Chapter two

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Mary felt bad about lying to her dad about the recent nightmares she had been having. But they didn't make any sense, women didn't get pregnant instantly and die right after. Even her mother hadn't given birth to her in a matter of seconds, and she was the only human besides Ezra to be born in two weeks. So since she was almost a full grown adult she decided that she would handle her nightmares herself. There was no way that her mother was going to become pregnant and die right after while giving birth.

Her parents didn't even have sex, it was kinda an unspoken agreement between them. While it would be amazing, the action could bring another child into the hunting life. Neither of them wanted to force that on another child, when they were forced to bring their daughter into it. Mary could understand that, if she had kids she wouldn't want them living this kind of life either.

When she got downstairs with her father and saw her mother and uncle talking.
"I thought you were going back to bed Dean?" Kristina asked as she worked on her batch of pumpkin bread.
"I tried but I heard that you were cooking," Dean teased. "So I had to make sure that you didn't burn down the kitchen." Kristina pretended to be insulted and hit him with a hand towel.
"Don't test me Dean, I am capable of cooking without burning anything." She told him.

Mary actually laughed at the scene and knew that she couldn't ruin the happiness of the moment with her dreams. Everyone was just so happy, and how selfish of her would it be to burden them with her silly nightmares.
"He does have a point Mom, you don't really make much," She said. "Although I do enjoy your pumpkin muffins, they're delicious."
"I can't believe you're not taking my side," Kristina responded pretending to be insulted. "I should ground you."
"You wouldn't I'm an angel." Mary answered. Her words made everyone laugh breaking the awkward tension. Hearing this Mary thought that everything was going to be fine, even though she had a knot in her stomach.

However her throat closed up when her mother got a phone call about a case. Please don't let it be what I'm seeing in my dreams. She thought to herself, hoping that her worry wasn't showing on her face.
"Hey Emma," Kristina said. She smiled at the voice of her best friend from highschool. But her smile faded as the conversation continued. "Wait what when did this happen?" Mary couldn't hear what was happening on Emma's end. But something told her that she should start paying attention to her dreams. "Don't worry girl I'll come over right away." Kristina hung up with the same grim expression on her face.

"What happened?" Sam asked. His wife only had the look on her face when something terrible had happened. Mary sunk deeper into her seat not wanting to be seen hoping with every fiber of her being that she was wrong.
"I'm pretty sure there's a case in Emma's town, a ton of young women have died bloodly." Kristina responded.
"How bloody?" Dean asked.
"I can't believe myself but apparently they all died in child birth despite not being pregnant," Kristina answered with a sigh. "What can even do that?"

"Nothing we've ever come across," Sam said. "When did this start happening?" Mary couldn't take it anymore, she had to speak up or her nightmares might come true.
"Umm maybe we could not go on this hunt," she said. "Maybe another hunter could handle it." Her family gave her confused expressions since she was always up for hunting.
"Mary are you sick?" Kristina asked placing her hand on Mary's forehead checking for a fever.
"No I'm not sick, I think maybe you shouldn't go on this hunt Mom," Mary said gently pushing her mother's hand away. "Uncle Dean and I can go."

"No can do kiddo I gotta stay here, but I'll look through the lore to help you guys out." Dean responded. He affectionatly rubbed Mary's hair before leaving the kitchen to go look through the library. Mary was so tense that she didn't have the energy to brush her uncle off.
"Mary?" Sam asked. She snapped out of her thoughts to look up at her father. "Are you sure you're alright? You've been acting a little off."
"I'm fine Daddy," Mary answered. "Just a little sleep deprived but I know it's not an excuse," she continued. "Ms. Emma is family and I can't ignore a cry of help from her."

"I'm glad you think that petal," Kristina said. "But given the circumstances of this hunt I don't want you to come."
"What mom?!" Mary almost screamed. She had to come on this hunt, she had to be sure that nothing happened to her mother. "Dad!"
"Mary she's right, whatever this is would be drawn to you immediately," Sam added in. He expected his daughter to scream but her mouth was frozen in shock. "I promise we'll make this up to you, just stay away from this hunt okay baby girl?" She nodded unable to do anything else. What if her nightmare came true and her mother got pregnant like those victims? She could die and what would happen to her dad?

Since he was crazy over protective, she couldn't imagine what would happen if her mother wasn't there anymore.
"That's my girl, now you should get some rest I know you haven't been sleeping," Sam said hugging her tight. "We will be back soon and remember..."
"I know lock the doors, the windows, and if anyone comes over make sure to check for monsters." Mary answered. So far no demon or other creature she has faced would be polite enough to knock on the door. They would have probably just knocked it over, but it was good to be prepared.

"We will be back soon," Kristina said pulling Mary out of her thoughts. "Stay safe sweetie we love you so much." She kissed her daughter on the forehead and Mary hugged her not wanting either of them to go. Her heart was telling her she should follow them, to make sure they came home even if they didn't like it. But she chose to ignore her dreams for now and let them both go.
"Say hi to Ms. Emma for me." Mary answered. She hadn't seen Emma in a long time, the only time she had was when her mom brought together her high school friends for a holiday or special event. Emma was very nice, always checking in on them to make sure things were alright, and wanting to hear all the stories about saving the world.

Kristina and Sam left soon after that leaving Mary alone to her thoughts, she walked back to her room and sat on her bed. Snowy her seal lion was still nearby so she picked it up hoping for some comfort.
"I'm so torn what should I do?" Mary asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" a voice asked Mary jumped wondering who was talking to her. She dropped Snowy on the floor as she searched the room for whoever made the sound. "Ouch." Mary looked down at her stuffed animal and realized that the Snowy was the one talking. She picked her seal lion up wondering if she had hit her head and was just dreaming.
"Ezra whatever you're doing stop it now!" Mary called out.

"I'm not doing anything now go back to bed!" Ezra yelled back from his room. Mary stiffened and looked back at Snowy.
"This isn't happening," Mary said. "I'm just dreaming."
"No you're not and don't worry I'm just using this toy to talk to you." Snowy responded.
"Wait so who are you then?" Mary asked.
"I can't tell you who I am yet but when the time is right I will reveal myself to you, but you must follow your parents they're in danger." Snowy explained. Her seal lion was female, her mother had told her that but strangely the voice sounded like a young boy.
"In danger of what?" Mary asked hoping it wasn't what she was thinking.
"Of falling under a curse, they're hunting an incubus!" Snowy exclaimed. Mary ran off to warn her parents but it was too late they were already gone

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