Chapter 3

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"Thanks for doing this again Mr Sennen," Joey says with a grin all over his face.

Mr Sennen is standing in front of a huge grey screen in one of the big rooms in the Heathman hotel, that is normally being used for parties, but today, Rebecca, one of our friends, is making pictures of him with her camera in this room, for she studies art and photography.

"I'm happy to help," he says. His eyes don't look at anything but me.

"How about we try a few with a smile?" Rebecca asks with the camera in front of her face.

Yami Sennen doesn't respond. Our eyes are still meeting, and I'm getting more and more nervous of the way he is looking at me, and I try to bury my face in my sweater. The strange thing is, that I want to look at him. I need to look at him. But when I do, it feels so strange.

I sigh. I want him.

"Or not," Rebecca murmurs as she sees that Mr Sennen isn't doing what she asked.

Rebecca follows his look and turns around, noticing that he is looking at me. With a sigh she smiles at me. I look at her for a few seconds, and smile back, but I don't take too long, because I want him still to look at me when I look back at him. When I do, I am not dissapointed.

"You do realise he hasn't stopped looking at you?" Joey gives me a slight punch on my arm.

"He asked me to go for coffee afterwards," I whisper with a smile all over my face.

"What?" he laughs.

"Joey, shh," I shush him. Joey wiggles with his eyebrows, making me blush even more.

When the photographs are done, Mr Sennen walks with big steps towards me. He smirks at me and gestures that I should follow him.

Joey pushes me towards him and murmurs something I can't understand, but he is smirking like a maniac.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Mr Sennen asks when we're walking in another part of the hotel.

"Who?" I ask.

"The photographer."

"Rebecca? No," I laugh. Is he being serious?

"I've seen the way she was smiling at you," he mutters.

"No, Rebecca is not my girlfriend, Mr Sennen. See, I..."

"And the girl at the store?" he cut me off.

"Téa? No," I say while raising one of my eyebrows. I take a deep breath. "Like I was trying to say, I don't feel attracted to women."

"Yes, I was hoping that," he whispers, looking over his shoulder, straight into my eyes.

When we arrive at the hotel's cafetaria, Mr Sennen orders two coffee.

"Thank you," I whisper while he puts my cup in front of me on the table. I wrap my hands around the coffee cup and notice that my hands are shaking.

He notices. "You seem nervous," he smirks.

"I find you intimidating," I say quietly.

"You should," he says, his voice as deep as usual.

He puts a muffin on the tiny plate next to my coffee, but his gaze is still upon me.

"Eat," he says.

"Not to mention high-handed," I say.

"I'm used to getting my own way," he smirks.

"Then you must get very boring," I whisper.

He looks at me, but doesn't respond for a while.

"Tell me about your family," he then suddenly says.

"My family? Okay..." I say. "My dad died when I was a baby, so I was raised by my first step-father. He was amazing. I don't see him that often anymore, my mom has married a different guy now," I say.

"Tell me about her," he says.

"My mother is on husband number four. She's an incurable romantic," I smile.

"And you?" he asks.

"Am I romantic?" I ask. He nods. "Well I study English Literature. I kind of have to be," I say, starting to feel more comfortable with him. I like the way he ia interested in me.

"But the photo shoot went well right?
Joey seems to be really happy," I say.

"I'm sorry, I can't," he says and he looks no longer at me.

"What?" I say.

He stands up, and has a confusing look on his face. "I'll walk you out."

I sigh and stand up. I follow him until we're walking together on the sidewalk.

"Do you have a boyfriend, is that it?" I squeak.

"I don't do the boyfriend thing," he murmurs.

"What does that even mean?" I say and try to stop him by walking in front of him, but suddenly there's a guy on a bicycle that I hadn't seen.

"Watch it!" Mr Sennen says and pulls me close to him.

The bicycle rides past us, but I don't see it anymore. Mr Sennen stares into my eyes. He lays his hand on the edge of my hairline and strokes my cheek it with his thumb. I close my eyes.

Kiss me. Kiss me right here. Kiss me right now. I want your lips on mine.

"I'm not the man for you," he whispers.

His hand goes back into his pocket.

"You should steer clear of me," he says. "I have to let you go."

I bite my lip. I avoid his look by looking down at the tiles of the sidewalk. I give him a nod.

"Goodbye, Mr Sennen," I say, before walking away.

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