Chapter five

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The heat continued to get worse, and Sam checked online to see if it was happening anywhere else. Apparently everything was out all over town, even the power in some houses. Kristina sat by him and had changed into a tank top and shorts, hoping to avoid passing out from the heat. Sam felt his insides squirm, making it hard not to stare.
"What did you find?" She asked.

"Remember the heat wave Emma mentioned?" Sam asked. She nodded and wiped some sweat off her forehead. "I think its happening again. Only this time its two times worse." It was hard for him to think straight, when his wife barely had any clothes on.
"Maybe its some kind of curse," Kristina answered. "Like a fertility curse but it can be spread," Her mind was becoming clouded and for a second she thought she saw a brief silhouette of another woman nearby. "What was that?" She asked.

"Honey there is nothing there," Sam responded. He wrapped his strong arms around her and felt his face flush with lust. It scared him, but his fears quickly ceased like something or someone had taken them out of his head. "If there was I'd protect you." He kissed his wife on the cheek and she leaned into his touch.
"You took your shirt off," She commented. Kristina had been so busy worrying about the hunt that she hadn't even noticed, she blushed even though she had seen him shirtless before. "I'm sorry I don't know why I said that, its just really hot in here."

All she could think about now, was how much she wanted to see of Sam. She never really had since they had never had sex, and he was always respectful of her decision to remain a virgin. But all of her desires from when she first saw him, seemed to be taking over her head. Voices were telling her that now was the worst possible time to break her vow. But they were married now, so weren't they supposed to be intimate?
"Do you like what you see?" Sam asked. His voice became husky and she lost himself in his eyes. The two shared a kiss which was nothing new, but it quickly turned into more. At first Kristina was frightened, but her fears quickly faded and she began stripping, hoping to have a night full of passion and love.


Mary at first figured she had just been tired, there was no way her toy sea lion could talk.
"Seriously you need to do something!" Snowy exclaimed making Mary scream. She covered her ears thinking she has gone crazy.
"Please just stop," Mary cried. "This isn't happening, you're not real!" Her cries drew in Ezra who asked what was happening, she hugged him fiercly and explained everything. "I'm crazy that's what, Snowy keeps talking but I know that's impossible." Ezra held her close and gazed at the toy on her bed. When they were kids she would always bring Snowy to his house and claim he could talk. He found it amusing then but now he was wondering if maybe it was a warning.

"Ezra stop giving me that look," Snowy noticebly moving. "Out of all the things you've seen is a talking stuffed animal that strange." Ezra blinked completely stunned, this was definitely not what he was expecting to wake up to. But given the fact that he was also hearing the voice, he knew Mary wasn't crazy.
"Mary you're not crazy," he said to her. Mary asked who he knew but his answer surprised her. "Because I can hear Snowy talking as well."
"What?" Mary asked.

"Yeah its confusing but like I said I'm not actually Snowy," Snowy explained. "Think of her as a messager."
"Well then who are you?" Ezra asked. He had never heard anything about someone having the ability to talk through a toy. "Some kind of ghost?"
"Hardly," Snowy responded. "Consider me a a guide," she continued. "I've come to warn Mary about her parents, they have fallen under a spell."
"Wait what?" Mary asked. She stood up to get a better look at the supposed toy, slowly she put the pieces together in her head and recalled her dreams about women getting pregnant. Now her parents were hunting a Incubus or maybe Succubus, which was infamous for it's sexual activities.

"Oh my gosh Ezra my mom is going to get pregnant!" Mary exclaimed. How could she have not realized that before, her parents were most likely already infected by the being's presence and had become crazy horny. She became frantic and tried to contact her parents multiple times, neither of them answered. Ezra attempted to calm her down and said maybe she was incorrect.
"No she is correct, that's how the curse works, a couple gets influened to have sex by the demon, the women gets pregnant quickly, and depending on the gender the demon steals one of the partners." Snowy explained.
"Then I have to go there and stop this thing." Mary responded.

"That won't be easy, these demons take on human disguise when they are not hunting," Ezra said as he looked through an article on his phone. The information on these demons was brief at best, but at least the way to kill them was on there. "I don't know if a demon blade would work on this Mare."
"Its okay I'll just have to find something else to use on it, I'll need to seduce this demon before I kill it." Mary responded. Her parents weren't going to be in condition to handle this hunt, if they had been affected they were most likely having sex already.

"There is one thing that can kill them, it was created by the archangels," Snowy said. "Its called the Dark Saber."
"That sounda like something from a movie, but where do I find it?" Mary asked. If possible the stuffed animal smiled at bit.
"You sure you wanna know?" Snowy asked. After Snowy said that lighting flashed in the sky and thunder boomed, it had only been drizzling earlier but suddenly it was pouring. 

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