chapter ten

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Sam was shocked at the sight of an unfamiliar eight year old boy appearing out of nowhere. Normally the sight of a child wouldn't surprise him, nor make him feel uneasy. But this kid literally came out of nowhere and could be working for Eliza for all he knew.
"Where did you come from?" He asked.

"Outside and from inside," Little Dean responded. He floated "don't be afraid I came to help." Sam asked how and he explained that if Eliza was killed off, all of her influence would cease.
"But what will happen to you?" Kristina asked. She knew that Little Dean was Eliza's son, he hadn't exactly told her but she was able to work that out by presence being half demon. "That's not important mommy, we need to stop her," Little Dean. "I will be fine." She sensed that he was lying but figured it meant that he didn't know or would lose his powers. Sam noticed this and wondered why in the world this boy was calling his wife mommy.

"Okay so how do we stop her?" Sam asked.
"Sissy is fighting her right now," Little Dean explained. "But she needs time and I know that you two are getting hot," he saw that they were both sweating. Not wanting to risk to possibility of killing two more people, he said that he could save them. "If you let me become your son, I can prevent the process from killing you both."
"Are you saying we adopt you?" Sam asked. The boy shock his head and whispered something into Sam's ears, he explained what would happen when Eliza was gone and he didn't want to make them sad. Sam didn't want this child to sacrifice all this for a family of strangers. "Isn't there another way?" He asked. Little Dean shook his head and said there was no other way.

"No daddy this is the only way we can win," he said. "I know you don't trust me, but I promise you that I won't do anything to hurt you, mommy or sissy." Sam hugged him fiercly, overwhelmed with compassion for the little boy. He was risking so much for them that Sam couldn't help but love him, he even saw himself in the little boy.
"I trust you buddy." Sam said.


Mary could see Eliza binding her time by standing over a large cauldron full of blood. She covered her mouth as she watched Eliza shed her beautiful form and looked like a vampire with wings and horns. She stuck her hand into the cauldron and drink all the blood on it, Mary felt a little feverish because she swore she saw more than blood on Eliza's hand. Any minute now they won't be able to resist," Eliza said stroking her hair  making it stain with blood. She scoffed and used her powers to clean it all off her. "Sweetie there's no need to hide back there, I can see you." She said turning her head around to look at Mary. Eliza grinned and gestured for the girl to come closer, but Mary didn't move.

She gripped tighter on the dark saber and looked into Eliza's red eyes. It was like something out of horror novel and her presence was enough to make her want to puke.
"Ugh what are you?" Mary asked her words trembling a bit. Eliza smirked and she greatly wanted to infect Mary with just one touch so that she could have her revenge.
"Some call me a Succubus and others call me an incubus, but I prefer to be called Eliza or monty," she said. "I'm old sweetie, very old and if it hadn't been for your mother starving me I could be entering dreams right now."
"Serves you right, you probably have more blood on your hands then most monsters I kill." Mary responded. Her fear was now gone and she was ready to impale this creature from Hell.

"Everyone has blood on their hands Mary," Eliza said turning away from her and looking at the small infant in the cradle. "Even your parents, they save the day sure but every monster they kill had a family." She pressed a hand to Little Dean's forehead and the infant pushed her hand away. Still Eliza stroked his hair and it was really pissing Mary off. She wanted to scream and demand that Eliza leave her little brother alone, but she couldn't let Eliza know that her son was working behind her back. Eliza would no doubt kill him instantly, and Mary would never forgive herself if that happened. So she needed a different plan, Eliza was all about seduction so maybe that was the key to stopping her.

"So what's your deal my mom not hug you enough?" Mary asked making her weapon vanish, thankfully Eliza was too busy talking about herself to notice.
"Oh you humans just don't understand us," Eliza growled. "I was assigned by our king to seduce her so that the prophecy wouldn't come true," she continued. "I almost succeed if hadn't been for your stupid aunt realizing what I was up to."
"And let me guess, Mom kicked you out and you went mad with hunger?" Mary asked.
"Of course idiot but I needed to buy time so I watched and waited for the right moment, and what do I found out she married to the man who killed my mother." Eliza answered.
"You mean Lilith," Mary said. "Wow you're really just a princess of darkness huh."

She bit her lip in digusut but went forward with her plan. She needed to put on her best seductive ritual so she undid the ponytail in her hair allowing her curly hair to fall onto her shoulders. It was like waves of brunette falling and Eliza recognizing the familiar look couldn't resist the urge to salivate.
"Who do you think you are?" Eliza asked. "Standing there shaking like a little girl!"

"Yeah you're right," Mary said backing away until she sat on a nearby bed, her eyes glowed amber causing a candle near her to light up. "I am scared but at least I don't run away when things get too hard,' she continued. Patting her hand on the bed seductivly hoping that Eliza would think she was falling under her curse. Little Dean cried a bit at the scene, Mary realized he was trying to warn her to resist but she smiled at him letting him know everything would be okay. Eliza licked her lips with want and changed into a more male form, Mary gasped but stayed in character grabbing the strap of her shirt as Eliza came over. "Oh Liza how did my mother ever resist you? I know this is inappropriate of me to say but you're just so beautiful."

"A demon has no gender sweetie so I can take any form you like," Eliza purred and sat on the bed. Mary's heart pounded and she used her mental block to keep Eliza from reading her thoughts, so she couldn't see what her plan was. "I'm going to make you make such sweet sounds, that only my ears can hear," Eliza reached out to touch her and Mary made her move. Summoning her weapon behind her back she stuck the dark saber into Eliza's chest, causing her to fall back. "You bitch!" Eliza screamed as her heart began bleeding, her form changed from her disguised form to her natural form.

"Hey no swearing there are young ears present," Mary said getting off the bed and grabbing her little brother. Eliza looked at her with a gaze of pain and hatred. "Don't get up, if you know me? You know I can do something far worse then stab you demon," Eliza's eyes began bleeding as well and eventually she flew up into the air where she exploded. The only thing remaining of her was strands of her blonde hair. "I'm sorry you had to see that," Mary said to Little Dean. He blinked his gray eyes not sure what she was talking about. "Come on let's get Mom and Dad, its time to go home little buddy." Mary raced towards the room and now that Eliza was dead, she was able to unlock the door. She pushed it open and was reunited with her parents. It was a wonderful moment and there were many tearful hugs, Mary also asked the question in the back of her mind.

"What happened to you guys? you both look messy," She said. They gave her a look and Mary realized what they had been doing, they had sex. "Was I too Late?" Mary asked.
"No sweetie we made the choice," Kristina. "Eliza wanted us to give in so she could kill us," she explained. "But our little ally said he could help, by becoming our son."
"What does that mean?" Mary asked.
"We don't know, but he got us out of this mess so I trust him." Sam answered.

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