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"Are you sure we're heading the right way?" Armand asked as he adjusted the straps on his backpack. "We've been walking this way for two days."

"I'm sure that this is the way Kendrick told us to go," Salma replied as she looked at the map. Her eyes then strayed to her companion, who was petting Dustox's head. "You know, you didn't have to lash out at them, they were just warning us to be careful."

"I know, I know," Armand sighed, folding his arms. "I guess that I still think that people believe me to be weak."

"I still can't believe that you think that. You're the one who formed an entire team all by yourself!"

"Yeah, and look at how well that turned out."

Salma awkwardly cleared her throat at that statement and went back to looking at the map.

"I know they warned us, but maybe halfway to Sraxa Town, we can stop by Evalse Town and restock everything."

"Smart idea," Armand said before walking forward. "It looks like it's about to get dark, we should find some shelter."

Salma rolled up the map and began to follow him. After a few minutes of walking, the two of them heard shouting up ahead. Glancing at each other, they made sure that they were out of sight as the shouting came closer to them.

"What do you mean you lost him?!?"

"I just saw him run by me and before I could call out to him, he was gone!"

"If we don't find him soon, then we won't be able to return the kid to his home region! Why can't you use your Pokemon to search from the sky?"

"You know perfectly well why!"

Salma and Armand kept quiet as two people entered their sight. One was a man with light green hair and green eyes and the other was a woman with silver hair and blue eyes. A Leavanny and Swanna followed the two of them.

The man suddenly stopped shouting and held his arm out, stopping the woman.

"What is it?" the woman asked.

"There's someone here," the man replied, before turning his gaze to where Salma and Armand were hiding. "Leavanny, Magical Leaf!"

"Haxorus, Dragon Claw!"

The attacks collided and both Salma and Armand emerged, their hands up.

"We don't mean anyone harm," Armand said. "We just don't know if you're friend or foe."

"We should be asking you two the same thing," the woman narrowed her eyes at them. "Who are you?"

"Armand," Armand replied. "This is Salma. Who are you two?"

"Not from around here I guess if you don't know us," the man answered. "I'm Treyton, the gym leader of Scapt City. This is Aviana, the gym leader of Evalse Town. We were just on our way to Somern City, if you need to head there."

"Well-" Salma was cut off by Armand elbowing her in the stomach.

"Thank you for the offer, but we actually have to head to Sraxa Town first," Armand smiled at them. "I hope we are able to meet again. Let's go, Salma."

Armand dragged Salma away from the two confused gym leaders, and soon they were out of sight.

"Why'd you do that?" Salma asked angrily. "We could have found out at Somern City what happened to Carnol."

"Look, you heard what Kendrick and Caspian told us," Armand replied. "We got lucky with the two of them, but there's no telling whether or not those gym leaders would turn us in to the Elite Four. I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Says the man who almost destroyed an entire region," Salma spat out.

"So, Ilyas is the only one who trusts me then, huh?" Armand said through clenched teeth. "Fine. That's fine. After we get Carnol back to Iona, I can leave the region and you all will never have to see me again."

"Armand, wait-"

Armand cut her off with a glare as he began to walk forward. Seemingly out of nowhere, a vine wrapped around his wrist and dragged him deeper into the forest, Salma standing there in shock. She shook her head and ran after him, Dustox and Haxorus following her. When she entered a clearing she saw Armand lying face-first on the ground, Treyton and Aviana standing above him, both of their arms folded.

"What the-" Salma began as she surveyed her surroundings.

"Armand was acting suspicious, so we followed you two," Treyton simply replied. "So, you two are from Iona, huh? Looking for the missing boy as well?"

"Why do you need to know?" Armand asked as he raised his head. "You gonna turn us in to the Elite Four or what?"

"Arceus no," Aviana shivered. "We wouldn't dare do something that horrible. We were actually looking for the boy as well. I heard from Kaia that the boy was rescued from the Elite Four by another boy. We've been trying to find him all this time, but we haven't gotten close yet. We just want to send the Ionian boy home."

"His name is Carnol," Salma said. "And do you think the boy is holding Carnol hostage?"

"I don't believe so," Treyton replied as he helped Armand stand. "The rest of the gym leaders and I believe that it's Damon that found him."

"Pandora's brother?" Aviana asked, her eyes widening in surprise as Treyton nodded.

"Okay, hold up," Armand raised his hands. "Salma and I have no idea who you two are talking about."

"And hopefully you won't have to," Aviana replied. "If we find Damon and you tell him that you're from Iona, then hopefully you can take Carnol and leave as soon as possible."

"Too risky," Salma said. "If Armand and I were to get caught and you two were found with us, the Elite Four would punish us both. That's why we left Kendrick and Caspian as soon as we could."

"Okay, so that's two more gym leaders that know you're here," Treyton muttered. "You need to be more careful. I know that the rest of the gym leaders won't turn you in, but they might be reluctant to help you out as well."

A Pokemon's cry was heard, causing Treyton and Aviana to turn pale.

"That must be Trinity," Aviana whispered. "Quick, return your Pokemon and hide before she lands. She can not see you."

Salma and Armand did what they were told, and soon they were hidden from sight. Treyton and Aviana turned to see a woman with black hair and light green eyes land on her Druddigon. The two gym leaders stood stiffly as the woman approached them.

"Treyton," she greeted. "Aviana. Lovely to see you two here. Although, when I was flying overhead, I thought I saw you speaking with two other people. Where are they?"

"You must have been mistaken, Trinity," Aviana replied. "It's just the two of us. We're heading to Somern City to speak with Kaia about something."

"Aviana, please," Trinity smiled sickeningly sweetly. "I've known you long enough to know when you're lying, and you know what happens when I get angry." She placed a hand on Aviana's cheek and Aviana shivered. "Now, tell me the truth, Aviana."

"Aviana's telling the truth!" Treyton stepped in. "It really was just the two of us!"

Trinity removed her hand and frowned at Treyton.

"Why you became friends with this grass man, I'll never understand," she sighed. "Fine, I guess you're telling the truth." She smiled once again at Aviana. "I do so dearly miss you, Aviana."

Aviana shivered again and wrapped her arms around herself as Trinity climbed onto her Druddigon and flew off. Treyton placed a hand on Aviana's shoulder as silence covered the clearing. He turned his head when the sound of Pokemon being released was heard and Salma and Armand appeared.

"Who was that?" Salma asked at the same time Armand asked "Is Aviana okay?"

"That was Trinity," Aviana replied. "And we have sort of a...history together. I...don't like to talk about it."

"It's dark out now," Treyton observed as he looked up at the sky. "Let's all camp here, and you two can head off tomorrow."

"Alright," Salma replied, Armand nodding as well.


Carnol looked up from petting his Soutland to see a boy with purple hair and purple-blueish eyes enter the large treehouse, an Umbreon by his side.

"You took longer than usual," Carnol stated as the boy dumped a bag of supplies on the wooden table. "You had me worried for a second."

"Aviana almost caught me," the boy replied. "You're lucky that she didn't, boy."

"'Boy'?" Carnol asked in confusion. "Damon, we're the same age."

"Yeah, yeah," Damon replied with a wave of his hand. "Anyways, the hunt for you seems to have grown more desperate. I just saw Trinity fly above the trees, and if she caught me, she would have brought me right to Pandora, and you would never see your precious Iona again."

Carnol sighed and stood up from the tattered couch. He made his way over to Damon and helped take the supplies out.

"You're certain that the gym leaders want to turn me in to the Elite Four?" Carnol asked. "They could be wanting to send me back home."

"I can't take a chance with that," Damon replied as he took out a knife and began cutting an Oran berry. "I'm still searching for a safer way to sneak you out. And before you ask, no I can not disguise you, since they will be able to tell right away that it's you."

"And I can't call Xenala or my family because...?"

"Because the Elite Four tracks phone calls. Everyone hates it, even the tourists. But, that's the way things work here on Feridia. It's the main reason why I don't have a cellphone anymore."

Carnol frowned and began to assemble the sausages on a skillet. He nodded to Soutland, who bared his fangs to use Fire Fang to cook the sausages.

"Damon, I've been gone for two months," he whispered. "They should have sent someone to find me. What if...what if they believe me to be dead?"

The sound of cutting stopped, and Damon turned to see his friend almost in tears.

"Now Carnol, I don't think that's true," Damon gave him a small smile. "I heard in the store earlier that there's been some ruckus back in Ayasda Town. Maybe it was someone from Iona looking for you? It can also be why Sena apparently visited there."

"You really think so?" Carnol asked, returning the small smile.

"Of course," Damon replied, ignoring the small feeling of dread in his stomach. "I'm sure they're looking for you now."

Carnol's smile grew a bit, and he turned his attention back to his cooking. Damon turned his attention back to cutting up the berries, his smile slipping.

If the person, or people, were from Iona, then there's a better chance of the Elite Four finding out and taking them, he thought. And if they do, then what?

Then Carnol will never see his home again.

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