Chapter 2

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I open the door of our apartment and throw my coat on the couch.

Joey sits behind the desk that stands in the corner of the room, and just when I'm about to let myself fall down on the couch, Joey looks at me with two big eyes and raises his hands.

"Before you say anything: you're my hero. This is perfect," he says while moving his hands in the air and looking towards the screen of his laptop.

"What?" I ask, and instead of letting myself fall down, I sit down and raise one of my eyebrows.

"I just got his email, he answered every question!" Joey says excited.

Then I look around and notice that my folder is gone. Did he...?

"So? What was he like?" Joey says while standing up. He teasingly raises one of his eyebrows and smirks at me.

"He was fine," I say.

"Fine? Just fine?" he asks, raising his eyebrow even more.

"He was very polite, and curteous, very formal and... clean," I say quietly.


"I mean, like, he was you know, smart. And intense, kind of intimidating... I can understand people have a fascination for him," I say.

"Hm," Joey says while still smirking and looking strangely at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him while trying not to blush.

"Like what?" he teases me.

"Okay," I say, and stand up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna make a sandwich, you want one?"

"No, thanks," Joey says and sits down behind the desk again.

"I asked him if he was gay," I say dryly as I make my sandwich. "It was in your questions. Why would you do that to me?"

Joey looks up from his laptop and sits back in his chair. Well, because whenever he's in the society pages, he's never been photographed with a woman," he says.

He looks at me and smirks. "He is, isn't he?"

"Well, maybe he just wants to keep
his private life private, Joey," I snap.

"And now you're defending him," Joey says. "Have you told him?" he says while picking up his laptop and walking over to the kitchen.

"Told him what?" I ask while finishing my sandwich.

"That you are gay too?" he asks.

"I'm ending this conversation," I say and narrow my eyes.

Joey is busy with his laptop, appearantly he is searching for pictures to put in the student newspaper. He sighs. "Too bad we don't have any original photos of your hot, clean, 27 year old billionaire. The camera loves him as much as you do," Joey snickers.

I look at him and shake my head.

He looks at my sandwich. "Okay, I wasn't hungry, but now I am."

He grabs my sandwich and takes a huge bite. "Thank you," he says and leaves the kitchen.

I take a deep breath and tap with my fingers on the countertop.

I look at Joey's laptop, that is still standing on the other side of the countertop.

I look around, but I see no Joey anymore. I sneak to his laptop and look at the pictures that are still visible on the screen. On the pictures the billionaire doesn't smile a single time. But damn, he was so hot.

The next few days were just a blur to me. I didn't seem to be able to concentrate during class, and sometimes I found myself putting the black pencil that he gave me against my lips.

At my work, I am just putting some things in place, but I can't concentrate me here either. The man is just always on my mind.

I sigh, trying not to think of him. I would probably never see him again, and if I did, it probably wouldn't work out between us.

Suddenly, my phone rings. I look at the screen and see that the one who is calling me is my mom.

I answer the call. "Mom, I'm at work, can I call you back?" I ask quietly.

"No, wait, I called for a reason. Your step dad broke his foot, playing golf of all things," she says.

I gasp. "Is he okay? Is he in a lot of pain?" I ask her worriedly.

"Who knows? The man called the paramedics because of a blister," she sighs. I smile, reminding myself she can't see me.

"It means though, we won't be able to fly in for graduation," she says.

I blink a few times.

"Really? You could just come alone, mom. You don't have to bring him, you know," I whisper.

"I can't leave him alone, Yugi. You understand, don't you, darling?" my mom asks.

I'm sad, to say at least. "Yeah, yeah, its fine," I lie. "I really have to go, okay?"

"I love you, Yugi," she says.

"I know. I love you too," I say, and quickly end the call.

I sigh. She had promised me that she'd be there with my graduation...

"Yugi? Can you help me out in the back?" my colleague Téa asks me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there," I say, and quickly put the last packs on their places.

I stand up and slowly it dawns on me that I will be alone with my graduation. Only because of my stupid step dad.

I walk around the corner, looking for Téa.

And suddenly he stands there. My eyes widen and I jump.

"Thought it was you," Yami Sennen says, with his hands in his pockets.

"What the..." I stammer.

"What a pleasant surprise Mr Muto," he smirks.

"It's Yugi," I whisper. "Just Yugi... You're in here..."

"I was in the area. I needed to pick up a few things," he shrugs and closes his eyes for a few seconds.

When he opens his eyes again, they are focussed on me. He raises one of his eyebrows. "Are you free?"

"Yeah..." I say and try not to blush. It doesn't work. "What can I help you with?"

"Do you stock cable ties?" he asks.

"Cable ties, yes we do," I say. "I can show you if you want."

"Please, lead the way, Mr Muto," he says and follows me to the shelve with the cable ties on it.

"It's Yugi," I say.

When we arrive at the right shelve, I take one bag of cable ties and hand it over to him.

"That's it?" I ask.

"Masking tape," he says, keeping his eyes on me.

"Are you redecorating?" I ask carefully.

"No," he says with his deep voice.

I show him the shelve with the different colors of masking tape. "We have one inch and two inch, but the truly self respecting handyman would have both in his toolbox," I say.

"Of course he will," he whispers.

"Did you want anything else?" I ask. I start to feel uncomfortable.

"Yes, rope."

I head for the aisle, avoiding his look.

"What sort were you after? We have synthetic and natural filament rope... twine... cable cord..." I halt at his expression, his eyes darkening.

"I'll take five yards of the natural filament rope please."

Quickly, with trembling fingers, I measure out five yards against the fixed ruler, aware that his hot gaze is on me. Taking my Stanley knife, I cut it then coil it neatly before tying it in a slipknot.

"Thats very impressive. You were with the scouts?"

"No, organised activity groups aren't
really my thing," I say.

"So what is your thing?"

"I don't know... Books?" I feel my cheeks heat up at how he looks at me.

I quickly hand him the rope.  "Okay, rope, tape, cable ties... You're like a complete serial killer."

"Not today," he murmurs.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"What would you recommend?" he asks.

"For a do-it-yourselfer? Maybe coveralls, to protect all your clothes?" I shrug.

"I could just take all my clothes off," he says seductively.

My jaw drops. "O-Okay, no clothes... I-I mean - no coveralls..."

"I can't think of anything else," I whisper.

"I guess that must be it," he smirks.

"Alright," I say while quickly turning around. Then I walk towards the cash desk, and I feel he watches me while following me.

"Thank you for answering Joey's questions, by the way," I say while putting his purchase in a bag.

"I hope he's feeling better," Mr Sennen says.

"Yeah, he is, he's just having trouble
finding an original photo of you," I say.

"If he'd like an original, I'm around tomorrow," he says and raises an eyebrow.

"You'd be willing to do that?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says.

"Do you want me to help you, Yugi?" Téa asks while lying her hands on my shoulders. I see that Yami narrrows his eyes.

"No, I'm good, thanks though, Téa," I say and tell myself not to look at her.

"Okay," she says.

I wait a couple of seconds until she dissapears again. I sigh.

Then Mr Sennen hands me his business card. "I'm staying at the Heathman. Call me before 10," he says and picks up the bag.

I stare at him. "Call you...?" I blush.

"About the photos..."

"Oh, of course, yeah, I will," I say, avoiding his look.

He smirks at me. Then he turns around and walks towards the door.

"Enjoy your..."

He leaves the shop before I could finish my sentence.

I watch him get into his car.

I like him.

There. I finally admitted it to myself.

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