Chapter four

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Sam and Kristina dressed in their FBI outfits, and approached Dawn's house with caution. The police had placed yellow tape around the place, but had left the crime scene when they heard what happened. They assumed that just like every report they had got of this, the person was just covering up the fact that they did something to the victim.
"What do you think?" Sam asked lifting up the yellow tape so Kristina could walk under it.

"Well I think that whatever this is really likes going after women," Kristina answered. "At first I was thinking maybe a pagan god but now I'm not sure what we're dealing with." She didn't really want to talk with Dawn's father for all they knew, hearing that he may have been abusive made her believe he was the one pulling the strings.
"The only pagan god that could do that would be cupid or his mother Venus, but I don't think their curses work overnight," Sam responded. She frowned and Sam knew instantly what she was thinking. "Hey don't worry, no one else is going to die.

"I know I just hope we can stop whatever this is," she answered. Kristina knocked on the door and immediately got into character once a middle aged man opened it. He had graying black hair and had clearly being crying. "Mr. Hanson?" Kristina asked.
"Yes that's me but please just call me Blake," he answered. "I assume you're here to arrest me."
"No sir we just wanted to ask you some questions about your daughter." Sam answered. Blake stiffened at the mention of the event and let them come inside, he brought them into the living room where nearby a baby boy was in a cradle. He looked quite healthy and was enjoying the rattle in his hands. Blake couldn't even look at the newborn causing him to cry.

Kristina couldn't bare to see such a sight  and approached him hoping to cheer him up, he smiled and grabbed her finger once she placed it down. She smiled herself and felt a connection with him, she also sensed that he was quite powerful. It was like being around her daughter or Ezra but a bit different. Realizing she was being unprofessional she let go of his hand and returned to Sam's side.
"He's very cute what's his name?" Kristina asked. Blake said that the baby didn't have a name yet,  he also mentioned that he was thinking of giving him up for adoption. It wasn't something he wanted to do but he was too old to care for an infant.

"I know what your police buddies think but I didn't do anything to Dawn," Blake said walking away and sitting on a chair. "I heard her screaming and she was past dead by the time I found her."
"Sir was your daughter expecting?" Kristina asked, the answer was probably no but they had to get all the details.
"No she didn't even have a boyfriend," Blake answered. "At least not to my knowledge, she could a little rebellious," he explained. "It was my fault really I let her slip through my fingers."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked. This man was either really good at hiding his true intentions and was actually misunderstood. It was hard to picture a man as kind as this, possibly abusing his daughter.
"Well when she was ten her mother died," Blake explained. "It tore us both apart really, so I got remarried and that changed her," he continued. "She was sneaking out all the time, lied to me about where she was going, I even thought for awhile that she was on drugs," Blake explained. "I tried to help her, but she kept pushing me away until my second wife and I split up." He sighed heavily and looked back at the baby who was happily putting the rattle in his mouth.

Kristina was able to sense that he was telling the truth, and also sensed that he was still grieving for his daughter. She felt bad about thinking that he was bad, when in reality he was a victim just like his daughter. Now he was left alone to raise his new grandson without anyone to help him.
"I'm so sorry for your loss." She said.
"I've been hearing that a lot from people who actually believe me," Blake answered. "But there is something I want to say, if someone did this to my little girl I want them to pay." The room became a little hot, and Sam adjusted his collar, so that he could cool off a bit.

"Is the air conditioner broken?" Sam suddenly asked. Blake apologized and said that it had been broken since last night when it had gotten very hot. Kristina decided to take her husband out of there, since she was worried about him. She gave Blake her card and waved at the baby, after that the two left the house. It was still hot outside and Kristina suddenly became a little hot herself. She got into the car and drank from her water bottle.
"Who turned on the sun?" She asked greedily gulping down her water, it tasted wonderful but each sip made her crave more.

"I think the creature is still around we should get out of the open," Sam responded. He remembered what Emma had told him about everything getting hot, and if they were getting hot it meant that the monster was close. "Any idea where we can go?"
"I'll text Emma I'm sure she'll let us stay or find a hotel we can stay at." Kristina responded. She finally placed her water bottle down and texted her friend, whatever she had to do to get out of the heat she would do.

K: Hey girl
E: What did you find out?
K: Dawn's father is innocent, he was telling the truth but something definitely happened.
E: Did he say anything that would help?
K: Dawn became a little rebellious when she got a stepmother, I think we might have a curse of some kind.
E: So a witch maybe.
K: maybe but we have to be sure, btw you know any place Sam and I can stay?
E: Yeah I'll set up the guest room for you guys
K: Thanks 😊 see you soon

The two went back to Emma's house hoping that the heat would lessen, but it didn't and the air conditioner in the impala broke. Sam made a comment about how Dean was going to kill him, and had to take his jacket off to relieve himself.
"Hey you both look sweaty," Emma commented once they got inside. "What happened out there?" She didn't seem to be affected by the heat at all and it made Sam wonder if it was just them.
"Just really hot," Kristina answered. "I think we need to rest." She ran upstairs without saying anything else and Emma became worried. She became even more concerned when she noticed a brief lustful look on Sam's face.

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