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"Good evening passengers. The S. S. Feridia will be docking in Ayasda Bay in five minutes. Passengers who are departing at this location please move to the top deck. Thank you."

"Hear that, Armand?" Salma asked as she rubbed the man's back. "We're almost there."

"Ugh, I never knew that I got seasick," Armand groaned as he hung over the side. "I'll be glad to get off this stupid boat."

"Hmm..." Salma hummed as she took out the region map. "It seems that Ayasda Town is home to the water-type gym leader Caspian. Maybe we can ask him if he's seen Carnol." She gave him a small smile. "This is a good thing you're doing. Maybe you really have changed."

"That year in Sinnoh helped out a lot," Armand replied as he wiped his mouth and turned towards her. "Everyone is still a bit hesitant towards me, especially Carnol. So hopefully this will show them that I have changed."

Salma just patted him on the shoulder and made her way over to where the plank would be lowered. After taking a few deep breaths, Armand gathered himself and followed after Salma.

As soon as the plank lowered, Armand rushed off the boat, glad to be on dry land again.

"Alright, calm down," Salma chuckled as she looked through her phone. "Let's it says that Ayasda Town is famous for its fishing and wide variety of water types. Interesting."

"Salma, focus," Armand frowned as Dustox fluttered around him. "We're here to get information on Carnol. Where does it say the gym is?"

"Oh, you two are looking for the Ayasda Gym?"

A new voice startled the two and they turned around to see a man with orange hair and orange eyes smiling at them, a Flareon by his side.

"Uh, yes we are," Armand spoke up. "And you are?"

"Oh, sorry about that," the man replied. "My name is Kendrick and I'm the gym leader of Ranvu Town. The gym leader here is my boyfriend and I'm actually on my way to meet him. I can show you the way there if you'd like."

"That would be appreciated, thank you," Salma smiled warmly at him. "Lead the way."

Kendrick nodded and began walking, Salma and Armand following.

"So, I've never seen you two around here before," Kendrick began. "What region are you from?"

"Iona," Armand replied.

Kendrick's smile slipped off his face and he grew silent. The three of them walked on in uncomfortable silence until Kendrick spoke up again.

"You're here to find out why the musical boy went missing, right?" he asked. "We can discuss this inside the gym away from eavesdroppers."

"Why would you want people to not hear us talk?" Armand asked. "Especially about the miss-"

Kendrick whirled around and clamped a hand over Armand's mouth. Around them, some people muttered, but one glare from the man caused the people to walk quickly away. He sighed and removed his hand.

"Sorry about that," he apologized. "But if people found out why you were here then they'd report you directly to the Elite Four. And when that happens, people usually don't come back." He shook his head before speaking again. "Anyways, let's stop bringing down the mood. You never told me what your names were."

"Salma," Salma answered. "And this is Armand."

Kendrick nodded and soon the three of them were entering the gym.

"Caspian!" Kendrick called out. "I have some people from Iona looking for you! Their names are Salma and Armand!"

A crash was heard from somewhere in the building, and soon a man with light blue hair and blue eyes was running towards them, a Cloyster bouncing behind him.

"Kendrick!" he scolded his boyfriend as he approached them. "Don't just yell out that we have people from Iona here! What if others had heard?"

"It's fine, no one heard us," Kendrick replied. "Anyways, these two have questions for both of us."

Caspian sighed before giving a small smile. "Salma and Armand I presume. The name's Capsian, nice to meet you. Let's sit in the waiting area of the gym and talk."

As soon as the four of them were sitting down, Armand began speaking.

"Carnol was supposed to come back two months ago, but it's just like he disappeared," he explained. "We came here to find him, and we were wondering if you knew anything about his disappearance."

"There was supposed to be a meeting for the musical performers in Somern City, but the special guest, who I assume was Carnol, never showed," Caspian muttered. "All I know is that he was brought to Sraxa Town when he first arrived and the gym leader there, Oriana, was supposed to bring him to Somern City, but she got caught up in something, and he left there by himself. I believe if you want more information, you should head to Sraxa Town."

"And where is that, exactly?" Salma asked.

"Here," Kendrick opened up a map of the region and pointed out a town. "It's just after this forest and right after Hybres Town. If you go this way," his finger trailed a route on the map. "Then you'll be able to skip most of the towns and cities and get to Hybres Town faster, which in turn gets you to Sraxa Town faster as well."

"Great," Salma smiled. "Got all that, Armand?"

"Not in the slightest," came the reply.

"Well, it's a good thing that I did then."

"Here," Kendrick said as he rolled up the map and gave it to them. "I think that you should take this so you'll know where you're going. Don't worry, I have another one."

"You two should rest here for tonight before stocking up and heading out," Caspian suggested. "It's safer this way and you can hide from the Elite Four. I don't think that you can handle them just by yourselves."

"Are you calling me weak?" Armand asked, frowning. "Useless in a battle? I-"

"Armand!" Salma growled, folding her arms and mentioning to her Haxorus. "Caspian was not implying that at all! We talked about stepping out of line!"

Armand just grumbled and stalked off, Dustox flying behind him.

"Sorry about him," Salma apologized. "It's a long story and I don't even know the entire thing."

"It's okay," Caspian replied. "Everyone has their own problems that they don't want to share with others. Come on, Kendrick and I will show you where you two can sleep."

Salma gave them a smile and followed them deeper into the gym.


"You won't tell them, right?" Caspian asked as Kendrick prepared to leave.

"No, I won't," Kendrick replied as Flareon gave a small and worried sound. "It's going to be hard to keep this from the Elite Four."

"I know," Caspian sighed. "I just hope our fellow gym leaders will do the same."

"We all want this tyranny to end, Caspian," Kendrick frowned. "Me most of all. I don't want to end up like my sister."

Caspian nodded, gave Kendrick a quick kiss on the cheek, and turned to head deeper into the gym. Kendrick sighed and exited the gym.

When he was halfway down the road, a figure emerged in front of him, causing him to take a step back. His fear simmered down a little, but not all the way when he recognized his sister's red hair and orange eyes in front of him, her Conkeldurr by her side.

"Hello, little brother," the woman greeted, a smug smile on her face. "Visiting Caspian this late at night? Something must be going on."

"What do you want, Sena?" Kendrick frowned.

"There is this missing person," Sena replied, shoving a paper in Kendrick's face. "Been missing for two months. Wondering if you might have seen him."

"If you're looking for him," Kendrick began as he observed the picture. "Then I'm glad he's missing."

Sena frowned at this before stepping closer to him.

"You do not want to be against me, little brother," Sena growled. "If you or Caspian are hiding something from us, we will find out and you two won't be gym leaders anymore."

"The two of us have nothing to hide," Kendrick glared back at his sister. "And if you'll excuse me, I have to head back to my hotel room. Goodnight."

With that, Kendrick walked off, Flareon trailing behind him. Sena watched him go before taking out her phone and calling someone.

"Pandora? It's me. My brother is definitely hiding something."

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