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"The cells should be here," Damon explained, pointing at the map in his hand. "Kendrick, the safest way is to go through here and try not to be seen by the workers there. Take Aviana, Calla, Oriana, and Jaelyn with you. I'll lead the way. Meanwhile-"

"The rest of us will make our way to the top," Salma interrupted as she stood up from her crouch. "Who should we take out first?"

"Usually, I would say Trinity," Aviana growled before looking over at Damon. "But Pandora is the one leading it all, correct?"

Damon nodded with a frown, causing Carnol to look at his friend worriedly. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Carnol asked.

"I can't risk my sister coming into contact with me," Damon replied. "Besides, I know how to get to the dungeons. Once we get Caspian and Kaia, we're getting out of there. Once your end of the plan is done, we'll meet up at Sraxa Town."

The others nodded and took off in different directions, making sure that they stayed hidden as best they could. 

Damon led his group to a hidden door in the sidewall. He motioned with his hand, causing his Drapion to break the lock on the door. Kendrick entered first, his Flareon lighting up the dark tunnel. The others soon followed after him, and Damon closed the door behind them. The group kept silent as they made their way as to not alert any workers. Voices were soon heard, which caused Kendrick to pick up speed. When they exited the tunnel, true to Damon's word, they were surrounded by cells. 

"Why are all of these cells empty?" Oriana asked, adjusting her glasses. "I would have figured that they would be full considering where we are."

"Does this mean that Kaia and Caspian aren't here?" Calla asked worriedly. 

"No, I heard voices earlier," Kendrick replied as he continued to look around his surroundings. "They must just be further in."

A loud yelp got the group's attention and they hurried forward. Kendrick suddenly came to a stop, causing the others to almost run into him. 

"Caspian! Kaia!" 

The two people in the cell were the missing gym leaders, one of them having a Parasect on top of him.

"Guys!" Kaia exclaimed, a wide grin forming on her face. "Thank Arceus you found us! Be careful of the bars; they emit electric shocks if you touch them."

Jaelyn released her Zebstrika and ordered it to attack the bars. Electricity cackled as both the bars and Pokemon let loose shocks. Finally, the bars seemed to give out as the shocks stopped coming, and they broke apart. Kaia returned her Parasect to its Pokeball before being captured in a hug by Aviana. 

"I'm so glad to see you okay," Aviana muttered into her girlfriend's ear, causing Kaia to let out a chuckle.

"I can handle myself, my Beautifly," Kaia muttered back. "It's nice to know that someone was worried about me, though."

Aviana laughed before letting her go. She turned to the rest of the group to see Kendrick still holding on tightly to Caspian, who was returning the favor.

"We need to get out of here," Jaelyn spoke up after a bit. "Do you still have your Pokemon with you?"

"Sena and Trinity took them away when they captured us," Caspian replied. "Kaia only had her Parasect since she hid its Pokeball in her hat."

"My sweet little brother has finally come to the League!"

The new voice made everyone jump and turn around to see Sena and Weylyn standing there, Conkeldurr and Froslass by their sides. Kendrick held Capsian closer to himself protectively while the others just glared at the newcomers.

"I knew we shouldn't have picked these people as gym leaders," Weylyn scoffed. "They always did seem like the type to disobey the higher order."

"And they're not very smart if they brought Damon along with them," Sena added on. "Pandora will be glad to know that her brother is here. We'll have to bring him, Kendrick, and Aviana up to her and Trinity." She then grinned, eyes narrowing. "We'll just get rid of the rest."


"Was it smart to not go with your cousins?" Armand asked Treyton as their group made their way up to the top floor of the League.

"They can handle themselves," Treyton replied, giving Armand a smile. "Besides, I'd rather be in this group with you." At Armand's raised eyebrow, Treyton let out a laugh. "We might have not spent that much time together, but I have gotten to quite like you."

"I tried to destroy an entire region two years ago."

As the two of them continued to talk together, Salma and Carnol kept an eye out for any enemies.

"I wonder why the plan was for only the four of us to go up against Pandora and Trinity," Carnol mused out loud.

"Well, I was once the Champion of Iona," Salma spoke up, thinking. "Armand was the leader of an entire organization, you know the two of us the best out of everyone, and I think there's something going on with Treyton and Armand."

Carnol let out a small "oh" before becoming silent again. Suddenly, the two of them heard a startled yelp from up ahead. They brought their attention to in front of them just in time to see Armand tackle Treyton out of the way of a Shadow Ball. 

"Are you two okay?" Salma asked as they ran over to them.

Armand was sat up against the wall, Treyton in his arms. They both looked startled at the sudden attack but managed to pick themselves up as the sound of footsteps approached them. The four of them then stood face to face with Trinity and Pandora, Druddigon and Jellicent by their sides.

"I was hoping that Damon would be the one I would come across," Pandora yawned. "Oh well. Three Ionians can help us out plenty."

"What about Treyton?" Trinity asked, a hand on Druddigon's head. 

"Get rid of him."


Weylyn and Sena's last Pokemon fainted, shock evident on their trainers' faces. The battle that had ensued not only damaged the Pokemon but the trainers and area as well. The bars of the empty cells had been completely destroyed and the signs of battle were evident on the walls. The trainers didn't look much better. Oriana was leaning against her sister, her glasses cracked and broken. Jaelyn was holding onto Damon, who in turn had an injured leg held above the ground. Kaia's hat had somehow landed on Aviana's head, who was holding her unconscious girlfriend. Caspian had multiple injures on both his arms and legs and Kendrick was still standing protectively in front of him. Weylyn's cape was in tatters and her hair was singed at the bottom. Sena was sitting up against the wall, holding her injured arm close to her. 

Kendrick, being the only one who could easily walk, made his way towards the two of them, a frown on his face.

"Surrender, and give up your control of Feridia," he commanded. "We will no longer live under your rule."

"You can't do this to us!" Sena yelled, trying and failing to stand up. "You would have never become a gym leader if I wasn't in the Elite Four!"

"And you!" Weylyn spoke up, glaring at Jaelyn. "You had nothing before my family took you in! This is how you repay us?!?"

"I don't want to hear another word from your mouth," Jaelyn replied, narrowing her eyes. "We don't want to harm you any more than we already have, so just surrender."

"And if we refuse?" Sena asked.

"Even though you're my sister, I will not forgive you for hurting Caspian," Kendrick replied. "I'll make it look like an accident."

The two of them turned pale at that before holding out their hands. Kendrick was handed a rope from Caspian and he tied the two Elite Four members' hands together. 

"We'll make an announcement to the entire region once the others capture Trinity and Pandora," Aviana declared. "Feridia will be free once more."

A weak cheer came from the others as they slowly began to make their way to the top floor of the League.


Armand stood over the sleeping forms of Trinity and Pandora, Dustox fluttering by his side. With folded arms and narrowed eyes, he surveyed the area around him. All of the windows had been shattered from the battle, pieces of glass strewn all over the floor. Carnol had been hit by a Hypnosis attack from Pandora's Banette and was sound asleep in Salma's arms. Salma had taken off one of her gloves and wrapped it around her head like a bandage, the green slowly becoming darker with blood. Treyton was kneeling down by the two Elite Four members, tying their hands together, before standing up. He held his head and stumbled, Armand quickly catching him as he began to fall. Treyton gave him a grateful smile before fishing his ringing phone out of his pocket. 


"Treyton, how did it go?" Calla's voice came through the speaker. "We're bringing Sena and Weylyn to the top floor. We're making an announcement to the region that the Elite Four are standing down."

Treyton let out a relieved laugh, his phone almost dropping from his grip. Armand looked at him, concerned. 

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Treyton, in a small burst of energy, enveloped Armand in a hug.

"We all did it," Treyton laughed, ignoring the happy tears that were falling down his cheeks. "Feridia is going to be free again."

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