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Calla was the first to land in front of Sraxa's Town gym, Armand landing right next to her. Salma and Jaelyn soon emerged from Sraxa Forest while Armand returned Toucannon and released Galvantula instead. 

"I guess I don't have to worry about waiting for you," came a voice.

The four of them turned to see Kendrick letting go of his Coalossal and he made his way towards them. Dark circles decorated under his eyes and a permanent frown was plastered on his face. 

"You look terrible," Jaelyn commented, which earned her a scowl from Kendrick.

"Sorry that I've not been able to sleep thanks to learning that my boyfriend had been captured by my power-hungry sister," he spat out before marching his way through the gym doors, Coalossal following him.

"Better not say anything else," Armand commented before entering the gym.

The others soon followed and were greeted by a woman with pink hair, pink eyes, and glasses with a Togekiss by her side.

"Calla, Jaelyn," she nodded before turning her attention to the other two. "And you two must be Armand and Salma. I'm Oriana, the gym leader of Sraxa Town. I do wish that we were able to meet under better circumstances."

"Same here," Salma nodded. "Are Treyton and Aviana here as well?"

Oriana pushed up her glasses as she turned and led them to a side room. Kendrick was sitting next to Aviana, both tapping their feet on the ground. Treyton was standing by himself, his Tropius and Aviana's Xatu by his side. When he noticed them, he smiled and Armand made his way over.

"I see that you two were able to get here pretty quickly," he mentioned as the remaining four people in the room stood in a circle and talked in hushed voices. 

"This is a matter of emergency," Armand replied, folding his arms. "On top of worrying about Carnol, we now have to worry about Kaia and Caspian."

"Kaia knows that Damon had already rescued Carnol from the Elite Four," Treyton brought up. "When we get both her and Caspian out of there, maybe they can show us where Damon is."

"I still have no idea who this Damon person is, but if that gets us closer to getting Carnol back, then hopefully we can find him," Armand sighed.

"My Togekiss has seen him around before."

The two of them jumped in surprise when Oriana began speaking. She pushed up her glasses again before continuing to talk.

"He apparenly slips into Hybres Town sometimes," she continued. "So he either resides deep in Dohlu Tunnel or deep in Sraxa Forest. Kaia is the one who ventures into the forests the most so she has most likely spotted him."

"So, we get Kaia and Caspian back, and we figure out where Damon is keeping Carnol," Treyton smiled.

"Can we just focus on getting them out first?" Kendrick grumbled, his folded arms tightening. "I can't stand thinking of Caspian being locked up in there for another minute!"

"We're still trying to figure out a way in there," Calla spoke up as she, Jaelyn, and Salma peered at a map. "Luckily I found these old building plans of the League building."

"That won't help you at all."

Everyone in the room turned to see two new figures enter the room, hoods covering their faces and a Drapion following them. They all narrowed their eyes at the newcomers, their Pokemon by their sides ready to attack. The first figure lowered his hood, and all of the gym leaders backed down.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" Oriana asked with a frown. "What if Pandora sees you?"

"Then she sees me," Damon replied before taking out a scroll and placing it on the table. "I mapped out the building when I went in to rescue Carnol, so this should help with Kaia and Caspian."

"Wait, how did you know about that?" Aviana asked, raising a brow.

"A walkie-talkie intercepting device," the other figure spoke as they lowered their hood. "I helped him make it."

"Carnol!" Salma and Armand exclaimed at the same time.

Salma ran forward and squeezed Carnol in a hug while Armand just stood there.

"It's great to see you again, Salma," Carnol laughed as Salma let him go.

"Everyone back at home is worried sick," Salma said, a large smile on her face. "Especially Xenala."

"Hopefully we'll be back soon," Armand finally said as he made his way towards them. "Thank Arceus you're okay, or else Xenala would have my head."

"Why are you here, Armand?" Carnol frowned as he narrowed his eyes.

Salma gave Armand a look and Armand sighed. 

"Let's talk privately so the rest can talk strategy," he replied. "Salma, you coming?"

"I'll tell the others and then I'll be there," Salma replied before she walked off to the crowded table.


As soon as Salma closed the door Armand began speaking.

"Look, I know that you might not be happy to see me," he began.

"That's a bit of an understatement," Carnol replied, folding his arms.

Armand looked over at Salma helplessly, but she just motioned for him to continue speaking.

"A-Anyways," he continued. "I had arrived from spending a year in Sinnoh and I was planning on visiting Ilyas. However, when I arrived, they told me what had happened to you, so I decided to try and look for you. Salma ended up tagging along."

"And why did you decide that?"

"I wanted to apologize for what happened two years ago."

"Oh, you mean when you used me as a hostage to make my dad create a Master Ball for your ridiculous plan that ended up not working in the first place?"

Armand winced at that and Salma let out a little chuckle. Armand glared at her before turning his attention back to Carnol.

"Yes," he replied. "I know that you didn't forgive me back then, and you probably still don't forgive me now, but can you at least tolerate me until we all get back to Iona?"

Carnol continued to glare at him before it slowly vanished and a small smile formed on his face.

"To be honest," he began as he unfolded his arms. "After Ilyas and Kadir's wedding, when Ilyas told all of us that you had gone to Sinnoh, I was glad that you were gone. But when Xenala and I finally managed to get your whole story out of Ilyas, I did forgive you a little bit. You only wanted to be recognized and have people notice you." He then stuck out his hand. "I may not have fully forgiven you for what you did, but I can at least tolerate you for the time being."

"That's all I ask, Carnol," Armand smiled as he shook the boy's hand. "We should head back. They're probably done discussing a plan."

The other two nodded and they made their way out into the main area where the others were waiting. Jaelyn quickly caught them up on their plan as the others prepared to leave.

"Alright, let's move out."

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