Chapter six

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Blake sat in his house close to tears as he looked at pictures of his daughter. The pain of losing her was really waneing on him, it felt like his life was meanless. A young woman with blonde locks came close to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"What ever is the matter?" She asked whispering in his ear.
"Eliza you told me if I gave in, she would be okay," Blake responded. "Why did the incumbus come for her?"

Eliza's face briefly changed from looking beautiful until something that burnt and skull like before returning to its beautiful form. She got closer to Blake and consoled him, telling him that his daughter was now safe from her abuser.
"Shed no tears Blake for Dawn is in Heaven now," Eliza said mocking the angels her friends once told her about. "I have seen her, and she's happy." Blake nodded tearfully and thanked her. Eliza took his hand and promised that she could take all his pain away if she just gave in. Nearby the baby boy seemed to sense that something was off and began getting fussy.

Blake however paid no attention to her as all his thoughts became consumed by Eliza's beauty.
"Oh I love you, I love you so much." He said. Eliza smiled knowing that it was the effect of her touching him, she said it back and gave him a fierce kiss. Instantly Blake's eyes went wide as he felt his life force being sucked from him.
"What's wrong baby?" Eliza asked. She kissed him harder which only killed him faster and soon enough he dropped dead to the floor. His body once healthy now looked like a skeleton, and to complete the process Eliza made her human form fade.

Large bat wings sprouted from her back, her normal complexion became pale white making her look like a vampire. A pair of red horns appeared on her now coal black hair, and she wore a seductive black dress. She leaned down to the dead man and give him a firm kiss. His mouth opened and what she was seeking came out, his soul. While she normally visited her victims in her sleep, but that was back when she was powerful. After her failed attempt at seducing her former friend into being with her, she had become weak. As an succubus, she needed to feed off the lust of humans to survive. But was incapable of any passionate feelings herself, which is why she was so weak now. After Kristina and Shela threw her out of their lives, she lost two of her primary food sources.

It had been in small amounts so the girls never noticed it, until she made the mistake of going to far. So now she was tricking men into having sex with her and placing the baby into a woman of her choosing. The pregnancy lasted for about thirty six hours before baby was suddenly born, then she would kill the man and leave the baby to die. Her plan worked for years and she managed to stay hidden, what she wasn't expecting was for Shela and Kristina to get married to the Winchesters. Her hopes were that the four would never met up and the girls would live their lives thinking Sam and Dean were fake. But the prophecy fell into place and she many of her powers. To get back at her ex-friends she set up this trap hoping to lure them both in.

So far she had only drawn in Kristina, but that was alright Shela would no doubt come once Kristina died in child birth, and Sam died soon after.
"I love it when a plan comes together," Eliza said to herself. She walked over to the infant crying and told him to shut up. "I don't know how humans put up with you!" She exclaimed. The baby stopped and gave her a look, Eliza was confused by it but figured that he couldn't do anything. He was only a baby, even if he was half demon what could he do? Eliza turned away from him ready to sense that Kristina had gotten pregnant, but strangly she couldn't feel anything. "What?" Furious and confused she vanished to go see why her plan didn't seem to be working.


Mary was beyond exhausted, sneaking out of the bunker and finding Emma's address took a lot out of her. When she pulled up in Emma's driveway, she bolted out of her aunts red jeep and pounded on the door.
"Ms. Emma its Mary can you please let me in?!" Mary exclaimed. The red head eventually came to the door holding a modified baseball and was shocked to see her exhausted looking goddaughter.
"Mary sweetie how did you find my house?" Emma asked. "And where's your coat?"

I stole my aunt's car to get her and I found your address in my mom's notebook, can I come in?" Emma checked her for any kind of possession by saying Kristo at least twice. Mary didn't react and to show Emma she wasn't a shifter, she cut her hand with her silver knife.

"Mary you shouldn't be here, the monster will come..." Emma began.
"It's a succubus," Mary said. "More importantly its going after my parents I need to be sure they're okay." Emma said they came back not long ago and were in their room. Mary panicked and ran up the stairs worried she could be too late and that her mother was already going into labor. Emma raced after her but Mary was faster, and when she found the guest room. She practically kicked the door open, and woke both her parents who had been sleeping.
"Mary you shouldn't go in..." Emma said but saw that she hadn't been quick enough.
"Mary what in the world are you doing here?!" Sam exclaimed getting off the bed. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for you to be near this thing!?"

First thing that Mary noticed was that her dad had no shirt on, secondly she saw that her mom was fully clothed but they were messy and so was her hair. Easily she put the pieces together and realized that the two had sex, and she panicked.
"Oh my gosh you guys were doing it!" Mary yelled.
"Young lady answer your father," Kristina responded getting off the bed herself. Emma realized that it was a family matter and left the three alone. "I can't believe you snuck out of the house and followed us here, do you know what time it is?"

"I can explain," Mary answered. But her mouth closed when she realized how unbelievable her explanation sounded. "I had reason to believe that you two were hunting a succubus," she finally said. "So I came to rescue you."
"Mary there is no such thing and even if there was the lore doesn't match," Kristina responded. "You shouldn't have snuck out." She crossed her arms in disapproval disappointed in her daughter.
"But you're going to become pregnant, you have to believe me!" Mary exclaimed.
"That is enough young lady, I don't know what you're playing at but it stops now," Sam responded. "Normally I would expect this behavior from Ezra, but from you?"

Mary tried to protest but Sam held up his hand stopping her. He had that look in her eyes that she recognized as the 'you're in so much trouble look,' she lowered her hand realizing that she had betrayed their trust by coming here.
"Mom, Daddy I'm sorry," Mary finally said. "But my visions told me you guys were in danger I had to come see." That was technically mostly true, she had been having visions of this hunt but never of them.
"Mary that doesn't excuse your behavior, you can't come here without telling anyone or barge into someone house in the middle of the night!" Sam exclaimed. Mary frowned and Kristina grabbed Sam's arm to stop him from going too far.

"Mary you need to go back downstairs, I'm taking you home in the morning so your father can finish up this hunt," Kristina said. "I'm very disappointed in you, and by the way you're grounded." Mary gasped since she had never gotten grounded before, she tried once again to explain herself but Sam instructed her to leave. The shock was still with her after she left the room, Mary could understand her parents anger. She snuck out of the house, didn't tell anyone where she was going, stole her aunt's car, disobeyed them, and barged into Emma's house. Mary sighed heavily as she sat down on the stairs wondering if she had taken her visions too far. To anyone else she would appear crazy, and if her day couldn't get any worse her aunt called her.

"Hi Auntie Shela," Mary answered holding back tears. "I'm guessing this is about your car."
"Mary Joy Winchester I have been worried sick and I can't believe you stole my car!" Shela screamed. "Come back here now, and if you don't bring it back I'll kill you just to revive you and ground you!"
"I'm already grounded." Mary responded and hung up. She couldn't handle any of that right now, she needed to figure this all out. It was only then that she finally let herself cry and ran out of the house, hoping to disappear until this all blowed over. Everyone was mad at her and no one seemed to care what she thought. While she was sobbing in Emma's front yard, a pair of golden eyes watched her from not far away.

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