Chapter nine

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Mary felt lost after seeing her parents literally vanish into thin air with a literal demon. She screamed in denial and reopened the door multiple times hoping her parents would reappear. But of course she only saw an empty dark one, overwhelmed she ran her fingers through her hair trying to hold back tears. Before she could decide what to do, she heard the noise of crying from the closet.

"Who's there?" Mary asked taking out her dagger. She approached the closet slowly expecting for some monster to jump out but she saw a young boy crying. He looked about eight years old and Mary kneeled down to look at him. She kept her weapon close just in case he was a monster in disguise. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked. The boy looked up at her and Mary was shocked to see a pair of gray eyes looking back at her.
"Oh sissy I mean I'm sorry I was just hiding from the evil lady." The boy said. Mary recognized the voice as her mysterious messenger, she could sense that this boy was powerful.

Possibly even stronger than her, but despite all the power she didn't feel any negative energy from him. He had a demonic presence but not one that made her sick to stomach but similar to her father yet an unfamiliar presence of a hybrid.
"You've been the one helping us on this hunt," Mary said. "Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you," she continued. "Just tell me who you are so I can thank you." The boy sniffled and said that he was in fact the one helping them out on the hunt, he also said he was doing this all behind Eliza's back, and that he didn't have a name. "Well you remind me a lot of my uncle so I'm going to call you Little Dean." Mary told him.

"Thank you sissy but I will not be little forever," He answered. "So please give me a nickname."
"Wait why did you call me sissy?" Mary asked. Little Dean explained that he wished to be free from being looked at as a cursed child, and her parents were the only ones to show him kindness so he chose them to be his parents.
"I've only been alive for about two days but everyone looks at me like I'm evil," Little Dean explained. Mary's heart broke at hearing those words and hugged him tight. "But as soon as I was born, a man with wings said that I should reach out to you," he continued. "I sensed that you were powerful, so I talked to you through your toy and did my best to keep mommy and daddy safe."

"You did all of that for us?" Mary asked. She know realized that this boy was half demon, meaning that he was Eliza's son. But the demon hadn't bothered to give him a name, and she forced him to be born in a day killing some poor girl. There was no way a kid who was not even a week old, risking this much for a family of strangers he didn't know was evil.
"Of course that's what family does," Little Dean responded. "But I failed and now Eliza is going to make Mommy and Daddy fall under her spell."
"Not if you can tell me where she is," Mary said. "You told me that the dark saber could stop her. I just need to find it." 

Little Dean nodded and explained that she didn't need to find it because she's had with her all along. Mary thought he was kidding but he didn't even know what the word meant so he clearly wasn't.
"No sissy the man with wings told me that you can summon it," Little Dean explained. "All you have to do is focus."
"Just call me Mary buddy," Mary responded. If she was right then the man she was talking about was an angel, most likely Castiel. So it meant that the dark saber had been her spiritual weapon all along, she felt a little stupid for not realizing it sooner. "You're right it's time I focus on what's really important." She said.

Mary closed her eyes remembering all the lessons from her mother and aunt about summon her spiritual weapon. She felt something heavy in her hands but didn't stop her mediation until she felt something cold and metallic on her lap. Nervously she opened her eyes and saw a black sword with a hilt. A few cracks were present on the blade making it harmless but as Mary got a closer look at it, she realized that it was a saber that was covered a virboblade. It was like having an electric shield over her weapon.
"Oh my gosh Junior I did it!" Mary exclaimed.
"Is that my name?" He asked. She didn't answer until she tried to pick him up but found she couldn't actually. He was like a ghost but he still smiled anyway, grateful that Mary loved him.

"Its my nickname for you, and maybe that's what I'll call you when you get older," Mary said. "Thank you so much, you're the best little brother ever we are definitely keeping you."
"Really?" Little Dean asked his eyes lighting up. Mary nodded and her new little brother cried a bit. But he quickly wiped his tears seeing something from where his cradle. "Wait I see them, Eliza brought them to my house."
"How are you here then?" Mary asked. Little Dean explained that he was just in his astral form at the moment and his infant body was still at where he was born. "Do you know where that is buddy?"

"All I know that it's Dawn house," Little Dean responded. "Follow me back Mary I can help you save Mommy and Daddy." Mary nodded. Little Dean floated like a ghost out the door and Mary followed after him holding tight onto her weapon. Soon enough he lead her back to a house which looked like it was about to fall over. Little Dean fell over a bit not used to being in this form for so long.
"Buddy what's wrong?" Mary asked in concern.
"Its okay sissy I have to go back to my body, Eliza is inside," Little Dean responded. "I'll do my best to stall for time, but please be safe." He vanished and Mary shed a tear wishing he would come back. She kicked down the door and entered the dark house.


Eliza gleefully pushed her two prisoners inside a small room with no furniture expect a bed.
"You two may come out when you've learned to do what you're told!" Eliza scolded like they were children who had misbehaved. She closed the door on them trapping them inside.
"We have to get out of here." Kristina said searching the room for some kind of way out. Eliza had been clever, she took them in the middle of the night, and they had no weapons to defend themselves.

"How? The windows are too small for us to crawl out of here." Sam responded. He had never gone against a succubus before and he had a feeling that Eliza was going to force them to have sex or leave them to die. His suspicions were confirmed when he felt his body began to heat up again.
"Sam?" Kristina asked concerned when she noticed that he was sweating. She rushed to his side despite Sam's protests and learned into his hold. "Don't let her get to you, please you have to resist we both do." Sam was about to tell her that it wasn't just Eliza's influence but before he could open his mouth, Little Dean flashed into the room like a ghost.

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