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namjoon impatiently tapped his shoe against the marble floor as he pressed on the doorbell for the fifth time in a row in a mere span of 5 minutes, with precisely one ring per minute. he screwed his eyes shut in order to prevent himself from doing things his way and kicking down the entire door, but he ended up deciding to spare jungkook's door just this once anyway.

he was about to raise his hand up to ring the doorbell for the sixth time when the door was swiftly creaked open and a wavy blonde mop of hair peeked out from behind it. 

namjoon furrowed his brows in part confusion and part caution at the unfamiliar blonde standing before him, clad in nothing but a wrinkled white blouse that hung off one of her shoulders, revealing a bit of the strap of her crimson lace bra underneath.

"can i help you?" the female asked with evident attitude in her tone.

"who are you and what are you doing at jungkook's house wearing that?" namjoon shot back with another question despite, sadly enough, already knowing what the answer was in the back of his head.

the girl scoffed as if namjoon's question was the most ridiculous thing she has ever heard in her life. "you're funny. who i am is none of your business, alright? you woke me and jungkook-oppa up just to ask—"

"n-namjoon-hyung?" jungkook suddenly called out, slowly emerging from behind the blonde female with an anxious expression scrawled all over his features while trying to simultaneously shrug on a loose white button-up shirt to give his bare upper torso some coverage. "i... i didn't expect you to— i thought you were at the, uh, parlor."

namjoon could feel his blood gradually coming up to an infuriated boil at two things:

1) the sight of a very obvious post-sex jungkook who had extremely tousled hair, scratches running down his momentarily-exposed chest, and faint bite marks littering the column of his neck.

and 2) jungkook seemingly not giving a single fuck about skipping multiple days of his job without any valid reason. it's like he just discarded every purpose in his life, including the will to live normally, and for whatever reason, it does not faze jungkook at all and he's simply going along with the flow of his dumb decisions.

namjoon was beyond pissed now.

"jeon jungkook!" he snarled, storming past the blonde chick and right towards jungkook with his fists clenched at his sides. "open your fucking eyes!" he yelled before he felt his own fist collide roughly with jungkook's jaw. 

jungkook stumbled back a couple of steps in shock, taking a few seconds to process the fact that he just got punched by his best friend. he clutched the side of his face with a trembling hand because the last time namjoon actually went physical on him was back when they first met, and that was when high-schooler jungkook's mentality was nearly beyond the point of saving. 

"i deserved that," jungkook muttered, wincing at the jolt of pain that struck through his jaw as soon as the words left his mouth.

"damn right, you did," namjoon affirmed with fury ablaze in his irises. "blondie, i'd leave this place now if i were you," he then stated, turning around to catch the aforementioned girl shaking in the corner of the room, eyes stretched wide and jaw hung open in surprise. the girl didn't have to be told twice as she quickly grabbed her purse from jungkook's bedroom and scrambled out the front door in a flash.

the older male waited for the door to slam closed before speaking up again.

"jungkook, what the hell are you doing with your life?! it's like you're becoming a completely different person! you can't keep doing this to yourself — it's not healthy, goddamit. what good do you think bringing in countless 'look-a-likes' of taehyung will do for you? don't think i haven't picked up on that trend in the girls you keep bringing back here. but hey, here's your answer: it does you absolutely no fucking good!" namjoon began ranting, chest heaving in long breaths with each sentence he let out. "you need to wake up and move on. taehyung rejected you, that's final. just accept it and move on!"

jungkook remained silent, prompting namjoon to either continue talking or throw another punch at him, or both. 

"jesus christ, jungkook, you're an adult. you're not in high school anymore, for fuck's sake! please stop this already!" namjoon shouted, finally releasing all the pent-up anger before freezing instantly after realizing the real weight of what he just said, especially when he noticed how fast the ravenet's eyes became watery at the mention of high school. "no, shit— jungkook, i didn't mean to bring up—"

"n-no, you're right. you're always right. i-i'm fucked up! i don't know what's happening to me, i don't know what i'm doing anymore. fuck!" jungkook cried out in frustration, harshly tugging at his own tuft of ebony locks as the first tear began rolling down his cheek. "i don't— i can't move on. i-i don't know why, i just— i've never felt this way towards anyone before. i'm so damn terrified, hyung. it's terrifying! i can't explain this feeling in words... b-but i hate it so fucking much."

jungkook was breaking down.

"jungkook, stop. i'm sorry, please don't cry," namjoon murmured, softening at the rare glimpse of multiple tears running down the other's face. "calm down for me, yeah? i'll help you get through this."

the black-haired man only nodded, biting down hard on his lower lip to attempt holding back a sob that was threatening to tear up through his throat. 

"listen, if you seriously can't find a way to move on from taehyung, then you should find a way to fix you and taehyung's relationship," namjoon claimed, carefully watching jungkook's reaction to his proposal. "it's never too late, trust me. just tell him what you've been afraid to tell him all along, i promise that taehyung will listen to you and try to understand."

"w-what? no!" jungkook abruptly exclaimed in panic, tears beginning to uncontrollably spill like a flood from the pools of his eyes once more, causing namjoon to inwardly groan in exasperation. "i can't tell him. shit— n-no, i won't tell him! he'll find me disgusting forever and never want to look at me, i-i know he will!"

"jungkook, please think about it this way," namjoon started. "if you want to build your relationship back up — god, that sounded weird considering you guys were never even together — then you need to be the one to initiate that by revealing all of the things in the past which you' were too scared to reveal to him. by doing that, taehyung will begin to trust you again and eventually start opening up to you about himself too, believe me."

jungkook kept quietly throughout that, keeping his gaze focused on the floor but namjoon knew he had most definitely listened to his every word.  

after a short while, "o-okay," the younger soon breathed out in a mere whisper, wiping the last of his tears away. "you're right. i believe you, hyung."

"oh?" namjoon perked up. "you know what to do now, don't you?"

"yeah, i do. i'll surely fix things between me and taehyung. thank you, hyung, for always trying your best to get me back on the right path," jungkook spoke with a little lop-sided smile. "even though i irritated you like mad by not going to work for a whole week and instead headed to clubs and bars to, uh, you know," he paused, regretfully rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle. "you still didn't give up on me yet. thank you, really."

"it's what i'm here for, jungkook." namjoon beamed.

a/n: happy new years everyone! can't believe it's already 2019 like 2018 honestly flew back sooo quick. thank you to everybody who has been supporting me and my works until now, you guys made my 2018 incredibly memorable. i look forward to writing more in 2019 and i hope that you'll continue to stick with me for more years to come. happy 2019 y'all! :D

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