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jungkook was a mess, to say the least. unbeknownst to himself, he slowly shifted into an entirely different person just across the span of a week,

and it was definitely not for the best.

he squinted at the sunlight pouring in through the thin curtains, casting an ethereal glow onto his bedroom's dark walls. grimacing at the pounding headache against his skull, he glanced to the side of his bed and deepened his frown when he saw an unfamiliar blonde sleeping beside him, with nothing on but her lace undergarments.

"what the fuck?" jungkook muttered, trying to dig up the girl's name from his memories from last night but to no avail. scratching his head, he hopped out of bed and stumbled to his kitchen to find some painkillers and a glass of water.

he was in the midst of putting the advil bottle back into the cupboard when he heard the light pitter-patter of footsteps behind him. swiftly turning around, he was met with the sight of the same female who was in his bed, but this time she was clad in a large baggy t-shirt that she seemed to drown in — jungkook's t-shirt, to be exact.

oh boy, he was not happy about that at all.

"i don't remember giving you permission to wear my clothes," jungkook spoke with a raised brow.

yet, the girl simply giggled into her hand as if the tattooist just cracked the funniest joke she has ever heard. "don't be silly, oppa! after last night, we might as well share everything with each other," she gushed.

"sorry, but i don't even remember your name," jungkook deadpanned.

the girl remained unfazed and laughed even harder. "oh, oppa, you're so funny!"

jungkook's patience was already wearing thin. roughly slamming his palm against the door of a wooden cupboard and inwardly smirking at how the girl immediately jumped, he snarled, "get out of my house."

the blonde's smile quickly vanished from her lips. "w-what?"

"i won't say it a third time," jungkook warned with a menacing tilt of his head. "get out of my house. now!"

it didn't take another second before the girl burst out crying, sprinting out the front door with her purse clutched in hand and jungkook's shirt still on her torso. jungkook merely sighed in relief, brushing off the shirt matter and trudging back into his bedroom where the strong stench of overused perfume waft into his nostrils.

"yuck," he hissed, swinging open the door to his bathroom and clamping down on his nose with two fingers. he proceeded to gape at the mirror upon spotting a dozen nail welts and long scratches embedded all over the skin of his back. "holy fuck," he mumbled, shaking his head at the marks.

he was getting ready for a warm shower when his phone suddenly rang.

heading back into his room to pick up the device without bothering to look at who's calling, he answered the call and was immediately greeted by a very furious kim namjoon.

"jeon jungkook, stop skipping work like this! this is the fifth day you're skipping for no damn reason!" namjoon shouted into the ravenet's eardrums from the speaker of the phone, causing the younger to flinch back in slight shock. "i'm literally about to go to your apartment and fucking drag you here myself. you can't just keep doing—"

without any hesitation, jungkook cut the line with a roll of his eyes and was about to carelessly toss the device back onto his bed, but just then, his gaze landed on a certain contact on the screen, almost as if the name was beckoning him to click on it.

click on it. click on it.

so, he did.

after a couple of rings, the person finally picked up.

"yo! if it isn't the man himself, jeon," the man on the other line said.

"morning, sehun. you free tonight?" the ravenet asked, simultaneously tracing the lines on his bedsheet with his unoccupied hand.

sehun paused for a short moment. "depends. what's up?"

"nothing. just wanted to check out that new club that opened up in myeongdong a few weeks ago. you down?"

"man, you're in serious luck. y'know, a close friend of mine actually opened that bar."

"for real? damn, i am in serious luck."

"hey, i'll even get him to introduce some hot chicks just for you, man," sehun claimed with a muffled snicker.

however, jungkook found himself forcing a nervous chuckle out of his mouth at that. "yeah, sure. i'll meet you there tonight then?"

"gotcha!" sehun answered. "11PM sharp, don't forget it."


that's how jungkook ended up in front of myeongdong's newest nightclub, house of cards, late into a friday night. decked out in a flowy white silk top, tight (extremely tight) black leather pants, and a pair of black timberlands, he walked into the club with sehun by his side, who was dressed in more or less the same apparel.

right away, an array of colorful lights momentarily blinded jungkook, along with the insanely loud electronic dance music playing from the large speakers placed in every corner of the club. hundreds of people were dancing amongst each other whilst drinking their problems away at the same time; others were busy either grinding on random strangers or sucking faces with random strangers on the side.

despite sehun's initial promise of asking his friend to introduce him to some girls, jungkook got separated from sehun within just 10 minutes after first stepping foot into the crowded place. with a defeated huff, the tattoo artist decided to head to the bar and get a quick drink to get his night started, with or without sehun.

"one margarita, please," he ordered, receiving a blunt nod from the bartender as he sat down on a bar stool, drumming his fingers on top of the bar counter while he patiently waited for his drink to be served.

"here you go, sir."

"thank you."

it wasn't long before jungkook lost track of how many drinks he's had since everything after his sixth glass of margarita became a tipsy blur in his head. he vaguely remembered the bartender asking him to slow down a bit, to which he slurred out an incoherent retort and continued to basically demand to be served more drinks.

he was probably on his eighth glass when a gorgeous female approached him, plopping herself on the bar stool right next to his.

with luscious dyed blond locks and a face caked full of makeup, she only began with a simple introduction. it soon developed into flirting and dirty talk before eventually escalating into full-on feral lust and desire between the two, with the girl — whom jungkook already forgot the name of — dragging him out of the nightclub and into a taxi ride back to the black-haired male's home.

jungkook, as drunk as ever, went along with the rest of the night as long as he also found pleasure in it.

and once he finished, tugging the condom off his length and throwing it aside, nearly passing out next to the blonde from how exhausted and wasted he was, he realized one thing due to his gradual sobering.

trying to forget about his unrequited feelings for taehyung was way easier than he expected.

well, at least that's what he thought.

after all, when he wakes up the next morning, he won't remember that the main reason of why he even went home with the girl from the club in the first place wasn't because he was drunk out of his mind, but rather because of her striking resemblance to taehyung.

they both have blonde hair and beautiful features,

just like every other one-night stand jungkook has had.

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