a few small seconds for everyone to calm down, Kazuma and you were glaring at each other. 

Megumin: Yunyun... Could you explain this?

Aqua: I'm also very curious!

(y/n): Maybe I should tell the first part of this story.

Kazuma(mind): I swear... If he stole her panties, I'm going to sue him for doing my thing!

You fixed your throat before starting to tell how everything happened.


Because my class is an assassin, it is very difficult for me to find people that would want me into their party-

Kazuma: Assassin?

(Flashback interrupted)

Kazuma: Why wouldn't someone want an assassin in their party?

Darkness: Probably for fear.

Kazuma: Come again?

Megumin: Some assassins are known for "accidentally" kill their party members.

Darkness: Because they constally work with different poisons, it's hard to tell when it's an accident or-

Kazuma: Now I get it.

(y/n): Can I continue?

Aqua: You better not forget any details!

(Back to the flashback)

As I was saying... Because I can't find a party to join, I have to do most of the quests I can get by myself. But it turns out that the bad thing about working alone is that sometimes things can end badly really fast...

I had the mission to kill a group of goblins that were stealing some caravans on the road. After two days of tracking them down to their camp in the woods, the time had finally come to exterminate them. I waited until night to catch them by surprise. After all, the darkness of the night is the best friend of any assassin. However, that night I was very sloppy. I thought that since they were a group of goblins there would be no problem, but I was wrong.

(Don't say it guys... You probably already did :V)

After surviving a horrible trap and managing to kill the archers of that group of goblins, I was forced to retreat. However, during the confrontation I received a deep stab in the stomach and those bastards were following the scent of my blood. Knowing that no one would come to help me, not forgetting the fact that those goblins could smell me, I knew I was not going to survive that situation. I decided to play my last card and guide them to a place where I could fight them without being surprised from behind. It was a small section in the forest with a high rocky wall. Once there, I took one of my daggers while holding my wound with my left hand to try to delay the bleeding. It didn't take long for those goblins to find me. One of those bastards was even already holding two forks and had a napkin tied around his neck.

Goblin1: I want the eyes!

Goblin2: I want the brain!

Goblin3: I want the testicles!

(y/n): Stop talking about my body parts! I'm still here!

Goblin2: Not for long!

If I was going to die, then I'd take a few of those motherfuckers with me. But to my surprise ... A demon would become my savior.

???: Light of saber!

Suddenly, a lightning came out of nowhere and quickly wiped out all the goblins that were chasing me. Only ashes were left of those horrible creatures.

(y/n): W-Wha... Who?

???: It was me!

I turned around and...

Kazuma: Stop messing around, Aqua! This is not your flashback!

Aqua: Hmph!

(Take two)

Yunyun: My name is Yunyun-

A lovely girl was standing on top of the rocky wall behind me. My blood was filled with joy... Or so I would like to say if it wasn't because I was bleeding to death. Basically because of the blood loss I didn't listen to the rest of Yunyun's introduction... Since the adrenaline rush of the moment had passed, the pain and fatigue finally hit me like a bitch. I fell to the ground as I growled in pain. Yunyun managed to get to where I was to help me. Because Yunyun isn't a priest, I was sure she wasn't going to be able to heal my wound. That's why I decided to... Take my chance.

Yunyun: Don't worry! I have a-HMPH?!

Thinking that I was going to die that night, I kissed Yunyun as if there was no tomorrow.

Kazuma: YOU DID WHAT?!

(Flashback interrupted)

Everyone was looking directly at Kazuma. Kazuma's hands were shaking in front of his face.

Kazuma: From the first day I arrived here I have done nothing but suffer day after day and have been on the verge of death on more than one occasion-

Megumin: You actually died more than once.


Kazuma pointed at you. The veins on Kazuma's forehead were inflating so much that it was only a matter of time before they exploded.


(y/n): Jeez, calm down man. I saw my chance and I took it. That's what heroes do, right?


(y/n): Don't you mean the luckiest bastard you have ever seen?~

You gently took Yunyun's hand and kissed her wrist. Yunyun blushed a little while looking away with a smile. Darkness quickly held Kazuma before he could jump at you and start a fight. 

Kazuma: You little-

Darkness covered Kazuma's mouth with her hand.

Wiz: Please continue.

Aqua: I want to know what happened next!

Yunyun: I guess is my turn to tell what happened.

(Flashback)(Yunyun's POV)

I was completely paralyzed. The guy I just saved from a horde of goblins is passionately kissing me while gently holding my head. After a few moments, he stopped kissing me and slowly pulled away from me. In that instant it took me a little time to understand what just happened. But when my brain finished processing the information...


I felt how the heat increased in my cheeks and how my heart rate accelerated considerably. My face was probably redder than a tomato that day.


Unfortunately the answer I was looking for was fading along with the life of the person who just kissed me. (y/n) literally passed out in my arms and his face was bluer than a berry for the blood loss. I panicked because we were far from any village and there was no one nearby to help us. But then I remembered something... I always carry a potion with me!

Me: This will help! Here, take it-

But then I remembered something else... (y/n) was unconscious.

Me: Oh no! How are you going to drink the potion like this?! If it wasn't because you kissed me then- Wait... He kissed me... That's it!

The idea you just had was very embarrassing. But it was the best thing I could think of to save (y/n)'s life. After opening the bottle and drinking the potion, I held Jack's chin and nose. I opened (y/n)'s mouth and conected our lips once again. 

Kazuma: OH, COME ON!

(Flashback interrupted)(No ones POV)

Kazuma was pointing his finger at you again.

Kazuma: So all it took to fall in love with this stranger was a kiss?!

Yunyun: It wasn't like that!

(y/n): Maybe if you stop interrupting the story you would know how things clearly happened?

Aqua: Yeah! Keep quiet, Kazuma!

Kazuma: Don't get on his side, you useless goddess! First of all, it is because of you that we came here! If it weren't for you breaking the item that Vanir sold us, I never would have had to meet this bastard!

Kazuma and Aqua started to argue. Megumin took Yunyun's arm and yours, leading both of you out of the store.

Megumin: So what happened after Yunyun saved your life?

(y/n): Well, I first apologized for the kiss and then I explained Yunyun what I was doing and why was I alone.

Yunyun: I was sorry that he had to live as a lonely person just because his class. So I asked him if he wanted to join my party and ... I can't explain how happy I felt when he said yes.

(y/n): We start doing quests together and spending quality time with each other. And well... I guess you know what happened next?

Megumin: I see... Well, I'm glad someone can distract Yunyun from her absurd idea of rivalry.

Yunyun: Actually Megumin...

Megumin: What? Don't tell me you want us to have a duel?

Yunyun: N-No! (y/n) and I will go to our date!

Megumin: Oh! Well, you two have fun there.

Yunyun: After that, we will share a bath together!




Megumin/(y/n): Eh?

Yunyun was blushing. Almost her whole face was matching the same color as her eyes. While you were not against the idea of sharing a bath with Yunyun, a second idea came to your mind after remembering a certain story Yunyun told you about Megumin and Kauzma.

(y/n)(quietly): Are you using me to compete with-

Yunyun(quietly): I will let you wash my front!




(y/n): We do that all the time. The thing Yunyun loves the most is the massages I give her while the hot water-

Megumin: Okay! Stop! I get it!

Megumin went back inside the store, flushed with embarrassment. Yunyun blinked a few times until a huge smile appeared on her face.

Yunyun: I did it...I beated Megumin at something!

Yunyun made a small jump as she stretched her fist into the air in celebration. 

(y/n)(mind): I feel guilty about being part of this.




(y/n)(mind): Then again, she just used me as an excuse for an easy win.

After leaving the store and having that wonderful promised date with Yunyun, things got an unexpected turn. You did not expect Yunyun being open to the actual idea of sharing a bath with you, much less actually allowing you to wash her two pair of- 

(Censored for the innocent children reading this... Just tell me if you want to now what happened *WINK*)

But in the end there is a moral in this story. Both assassins and demons are lonely. But when the two of them meet each other after knowing what being alone is, they will always spend the rest of their time together. Now this narrator shall leave, so the assassin can "lay" the demon.


(So... You guys are probably wondering what happened to me or why am I not posting. Well... I honestly don't want to talk about it. If I'm writing something right now, is just because I either want to write something to have a little fun or just to try to write a chapter)

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