Please Do Not Feel Obligated To Feel The Same It Would Only Hurt Us More

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It's a funny thing to have a crush

At least I think it is

Because I am not quiet sure how to phrase this

But it means I do not know

Now that is quiet a few

Of contradictions in these phrases

I sound mad, even crazy

I'd assume well enough that I did

It is the end of a school week after all

I thought the crush had long died out

Had simmered and simmed till I never saw it

Noticed to late the fluttery flies

Meant more than just a happy day

Meant more than just you and I

And now I wonder

If it really ever went away

And thus how am I to say

I value you more than I value my own

I would be fine being friends if it meant you stayed

And maybe you'll read this

And tease me about my crush

And I'll go along because I'm just that nice

And not your type

And it is only high school after all

It is something of a mystery

Why they make this easy

I guess roping in a boy is nice and all

One wink and he is ready to be yours

Girls are much trickier

You laid your head on my shoulder

During language class

Without thinking I kissed your scalp

And played it off as a mom-friend touch

I have nearly grabbed your hand in mine

And thought in utter despair

Of how much boundaries that would cross

Before I have even talked

I can not make you feel anything

I wish it not on you

I only wish for you to be happy

Besides, you're last girl wouldn't let you leave

It would be too soon

But if you do happen to read this

And you'll know who you are

You'll know what I speak

I just want you to know

Do not ever feel 

Like you are cheating me

You are allowed to have your own feelings

And they do not have to replicate mine

So please be happy

I enjoy our friendship immensely

And I wish not to make it strained

So I hope with all my heart that

Your night is bright and sun is light

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro