Chapter three

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Something was wrong and it wasn't just the strange call she had gotten. Kristina knew that something was wrong with her daughter, she never refused to hunt and she had been quiet all morning.
"Everything okay?" Sam asked taking her hand.
"Yeah I'm just a little worried about Mary," Kristina answered. "She never acts that way, you don't think she could be hiding something do you?"

"I don't know," Sam answered. "But after we finish this hunt we should talk with her she's gotten this whole thing from us." Kristina nodded and kissed him on the cheek. The two got into the impala since Dean had allowed them to use it, as long as they brought it back with no scratches. Sam started the car and drove off, to settle her nerves Kristina did research on pagan gods she thought might be responsible for this case. But there were so many of them in different cultures and none of them mentioned anything about making people pregnant in a day. She grumbled to herself realizing that if this was a god or goddess then they needed to figure out which one.

It took a long time but the two finally made it North Carolina, Emma was a fire fighter so she lived near the station in Cary with her two children. Her husband was out of the town on a business trip, so luckily he was safe. Kristina texted Emma to let her know they had arrived and sure enough Emma responded.

K: Sam and I are here, where are you at?
E: Oh I'm so glad 😄
E: I'm at my new house Alex and I moved
K: I remember you telling me about that little sis, send me the directions and we'll be right over.
E: Here you go and I really hope you guys come quick 🥺 there was another victim w couple hours ago.
K: Don't worry Sam and I will figure it out, I'm thinking it might be a pagon god.
E: They exist? 😲
K: yeah but trust me they are annoying and power hungry, be there soon.
E: Thanks big sis 😊 be careful

Kristina turned off her phone and gave Sam the directions to Emma's house. He knew that she was feeling a little sad so he attempted to cheer her up, and asked her if she was excited to see her friend.
"Yes as long as you promise not to embarrass me," Kristina teased. "I know how you can be around my friends."
"I am not embarrassing," Sam responded turning red. "They just make me a little nervous."
"Why because Emma said she would bury you if something happened to me?" Kristina asked giggling. Sam didn't answer since Emma could be a little intimidating, he was more relaxed around Kristina's family. They at least hadn't threatened him in anyway, or stare at him anytime he was left alone.

Emma along with Kristina's two other high school friends had cornered him, and promised to make him disappear if Kristina ended up with a broken heart. That was long before he got married to her, and now Emma treated him very well, but he would be lying if Emma didn't scare him more than any monster could. "Aww don't worry she won't actually do that." Kristina said pulling him out of his thoughts.
"I beg to differ, she's like you with Shela," Sam responded. She made a face and made a gesture signaling that he should keep his mouth closed. "Oh that doesn't work on me anymore, you should know that."


Emma waited anxiously for her friend to arrive, she had never really believed in the supernatural. But as soon as her close friend got married and had a daughter that aged after few weeks. She began to embrace the paranormal and believed everything Kristina had been writing about in her book series.  Others with smaller minds would think she and Shela were just obsessed fans, but Emma knew better. Sam and Dean were real people, and so was everything they fought against.

It sometimes kept her awake at night to think about the possibility of a monster being in her house. Up until now she had gotten lucky but of course her luck was running out. As soon as she heard about young woman getting pregnant overnight and dying soon after, she knew something was wrong. So to keep her family safe, she sent her children to accompy her husband on his trip. She didn't want whatever this was near them, and if she told them the truth they would think she was crazy. Her deep thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Knowing that it was Kristina she got off the couch and opened the front door.
"Hey I was wondering when you two would arrive." Emma said.

"Well we didn't get lost," Kristina responded and gave her friend a hug. "How are you doing?"
"Okay as you can be in this situation I think," Emma answered. She pulled away from her friend and gave Sam a look. He cleared his throat and Emma began questioning him. "Good to see you Sam, you taking care of her?"
"I try but she doesn't let me get too far." Sam responded. Kristina took his hand and gave him her signature smile.
"That's what I like to hear," Emma responded. She pated Sam on the shoulder an allowed them both to come in. "Where is my lovely goddaughter?" She asked.

"We had Mary stay home for this, we didn't want whatever this was to make her a target," Kristina explained. "She was a little upset about it, but I'm hoping she'll forgive us if I let her come visit and babysit your kids."
"They definitely adore her," Emma responded. And for the first time that day she smiled, thankfully to discuss something else besides the hunt. "Just let her know that she's always welcome to stop by."
"I'll make sure to tell her," Sam said. "Can you tell us more about what happened?"

Her explanation on the phone had been brief, so they didn't have much to go on. Emma explained that about a week ago there was a terrible heat wave, during a fall day where the weather rose 60 degrees in a few minutes.
"I don't think much of it until air conditioners everywhere began breaking, and it seemed like the whole town was heating up," Emma explained. "It didn't take long for the people to began getting ansty and I won't go into details but let's just say the heat didn't stop until everyone found other ways to cool down."
"You mean they started having sex?" Kristina asked blinking.

"Some yes but others remained secluded until everything went back to normal," Emma responded. "And after that nothing seemed strange until the constant pregnancies began happening," she continued. "The baby usually survived but the mother hardly does, and from what I've seen it seems to occur to mainly virgins overnight,"  She felt a little disgusted explaining that part, but it was more information Sam and Kristina could use. "The most recent one was a girl named Dawn, she lived across the street from me."

"Don't worry we will figure out what happened." Kristina promised. She wrote down everything that Emma had told her, it wasn't much but at least they knew it wasn't a ghost.
"Did Dawn live with anybody?" Sam asked. "Even if it doesn't seem important it would really help us."
"Well her parents were divorced but she lived with her father," Emma answered. "He wasn't a good man though, I always heard them arguing and she usually came over to me."
"Thank you we will talk with him." Kristina answered.

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