Chapter 1

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I look in the mirror. Do I look appropriate?

I blink a few times. I look at myself, I sigh and walk to the living room, where I see my best friend, Joey, lying on the couch.

It is today that Joey actually has an interview with some rich guy, so he could put the interview in the next student newspaper.

He is lying underneath a soft blue blanket, eating a bowl of cereal. His eyes are all red and poofy, but the rest of his face is pale.

Since he is sick, he had asked me if I could go and interview Mr Sennen, so that he could still use it for the student newspaper. He told me that he couldn't make a new appointment with the CEO of Sennen Enterprises, for appearantly he didn't give interviews that often.

"Yugi, take my car," Joey says, pointing towards the keys that lie on the kitchen table.

I give him a nod and walk over to the kitchen table, to see the keys lying on the place Joey is pointing at.

"I gave you the recorder right?" he asks me with his mouth full.

"Oh, yes," I say and grab the recorder from the kitchen table.

"And you have all the questions?"

"Yes," I nod while showing him the folder with questions he had given me.

"And you know where you're going?"

"Yes, I do have a GPS, and a four point GPA. I can figure it out," I say while I walk towards the front door of our apartment.

"You're wearing that?" he asks while pointing at my outfit.

I had put on a black choker and wristbands, and I wore my leather pants and my black t-shirt.

I narrow my eyes. "Okay, maybe a little less talking and a bit more eating," I say while hitting him on the head with the folder.

He chuckles and smirks at me while I left the apartment.

I walk over to Joey's car - the beautiful black Mercedes CLK was nothing compared to my own old Volkswagen Beetle.

I get in the car and my hands grip the supple leather of the steering wheel. I take a deep breath.

Interviews are nothing for me. I'm shy, I don't like people staring at me and having to answer my questions. I am rather on my own. But only for Joey, I was doing this.

The roads are clear as I set off from Vancouver, WA toward Portland and the I-5. It's early, and I don't have to be in Seattle until two this afternoon. Oh, the Merc is a fun drive, and the miles slip away as I floor the pedal to the metal.

My destination is the headquarters of Mr Sennen's global enterprise. It's a huge twenty-story office building, with all curved glass and steel. I park Joey's car in front of the building, and when I step out of the car I can't help but feel intimidated by the enormous building.

Big white letters appear above the entrance of the building: SENNEN HOUSE.

I enter the building and take the elevator to the right story, and I use the time until I hear the ding to quickly read the questions Joey gave me.

I hear the ding sooner as I had expected, and the sound scared me for a second.

The doors open and I see a sandstone desk right behind it. Two women were standing behind it, and one quickly walks towards me.

"Mr Wheeler? May I take your coat?"

"Oh, yes, well, he's, okay," I stammer as she helps me out of my coat. She doesn't listen, and she just as fast as she appeared she walks away with my coat.

"Mr Sennen will see you now," the other lady behind the desk says, and then returns to work.

I look around and see another woman appear from around the corner. "This way please," she says.

"Okay," I mumble as I follow her.

We stopped at two large modern wooden doors, and she gestures towards the doors. "Right this way," she says.

I nod and slowly open the doors. All these people are making me nervous.

The door is heavy, and I push as hard as I can with my tiny arms, but the door is too strong for me.

Then, suddenly, the door opens and I stumble into the room. I close my eyes for a second, feeling the embarassement all through my body.

The man who stood with his back facing to me, looking out of the huge windows that covered three full walls, suddenly turned around and walked towards me.

"Mr Wheeler, are you alright?" he asks and offers me his hand.

I blink a few times with my eyes, taking my time to look at him. While staring at him, I see that his eyes seem to shine and that his body was very close to perfect.

I take his hand. "Yami Sennen," he says with a deep baritone voice while helping me stand up and looking into my eyes.

"I'm Yugi Muto. Mr Wheeler has the flu, so he asked me to fill in," I say, still feeling embarrassed.

"I see," he says, showing no emotion. "So you're studying journalism as well?"

"No. English literature. Joey's my roommate," I say quietly.

"As I said, I only have 10 minutes.
Please, have a seat, Mr Muto," he says while turning his back to me and walking over to his seat. Suddenly he seems far less interested.

I walk over to the white leather chair that stands in front of his desk.

Mr Sennen sits down in his seat and looks at me.

I lay the folder with the questions and the recorder on my lap. I have only just put on the recorder when I notice that I have forgotten to take a pen with me. I bite my lip and look at the perfectly sharpened pencils that lie on the table.

He appearantly sees me looking at the pencils, because he smirks at me and gets up from his seat. He walks over towards the pencils and carefully picks one up, handing it over to me.

I shyly look up at him. "Thank you," I whisper.

He puts his hands into his pockets and leans against his desk.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"Whenever you are," he says with his deep voice.

I look down at my lap. "Okay. So this is for the special graduation issue of the student newspaper," I begin.

"Yes, I'm giving the commencement address at this year's ceremony," he says.

"You are?" I ask.

He just stares at me.

"I mean, I know," I whisper, reminding myself of the little amount of time that I have.

I clear my throat and look at the questions that are lying on my lap. "You are very young to have amassed an empire. To what do you owe-"

"To what do I owe my success?" he cuts me off.




He sighs and starts walking around. "Business is about people, and
I've always been good at people. What motivates them, what inspires them," he says.

"Well maybe you're just lucky," I say.

He grins. "I've always seen, the more hard I work, the more luck I seem to have. The key to my success is identifying talents in individuals and harnessing their efforts," he says.

"You're a control freak?" I ask, raising one of my eyebrows.

"Oh, I exercise control in all things, Mr Muto," he says while he smirks at me.

The look that he gives me feels just as intimidating as the building we're standing in. I stare into his eyes for a while before looking down at the questions again.

"Okay, your company is involved primarily in the telecommunications sector, yet you also invest in numerous agricultural projects, including several in Africa. Is that something you feel passionate about? Feeding the world's poor?" I ask.

He sits down in his chair. "Its smart business. Don't you agree?" he says.

I open my mouth to say something, but I close it again and look away from him. "I don't know enough about it," I then say, looking at him.

He stares at me with two empty eyes.

"I just wonder, if your heart might be
a bit bigger than you want to let on?" I ask while narrowing my eyes.

"There are some people say I don't have a heart at all," he says while shaking his head.

"Why would they say that?"

"Because they know me well," he says.

He notices that I can't stop looking at him. "Go on," he says.

I blink a few times with my eyes and return to the questions. "Do you have any interests outside of work?" I ask.

"I enjoy various physical pursuits," he says.

"You're unmarried, and - oh you were adopted at age four," I say when I look at the papers Joey gave me.

"Thats a matter of public record," he says while standing up again.

My eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"Do you have an actual
question, Mr Muto?" he says when he stands in front of me again and leans back against the desk.

"Yes, I'm sorry," I say quietly, and quickly stared down again. Without actually reading the question first, I just ask. "Are you gay?"

My eyes widen. I wonder why Joey has put this question in his interview. This is just embarrassing me even more.

"I'm sorry, it's written here, I'm just..."

He blinks a few times and sighs. "Yes, Yugi. I'm gay," he says. He seemed not to make a big deal about it. "But please, don't put that in the student newspaper. It will be our little secret," he said with a smirk. He just kept staring at me with that intimidating look in his eyes.

I nod. Then I look down at my feet. He makes me blush.

"I-I apologise, Mr Sennen... Joey can be a little-"


I look up at him again and put the pencil on my lip. "Curious," I said shyly while looking up at him.

Then, for the first time today, I saw him smile.

"What about you?" he asked. "Why don't you ask me something you wanna know?" he says while sitting down in the other white leather seat that stands next to the one I'm sitting in.

I lay the pencil down again and stare at him in disbelief. I sighed. "Earlier you said that there are some people who know you well. Why do I have the feeling that that is not true?" I ask while shaking my head.

He looks at me with the same look again. I shiver.

"Mr Sennen, your next meeting
is in the conference room," a woman, who suddenly opens the heavy wooden doors, says.

"Cancel it please, we're not finished here," he quickly says.

"Yes sir," she says and closes the doors again.

"No I-I can go," I quickly say to him.

"Its fine. I would like to know more about you," he says.

"There's not really much to know about me," I say while avoiding his look and shaking my head.

"You said you're in English literature?Tell me, was it Charlotte Brontë, Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy, who made you fall in love with literature?" he asks.

He seems to be interested suddenly. Did he notice that I...?

"Hardy," I whisper and I smile.

"I would've guessed Jane Austen. What are your plans for after you graduate?" he asks.

I smiled.

"I'm just trying to get through my finals," I said.

"And then?"

"Then I was planning on moving here
to Seattle with Joey," I say.

"We offer an excellent internship program," he says and looks deep into my eyes.

I laughed. "I don't think I'd fit in here," I whisper. I stared down at the floor. "I mean, look at me," I say.

"I am," Mr Sennen says slowly.

I look at him and he looks at me. Then he stands up.

"I hope you got everything you needed," he says when we arrive at the elevator.

"I think you only answered four questions," I say.

The doors open and I walk inside. When I turn around I see him, smirking at me.

"Yugi," he says.


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