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(That's their tattoos, but with more color, not just red.)

Lucy's POV

I hum and draw the stencil on Natsu's back. "Is my ass comfortable enough for you?" He asks. I hum a yes. I finish the basic details then I stop. I put the cap back on then take a picture of the stencil. I get off him then show him the picture. "Fucking sweet!" He cheers. I hear the bell on the door ring. I instantly walk towards the counter in the front room. I see a big bulky man with a full sleeve tattoos on both arms. 

I smile. "Hi what can I do for you today?" I ask. "What is sweet little girl doing here?" The man asks, he had a heavy Russian accent. I give a threatening smile. "I happen to be one of the owners. If you can't accept that, you can leave" The man takes a step back. "Sorry. I'm here for Natsu Dragneel" He says. Two muscular arms drape over my shoulders and a chin lands on my head. "Yes?" Natsu says. "I have an idea for a tattoo. I want to know how much it will cost" 

He had an awesome idea for a tattoo. He wanted war axes on his back. It was big money, he wanted all these intricate details and stuff. Natsu tilts his head. "That would be about... 1200 dollars" "That's outrageous!" The man shouts. Natsu grins. "You want all these details and stuff. It'll take several hours for the tattoo to be complete. Besides, you don't have to have it done here." He says. The man crosses his arms. "Oh well... You are the best in the state. Very well." The man huffs. 

(I know nothing of tattoo prices or anything like that. Forgive me)

I play on my phone as Natsu sets up the details with the man. "Why is the girl on your lap?" The man asks. I glance up at him. Natsu kisses the top of my head. "She's my fiancé. We've been together since high school." "Congrats" "Thanks!" Natsu finalizes the appointment and the man leaves. I turn around and look up at Natsu. "Did you mess up my stencil?" I ask. Natsu leans down and kisses me. "Course not." I gently slap his cheek. "Then let's get back to it." I say. 

I lay Natsu back on the table. I lean down and kiss the back of Natsu's neck. "Just the stencil today and basic details." I mutter. "Fine with me" He says. I get the needles and ink ready. I play some of Natsu's favorite music then turn the machine on. I sit in my rolly chair and grab the thing. I gently place a hand on Natsu's back and get started. I see feet at the doorway. I take the needles away and look up. I see Gajeel. I nod then continue working. 

Several hours later, I turn the tattooing machine off and I wipe the extra ink off. I get up and stretch. I walk over and grab the plastic wrap and tape. I cover the tattoo with the plastic wrap and use the tape to keep it on. I pat Natsu's ass and he sits up. Natsu hugs me and kisses me quickly. "Thanks Lucy! You're the best!" I smile. "You could keep talking like that. Or we can start your next thing." Natsu whines. 

I call Gajeel into the room. "We ready?" He asks. Me and Natsu nod. We quickly clean the room then get ready for Natsu's new piercing. I turn red. "Lucy?" Natsu asks. I put my hands on my cheeks. "I-It's nothing..." "Bunny Girl is nervous to see your dick in front of me " Gajeel interrupts. I squeak and look away. "You need to learn this one way or another bunny girl. Especially if you are the only one who can do piercings here." Natsu crosses his arms. "Why can't I do piercings?" "You know why" Gajeel replies. They both go silent. I don't question it. 

"Alright Bunny. I'll tell you what to do. Just relax" Gajeel says, in the chair next to mine. I sit down in my chair. Gajeel goes over what I'm suppose to do. I nod and listen intently, ignoring Natsu as he drapes his arms over my shoulders. "Ready?" Gajeel asks. I nod. We get started, Natsu wanted me to give him a piercing in his dick, by the way. 

"Why would you want that pierced anyways?" I ask Natsu. He shrugs. "Sounded cool. Besides I heard Levy saying that it feels good for girls." I turn red and cover my face. Natsu laughs and pats my head. I walk over and grab my appointment book. I had no appointments until Thursday. Natsu looks through his appointment book. "You're next on my schedule Lu. What did you have planned?" Natsu asks. 

I walk to the back and look through my folder. I pull out my drawing. It was a starry night sky with zodiac symbols next to their constellations. It had multiple shades of blue in it. I hand it to Natsu. "Damn this looks cool. I can do this whole thing tonight." He says. He eyes me up and down. "Where do you want it?" "My right side." "Cool. Sexy." 

After several, several hours, the tattoo is finished. Natsu hands me a hand mirror. I take a look at it. "It's amazing! Thanks Babe!" I say. Natsu covers it with plastic wrap and tapes it. I slowly sit up. Natsu helps me put my shirt back on, not bothering to put my bra back on. I kiss Natsu's cheek. "You're getting a big tip" I say. Natsu kisses me. "same goes for you" 

We head up front, to the register. I go behind the counter first. "Let's see... The dragon tattoo was about four hundred... the piercing was about 65.... Alright. Total is $503.65 all together." Natsu whistles. "Lets go with 35% Tip" He presses the button on the card reader thing. I eye the screen. "Grand total is $679.93" I say. Natsu hums and inserts his card. I press a button. Natsu inserts his pin number. Natsu takes his card out after it beeps. I hand Natsu his receipt. Natsu puts it in his pocket. 

Natsu logs me out of the register and signs in. Natsu types in some things. "Side tattoo, used lots of blue and stuff... Saw some boob." He grins, looking at me up and down. I cross my arms, blushing. Natsu hums. "Probably about... three hundred fifty. So total is 378.88" I tap on the card reader. 35% tip. "Grand total is... $511.49" He says. I hum and insert my card and do all that. 

We clean up shop then close it. I turn off the neon light. Natsu grabs my hip and kisses me. I kiss back. Natsu pulls back. "Home? Or food?" He asks. I kiss him. "Food. Your treat?" I ask. Natsu rubs his nose against mine. I giggle. Natsu replies. "Don't see why not." I loop my arms around his neck. "Where to?" I ask. Natsu hums. Applebee's? They got good steak" "Sounds good. I've been craving a blondie from them." I say. Natsu escorts me to his car. It was a red sports car with a retractable roof. I hop in. Natsu hops in then drives off, whining about his aching dick. 

We eat, then we order dessert. I order a blondie, Natsu orders a brownie with ice cream and a blondie. I nibble on my blondie. Natsu gobbles his down. I finish half of it before pushing it to Natsu. He downs it in two bites. The waitress comes with the bill. Natsu fills it out and all that then the waitress comes after a few minutes and takes it. The waitress comes back with Natsu's card and receipt.

Natsu drives us home. We've only been living together for a month now. He had his own cabin so I moved into his place. I pout. "What?" Natsu asks. "we can't have sex for five months!" I whine. Natsu chuckles. "Not in a certain way." He says. I turn red. "Weirdo" Natsu says. I roll my eyes then walk through the door after I unlock it. I turn the lights on and we hear a loud meowing and barking. A blue cat and a big fluffy white dog runs towards us.  Happy meows, rubbing against my leg. While Plue tackles Natsu in a big dog hug. Natsu manages to stay on his feet, because his back is probably sore as hell, like my side is. 

We cuddle on the couch. My feet tossed over Natsu's lap as I write on my laptop. Natsu was at a weird angle so he doesn't press down on his back. I was too, so I don't press down on my side. "You're so adorable when you write" Natsu says out of nowhere. I blush and push my glasses up. "Yeah yeah." "Whatcha writing about?" He asks. I hum. "It's similar to an autobiography." Natsu tilts his head. "Mind if I read it?" He asks. I shrug. "Don't see why not." I hand my laptop to him. 

He reads it aloud. "I got my first tattoo when I turned 18. Mostly as an act of rebellion. My father was going to marry me off so I got the tattoo by my best friend. I let him decide the tattoo. When he did my tattoo. My world was changed. I fell in love with tattooing, and eventually, my best friend." He trails off. I look at the tattoo on my left wrist, a semicolon. Natsu starts reading aloud again. "I'm afraid to ask for another couple tattoo with my fiancé. I'm not sure what it would be, but I want it to be something only he and I understand." He reads, then gives me a look. 

I cover my face, blushing. "I forgot about that" I mutter. Natsu pries my hands off my face. "Don't do that. Can't see your pretty face that way." He says. Natsu smiles and rubs my cheek. "I was actually wanting another couple tattoo also. Seeing how we only have our favorite 'element' on our chests. I have stars, you have fire." He says. I hum as he rubs our noses together. 

I hum. "How about something on our ankles?" I ask. Natsu nuzzles my head. "We'll think about it later. I got an appointment early tomorrow. Let's sleep." He says. I nod. "Sounds good." I reply, putting my laptop away. Natsu picks me up, wincing. "Natsu, you don't have to" He ignores me and heads to our bedroom. He tosses me on the bed. He gets in bed. "We can shower together in the morning." He says. I nod and get comfy then we both go to bed. 

My alarm goes off. I groan and turn it off. I shake Natsu. "Babe~" I whine. He continues to snore. "Babe~ Wake up~ I want Starbucks~" Natsu groans. "Fine" He grabs his phone. "Whatcha want?" "White chocolate mocha with 3 expresso shots mixed with pure sugar, about 4." I say. Natsu yawns again and taps on the app. "I'll get a double chocolate mocha with 5 expresso shots, no sugar." He puts in his info, and pushes the deliver button. 

I start stripping as I walk to the bathroom. I whine as I take the tap off and slowly peel the plastic off, wincing when blood and sweat drip off me and the plastic. I look at it in the mirror. Mavis he really did a fantastic job. Natsu comes in, and traces the skin outside of it. "I did good right?" He asks. I lean up and kiss him. "Of course you did. You're one of the best" I say. Natsu smirks. "Of course" I lightly slap his cheek. "Cheeky bastard." the doorbell rings. "Now go get my coffee." I smile. 

Natsu whines then leaves the bathroom. I turn the shower on then get in. I hum and run my fingers through my hair. Natsu soon comes in with our coffee. I get out of the shower and take the tape and plastic off of Natsu's back. We get into the shower. I take our special tattoo soap and rub it into his back, gently. Natsu sighs. "That's nice" 

After our shower, we drink our coffee then get ready for work. I get dressed in black leggings and a white sweater. Natsu was wearing white sweats with a black form fitting tank top with a black leather jacket that had flames at the bottom. I hum as I put on some socks and slip on my black leather boots. Natsu puts on his own pair of boots. I stand up and grab my keys, phone, wallet, and phone charger, put it in my white purse. 

Natsu messes with my hair. "Who's car?" He asks. I swat his hand away and fix my hair. "Mine. Since you have a lot of tattooing today." I say. Natsu runs his fingers through my long hair. "Thanks Lucy!" I turn around and kiss him. He makes a noise of surprise then kisses back. I pull back and lay a couple of pecks on his lips. Natsu hums. "Let me get my motion sickness patch." He pecks my lips then goes to put the patch on his arm. 

We head to my car. It was a fancy blue car. The roof didn't come off but it was still fancy. The interior was black leather, with heated seats. We get in, stop at Panera for Breakfast to go, then we head to the shop. I turn the car off then go and unlock the doors, allowing Natsu to calm down after the car ride. The patches help but not as much as we want. When he drives, it really isn't needed for some reason. 

I walk in and turn the security system off, then turn all the lights on. Natsu takes deep breaths as he walks in. I turn the computer on, the display lights, and the register. I glance at him. "Doing ok babe?" I ask. He gives a thumbs up. I walk over to him. "Come on. Lets get you in a chair and fed." I say, taking the bag from him. Natsu sighs and plops down on the couch. When you first walk in, it's like a waiting room with mini couches. "Sorry." He apologizes. I set his food on the coffee table in front of him. "It's fine. You can't help it" I set my soup in front of me.

 Mm. Broccoli cheddar soup sounds really good. It's why I got it of course. Natsu reaches in the bag, grabs the spoons, then hands me one. I mutter a thanks. We eat our breakfast. I clean up as Natsu gets ready for his 10 o'clock. I look up as a customer walks in the door. "Hello! Give me just a minute!" I say as I rush and throw our trash away. I pat my hands against my leggings. "Hi there! Are you the first appointment?" I ask. The lady shakes her head. 

She was gorgeous. She had a side of her head shaved, long black hair pushed to the left. She had several piercings. She was also very curvy. She was wearing all black leather, except for the white tank top under the jacket. "What can I do for you?" I ask. She hums and reaches into her pocket. "I have a tattoo idea. I want to know if you can do it and for how much" She says. I blink. "Me?" "Well... Yeah. You're Lucy Heartfilia right? I heard you're good at cutesy yet fierce tattoos." She says. I stutter. "Y-Yeah. Let me see." I say. She hands me the paper. 

It was a black cat on a skull. It was very cute. "How can I make this more badass?" She asks. I hum. "May I print a copy of this?" I ask. She nods. I scan the picture then print a copy out. I hand her the original. I take a pencil then I add bat wings to the cat, add a moon to the background and make the picture look a bit foggy, I also turn the one skull into multiple skulls. 

I show her the edited picture. She looks at it in awe. "Damn this looks badass! This is what I want!" She shouts. Natsu walks towards the front. "Lu?" Natsu asks. The lady sets the picture down. "I want it on my right leg, on my entire thigh. How much would that be?" She asks. Natsu looks at the picture. I tap on the counter in thought. "About three hundred?" I say. Natsu nods. "Sounds right" I lightly smack his arm. "Don't butt in." The lady checks her phone. "Are you able to do it today?" She asks. I cross my arms and bite my lip. "I can. This'll take a couple sessions though." I reach under the counter and grab my appointment book. I fill it in. 

I had to draw a stencil of the line art and some basic details. I put the stencil transfer paper to her thigh. I gently peel it off. "That in the right location?" I ask. "Yup!" she nods. I get the ink and stuff ready. I get started. It ended up taking a couple hours. I put plastic over the area and tape it. "I know how the whole healing process works." She says. I nod. "Ok. Lets go to the register then." I follow her to the register, ignoring her limp, because the plastic is limiting her movement. 

We schedule her next appointment then she pays the first half. I walk her out, wave a goodbye, then head to Natsu's tattoo room. I give a quiet 'coming in'. Natsu doesn't look up, say anything, or give any sign that he knows I'm in here. The customer glances up at   but doesn't say anything. I sit down on the chair in the corner and watch Natsu work. It was a beautiful piece. It was taking up the man's shoulder blade area. It was a vine with roses and thorns. 

I quietly sing along to Aerosmith. Natsu turns the machine off and wraps the tattoo in plastic. I stand up and stretch. Natsu tells the man about the healing process and how to encourage healing. The man was listening like it was the most important thing. Natsu glances at me then jumps in surprise. "Lushi~ How long were you in here?" He asks. I put my hands on my hips. "A couple hours or so." 

Natsu pats my head then I follow him to the register. The man was waiting for us there. Natsu hands me a card, which has the price of the tattoo and the time, and lets me ring the man up so he can clean up for his next appointment. I log into the register and type in the price. I say the grand total and ask if he wants to leave a tip. He types in the bare minimum for a tip. I mutter a thanks. He pays half in cash and half with his card. I hand his receipt, wish him a nice day and that we hope to see him soon. 

I walk back to Natsu's room and see him cleaning is room, correctly discarding his used needles, and wiping down the table and the chair and the tattooing machine thing. I pull out my phone. "Pizza for lunch sound good?" I ask. "Hell yeah. Our regular sound good to you?" He asks. I nod. I use the dominos app and order our regular. Natsu usually got a large buffalo chicken pizza with added bacon. I got a medium spinach, feta, tomatoes, and chicken. Instead of regular tomato sauce, I went with the alfredo sauce. I also got us sodas. 

Natsu and I cuddle on the small couch in the lobby as we watch a movie. I see the delivery guy walking up so I meet him halfway. I sign the receipt and he gives me the pizzas. Natsu gets a really excited look on his face. I set them on the coffee table. Natsu digs in. I munch on mine. I check my tumblr and my twitter. Natsu pounds a fist against his chest when he chokes. I look up at him. He coughs a little. "Got chicken down the wrong pipe" He croaks. I rub his belly. "Stop eating so quickly." He coughs a bit more than swipes his soda and chugs it. 

I finish most of my pizza before giving it to Natsu. I head to the back room and grab some paper towels. Natsu was cleaning up our mess. I see some buffalo sauce on his chin. I walk up to him and wipe it off his chin. Natsu blinks in surprise. I peck his cheek. "Had some sauce on you" Natsu grins. "Thanks!" I wipe down the table. I connect my phone to the Bluetooth speaker. I end up playing some 'In this Moment' Natsu nods in agreement. "Perfect choice" I look at the time. We're open for another five hours. Enough time for the last appointment. 

The last person never showed up. So we did some extra stuff around the shop. I was drawing on the wall. It was blank wall that we were gonna turn into one big piece of art. Natsu was planning out the colors. We hear an alarm go off. Natsu runs over and locks the door and turns off the neon open sign. I get down from the latter and put it away, along with my pencil. I go to the back room and grab my purse and our jackets. Natsu and I leave the shop, everything was clean so everything was done. 

I prop my legs up on the coffee table. I continue writing. Natsu was in the basement, working on his pyrotechnic stuff. I hear a quiet ding. I set my laptop to the side and head to the kitchen. I pour myself a cup of hot jasmine tea. I add some honey to it. I pour some tea in another cup. I grab the cups than head to the basement, making sure to push the button before heading down. The button lets off a flash and a loud ding, to let Natsu know that I'm coming down. 

I carefully go down the stairs, just in time to see Natsu taking off his safety glasses. He turns around and grins. "Hey Luce! What's up?" I hold up the glasses. "Whatcha got there? Tea?" I nod. "Yup! I made some jasmine tea. Yours doesn't have honey, just how you like it." Natsu wipes his hands on his pants. "Aww Luce~" He coos. He grabs a his cup from me. I look down at the large board of wood. "Whatcha making?" I ask. Natsu sips his tea. "Gajeel gave us an idea for Levy's Christmas present. It'll take a long time so I'm starting early." 

I hum. "So what is it then?" "It's a wall bookshelf. I'm using my pyro skills to burn in some designs and stuff. I was gonna have you paint it." He says. "Sounds good." I say. Natsu kisses the side of my head. Natsu mutters against the side of my head. "Thanks for the tea." I nod. "No problem. I'm going to take a bath than I'm going to bed early." "You alright?" He asks. I nod. "Yup! Just tired." Natsu kisses my forehead. "Well thanks for telling me. Go relax" He says. I blush and nod. He hands me his empty cup. "Good luck" I say as I head up the stairs. I close the door. 

I wake up to the sound of the floor creaking. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Natsu?" He strips down to his boxers. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry." He says. I yawn. "It's fine." He climbs into bed. I feel him press his chest to my back. He drapes an arm around my waist and his other arm props my head up, like a pillow. His legs tangle with mine. He kisses the side of my head. I snuggle into him and fall back asleep. 

I hear the alarm go off. Natsu lifts my phone and turns it off. He groans then slowly sits up. I sit up and stretch my arms in the air, yawning. I grab my phone and order us some coffee. Natsu drapes his arms over my shoulders. I hum and drag my fingers through his hair. "Brush my hair?" He asks. I smile and nod. He gets up and gets his brush. He stands in front of me. I take his brush and gently brush his hair, making sure to get out the tangles painlessly, giggling at his purrs. 

Today at the shop was slow. Natsu had quite a few appointments. But they were all hour long appointments. We close up shop then head home. 

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